Justice for All

The Motto of the Theology State in Iran

The Motto of the Islamic Republic of Iran (IRI), it is better to be feared than to be loved. The IRI is using Iron Fist by utilizing Machiavelli doctrine of Fear, Fraud and Force to rule Iran.

Think Independently, and freely because you are a free person.

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

What would be an ideal form of government?

Have you ever wonder, what would be an ideal form of government? Just to name it, today, governments are formed as a result of conflicts among political parties that they are arguing on issues within framework of political ideologies and these forms of governments in Canada and US as Dr. (PhD) C.B. Machperson says are relic of Cold - War.  For example, the issue of abortion. The Conservative Party of Canada claims to be a religious party, and New Democrat Party is a socialist party and takes women's right groups that they favor abortion. In fact founder of the NDP (CCF) is James Shaver Woodswort (Tommy Douglas moved CCF to NDP) was a Methodist priest. Now, it is important to step outside of political realm and to look at an abortion issue in light and not darkness. Since the Conservative Party of Canada is pro-life, it does not provide any form of financial assistance for a mother to raise her child or any form of job opportunities. Obviously, it takes a village to raise a child, and when a person is struggling to meet basic necessity of life, as Karl Marx says when people are occupied heavily with their lives, they would not pay attention to politics. This is exactly what the Conservative Party wants people are struggling and their friends are robbing wealth of a nation. On the other hand, the NDP is not doing any favor by providing social programs which are not sustainable. It is going to drain wealth of a nation and causes backlash at working class. Particularly, those individuals are living below - poverty line.

As a result, there is need for a system that is representing will and consent of people. A system which is meant to govern people. A system which is not favoring rich or poor, but it is resolving social illness of society, and it is treating everyone with compassion, justice and fairness. In regard to issue of an abortion, when I become sick, I do not ask a politician to see my doctor, I go and see my doctor. No man should ever decide for a woman what to do for her child.

I am not calling for a revolution.

Erosion of Civil Liberties in North America

Erosion of civil liberties in North America is a significant issue which cannot be denied any longer. It is turning Canada and US into a dystopia as police forces are exercising use of deadly forces and are not held accountable or responsible for their actions. The legislative bodies are pass laws which are giving more power to the police forces in order not to ensure public safety as Max Weber would like to see, but to ensure silence by holding guns on public's minds. Worst of all, the systems are willing to providing financial assistance to their friends that they own multi-national corporates. However, the systsems are reluctant to fund social programs in order to reduce degree of poverty. 

The idea is not about fomenting a revolutio, but asking nicely from politicians not transforming domestic politics into a dystopia and not transforming outside shell into a rogue state. Asking police officers not shooting at people because Universal Declaration of Human Rights article three, four and five disallow current police activity.1

Let's make 2015 a better year for all of us.

End Note:
1.      http://www.un.org/en/documents/udhr/

Monday, December 29, 2014

US - World War Three

The Western powers defeated Communism, and the US began to fell that it had a prerogative right to play role of global constable.1 The idea was to do regime change in the Middle East, and North Africa so that these nations to remain in state of chaos. As long as, these nations are struggling for political stability, the US would remain as a global power. 2 It is a reality that today the world is witnessing. Today, Russia is trying to annex Ukrainian in respond to the US regime change in Middle East, and North African countries that they had loyalty to Russia. 

As a result, the World War Three has begum which was declared by the US. My idea is not to do revolution, overthrow any system. It is about engaging in a dialogue with others. To understand one another. I simply pray for peace, prosperity and kindness to one another. I do not want to go to any war. I am seeking peace.

End Note:

1.   http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/pdf/RebuildingAmericasDefenses.pdf
2.   http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/pdf/RebuildingAmericasDefenses.pdf

Friday, December 26, 2014

Femen Group


Femen Group came to my attention, when I was reading online news that it carried a successful campaign to shut down Christmas Service in Vatican and disrupt Christmas Service around European nations.   

I googled 'Femen Group' so that I can gain access to its website in order to educate myself about this group. I noticed these women are going to public areas and take off their shirts and are not wearing bras. It seems that they were challenging patriarchy values. Most importantly, they were discussion vital issues; such as, Putin's War in Ukraine, God is a female person so society would not make rules base on male values. 
Interestingly,  these men were afraid of topless women and were rushing at them so that they could cover their bodies. The question is who is making these women to act they way they do? Men. Indeed, there are men who control the political institutions, the religious institutions, the economic sectors and no room left for women to take part in politics, religion or economic. They are forced to corner of their homes as if they were born to serve men. It is about time to having phobia about women's body, and accepting these women as they are. Yes, male patriarchy society has female phobia and needs to stop that phobia.

It is about time to listen to these women what they are saying, and assisting them to become part of bigger picture of their nations. It is wrong by attacking at them, and marginalizing further in their communities, but to empower and inspiring them.  

Let's stop violence against women.

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Mugger tries to steal cash from Barberian restaurant owner, gets a beating


Yahoo news published an article that a restaurant owner on Elm street began to assault a man who was trying to steal from him. There is no doubt that the restaurant owner had all rights to defend himself, however, he had no right to engage in a physical confrontation with him. In fact, he became a monster and he was not better than anyone else.

This was Christmas season and he could have fed the guy and help him with his problems. However, he was a cold spirit man and wanted to show off to others that he could hurt him. What if that man would die as a result of those punches? Will Toronto Police Services charge this restaurant owner for public safety?

Mr. Arron Barberian is acting as if he does not know how to behave in society. Is this how he acts with his friends and family?

Monday, December 15, 2014

Crown Prince Reza PAHLAVI, and Future of Iran

There are passionate Iranian individuals that they care about Iran and Iranians. These passionate individuals are unable to catalysts movement of regime change in Iran. These individuals draft a letter to Crown Prince, Reza PAHLAVI, Heir to Throne of Iran, and discuss a concerning letter that He should engage more in formula of regime change in Iran. Now, it is important to look further that why His Majesty, Reza PAHLAVI appears to be idling in battle of good versus evil.

