Justice for All

The Motto of the Theology State in Iran

The Motto of the Islamic Republic of Iran (IRI), it is better to be feared than to be loved. The IRI is using Iron Fist by utilizing Machiavelli doctrine of Fear, Fraud and Force to rule Iran.

Think Independently, and freely because you are a free person.

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Satan Statue in Vancouver

On September 10th, 2014 people of Vancouver in Province of British Columbia, Canada woke -up in the morning with rude awaking news that there was a statue of Satan by the sky train. Eventually, the city workers removed it.

There are questions on horizon:

  1. Who did erect that status?
  2. What was intention of having this statue in Vancouver and not other cities in Canada?

Friday, September 26, 2014

Omid Dana and Islamic Republic of Iran

It seems according to the available information on social medias, the Islamic Republic of Iran's hoodlum attacked at Mr. Omid Dana, who is a slim build gentleman. The question is how does Mr. Dana cause threat to the regime in Iran that it has decided to cause bodily harm to him? It is because the regime in Iran is afraid of anyone who exercise freedom of speech. It is not about anything else.

Mohsen Namjoo and Pahlavi

Mr. Mohsen Namjoo made a music in regard to Pahlavi Kings. Particularly, he began to attack at Reza Shah Pahalvi's progressive agenda to move Iran from superstition culture toward golden gate of civilization; such as, allowing women to gain full membership of society and not becoming invisible member of society by removing their hejabs. What the Pahlavi Kings did for Iran and Iranians were intended to move Iran toward glory of ancient Iran. Of course, there are individuals like Mr. Namjoo, who would not share value, and sentiment of modernity. The idea is not why Mr. Namjoo and other liked minded want to drag a nation toward dark ages of history. The idea is that Iranians are awaking that the Pahlavi Kings served Iran and the Islamic Republic of Iran is destroying Iran.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

People of Mujahedin Khalq Iran and Terrorism

The United States of America invaded Iraq and toppled the Baath Party of Saddam Hussein. The US had to deal with Mujahedin Khalq Iran. This entity prior of the US invasion of Iraq, it has a record of providing support to Saddam Hussein regime during Iran and Iraq War in area of intelligence from inside of Iran. In addition, it was providing military muscle for Iraq's army at the time of combat to confront Iran's army. Moreover, Saddam Hussein was providing financial resources as well as military armament to this entity. Plus this entity began to carry terrorist acts inside of Iran by planting bombs in public areas and causing civilian deaths. Masoud Rajavi and Maryam Rajavi made a fortune from the eight years of war between Iran and Iraq.

As a result, this organization does not have a good record in Iran and today the world is moving away from organizations that are engaged in means of violence. The US enlisted Mujahedin Khalq Iran as a terrorist group. Once, the US toppled the regime in Iraq, this entity needed to be dealt with in order to save members of Mujahedin Khalq. These members could not go back to Iran. Thus, these members needed to go to other nations. These new nations could not allow a terrorist in their countries. Consequently, the US removed this organization from the terrorist list so that members could seek a new life in a new country. 

Monday, September 22, 2014

Transformation of Al-Qaede to ISIS

During Cold - War, the US used Mujahedin as mercenary soldiers to wage a proxy war in the Afghanistan. It was  a great idea for the US to settle a score with Russia in regard to Vietnam War. In fact, it delivered victory for the US and brought Russia to its knee and humiliation. It also brought financial burden to Russia and became a trigger point for the communist system to lose face around the world that it was defeated to the capitalism in the Afghanistan.

The Mujahedin were some loose canons, and they were holy warriors with agenda of expanding their military supremacy around the world.   Post 9/11, the US labelled Mujahedin as Al-Qaede, and they posed threat to the Western nations securities. The above entity was no longer a freedom fighter, but it was acting within capacity of terrorism. It was a blood thirty entity. The Al-Qaede now has been waging war with the west since 9/11 incident took place in New York, NY, US.

The US began to train some group of rebel to topple Assad head of Syria, and as it turned out this rebel group was a branch of Al-Qaede. When Al-Qaede was operating in Iraq, certain individuals began to interpret Koran at extreme point and a new entity emerged from Al-Qaede, it is called Islamic State of Syria and Iraq (ISIS) under leadership of Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi.  Now, this group is focused on the North Africa, Middle East and Asia, and has no interest in the West. That is how the map says. Than why are the ISIS video tape themselves and say we are coming to the US to kill people? It does not make sense at this time.

The US Flag and New World Order

There has been buzz on the social medias that people in the US cannot post their flags by their private residence or at work. Interestingly, the system would fine them for displaying flags by their homes or at work. It can be assumed firmly that the US is moving toward a New World Order that it does not recognize national sovereignty of the US and it is developing a concept of One World Nation.

It has two sides in this issue that the US and all nations around the world are becoming one world and there is a presumption that there would not be a war around the world. However, does that mean the power nations would not exploit currently exploited nations in area of natural resources? Developing the above theory from dependency theory.

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Private Banks Are Bankrupting Nations

The Highlight of the US News and around the World

600, 000 Kurdish Are Escaping Syria - ISIS

Once again Syria is on the news because the ISIS are advancing toward Kurdish people of Syria and have all intention of capture the entire Middle East and converting every one to Sunni Sect and their way of life.

Who told the ISIS to convert people to their way of life?

I pray for peace.

Happy Tehran

These young individuals decided to make one video clip about being happy in Tehran. In fact, they were giving a face lift to the regime of Islamic Republic of Iran. However, the regime in Iran below it up by passing a jail verdict and brutal practice of lashing them. It is sad. Praying for peace.

Friday, September 05, 2014

NATO Will Attack on ISIS

The NATO has decided to attack ISIS. The question is why did the NATO waited this long to make such a critical decision? The NATO should know better that the ISIS is a threat toward global security and it must had taken action against the ISIS long time ago in order to save human lives.

Abbas Malekzadeh Milani

Milani earned his B.A. in political science and economics[3] from the University of California, Berkeley in 1970 and his Ph.D. in political science from the University of Hawaii in 1974.

If you read his books, he says that he was part of Iran's left wing groups, and after 1979 revolution he fled to the US. Why did he flee to US? He was a communist, and did not flee to Russia or China.

This man has no credibility.