Justice for All

The Motto of the Theology State in Iran

The Motto of the Islamic Republic of Iran (IRI), it is better to be feared than to be loved. The IRI is using Iron Fist by utilizing Machiavelli doctrine of Fear, Fraud and Force to rule Iran.

Think Independently, and freely because you are a free person.

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Professor Bernard Lewis

To appreciate the danger facing Iran's integrity, we need to look back chronologically - before the overthrow of the Pahlavi regime. There have been detailed plans to dismember Iran - concrete ones go back to 1937. That is when the British intelligence and Military Staffs were ordered to draft an invasion plan of Iran with an aim to dismembering Khuzistan. While the details of these plans and how they progressed are beyond the time/space constraints of e-mail, allow me to highlight a few points (with some references):

Professor Bernard Lewis (photo below) is an octogenarian expert of the “Middle East” (itself an invented geopolitical term). Lewis is indeed a “master” scholar and expert on the Turks, Iranian and Arabs (see sample of his books in references). And herein lays the tragedy: Lewis wields his treasure trove of knowledge as an engine of destruction. Few have ever heard of “The Bernard Lewis Project”.
Professor Bernard Lewis
Professor Lewis first unveiled his project in the Bilderberg Meeting in Baden, Austria, on April 27-29, 1979 (see the only photo available of a Bilderberg Conference – 1954 photo). He formally proposed the fragmentation and balkanization of Iran along regional, ethnic and linguistic lines especially among the Arabs of Khuzestan (the Al-Ahwaz project), the Baluchis (the Pakhtunistan project), the Kurds (the Greater Kurdistan project) and the Azerbaijanis (the Greater Azerbaijan Project)[

Bilderburg Confernece in 1954
Dreyfus and LeMarc (19179, p. 157) provide a very succinct summary of the plan’s methodology:
“According to Lewis, the British should encourage rebellions for national autonomy by the minorities such as the Lebanese Druze, Baluchis, Azerbaiajni Turks, Syrian Alawites, the Copts of Ethiopia, Sudanese mystical sects, Arabian tribes…the goal is the break-up of the Middle East into a mosaic of competing ministates and the weakening of the sovereignty of existing republics and kingdoms…spark a series of breakaway movements by Iran’s Kurds, Azeris, baluchis, and Arabs…these independence movements, in turn would represent dire threats to Turkey, Iraq, Pakistan and other neighbouring states.”
Robert Olson (2002, esp. p.108-158) has provided a surprisingly candid and sober assessment of the Greater Azerbaijan Project. He has provided a detailed assessment of how the intelligence and military agencies of Turkey, USA and Israel have set up bases and networks in Northern Iraq, Eastern Turkey and the Republic of Azerbaijan (esp. Nakhchivan) to broadcast anti-Iran hate propaganda into Iranian Azerbaijan. There is in fact a foreign-funded anti-Iran separatist radio station known as the Voice of Southern Azerbaijan (VOSA).
The Bernard Lewis Plan has been officially endorsed by the Pentagon Below is a revised map of Iran and the so-called "Middle East" as proposed by Ralph Peters (source: Peters, R. (2006). Blood Borders: How a better Middle East would Look. Armed Forces Journal, June Issue.
Note the potential for conflicts between "Greater Azarbaijan", "Greater Kurdistan" and Armenia - seperatist Kurds and Azaris are already bickering over Iran's West Azarbaijan province.
As is evident, the so-called "Peters Map" is simply another version of the Bernard Lewis Plan.
The relationship between VOSA and the Rashet Bet radio station (see photo below) of Israel was first reported by independent reporter Nick Grace. The report is available on the Clandestine Radio Intel Website (see Web references). Excerpts from his report are as follows:
“…According to monitor Nikolai Pashkevich in Russia, "when I tuned in my receiver to this channel I found an open carrier with 'Reshet Bet... on the background and then VOSA signing on" (CDX 180). Rashet Bet is, of course, a news service of Israel Radio. The German Telecommunications department has also pinpointed VOSA's location to be somewhere around Israel, Jordan and Saudi Arabia (BCDX 351.)…VOSA is clearly supervised and arranged by Israel's intelligence agency: the Mossad…”.
Rashet Bet radio
Olson also reports of sophisticated telecommunications equipment mounted on specialized vehicles that regularly drive inside Iranian territory, beam propaganda (presumably on video and radio) and retire across the border once their programs are concluded. Below left is a photograph of the latest military spy communications truck, the SmarTruck II - note state of the art communications panels inside the vehicle (below right photo):