The US Presidents are Freemason with ideology of Illuminate. In 1979, Jimmy Carter, a US president who was a Freemason, orchestra 1979 Revolution in Iran, with assistance of England - also leaders of England are Freemason and other European powers to topple the Pahlavi Dynasty. The above entities were able to do so that they can cause unrest in the Middle East and sell weapons to the Middle East nations. Ask yourself, so far who has benefit from the war in the Middle East? For example, Iran and Iraq War. The US as well as all nations sold weapons to Iraq and Iran. Now, thinking deeply about geopolitics of Iran. It is the Shia state which is surrounded by Sunni Sect nations. Every time, the regime in Iran is singing a slogan  that it would engulf the Middle East in fire, these Sunni Sect nations are falling in their hands and knees and asking the US as a protector for them. For example, since First Persian Gulf War, the US deployed its army in the Saudi Arabia to protect Saudi Arabia from Saddam Hussein's advancing army because Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait and it appeared that Mr. Hussein was contemplating to annex Saudi Arabia for its fossil fuel. However, Mr. Hussein would not be able to attack Saudi Arabia due to Islamic laws and he would enrage other Muslim nations and would face wrath of all Muslims around the world.

It would be beneficial not to go into other historical facts, it would direct focus of this paper in another route. It would be beneficial to look into the concept of intersubjective. The US has no ties with the Middle Eastern nations. The significant is the Judgment Day Battle as the Bible predicted it would take place in Israel. This is the very reason the US and other Freemason nations are allowing the regime in Iran to build its nuclear proliferation so that it would develop weapon of mass destruction and Israel already has nuclear bombs so that there will be a war between Israel and Iran. Once, there is a war in Israel, the Freemasons are aiming at resurrecting Jesus as a bad guy and Lucifer as a good guy to go into a war with each other. The Freemasons believe that Lucifer or Satan is misunderstood by everyone, and he is the innocent character in this theological saga and Jesus is a malevolent character.

Now, looking deep inside of Pahlavi Family. In 2001, prior to 9/11 incident Leila PAHLAVI died mysteriously in England. In addition, two days before 9/11 Shah Masoud in Afghanistan, who was well respect by Afghan people, he was assassinated by some individuals. One more step further, when US President Obama was following "Rebuilding America's Defence" manifesto, The Economist magazine published articles that Obama is thinking about the Middle East peace, a few days later Prince Ali Reza PAHLAVI, what appeared to be that he committed suicide. The above incidents were warning indirect shot at Crown Prince, Reza PAHLAVI, Heir to Throne of Iran that if He would topple the regime in Iran, He would share same fate as His siblings.

Why the US is not killing Crown Prince Reza PAHLAVI? The US is also using Him as a weapon against the regime in Iran in order to do its bidding in the region.

As a result, kindly do not bother yourself with writing to Him and asking him to speed - up the formula of the regime change in Iran. The US is selling weapon in the Middle East and hoping one day there will be a final war between Jesus and Satan in Israel. What can we do? Today, Iranians around the world can engage in a soft resistance against the regime in Iran. Making a lion and sun flag. Talking about Cyrus the Great and historical facts of Iran. Discussing true political culture of Iran and keeping spirit of Iran alive. Once, the US loses its grip in the Middle East, there will be a regime change in Iran. Please do not think it would happen today, it may take a fifty years to topple the regime in Iran.

God Peace to Everyone, and Jesus is Son of God.

Sunday, November 02, 2014

Racism Canada and Michael Zehaf-Bibeau

It is interesting that we begin to acknowledge that racism is widespread in Canada, and Canadians may begin to say that it is hidden racism which makes the matter worst. It makes everyone guilty of being racist. Canadians are saying that it is a hidden racism in order to avoid discussion topic of racism in Canada and if it does not exist. In fact, it would be beneficial to talk about racism. 

Canadians do not like other race groups and would like to keep other race groups at the disadvantage point. They do not hire them for jobs and make sure they perform labour jobs. These immigrants may have higher education and earned them from Canadian universities, still Canadians would like to not to give job to them. Canadians called it networking, in fact, it is nepotism. Now, the picture is becoming clear to the readers about ugly reality of Canada that how alienation is taking place. People are ostracizing immigrants and they cannot integrate in society and marginalized in society.

As a result, immigrants particularly from Middle East region or from Islamic background do not feel any attachment to Canada and would rather join the ISIS or illustrate their resentment to Canada by using a lethal force against people.  Quite confidently, it can be said that Canadians pulled Michael Zehaf - Bibeau's gun trigger because when he asked for help, Canadians denied and laughed at him. He used lethal force to tell others how he felt about his predicament that he was facing on a day to day basis.

I do not advocate what he did, but I want to understand him. 

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Globalization and Terrorism

It is important to understand that today we are moving toward globalization. It means that the Western ideas are permeating in other cultures that they do not share Western values. In 1979, one censure against Mohammad Reza Shah PAHLAVI was westernization of Iran. As a result, it would be a very difficult idea to promote globalization in the Middle East region. The Western values would be rejected by people.

Food for Thought

How To Handle Terrorism in Canada

It is important to eradicate terrorism in Canada. However, it is a lofty dream to do so. It is important for police forces to subdue a terrorist entity by shooting at her/his leg in order to avoid a fatal wound. S/he be brought the judicial system and face melody of criminal justice, and s/he begins to inform police forces how s/he was recruited. In addition, it is important to assist this individual to understand that s/he made a mistake and it is not the way of solving her/his problem with society.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Can We Trust Government of Canada?

This paper is engaging in an intellectual discussion and it is not about accusing a person or someone.

Reading intellectuals like Rousseau, John Locke, and other critical thinkers, they encourage people not to follow conventional wisdom of society and to think independently. Recently, Michael Zehaf Bibeau decided to use weapon as a means to express his view to Canada and world that he would no longer accept the way people live in Canada. In my view, he made a grieve mistake to take such a despicable action against anyone.

