Justice for All

The Motto of the Theology State in Iran

The Motto of the Islamic Republic of Iran (IRI), it is better to be feared than to be loved. The IRI is using Iron Fist by utilizing Machiavelli doctrine of Fear, Fraud and Force to rule Iran.

Think Independently, and freely because you are a free person.

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Three Essential Books to Read on Iran.

These three essential books are available at amazon.com

If you are interested to buy these books or you want to learn more about these books. Kindly click on the weblink which will lead you to amazon.com

If you want to buy or to obtain more informtion on book title "Winds of Change" by Crown Prince Reza PAHLAVI Heir to Throne of Iran, please click on following weblink
If you want to buy or to obtain more informtion on book title "Romanticism and Revivalism of Pure Divine Motherland of Iran" by PEN name Iran Zamin, please click on following weblink. http://www.amazon.com/Romanticism-Revivalism-Pure-Divine-Motherland/dp/1419659650/ref=cm_cr-mr-title/103-7550102-7871046
If you want to buy or to obtain more information on book title "The Other Side of the Story: King of Kings Mohammad Reza PAHLAVI I" by PEN name Ahmad KASVRAVI TABRIZI, please click on following weblink.

Why Crown Prince Reza PAHLAVI Heir to Throne of Iran is playing a vital role in war era of Iran

In past, on several occasions Iranian people from all political factions had gather in one occasion to create an alliance with each other and each time their occasion did not blossom any constructive fruit and had failed to achieve its final objective which was unity among all different political groups with intention to oust the theology state in Iran. Thus, Iran’s future has become dark and gloomy because at this time there are nine US naval in Persian Gulf with intention of mission to go in Iran. Plus, the US is beefing up its muscle in Iraq and Afghanistan with intention to protect its interest in the region and when there will be a military strike at the clerics, obviously the US would face minimal amount of reprisal from the cleric’s hostile war machine. The US will attack at the clerics in Iran and will topple the theology state in Iran for their own safety and security, the US is not attacking Iran because of Iranian people.

Now, Iranian people should have reach to a point and realize that Crown Prince Reza PAHLAVI Heir to Throne of Iran is playing a vital role in Iran’s current and future politics. First, Crown Prince is a military officer which puts Him in a military position to command Iran’s army during war in order to provide safety and security to Iranian people and last Crown Prince is a political credit for Iranian people to maximize their interest in international community.

Crown Prince Reza PAHLAVI received His military training in the US and He is a fighter jet pilot. The point is not that He attended military school. The point is at some point in close future the US will launch military strike at Iran. In event, when the US will decide to attack Iran who will ask Iran’s army to join Iranian people and not to join insurgent? There is a well known and universal military rule that a civilian cannot command military personnel neither foreign military officers. Thus, Crown Prince as a military officer is playing a vital role for commanding Iran’s army toward liberation of Iran and not invasion of Iran and during turmoil He will command army to join Iranian people and protecting Iranian people from further harm. Everyone, pretty much, at some point in their life has gained some kind of bitter experience from the Mullahs irrational behavior and knows very well that the Mullahs during chaos will decide to do some kind of irrational act; such as, executing all political prisoners. Thus, Crown Prince as a military officer may be able to overturn the Mullahs order of execution of political prisoners. Stakes are high.

Last point, Iranian people from different political factions had endeavored to unify themselves in their just cause against the theology state in Iran. However, these political factions had failed to achieve their final goal. Now, Iranian people need someone who is highly respected and has a good reputation in international community and most importantly Iranian people need someone who is well known in international community. There is someone who is well respected and has high reputation in international community that this someone is Crown Prince Reza PAHLAVI Heir to Throne of Iran. Once, the US attacks Iran, in first step of post war, there is need for some individuals to go inside of Iran to deal with Iran’s torn apart political system, and one person is Crown Prince, who is a well known person in international community, and foreign leaders are eager to support Him and will listen to Him, and will do their best to rebuild Iran in fast pace.