SmarTruck II
The main role of VOSA-Rashet Bet and the SmarTruck II vehicles are to target Iranian Azerbaijanis with false and provocative information, mainly as narrated by Mr. Chehreganli and Dr. Brenda Shaffer (see item 4).
Olson has also reported of a plan to station western (American) heavy military equipment (e.g. tanks, missiles) in the Republic of Azerbaijan. The Moscow News report on September 26, 2005, has also reported of such assistance taking place (Web References).
CIA operative, Reuel Marc Gerecht’s book, “Know Thine Enemy” (see Edward Shirley) neatly encapsulates current geopolitical objectives in Iranian Azerbaijan and Iran as a whole. Note the following review by Jason Athanasiadis in the Asia Times (Apr 29, 2005):
Gerecht …mulls over … cultivating high-ranking Azeris to inciting separatist Kurds …he sheds valuable light on how an intelligence professional might approach the dismemberment of a hostile country. "I continuously scripted possible covert action mischief in my mind. Iranian Azerbaijan was rich in possibilities. Accessible through Turkey and ex-Soviet Azerbaijan, eyed already by nationalists in Baku …Iran's richest agricultural province was an ideal covert action theatre." [Jason Athanasiadis, Stirring the Ethnic Pot, Asia Times On-line, Apr 29, 2005 –see Web references]
Professor Michel Chossudovsky, of the University of Ottawa. has provided the following assessment:
“Washington has been involved in covert intelligence operations inside Iran. American and British intelligence and Special Forces (working with their Israeli counterparts) are involved in this operation… Targeting Iran … broadly serves the interests of the Anglo-American oil conglomerates, the Wall Street financial establishment and the military-industrial complex…The announcement to target Iran should come as no surprise. It is part of the battle for oil…In Baku, Azerbaijan Rumsfeld was busy discussing …the stated short term objective …to "neutralize Iran". The longer term objective under the Pentagon's "Caspian Plan" is to exert military and economic control over the entire Caspian Sea basin, with a view to ensuring US authority over oil reserves and pipeline corridors.”
[Michel Chossudovsky, Planned US-Israeli Attack on Iran, in Global Research Publications On-line, May 1, 2005]
Rumsfeld’s goal to “neutralize Iran” is actually a description of Olson’s prediction of the intended “Right-sizing of Iran” (p.236) – destroying Iran as a sovereign state and erasing its Persian heritage.
The formation of a Greater Kurdistan for example, may potentially lead to the disintegration of not only Iran, but Turkey, Iraq and Syria. The formation of a Greater Azerbaijan would eliminate a significant portion of Iran’s industrial base, geography, and demography.This would in turn encourage a pan-Kurdish separatist movement encompassing Iran, Turkey and Syria, leading to the break-up or diminution of those states. As noted by Engdahl (p.171), the Bernard Lewis Plan endeavors to:
“…promote the Balkanization of the entire Muslim Near East along Tribal and religious lines. Lewis argued that the West should encourage autonomous groups such as the Kurds…Ethiopian Copts… Azerbaijanis…the chaos would spread in…an “Arc of Crisis”… ”.
But allow me to show you more references...
There are indications that the Iran-Iraq war may have been part of the larger Bernard Lewis plan. Iran was to be invaded with the specific purpose of carving it up into small mini-states.
Direct evidence of the British origins of the Iraqi invasion plan was reported in The New York Times newspaper early in the war (See article entitled "British in 1950, Helped Map Iraqi Invasion of Iran" by Halloran, R. in The New York Times, Thursday, Oct.16, 1980.). Interestingly, this report was ignored by the mainstream press and media. Allow me to summarize the main points of this report:
(1) A detailed invasion plan had been prepared for the Iraqi armed forces in 1950 by the British Military advisors for Iraq, a full 30 years before the invasion of Iran by Saddam Hussein.
(2) The main draft of the plan had been in preparation by the British since 1937. The main axes of advance detailed in the plan corresponded exactly to the Iraqi invasion of Iran on September 22, 1980.
(3) The main objective of this war plan "…called for Iraqi forces to occupy Khuzistan province and then negotiate an armistice with the Iranian government that would include the relinquishment of the province to Iraq…also liberate the Arab-speaking people living in Khuzistan". Significantly, successive changes in the Iraqi government over the next thirty years did not alter the major objectives of the British plan; these were simply updated as time progressed.
The British plan for Iran's invasion indicates that even before the Bernard Lewis Plan was unveiled in the Bilderberg Conference, detailed British plans for eliminating Iran as a state have been in place long before the 1979 revolution in Iran. My upcoming book/chapter explains in detail the role of Israeli, US and MI6 services who are working to ignite ethnic conflict in the Caucasus and Iran. I also have first-hand references regarding the arrest of 2 MI6 agents who were attempting to pour cyanide into the Baku water treatment system - this would have killed untold numbers of people. Evidently the attempt was to stage a "terrorist attack" and blame it on perhaps Iranians, Armenians, etc. I certainly am NO SUPPORTER of the IRI - esp. with its irrational policies of idolizing Palestine, working to diminish Iran's history before Islam (e.g. the railway through Tagh e Bostan; Sivand & Cyrus' tomb, etc.), publishing anti-Iran books (e.g Pourpirar, pan-Turkists literature, etc.) and setting up numerous anti-Iran websites, etc.