It is important to understand that what the world is moving forward. One, in 2000, The American Century Think Tank organization drafted a manifesto called "Rebuilding America's Defence" that it called for the US domination of the world.  There are books about international security and stated that the next fifty years there will be war in the Middle East due to oil. Two, the US proven fact that it lied about the war in Iraq, Bin Laden and all issues which were intertwined to the war on terror. Last, politicians are in offices due to power and money and not for public service. 
Knowing nature of capitalist system, it is reinventing itself. Thus, this war on terror needs to reinvent itself. Michael Zehaf Bibeau's application for passport was turned down by Canadian authorities. It means that the system could not trust him to have a Canadian document. It is possible to think that the system allowed him to engage what he wanted to do so that the system would justify tomorrow's action.

It is something to look forward that how the system is perpetuating its domination against citizens as they are molded toward subjects.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

End of America by Naomi Wolf

I think Canada is about to feel the same way as Naomi Wolf does.

May Have Hidden Agenda Behind Terror Act - Canada

In 1998, when I was attending the University of Toronto, I was enrolled in a political science course - international relations. This course slightly advocated the idea of exporting western democracy to outside of western hemisphere. Coming from Iran and witnessed 1979 revolution in Iran, it was a bad idea to export anything made in the west to the east. In 2000, an American Think Tank drafted a manifesto called "Rebuilding America's Defence" that it explicitly calls for the US to play a international constable role. In another world, the US must play role of imperialism.

Making my story very short, I know Canadian politicians from federal to provincial levels were receiving campaign contributions from the Islamic Republic in (of) Iran. I investigated this matter and published books, wrote letters to Stephen Harper and CSIS. I stated in my letters to them that by associating with the theocratic regime in Iran, there Trojan horse soldiers would come to Canada.

One day, I asked myself why am I doing these kind of works? Who cares? I read bible Ezekiel 3: 16 - 21 that good people must warn others about their sins. Thou Shall not Steal and that is what I did.

My book:

One of my letters:


Where are we heading?

Every time, a government is passing a law, it is infringing our civil rights. Democracy as worst form of government (Aristotle and C. B. Macpherson from University of Toronto would support my claim).


The US is a good place to look at as the state is enhancing its security, there is erosion of civil liberty.


I curtail my writing and leave it to you guys that you may wish to watch a video clip how people of the US from a citizen turned into a subject.


Act of Terror in Canada or Act of Government

Recently, we have witnessed how some individuals were willing to leave comfort of their home and go to another war torn countries to fight for Allah. There were some individuals that they decided to use Canada as a battle ground to settle some scores with Canadians.

There is no doubt in my mind that the above acts are wrong period. There is this part of me that believes that Canadian intelligent service and governments allow Trojan horse soldiers to enter in Canada and recruit these young individuals and engage in act of atrocities so that Canadians would move from quasi liberty to dystopia.

Currently, Americans are losing their civil liberties due to tough laws against terrorism. It is the same idea too. Canada shares a borderline with the US and needs to align its domestic policy with the US. 

We only can pray to Canada to protect us from this evil which is upon us.

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Reyhaneh Jabbari - Execution - Islamic Republic of Iran

 Reyhaneh Jabbari 1988 - October 25, 2014 was convicted of murdering a former intelligence officer, Morteza Abdolali Sarbandi. In 2007, Sarbandi met Reyhaneh, who was an interior decorator, in a cafe and convinced her to visit his office to discuss a business deal. At his office, Sarbandi allegedly drugged her and attempted to rape her. Reyhaneh grabbed a pocket knife and stabbed him. Then, she fled the scene leaving Sarbandi to bleed to death.

What did happen to Jimmy Carter's promise of  human rights for Iranians? Now, can we say Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi was a just and benevolent ruler? Indeed, these Freemason, and Illuminate leaders are dragging the world toward destruction. Only God can save us.

Pastor Martin Niemöller - First they came for the Socialists,

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.
Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

Friday, October 24, 2014

Spraying Acid on Womens Face - Isalmic Republic of Iran

The Islamic Republic of Iran since 1979 is using coercive methods to enforced Machiavellian doctrine in Iran in order exercise fear, fraud and force. There is weapon of praying to people of Iran to stop violence against one another. I pray to God that these types of violence come to an end.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Ottawa Terrorist Attack

On Tuesday October 21st, 2014 one man was planning to go to Turkey to join the ISIS. The custom agents did not allow him to leave Canada and to go to Turkey. On Wednesday October 22nd, 2014 several individuals decided to ambush the federal parliament in Ottawa. Consequently, it lead to death of several individuals and caused Prime Minister of Canada Stephen Harper to maximize security.

This blog since 2006 is informing the Canadian Security Intelligence Service and Right Honorable Stephen Harper that they must stop associating with Islamic Republic of Iran.  However, Canada is not listening. It is not financially beneficial for them because they have been receiving campaign contribution from the regime in Iran and building HWY 407 in Ontario and many other financial benefits for the personal gain of the politicians.

As a Christian Ezekiel 3: 16 - 21. I did my job to inform people do not associate with terrorist regime of Iran due to Trojan Horses, the rest is up to them to listen or not to listen.



Saturday, September 27, 2014

Satan Statue in Vancouver

On September 10th, 2014 people of Vancouver in Province of British Columbia, Canada woke -up in the morning with rude awaking news that there was a statue of Satan by the sky train. Eventually, the city workers removed it.

There are questions on horizon:

  1. Who did erect that status?
  2. What was intention of having this statue in Vancouver and not other cities in Canada?

Friday, September 26, 2014

Omid Dana and Islamic Republic of Iran

It seems according to the available information on social medias, the Islamic Republic of Iran's hoodlum attacked at Mr. Omid Dana, who is a slim build gentleman. The question is how does Mr. Dana cause threat to the regime in Iran that it has decided to cause bodily harm to him? It is because the regime in Iran is afraid of anyone who exercise freedom of speech. It is not about anything else.