In conclusion, Crown Prince Reza PAHLAVI Heir to Throne of Iran {making sure everyone understand that in past and present time Crown Prince has mentioned firmly that He opposed US military strike in Iran. He has asked for civil disobedience tools to topple the theology state in Iran} is playing a vital role in war era of Iran. First and most importantly, there is need for an Iranian military commander to order Iran’s army not to join insurgent group. Instead, Iran’s army to assist Iranian people to give the final blow to the theology state in Iran. Last point, Iran’s political system requires architects to build its political system. Plus, international community will trust and will support Crown Prince Causes, and Crown Prince is a well known, as well as, He is a well respected by international community. The best option for any organizations, at this time, is to join Crown Prince Reza PAHLAVI just causes in order to save Iran from further agony and pain, and all of us will inherit a country which has been torn apart by the Mullahs.

c.c. White House via: e-mail
c.c. Crown Prince Reza PAHLAVI via: e-mail

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

RE: State of Union Speech and not abandoning friends of US

Wednesday January 24th, 2007

President of United State of America George BUSH Junior.
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500 USA

Via: E-mail comments@whitehouse.gov

Dear President George BUSH:

RE: State of Union Speech and not abandoning friends of US

On Tuesday January 23rd, 2007 President of United State of America George BUSH Junior gave speech to a grander audience. President made remarks with regard to war on terror which was straight to point that President came to conclusion that this war on terror commenced long time ago as President mention “in the mind of the terrorist, this war began well before September the 11th, and will not end until their radical vision is fulfilled”[1]. Quite frankly, this terror campaign against West, it has commenced when, in 1979, Khomeini HENDI took power in Iran and he preached hate to his audience toward US and encouraged and spread fanatic ideas of demolition the US and until this very day individuals like belated Khomeini are dreaming of destroying the US and anyone who is not Shiite Muslim. In addition, as President made it clear that “these men are not given to idle words, and they are just one camp in the Islamist radical movement. In recent times, it has also become clear that we face an escalating danger from Shia extremists who are just as hostile to America, and are also determined to dominate the Middle East. Many are known to take direction from the regime in Iran, which is funding and arming terrorists like Hezbollah -- a group second only to al Qaeda in the American lives it has taken”[2].

President also came to conclusion that the radical Muslims “whatever slogans they chant, when they slaughter the innocent they have the same wicked purposes. They want to kill Americans, kill democracy in the Middle East, and gain the weapons to kill on an even more horrific scale”[3]. Indeed, the clerics in Iran want to murder and destroy the very existing of humanity regardless of their frontiers. Thus, “this is not the fight we entered in Iraq, but it is the fight we're in. Every one of us wishes this war were over and won. Yet it would not be like us to leave our promises unkept, our friends abandoned, and our own security at risk”[4]. As President, in past, has promised to help Iranian people to liberate Iran from yoke of Mullah in Iran. Asking President not to abandon Iranian people in their just cause toward liberation of Iran because the clerics have made Iran their nest, and as long as the clerics are in Iran, the US is in danger of terror. Thus, liberation of Iran from yoke of Mullah means that the US has won the war on terror and “on this day, at this hour, it is still within our power to shape the outcome of this battle. Let us find our resolve, and turn events toward victory”[5].

The US can win this war on terror by allocating its resources on most effective sources; such as, Crown Prince Reza Cyrus PAHLAVI Heir to Throne of Iran. Crown Prince is a source which has not been explored yet by any of US Administration and His portfolio has similarity to the US President.

President Portfolio:
1. President “was accepted into Yale University, where he received a Bachelor of Arts degree in history in 1968”[6].
2. “In May 1968, at the height of the ongoing Vietnam War, Bush was accepted into the Texas Air National Guard”[7].
3. “After obtaining an MBA from Harvard University (Bush is the only US President to serve holding a Master of Business Administration degree)”[8].

Crown Prince Reza PAHLAVI Portfolio:
1. “In 1978, he moved to the United States to complete his higher education. He was trained as a jet fighter pilot at Reese Air Force Base in Lubbock, Texas and is a political science graduate of the University of Southern California”[9].
2. Crown Prince is well respect by international community and “in 2004 Reza Pahlavi was named as the "unofficial godfather" of Princess Louise of Belgium the eighth granddaughter of King Albert II of Belgium. The decision to choose him was criticized by the Foreign Ministry of the Islamic Republic”[10].