What is clear is that the IRI's Arabist policies and the ideology of sacrificing Iran for theocratic ideology (and Palestine) has not only provided a golden opportunity to mobilize world opinion not just against the current regime, but against the very territorial integrity, culture and historical legacy of Iran. Assaults on Iran;'s heritage go a long way back - the first attempt to change the name of the Persian Gulf goes back to 1930 when a British newspaper suggested changing the name to "The Gulf of England" - the tactic has been to re-name the Persian Gulf as "Arabian Gulf" since the 1930s (Sir Charles Belgrave who "invented" Bahrain - just as Getrude Bell "invented" the country of "Iraq" complete with a fabricated history in an anti-Iranian fashion).

HOWEVER please let us not lose site of the fact that even if the IRI were removed, the plan to dismember Iran will not disappear - this has been in place long time before the IRI. The main issue is petroleum: they do not care who sits in Tehran (Crown or Turban) - they do not like Iran as a geopolitical force - it is too large in population and potential military/economic strength. Such an Iran (whoever is in charge politically) is seen as inimical to petroleum interests in the Persian Gulf as well as the growing Caspian Sea projects (which they now call "the second Persian Gulf").

Constant political debates amongst ourselves (monarchist, Islamist, leftist, etc.) has put Iranians to sleep to a mortal threat to Iran's existence - there is a huge crocodile with its mouth gaping open - its "teeth" are the support of sepetratist movements. We need to realize that this is the same crocodile that is now shedding crocodile tears for us Iranians in the name of "human rights". There is no question of Iranians' human rights - but in a legitimate fashion - not as advocated by the puppets of the petroleum establishment. Let us not forget that we Iranians - under the leadership of Sattar Khan and Bagher Khan, our heroes of the true Azarbaijan of Iran - set up the region's FIRST democratic movement a century ago. It was overthrown at the insistence of the British and the Russians (again I can provide numerous references - but a good one is Chaqeri - again I plan to publish these findings). When these "lobbies" speak of "human rights" for Iranians, I must confess that I do get somewhat thoughtful. As we speak, there are attempts to support the MEK - the same organization that gunned down US citizens, supported Saddam Hussein;'s invasion of Iran and helped Saddam brutally put down the Iraqi Kurds.

Best regards
Kaveh Farrokh

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