Mohsen Namjoo and Pahlavi

Mr. Mohsen Namjoo made a music in regard to Pahlavi Kings. Particularly, he began to attack at Reza Shah Pahalvi's progressive agenda to move Iran from superstition culture toward golden gate of civilization; such as, allowing women to gain full membership of society and not becoming invisible member of society by removing their hejabs. What the Pahlavi Kings did for Iran and Iranians were intended to move Iran toward glory of ancient Iran. Of course, there are individuals like Mr. Namjoo, who would not share value, and sentiment of modernity. The idea is not why Mr. Namjoo and other liked minded want to drag a nation toward dark ages of history. The idea is that Iranians are awaking that the Pahlavi Kings served Iran and the Islamic Republic of Iran is destroying Iran.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

People of Mujahedin Khalq Iran and Terrorism

The United States of America invaded Iraq and toppled the Baath Party of Saddam Hussein. The US had to deal with Mujahedin Khalq Iran. This entity prior of the US invasion of Iraq, it has a record of providing support to Saddam Hussein regime during Iran and Iraq War in area of intelligence from inside of Iran. In addition, it was providing military muscle for Iraq's army at the time of combat to confront Iran's army. Moreover, Saddam Hussein was providing financial resources as well as military armament to this entity. Plus this entity began to carry terrorist acts inside of Iran by planting bombs in public areas and causing civilian deaths. Masoud Rajavi and Maryam Rajavi made a fortune from the eight years of war between Iran and Iraq.

As a result, this organization does not have a good record in Iran and today the world is moving away from organizations that are engaged in means of violence. The US enlisted Mujahedin Khalq Iran as a terrorist group. Once, the US toppled the regime in Iraq, this entity needed to be dealt with in order to save members of Mujahedin Khalq. These members could not go back to Iran. Thus, these members needed to go to other nations. These new nations could not allow a terrorist in their countries. Consequently, the US removed this organization from the terrorist list so that members could seek a new life in a new country. 

Monday, September 22, 2014

Transformation of Al-Qaede to ISIS

During Cold - War, the US used Mujahedin as mercenary soldiers to wage a proxy war in the Afghanistan. It was  a great idea for the US to settle a score with Russia in regard to Vietnam War. In fact, it delivered victory for the US and brought Russia to its knee and humiliation. It also brought financial burden to Russia and became a trigger point for the communist system to lose face around the world that it was defeated to the capitalism in the Afghanistan.

The Mujahedin were some loose canons, and they were holy warriors with agenda of expanding their military supremacy around the world.   Post 9/11, the US labelled Mujahedin as Al-Qaede, and they posed threat to the Western nations securities. The above entity was no longer a freedom fighter, but it was acting within capacity of terrorism. It was a blood thirty entity. The Al-Qaede now has been waging war with the west since 9/11 incident took place in New York, NY, US.

The US began to train some group of rebel to topple Assad head of Syria, and as it turned out this rebel group was a branch of Al-Qaede. When Al-Qaede was operating in Iraq, certain individuals began to interpret Koran at extreme point and a new entity emerged from Al-Qaede, it is called Islamic State of Syria and Iraq (ISIS) under leadership of Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi.  Now, this group is focused on the North Africa, Middle East and Asia, and has no interest in the West. That is how the map says. Than why are the ISIS video tape themselves and say we are coming to the US to kill people? It does not make sense at this time.

The US Flag and New World Order

There has been buzz on the social medias that people in the US cannot post their flags by their private residence or at work. Interestingly, the system would fine them for displaying flags by their homes or at work. It can be assumed firmly that the US is moving toward a New World Order that it does not recognize national sovereignty of the US and it is developing a concept of One World Nation.

It has two sides in this issue that the US and all nations around the world are becoming one world and there is a presumption that there would not be a war around the world. However, does that mean the power nations would not exploit currently exploited nations in area of natural resources? Developing the above theory from dependency theory.

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Private Banks Are Bankrupting Nations

The Highlight of the US News and around the World

600, 000 Kurdish Are Escaping Syria - ISIS

Once again Syria is on the news because the ISIS are advancing toward Kurdish people of Syria and have all intention of capture the entire Middle East and converting every one to Sunni Sect and their way of life.

Who told the ISIS to convert people to their way of life?

I pray for peace.

Happy Tehran

These young individuals decided to make one video clip about being happy in Tehran. In fact, they were giving a face lift to the regime of Islamic Republic of Iran. However, the regime in Iran below it up by passing a jail verdict and brutal practice of lashing them. It is sad. Praying for peace.

Friday, September 05, 2014

NATO Will Attack on ISIS

The NATO has decided to attack ISIS. The question is why did the NATO waited this long to make such a critical decision? The NATO should know better that the ISIS is a threat toward global security and it must had taken action against the ISIS long time ago in order to save human lives.

Abbas Malekzadeh Milani

Milani earned his B.A. in political science and economics[3] from the University of California, Berkeley in 1970 and his Ph.D. in political science from the University of Hawaii in 1974.

If you read his books, he says that he was part of Iran's left wing groups, and after 1979 revolution he fled to the US. Why did he flee to US? He was a communist, and did not flee to Russia or China.

This man has no credibility.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

ISIS Said to Kill 150 Syrian Captives in 2 Days, Videotaping the Horror


BAGHDAD — Fighters from the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria have killed more than 150 captured soldiers in northern Syria in the last two days, a monitoring group said on Thursday. Video images posted online appeared to show the men being marched through the desert in their underwear by the extremists and then lying dead in the sand.

Canadian troops off to Europe as part of NATO plan to rein in Putin’s ambitions


As many as 1,000 Canadian troops at a time are expected to soon be constantly rotating through Europe. It will be the first time that Canada has so many troops across the pond since it closed two bases in Germany’s Black Forest when the Cold War ended.
The Canadians are to be part of an urgent NATO plan to try to rein in Vladimir Putin’s revanchist ambitions in eastern Europe, which appears to be rapidly transitioning this week from a covert to an overt war for eastern Ukraine with the opening of a new front south of Donetsk.

ایراد و انتقاد مهران مدیری از غذای همسر - شوخی‌ کردم - باحال

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Friday, August 15, 2014

Islamic Republic of Iran and Dogs

The Islamic Republic of Iran from its time of inception never hesitate to use deadly force to cause fear and unrest in Iran. Interestingly, the regime in Iran is targeting dogs with their bullets in the name of God and health.