Crown Prince Reza PAHLAVI’s record:
1. Crown Prince is not imposing His political view on anyone and Iranian people will decied for themselves for type of state in Iran as “in an interview with David Frost on the BBC's Breakfast with Frost programme, Pahlavi defined his aims with the words "I think that the choice of future government should be left to the Iranian people to decide in a free election. What form it ultimately take is up to them, the issue, the essential point for me is that there is no way that we can achieve the aspirations that we have as a nation unless we have the separation of church and state and under the current regime clearly we don't have that"[11].
2. There is a role for Crown Prince to play to oust the theology state in Iran because according to “Rob Sobhani, an academic and political activist told the BBC "I think there's a role for all dissidents, including the son of the Shah - because Iran today is thirsty for leadership, Iran is thirsty for someone with vision. I think what's lacking in Iranian politics today is someone with a vision. I think if that individual - a man or a woman - appears on the scene and grabs the attention of the Iranian people, with a vision of what he or she would like the country to move towards, they will certainly be the beneficiary of that goodwill, that thirst for a leader"[12].
3. Iranian people want Crown Prince as their Constitutional Monarch because of “reports do however speak of a growing curiosity about Pahlavi. A Wall Street Journal report in November 2001 quoted a 17-year-old Iranian student as saying "We didn't know who he was. But as soon as we heard him, we felt it was our own words that we couldn't say. He said them beautifully"[13].

Summoning up above thoughts, President came to conclusion that there is need for firm action against the theology state in Iran. Obviously, this radical Islam which is originated in Iran, it must be eradicate in order to have safe and secure global village. Further, President came to conclusion that US won’t abandon its friends, and Iranian people as friend of US want to liberate Iran from yoke of Mullah. Thus, there is one important variable in this formula of ousting the theology state in Iran, this important variable is Crown Prince Reza PAHLAVI Heir to Throne of Iran, who is well respected by international community, as a matter of fact, He has unembellished record, and Iranian people love and adore Him. Even, He stripped Himself from His ascribed status which is Crown Prince and wants individuals to refer to Him as Reza. However, Iranian people call Him Crown Prince Reza because Iranian people love Him and want Him to become their king.

Last, Iran’s political culture is different than US. Iran’s literature had put heavy weigh on role of prince and king in Iran’s politics; such as, Shahnameh by Ferdowsi. Plus, Iran’s contemporary historian with name of Ahmad KASRAVI TABRIZI mentioned that best type of state in Iran is Constitutional Monarchy.

President BUSH do not abandon Iranian people, please give Crown Prince Reza PAHLAVI the tools that He needs in order to oust the theology state in Iran for well being of global village.

Thank you,

Kind regards


Immortal Soldier
c.c. Crown Prince Reza Cyrus PAHLAVI via: e-mail rpsec@rezapahlavi.org

Reza Pahlavi's Secretariat
P.O. Box 566
Falls Church, Virginia 22040 USA

End Note
1. http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2007/01/20070123-2.html
January 24th, 2007.
January 24th, 2007.
January 24th, 2007.
January 24th, 2007.
January 24th, 2007.
January 24th, 2007.
January 24th, 2007.
January 24th, 2007.
January 24th, 2007.
January 24th, 2007.
January 24th, 2007.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reza_Cyrus_Pahlavi January 24th, 2007.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wikiReza January 24th, 2007.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

RE: Mullah RAFSANJANI and his associates including Islamic Republic of Iran investments in Canada

Tuesday January 23rd, 2007

Office of the Auditor General of Canada
240 Sparks Street.
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0G6 Canada
Via: Register mail {Confirmed}.


National Headquarters Ottawa
Canadian Security Intelligence Service {CSIS}.
OTTAWA ON K1G 4G4 Canada
Via: Register mail {Confirmed}.

Dear Sir/Madam:

RE: Mullah RAFSANJANI and his associates including Islamic Republic of Iran investments in Canada

There are significant amount of legal evidences that Mullah RAFSANJANI, who is one of founder of Hezbollah terrorist organization in the Middle East that RAFSANJANI is having colossal investments in Canada, and using Canada as his economic base for his evil deeds. RAFSANJANI investments are located in following cities; such as, city of Lava in Province of Quebec, city of Toronto in Province of Ontario, city of Edmonton in Province of Alberta, and cities of North-Vancouver, West-Vancouver in Province of British Columbia. Furthermore, there are elements of RAFSANJANI, as well as, Islamic Republic of Iran [IRI] that they have made Canada as their economic base and Canada has become their terror fundraising nests.