It took courage of Jila Pourirani and some other individuals to end animal cruelty. Hoping this become a well understanding that Iranians cannot rely on mullahs to save them from tyrannical regime in Iran.

Monday, August 11, 2014

"The Other Side of the Story: King of Kings Mohammad Reza PAHLAVI" I by Iran Zamin


"The Rotted Garden of Paradise" by Iran Zamin


"Romanticism and Revivalism of Pure Divine Motherland of Iran" by Iran Zamin


"Muhammad, the False Prophet" by Iran Zamin


Sunday, August 10, 2014

Disintegration of the Middle East

In 1979, Jimmy Carter fomented revolution in Iran in order to topple the Pahlavi Dynasty in Iran. The key idea was to remove Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi from the Middle East. Once, Khomeini HENDI established his regime, there was a common understanding among people that the US is going to disintegrate Iran among ethnic groups.

Today, the Middle East is gradually dividing among small states, it is a vision that the US had a long time for the Middle East.

چهره ی واقعی مسیح علی نژاد /True Identity of Masih Alinejad

In this video clip, it claims that Masih Alinejad is an element of the Islamic Republic of Iran. The claim is made that this lady is wearing a hat and covering her hair and is not exposing her hair to public. In addition, she does not have a means to foment revolution in Iran. However, she claims to foment in Iran to emancipate women from tyrannical regime in Iran.


Blue Gold - Future Wars

It is becoming clear that the future wars are going to be over water. There is shortage of water, and European nations are allocating their resources to manipulate war for their own gain and once again developing nations are remaining in state of struggle. Hoping this video clip would enlighten us and not going to war against each other and building planet earth in a peaceful means.

خطرها و دلایل بحران کم‌ آبی ایران Danger of Water Crisis in Iran

Iran is facing water crisis, and Iran is about to come to its demise. The regime in Iran would claim it is not just Iran's problem, it is a global issue. It is true global warming it is not exclusively affecting Iran. It is a global issue, the fact remains that the regime in Iran is contributing to deterioration of Iran's environment and the regime in Iran is not taking a measure to replenish Iran's environment.

Friday, August 08, 2014

Imperial Iranian Armed Forces - Ranger

This short video clip illustrates how Iran's defence system was built in connection of US and Iran.

Thursday, August 07, 2014

Peshmarg Kurdish Music

The future of the Middle East is going to be engulfed in fire. Just do a search on YouTube and you can find countless video clips about Kurdistan. The idea is not about Kurds to have a self - autonomy in connection with a state. The idea is to join all Kurds in Iraq, Syria, Iran and Turkey and form their own nation. It requires deep thinking that will the US allow Kurds to have their own independent nation? It is unlikely for Kurds to have their own nation. Turkey has closed tie with the US and it is part of NATO. It does not seem likely to happen. The situation in Iraq and Syria are critical and it is likely Kurds to gain a quasi - self - autonomy for a brief period.

Speech of Ayatollah Montazeri in 1997 about religious credibility of Ayatollah Khamenei

In this video clip, you can hear Mullah Montazeri is rejecting proposal of having Khamenei as head of state in Iran. Montazeri is discredit Khamenei base on his credentials that Khamenei does not have sufficient theological knowledge and cannot issue a decree.

Monday, August 04, 2014

Palestinians and Israelis

Can there be peace between Palestine and Israel? Who is holding back a peace between Palestine and Israel? Why cannot there be a peace between two nations? What is threaten security of the above nations? Who is benefiting from war between two nations? Who is providing finance and weapons to the above nations?

We want peace and no more war.


‘Canada forged in the fires of First World War': Stephen Harper marks anniversary of historic conflict


Prime Minister Stephen Harper marked the 100th anniversary of the beginning of the First World War on Monday, crediting the conflict, despite its terrible loss of life, as an essential part of Canada’s development as a nation.

Little Girl Cries for Her Brother

In this video clip, it is illustrated that how human process death at early age. It is painful to loss a loved one. It is very difficult to let go of a person. It really does not matter where a person is coming from, and how old a person is.

It is beneficial for everyone to cherish life and embrace one another rather than killing one another.

Let there be light and let there peace.


Thursday, July 31, 2014

Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi Media and Revolution in Iran

There is one question in everyone's mind that how could Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi could abort revolution in Iran? It would be interesting to follow Canada's foot step to understand how Canada kept the US invasion of Canada at bay.

It was in 1922 Canada decided to have a public broadcasting in order to prevent Nazi values to disseminate in Canada. In addition, Canada was protecting its air wave from the US invasion of Canada. As a result, Canada made Canadian Broadcasting Radio Corporation, and later on it became Canadian Broadcasting Corporation which has monopoly power over Canada's broadcasting. It is costing a taxpayer $33.00 CDN annually to fund this program. The above history of broadcasting is in nutshell.

England, United States of America, France and other media outlets  used their mediums to disseminate false information about Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi and depicted him as a monster to Iranians and rest of the world.

As time is passing on, it is becoming clear that he was not a monster that was depicted by the West and some naive individuals in Iran who were pursuing their own self - interest.

It is clear now why England, US, France and other nations were eager to topple the Pahlavi Dynasty. Today, the Middle East and North Africa are engulf of fire so that the industrial military complex can sell weapons.

Is this the kind of world that we want to live in?

Dr. Daniel Shayesteh Converts to Christianity

This blog claims that the Islamic Republic of Iran is using Islam as an instrument to committee atrocity in Iran and outside of Iran. The regime in Iran is a totalitarian system and seeks conformity from people without doubt. Now, you may please watch this video clip and see for yourself what Islamic Republic of Iran means by a former Revolutionary Guard.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Media and the Islamic Republic of Iran

Media plays a major role in shaping public opinion. It may foment revolution in a country, and causes destruction in a country. Since post 9/11 George Bush adopted foreign policy of regime change and targeted the Islamic Republic of Iran as an axis of evil. The US administration allocated substantial amount of funds toward media outlets to cause unrest in Iran. However, the US policy was not about regime change in Iran, it was meant to shake the regime in Iran.

Iranians in Iran began to watch Western programs and Iranian expatriation in the West began to formulate television programs that gear toward Iranians in Iran and declare the regime in Iran to be bankrupt from legitimacy and consent of people to govern. However, these media outlets did not have any essence to do anything serious against the regime in Iran. Nowadays, the market for regime change is slow and the above media outlets are not charging forward anymore against the regime in Iran.

The regime in Iran has quality of a totalitarian regime.   As Hannah Arendt defined totalitarian regime as a system that it controls every facade of society by imposing laws to legitimacy its brutality against people.  

The Islamic Republic of Iran does not tolerate and subordination in any shape or form. Anyone censure the regime in any shape or form would be found accused and convicted as anti - revolutionary.

Recently, the Islamic Republic of Iran is developing television programs which are comedy to take public tension away. Furthermore, the regime is using television programs to censure itself.

One of the film is Year 1500 (2121) Tehran by Mehran Moridi that explains everything in Iran would be same. High inflation rate, moral police officers are patrolling streets and imposing Islamic laws. There would not be any changes. In a sitcom 'Made a Joke' or 'Shoukhi Kardim', there is high charge materials against the regime in Iran for doing negligence toward public goods.

Khomeini HENDI was a staunch supporter of abolishing music in Iran. The Revolutionary Guards would patrol every corner of streets and would be witch hunting anyone listening to musics. Now, the regime in Iran is playing lively music.

As a result, it can be said that one more time the regime in Iran knows how to manipulate public media in order to prolong itself in Iran.

Monday, July 21, 2014

Who is Masoumeh or Masih ALINEZHAD/ALINEJAD?


On September 11th, 1976 Masoumeh ALINEZHAD was born in northern part of Iran. She changed her name from Masoumeh to Masih which means Jesus. In 1994, she began to take interest in political life and discussing domestic affair of Iran. In 2001, she began to write articles for Hambastig news paper. In 2008, she ran an article against Iran's president Mahmoud AHMADINZHAD under title of “Song of Dolphins”. In this paper, she wrote a fast and furious article against the president that how he was redistributing Iran's wealth among individuals were living below poverty line. She claimed that these individuals could not escape poverty and were always looking for hand out. This article raised anger among public and caused Ms. ALINEJAD to flee Iran. Now, she is in self – imposed exile in England and is working as a journalist.

There are many questions about Ms. ALINEJAD, and let's ask these constructive questions about her integrity.

  1. She fled Iran because of her article criticizing AHMADINZHA. It does not make sense. It is true that the regime does not tolerate insubordination, but it is not life threatening situation. Does it?
  2. She immigrated to England and gain employment with Voice of America and other media outlets. How is it possible someone gain employment in the West that fast?
  3. How is it possible someone who is learning English as a second language to have a firm grasp of English language and gain employment with the media?
  4. How is it possible for her to pay her tuition fee to the Oxford Brooks University?
  5. The media outlets are questioning her political view is leading to favor a certain type of reflection in her writing. It is not matter of debate. Anyone knows that everyone has a bias. For example, Fox News endorses Republican agenda and CNN endorses Democrat agenda. Thus, the media outlets that they discuss her political view as a favourable leverage toward certain article, it does not make sense.

Monday, July 07, 2014

Future of Iraq

In 1997, The Project for New American Century formed as a think - tank organization to advance US interest around the world within framework of the US as a global constable. In 1998, the above think - tank drafted a manifesto under title of "Rebuilding America's Defence" which stated the North African countries like Libya, and Middle East countries like Syria, Iraq and Iran are posing threat to the US because their armies are becoming strong. Thus, the US must do regime change in the above nations.

In post 9/11 the US is having military excursions around the world, and doing regime change under disguise of freedom and democracy. Furthermore, the Middle East region has plenty of oil resources for next fifty years to come by, the US since first Persian Gulf War has established strong base in Saudi Arabia to make profit from war.

As a result, it is no surprise that today Iraq is at state of civil war. It is clear that Iraq would be divided among three ethnic and religious groups of Shia, Sunni and Kurds. Once, Kurdish people in Iraq form their own autonomy, other kurdish people in Iran, Turkey and Syria will begin to demand for self  - autonomy and the region will be engulf of fire.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

How Does God Think about Us about Unfolding Event in the Middle East?

Since post 9/11 the Middle East nations and African nations are engulfed of sectarian violence. It seems that there is no end to violence and bloodshed in the above parts of the world. Thomas Merton in his book “The Seven Story Mountain” took responsibility for atrocity committed by Hitler. I look at the Middle East nations and African nations and all I see fire on the above regions. I feel responsible for bloodshed in the above regions. I also know that I cannot go to any nation and preach Christianity about love of God, and loving one another. A question came to my mind that how can we reach to the above regions and promote message of peace to them, at the same time, we are contributing to peace making and peace keeping of the regions? The very simple ideas that God in Bible says John 13:34-35 “command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. 35 By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another”1 and Luke 6:29 “[i]f someone slaps you on one cheek, turn to them the other also. If someone takes your coat, do not withhold your shirt from them.”2 It is very difficult to forgive others for what they do wrong to others. It takes a lion heart to forgive others. It must be done. If it is not done, the vicious cycle of violence would contribute to unrest in cycle of many generations.

There is no doubt that when one person begins to seek vengeance against another person, s/he is really following foot steps of evil. If a person sustain injury from others, and s/he begins to think in God and leaves matters in God's hand, the result of her / his action would be fruitful. Recently, Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) have claimed 1700 souls.3 The perpetrators are acting as judge, jury and executioners during day light and convict their victims as infidels. God in the Bible says Mathew 7 “Do not judge, or you too will be judged. 2 For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.”4 Furthermore, even God in Koran 49:11 says; "O you who believe, let not a people ridicule [another] people; perhaps they may be better than them; nor let women ridicule [other] women; perhaps they may be better than them. And do not insult one another and do not call each other by [offensive] nicknames. Wretched is the name of disobedience after [one's] faith. And whoever does not repent - then it is those who are the wrongdoers.”In conclusion, these individuals are killing others in the name of God are not doing God's work whatsoever. It would be vital for everyone to speak against these individuals so that they understand what they do is wrong and they are not doing God's work.