Canada’s obligation to Iranian people, after regime change in Iran.
1. After regime change in Iran Mullah RAFSANJANI will be extradited to Iran for prosecution regardless of his legal status in Canada.
2. After regime changes in Iran all family members of RAFSANJANI whether they are directly or indirectly related to each other, they will be extradited to Iran for prosecution regardless of their legal status in Canada.
3. After regime change in Iran all elements of Islamic Republic of Iran will be extradited to Iran for prosecution regardless of their legal status in Canada.
4. All properties of RAFSANJANI, and his family, plus Islamic Republic of Iran are not transferable, non-negotiable whether property is tangible or non-tangible. Thus, all assets of above individuals MUST be transfer to Iranian people, after regime change forthwith.
5. All above individuals have committed horrendous crimes against Iranian people; such as, stealing Iran’s wealth and stashing it in Canada, taking part in Human Rights Violation in Iran and outside of Iran, stoning innocent people to death, and committed act of terrorism in Ian and outside of Iran and other countless crimes.
6. On March 19th, 2002 Canadian Government had first hand knowledge that the Islamic Republic of Iran is using torture and violating Human Rights in Iran because of Ezat Mossallanejad was recipient of an award for Diversity-City and his name was mentioned in the House of Commons Debate[1].
7. On April 09th, 2002 House of Commons Debate, volume 137, number 164, first session 37th Parliament, when Honorable Rahim Jaffer stated that “Mr. Speaker, it is wrong that the government is allowing Hezbollah to raise money in Canada ”[2] and when Honorable Bill GRAHAM turn came to respond to Honorable Rahim JAFFER’s above comment as GRAHAM stated that “Mr. Speaker, I think we have made it clear. This question has been asked before in the House. It is very clear that Hezbollah's military arm and any activities that it is conducting in Canada which have anything whatsoever to do with raising money for military activities are totally banned and repressed by the government. There are, however, activities by Hezbollah which are of a social nature, and there are 12 members of the Lebanese legislature elected by Hezbollah to the legislature, and we are not going to declare them terrorists and stop dialogue with them in our efforts to get peace”[3]. Rahim JAFFER responded to GRAHAM’s above statement that, “Mr. Speaker, these are very fine lines. Let us be clear on who we are talking about. In 1983, Hezbollah blew up the U.S. marine and French army barracks in Beirut. It blew up the U.S. embassy annex in Beirut in 1984. It attacked the Israeli embassy in Lebanon in 1992. It continues to attack Israeli settlements. Canada claims to be standing shoulder to shoulder with the United States in the war on terrorism. The United States has banned fundraising by all branches of Hezbollah. Why has Canada only banned the military wing?”[4]. GRAHHAM responded by saying that “Mr. Speaker, we are also standing side by side with our colleagues in the United Kingdom who have adopted exactly the same stance that we have. The members of the United Kingdom are aware from the Irish experience that there is a difference between Sinn Fein and the IRA and that if we want peace we must deal with those who have a political dialogue. That is what we want. We do not want to just point fingers. We want peace. That is what we do in all our policies”[5]. Dr. Hassan ABBASI is a think tank of Hezbollah as he stated that he trained Hezbollah terrorist cells and does not want peace, and terrorism is a divine act [6]. Further, Honorable Gilles Duceppe informed Honorable GRAHAM that violence had escalated in the Middle East and Canada needed to take a firm approach toward the Middle East chaos and Honorable GRAHAM responded that “Mr. Speaker, we have always communicated the message to countries such as Iran, that arms shipments to Palestinians in these circumstances are not helpful. So, we are on the same wavelength as the member”[7] and Ms. Francine Lalonde “Mr. Speaker, to my knowledge, in 2000, Canada shipped $1 million worth of arms to Israel”[8]. In brief deducing above quotes of parliament, “the Liberal response to terrorist violence in the Middle East has been ambivalent at best. In particular, the Liberals have continued to permit fundraising by terrorist front organizations in Canada such as the civilian arm of Hezbollah. This is unconscionable”[9]. Also Parliament knows very well that “former Iranian President Rafsanjani explicitly threatened Israel with the use of nuclear weapons should Iran obtain them”[10]. Indeed, Honorable GRAHAM was right that “it is our actions that count when it comes to others, not talks”[11]. Thus, Canada is causing chaos in the Middle East by providing financial means to Hezbollah and selling arsenal to Israel. Welcome to Trojan-Horse Era.
8. Canadian Authorities could demonstrate good intention to Iranian people by providing information on all assets of RAFSANJANI, his associates and IRI to author of this letter.
9. Canada act accordingly.
10. Acted in good faith at all times and reserving the right to alter, add material/s to this document.
11. Author of this letter is sole responsible for this letter.