End note:

Saturday, June 07, 2014

Poverty and Role of Religious Institutions in Canada

Poverty is an issue that does not go away and its intertwine in political, social stratification and religious institutions. Author Stephen Brooks in his book “Canadian Democracy An Introduction” defines politics in light of scarcity of resources. There is no abundant of money to be given to everyone in society as everyone wish for.1 It causes conflict among people.2 Thus, politics is about exercising power against one another In addition, living in a liberal democratic society which is same concept of saying of capitalist economic system it creates a class structure. Max Weber's research has indicated that one class is holding on a power, prestige and status. Certainly, a class does not own means of production, this class does not have power and would not have much influence in a way society functions and policy and laws are legislated in the parliament. One fact which cannot be denied that the power elite in a society form lobby organizations that they hire lawyers and this power elite can shape public policies which would benefit their interests. Let's look at issue of homelessness in Abbotsford. It is really going no where because homeless people cannot organize themselves to shape public policy for their benefits. The aim of this paper is briefly look at some of the facts that they explain social safety network as a preventive measure to assist people to meet basic necessity of life.

This portion of the paper is taking exact fact finding from “Caledon Institute of Social Policy”, Statistic Canada and UFCW. It needs to be stated that a person would be disqualified to receive social safety network income assistance or wealth redistribution fund if s/he has not exhaust all resources.3 It is duty of a provincial government agency to make sure a recipient of social assistance has no source of income. Caledon Institute of Social Policy claims that “in 2012, welfare incomes for single employable households ranged from $7,037 or 35.9 percent of the after-tax poverty line in Manitoba to a ‘high’ of $10,813 or 65.2 percent in Newfoundland and Labrador.  Most of the other jurisdictions cluster around the lower rate.
Welfare incomes for single persons with disabilities, while low, were slightly higher, ranging from $9,640 or 49.2 percent of the poverty line in Manitoba to $13,773 or 70.3 percent in Ontario.
Alberta provides a separate program (AISH, for Assured Income for the Severely Handicapped) for persons with disabilities, which pays better than the standard welfare program for them.  In 2012, incomes of single persons on AISH came to $18,228 or 93.0 percent of the after-tax LICO, far higher than the $9,850 or 50.3 percent for persons with disabilities on standard welfare in Alberta.
For single-parent households with one child age 2, welfare incomes came to $15,018 or 63.0 percent of the poverty line in Manitoba and $20,811 or 103.2 percent of the after-tax LICO in Newfoundland and Labrador.  For two-parent families with two children, welfare incomes as a percentage of the poverty line ranged from $21,819 or 58.9 percent in Manitoba to $26,384 or 85.3 percent in Prince Edward Island.”4
The above numbers appear that recipients of income assistance are enjoying high quality of life. However, Statistic Canada reflects a dire light on individuals that they “After-tax low income cut-offs (1992 base) were determined from an analysis of the 1992 Family Expenditure Survey data. These income limits were selected on the basis that families with incomes below these limits usually spent 63.6% or more of their income on food, shelter and clothing. Low income cut-offs were differentiated by community size of residence and family size.”5 Furthermore, “According to the after-tax low income cut-offs, 3 million Canadians, or 8.8% of the population, lived in low income in 2011, unchanged from 2010. This compares with 3.4 million Canadians, or 11.2% of the population in 2001. About 571,000 children aged 17 and under, or 8.5% lived in low income in 2011, also unchanged from 2010. For children in lone-parent families headed by a woman, the incidence was 23.0%, while for children living in two-parent families, the incidence was 5.9%, both unchanged from 2010.

Among those living alone, about 199,000 seniors (14.9%) and 1.2 million persons under the age of 65 (32.3%) lived in low income in 2011, unchanged from 2010.”6

The UFCW asserts that child poverty is rose from 9.1% to 9.5% in 2009.7 In 2008, closed to 10 million Canadians were working, and in 2008 closed to 9 million people are working.8 The prospect of gaining employment is becoming harder for people.

Caledon Institute of Social Policy states that Poverty and disability are intrinsically linked. People with disabilities face disproportionately high rates of poverty because they are excluded from participation in the paid labour market and from communities, more generally. I believe that the first and most important step that we can take to tackle exclusion is to shift the way in which we understand the problem. Disability used to be understood in fairly narrow terms. It was seen as the shortcoming of the person who happened to have a particular functional limitation. This approach, referred to as the ‘medical model,’ typically views disability as a set of characteristics of the individual. A person is disabled or has a disability. The emerging social model, by contrast, views disability largely as the result of how well (or not) society accommodates impairment or limitations in function. When environments are adapted to individual need, the effects of a disability can change in severity – or even disappear altogether.”9

All above numbers are translated into invisible force which dictates a society. According to the United Way of Lower Mainland. “30% of the region's 6 year olds are not ready to learn by the time they enter school due to poverty and related factors. More than 27, 000 children under the age of 6 live in a low – income situation. Children living in poverty do not have adequate emotional support, stimulation or nutritious food. Failure to address developmental needs early in life can lead to increased crime and unemployment rates.”10

Karl Marx was absolutely right, when he said that the capitalist system would not hire certain individuals because they do not fit in their hiring policies. It can be gender, race, or socioeconomic factors. The religious institutions are last strongholds for individuals that they have nowhere to go. It is these religious institutions that they provide hope for people to avoid evil acts and moving toward righteous lifestyle. Thus, religious institutions play vital role with their nickles and dimes to keep a community healthy and vibrant. Those label givers to people who are suffering due to economic hardship need to shift their focus on white collar crimes that they go on notice. It is according to the Globe and Mail “More than a third of Canadian organizations say they’re victims of white-collar crime, according to a survey by PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP.
Yet the reported economic crime rate is consistently lower in Canada than in the rest of the world, PwC notes in a 32-page report to be released Monday.
Thirty-six per cent of Canadian organizations said they were hit by white-collar crime, compared with 37 per cent globally. The Canadian figure is up from 32 per cent in 2011, but significantly lower than in mid-2000s, when the response rate to a similar survey was more than 50 per cent.”11

The bottom line, it is really easy to walk away from others, and blame all misfortune of life on those individuals that they are unable to keep – up with face pace life. It is a difficult task to assist individuals day by day, and not knowing when it is going to end this vicious cycle of poverty. There is no doubt that God is asking us to stand – up for one another and not being ignorant to one another. Otherwise, we are being ignorant to one another.