All in all, this letter is constituted as a legal document with intention to give warning to Canada that after regime change in Iran that the Canadian Government regardless of their frontiers has total and absolute obligation to fulfill above obligation and may be there will be further obligation on horizon. Otherwise, Canada will face civil-action and other appropriate serious legal repercussions. This document is mean to be informative to Authorities in Canada and does not constitute as a threaten letter to the Canadian Authorities. Kindly do not reveal my identity to anyone because the clerics have threatened my family to death if I speak against the theology state in Iran.

Thank you,

Kind regards


Immortal Soldier

c.c. Crown Prince Reza PAHLAVI Heir to Throne of Iran via e-mail
End Note.
http://www.parl.gc.ca/PDF/37/1/parlbus/chambus/house/debates/han164-E.pdf PG 10133. January 22nd, 2006.
http://www.parl.gc.ca/PDF/37/1/parlbus/chambus/house/debates/han164-E.pd PG 10135. January 22nd, 2006.
http://www.parl.gc.ca/PDF/37/1/parlbus/chambus/house/debates/han164-E.pdf PG 10135. January 22nd, 2006.
http://www.parl.gc.ca/PDF/37/1/parlbus/chambus/house/debates/han164-E.pd PG 10135. January 22nd, 2006.
http://www.parl.gc.ca/PDF/37/1/parlbus/chambus/house/debates/han164-E.pdf PG 10135. January 22nd, 2006.
http://www.sosiran.com/Documents/Abbasi%20-%20transaltion2-%20English.pdf PG 6. January 22nd, 2006.
http://www.parl.gc.ca/PDF/37/1/parlbus/chambus/house/debates/han164-E.pdf PG 10135. January 22nd, 2006.
http://www.parl.gc.ca/PDF/37/1/parlbus/chambus/house/debates/han164-E.pdf PG 10135. January 22nd, 2006.
http://www.parl.gc.ca/PDF/37/1/parlbus/chambus/house/debates/han164-E.pdf PG 10184. . January 22nd, 2006.
http://www.parl.gc.ca/PDF/37/1/parlbus/chambus/house/debates/han164-E.pdf PG 10222. January 22nd, 2006.
http://www.parl.gc.ca/PDF/37/1parlbus/chambus/house/debates/han164-E.pdf PG 10136. January 22nd, 2006.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

RE: If I may express my opinion on war with Iran please

Saturday January 20th, 2007

President of United State of America George BUSH Junior.
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500 USA

Via: E-mail

Dear Sir/Madam:

RE: If I may express my opinion on war with Iran please

On September 11th, 2001 Islamic terrorist organization with name of Al-Qaeda launched terrorist attack against US and claimed 3000 civilian lives. President came to conclusion that as long as the terrorist organization is allowed to act in their own free will the world will be an insecure place to be. Thus, President came with an agenda to attack at countries that they were harboring terrorism. President had good intention to combat terrorism. However, President did have poor planning to attack at terrorist nations.

Now, this war on terror has reached to a point which appears to be a disaster plan to begin with and its original intention which was to eradicate terrorism in order to create a safe and secure world has failed. US force is not making any progress in Iraq and Iranian clerics are dominating the region and world. Plus, now China indirectly has join terrorist mullahs and China is flexing its muscle at US by bringing down satellite. President has short time frame in office and very soon He will leave office and His legacy may become as a person who ruined the world. However, President is in charge of history by pursuing advice from Crown Prince Reza PAHLAVI Heir to Throne of Iran on a mutual ground. Crown Prince is a well educated person and Iranian people love and adore Crown Prince and Iranian people want Crown Prince to return to Iran as their Constitutional Monarch by means of national referendum which will decide for type of state in Iran. {President should not compare US political culture with Iran’s political culture, they are two different nations.} Thus, President can topple the theology state in Iran by Iranian people and support of Crown Prince. Obviously, there is need for fund to finance massive general strikes in Iran. This fund can be provided by freezing the cleric’s assets in Canada. There is a cleric with name of RAFSANJANI who has colossal investments in Canada, and Canadian Government is allowing RAFSANJANI to make investment in Canada which is against Canadian criminal laws, kindly view below petition and will become aware of RAFSANJANI and Canadian Government roles in harboring terrorism.

There are also two matters which are focal points in toppling the theology state in Iran. One, there is a matter of dividing Iran. When an Iranian person hears that there is a plan to divide Iran, it is an assault on Iranian person and never would take side of general strike or any other action against the theology state in Iran. Thus, there is no need to remove the theology state in Iran what is the point of destroying Iran? The only point of removing the theology state in Iran is to move Iran toward Education of Cyrus. In addition, there were American patriots who came to Iran like Morgan Shuster and defended Iran against Russia and he wrote a book with name of “Strangling Persia”. Mr. Shuster loved Iran and Iranian people and never wanted to destroy Iran. There is another American citizen with name of Edward G Browne and wrote a book with name of “The Persian Revolution 1905-1909”. Mr. Browne loved Iran and Iranian people and never wanted to divide Iran. I strongly believe President should follow foot steps of Mr. Shuster and Mr. Browne and not allowing enemy of Iran to destroy Iran by any means in their disposal. Also, there is a historical character with name of Cyrus the Great who was founder of Iran that he united different ethnic groups in Iran, and he did not divide Iranian people.

Last point on above matter that why element of Islamic Republic of Iran are allowed to be in US and to make political campaign contribution to Ms. Hillary CLINTON? These elements of Islamic Republic of Iran are the one who are promoting propaganda that there was a conspiracy theory of 911. Otherwise, US citizens could take side with President.

All in all, I believe this war on terror could come to an end by removing the theology state in Iran, and in order to remove the theology state in Iran, President should meet Crown Prince Reza PAHLAVI Heir to Thorne of Iran in order to mobilize and unite Iranian people to oust the theology state in Iran. Also, there is need for fund to orchestra national general strike in Iran by freezing the cleric’s assets in Canada. Thus, it won’t cost US taxpayer any money to oust the theology state in Iran. Furthermore, whenever, there is a topic of dividing Iran, Iranian people will be reluctant to oust the theology state in Iran, and by allowing the element of the clerics in US, they will disunite American in their just cause.

I hope President would read this letter, and He would give a thought about this paper.

I wish Him best.

Thank you,

Kind regards


Immortal Soldier

c.c. Crown Prince Reza PAHLAVI via: e-mail rpsec@rezapahlavi.org
Reza Pahlavi's Secretariat
P.O. Box 566
Falls Church, Virginia 22040 USA

Sunday, January 14, 2007

RE: Stop Canada Harbor Terrorism and Human Rights Violation

Dear reader:

The below is the weblink to petition. Kindly read it and if you agree sign it and circulate it.


Stop Canada Harbor Terrorism and Human Rights Violation

View Current Signatures - Sign the Petition


To: INTERPOL General Secretariat 200, quai Charles de Caulleand 69006 Lyon France and Office of the United NationsHigh Commissioner for Human Rights UNOG-OHCHR1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland
Wednesday December 27th, 2006

International Criminal Police Organization {ICPO}
General Secretariat
200, quai Charles de Caulle
69006 Lyon France

Via: Register mail {Pending}.


Office of the United Nations
High Commissioner for Human Rights
1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland
Via: Register mail {Pending}.

Dear Sir/Madam:

RE: Formal Complain Against Canada for Harboring Terrorism & Pervasive Violation of Human Rights

There are significant amount of legal evidences that they are available in public domain and are published in a book with title of “Romanticism and Revivalism of Pure Divine Motherland of Iran” which will be publish in 2007 at amazon.com with intention to educate readers that how one high profile Hezbollah figure RAFSANJANI is investing in Canada. Further, there is a formal request from the United Nations {U.N.} to stop Canadian Government from harboring terrorism and stop Canada from violating Human Rights in Canada and in Iran. In addition, one petition will be draft on line in order to make sure that Canadian Government won’t be able to make any backroom deal with anyone and will be holding the Canadian Government responsible, as well as, accountable for their unjust acts.

Exhibiting Evidence:
“CIC2004001660 Citizenship and Immigration Canada Media 6/14/04 0:00 any documents, memos, reports, letters, emails, voicemail transcripts or other written or recorded material concerning direct foreign investment by companies and individuals of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Canada, including but not limited to Highway 407, the Centerpoint shopping Center in Toronto. Also any material on visits, official or unofficial, to Canada by member of the Iranian government, and/or family members of former Pres. Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsnajani (aka Rafsamjani), including son Mehdi Hashemi Rafsanjani (aka Rafsamjani), and daughter Faezeh Hashemi. Timeframe January 1, 2000-June 14, 2004”[1].