Author: Peyman

End note:
1 Brooks, Stephen. “Canadian Democracy An Introduction”. 2nd edition. N.p.; Oxford University Press, 1996. 4. Print.
2 Brooks, Stephen. “Canadian Democracy An Introduction”. 2nd edition. N.p.; Oxford University Press, 1996. 4. Print.
3 Caledon Institute of Social Policy < http://www.caledoninst.org/Publications/Detail/?ID=1031 > 07 June 2014
4 Caledon Institute of Social Policy <http://www.caledoninst.org/Publications/Detail/?ID=1031> 07 June 2014
9 Caledon Institute of Social Policy <http://www.caledoninst.org/Publications/PDF/1038ENG.pdf> 07 June 2014
10 United Way <http://www.uwlm.ca/prevent#poverty> 07 June 2014

Monday, May 12, 2014

Why No White Person Sits Beside Me on the West Coast Express?

Kindly be advised that I am in process of writing my auto-biography and the materials are exposed in this blog are protected by 'Canadian Intellectual Property Office'. It means that these disclosed materials cannot be duplicated by others. It is my intellectual property.

Why No White Person Sits Beside Me on the West Coast Express?

There are two types of research methods, one is qualitative method and there is a quantitative method. The qualitative method is always under scrutiny because it does not produce numbers to support its claim. It is involved in interviewing people or observing people in a particular social setting. It gets rejected by scholars that there is a bias in this research. Academic field heavily rely on quantitative method. The research always produces numbers and there is a claim that it yields solid result. Now, there is a system of 'Randomized Controlled Trials’[1], it is known as gold standard. It is intended to produce incredible result by means of quantitative research method. There are scholars that they deem the above research method as hard science. In my view, it is a false statement that the qualitative method does not yield credible evidence. In fact, so called hard science discoveries were mostly based by accident like Dr. Alexander Fleming, who discovered penicillin by accident and there are countless scientific discoveries by accident. Here comes my story that I too made a discovery about hidden racism in Canada by accident.   One day, I was, on West Coast Express, commuting from XXX to XXX. I noticed people who were sitting beside me, they were not European origin. Their human appearances did not resemble to white Europeans. It did not bother me that I was sitting beside other race groups that they were not white. I was puzzled by this social phenomenon. I decided to take one more step forward and test my hypothesis that white people did not want to sit on a same table as with me on the West Coast Express.  On my way back from XXX to XXX, it was the same case, I noticed white people did not want to sit beside me, and they did not like sit beside other ethnic peoples. They like to sit beside other white people. The train was racially segregated. It reminded me of time, when I was residing in Toronto that how racism was wide spread. The flashback took me to the time, when, one day, I went to a hair salon to have a hair cut. The lady was cutting my hair asked me; what was my background? I told her “Iran”. She asked me if I watched the movie “Not without My Daughter”. I told her “no”. She began to ridicule me in front of others that Iranian men were abusive toward their wives, and I really feared for my safety, at this time, that this woman may cause physical harm on me; she was yelling and screaming at me that why Iranian men were hitting their wives? They were other patrons too who were looking at me. I knew that she envisaged me as a bad guy to these patrons. Once, she finished with her job, I paid her, and rushed out of the store and never went back there.

I was not entirely satisfied with my qualitative research method that racial segregation was taking place on the West Coast Express. I decided to run another test. I let a week passed by, and made sure I would use different time frame and different spot on the train in order to avoid bias in my research. Once again, it yielded same result. People were sitting beside each other base on their race and not sitting beside each other randomly. I was very shocked by my founding. I cannot remember it exactly what day.   There was one occasion that I was on the West Coast Express and sitting on the train, I was reading my book. A young lady with Anglo appearance came to the table that I was using. I stopped reading my book and just had a short glance at her who she was. All of sudden she left her seat. It reminded me of time, when I was in Toronto, I asked a girl to go out with me and she told me, she would not because I was a Muslim person and she watched the movie “Not without My Daughter”. I was really shocked by whole event. How does a movie relate to me? Should I start judging these people that they were natural born killers because they killed native people and stole their lands from them? I cannot do that. It is ethically and morally wrong.

I found freedom in higher education. The more I read books, the more I understood about troubles of my life. One day, I was at the sociology class and instructor was talking about Emile Durkheim's concept of oneness. This instructor was explaining that how external forces were shaping human behaviors, and there is concept of oneness that we try to act like each other not be shined in society. I asked her, would these people accept me for who I am? She told me “no”. She was right; particularly this was a homogenous society. They all came from same background, and there was zero tolerance toward others. On the surface appeared calm. However, there was turmoil from inside. People have compared me to Islamic laws, and made mockery of my accent. It left a deep pain in my heart. The pain was so deep that last time, I was with my doctor, and was talking about my feelings; it brought me down to my knees. How can I be related to Islamic laws, when I have been living in Canada since 1991? How can I stop my accent?

In short sentence, I cannot change my ascribed status, I was born with it. I also cannot change people the way they are. I only can hold on Canada's Constitutional Rights – section 27 that we live in a multicultural society. I need to say that not everyone is as shallow minded as the people that I encountered in my life. I also met handful of fine individuals that they were liberal minded. They treated me with respect and dignity and met some individuals that they were White Anglo Saxon Protestant (W.A.S.P) on the West Coast Express, they spoke with me and we had a good conversation. They knew that I was a human being with feelings and thoughts. How do you plan to leave your imprint on others?

[1]               Donaldson, Stewart, Christian A Christie. “What Counts as Credible Evidence in Applied Research and Evaluation Practice?”. N.p.: Sage, 2009.Print.