Laws to Protect Innocent Individual from Terrorism:
According to Criminal Code of Canada Terrorism Interpretation 83.01 (1) Definitions…Canadian means a Canadian Citizen, a permanent residence within the meaning of subsection 2(1) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act or a body corporate incorporated and continued under the laws of Canada or a province…entity means a person, group, trust, partnership or fund or an unincorporated association or organization…terrorist activities means a) an act or omission that is committed in or outside Canada…”[2].

Financing of Terrorism 83.02 of Criminal Code [C.C.]“providing or collecting property for certain activities-Everyone who, directly or indirectly, willfully and without lawful justification or excuse, provides or collects property intending that it be used or knowingly that it will be used, in whole or in part, in order to carry out a) an act or omission that constitutes an offence referred to in subparagraphs a) (i) to (ix) of the definition of “terrorist activity” in subsection 83.01 c.c (1) or b) any other act or omission intended to cause death or serious bodily harm to a civilian or to any other person not taking an active part in the hostilities in a situation of armed conflict, if the purpose of that act or omission, by its nature or context, is to intimidate the public, or to compel a government or an international organization to do or refrain from doing any act, is guilty of an indictable offence and is liable to imprisonment for a term of not more than 10 years”[3]. There is also 83.03 c.c. “providing, making available, etc, property or service for terrorist purpose-Everyone who, directly or indirectly, collect property, provides or invites a person to provide, or to makes available property or financial or other related services a) intending that they be used, or knowing that they will be used, in whole or in part, for the purpose of facilitating or carrying out any terrorist activity, or for the purpose of benefiting any person who is facilitating or carrying out such an activity, or b) knowing that, in whole or part, they will be used by or will benefit a terrorist group, is guilty of an indictable offence and is liable to imprisonment for a term not more than 10 years”[4]. 83.03 c.c. “Using or possessing property for terrorist purpose a) uses property, directly or indirectly, in whole or in part, for the purpose of facilitating or carrying out a terrorist activity or b) possesses property intending that it be used or knowing that it will be used, directly or indirectly, in whole or in part, for the purpose of facilitating or carrying out a terrorist activity, is guilty of an indictable offence and is liable to imprisonment for a term not more than 10 years”[5].

Two Written Warnings were issued to the Canadian Government:
1. In past, sosiran has given written warning letter to the Canadian Government for not having any kind of tie with the Islamic Republic of Iran. The sosiran has been clear that any economic tie or any other ties with Islamic Republic of Iran is constituted as an illegal and null and contract between Canada and Iran, after regime change in Iran, Iranian people have no obligation to further commitment.
2. On October 31st, 2006 Persian-Journal posted an open letter to Right Honorable Prime Minister of Canada Stephen HARPER and brought to his attention that Hezbollah leader RAFSANJANI is investing money in Canada. The letter provided data that RAFSANJANI is one element of corruption in Iran. Last, the letter took spiritual approach and invited Canadian Government toward salvation. However, Canadian Government ignored the above letter, and has decided to continue participate in Human Rights violation in Iran and harboring terrorism on global scale.

Collaboration with Terrorist RAFSANJANI:
3. Canadian Government allowed terrorist RAFSANJANI to come to Canada and to make investment in Canada. RAFSANJANI is a terrorist because he is on wanted listed of Argentina authority due to his terrorist involvement in 1994 Jewish Community Center explosion. He also has conviction records in Iran for his terrorist roles in Iran.
4. According to Canadian Security Intelligence Service report and mandate, as well as, Right Honorable former Prime Minister of Canada Jean Chrétien, Canada cannot be economical base for terrorist organizations.
5. RAFSANJANI, his family and Islamic Republic of Iran have several investments in Canada and one of their investments in Canada is HWY 407 which generates revenue of “$69.6 million CDN”[6].

6. This $69.6 million CDN not to be given to RAFSANJANI and other revenues from his assets in Canada. The above amount, after tax, to be given to Iranian Refugees and other Refugees and taking a load off the United Nations.
7. This $69.6 million CDN and other revenue to be use for compensation of Islamic Republic of Iran victims. First person is Zahra KAZEMI son who is residing in Canada and then there are other victims that they deserve to be compensated for crimes of Hezbollah.
8. Portion of money will be use toward legal fees for Dr. Ramin JAHANBEGLOO, who is facing trumped and without merited criminal charges.
9. Presiding judges during civil action is “must” be Iranian-Canadian.
10. Asking the United Nations to ask Canadian Government to disclose all RAFSANJANI assets to Canadians. In past, such a request was denied.
11. Asking United Nations to ask the Canadian Government for immediate deportation of individuals who have ties with RAFSANJANI and residing in Canada due to safety and security of Canadians and US citizens.
12. Asking the United Nations to ask the Canadian Government to disclose name of politicians who have accepted political campaign contribution from RAFSANJANI directly or indirectly and their immediate expulsion from parliament.
13. Asking the United Nations to ask the Canadian Government to provide financial means by the revenue which is generated from HWY 407 and other assets to Iranian people in order to form a council. This council to assist Iranian people with respect to their living conditions and assisting Iranian Refugees with respect to their rights and responsibility. There are pervasive and on going bases that authority is abusing ethnic minority in Canada; such as, Maher ARAR and there are other cases too, and are neglected by authority. In addition, Canadian Government is supporting Human Rights Violation in Iran by providing financial means in Canada and must face legal repercussions.
14. Asking from United Nations to summon Canadian politicians to International Tribunal and to face criminal charges for Harboring Terrorism in Canada, and Human Rights violation in Iran.
15. This letter to United Nations attention is constituted as a legal document that after removal of the theology state in Iran which is recognized as the Islamic Republic of Iran, all assets in Canada will be totally transfer to Iranian people and the Canadian Government will take its tax portion.
16. All tangible and un-tangible properties of RAFSANJANI in any shape or form and Islamic Republic of Iran are constituted as Iranian people’s property. All properties in any shape or form are non-transferable, non-negotiable, and shall be possess by Iranian people after regime change.
17. Anyone owned RAFSANJANI and his family property or Islamic Republic of Iran property; they shall not be subject to compensation because it is stolen property from Iranian people.
18. Reserving the right to alter or add to this legal letter.
19. Acted in good faith at all times.

Thank you,

Kind regards


Iran Zamin

C.C. His Majesty Crown Prince Reza Cyrus PAHLAVI Heir to Throne of Iran, Reza Pahlavi’s Secretariat, P.O. Box 566, Falls Church, Virginia 22040, U.S.A. Via: Register mail {confirmed}.

The above documents were mailed to His Majesty Crown Prince Reza PAHLAVI Heir to Throne of Iran because He is the right legitimate guardian of Iran and Iranian people, and after removal of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Iranian people could defend their legal rights in International Court. His Majesty had no involvement in this matter in any shape or form period. And I shall be subject to questioning and responsibility. In event, there was a positive outcome from above action, it shall be given to Iranian people and I have nothing to do with it.

Intention of this petition is to end Trojan-Horse Era and move your own region and hopefully the world toward Education of Cyrus which means Allied Force to win in Iraq and Iraqi people win their right to exist. Plus, Canadian Force to win in Afghanistan and Afghan people to live in peace. By signing this petition you have said enough is enough to Trojan-Horse Era, and those who support terrorism not to continue their evil acts.
End Note:
1. This report contains only MEDIA and PARLIAMENT requests logged ... December 27th, 2006
2. Rodrigues, Gary. Pocket Criminal Code. Printed in Canada: Thomson Carswell. 2005. PG 55.
3. Rodrigues, Gary. Pocket Criminal Code. Printed in Canada: Thomson Carswell. 2005. PG 57.
4. Rodrigues, Gary. Pocket Criminal Code. Printed in Canada: Thomson Carswell. 2005. PG 57-8.
5. Rodrigues, Gary. Pocket Criminal Code. Printed in Canada: Thomson Carswell. 2005. PG 58.
http://www.lib.uwo.ca/business/toll.html December 27th, 2006.
The Stop Canada Harbor Terrorism and Human Rights Violation Petition to INTERPOL General Secretariat 200, quai Charles de Caulleand 69006 Lyon France and Office of the United NationsHigh Commissioner for Human Rights UNOG-OHCHR1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland was created by and written by Peymon DOUSTI (immortalguard2530@yahoo.com). This petition is hosted here at www.PetitionOnline.com as a public service. There is no endorsement of this petition, express or implied, by Artifice, Inc. or our sponsors. For technical support please use our simple Petition Help form.

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