Justice for All

The Motto of the Theology State in Iran

The Motto of the Islamic Republic of Iran (IRI), it is better to be feared than to be loved. The IRI is using Iron Fist by utilizing Machiavelli doctrine of Fear, Fraud and Force to rule Iran.

Think Independently, and freely because you are a free person.

Friday, February 27, 2015

Six Quebec Students Joined ISIS

There is a question that why six Quebec students left Canada and went to the Middle East part of the world to join the Jihadist.

This blog is always advocating peace for everyone and does not endorse any form of violence against anyone. 

This blog has been expressing concern over wide spread of racism in Canada. It is a real threat to Canada's security. Once, people begin to feel alienated, they are deemed themselves as an outsider and would begin to seek venues that make them worthy of living. Today, the idea of being involved in a holy war against unjust, it becomes an appealing idea for anyone who is young and seeking  venues to have deep meaning in their lives.

As long as, Canada is allowing wide spread of racism, the individuals are recruiting people for jihad, they will successes.

Let's stop racism and let's stop violence.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

American's Social Science

Watching YouTube video clips and noticed that Americans did not know difference between liberalism, socialism and communism. They called anyone who favored universal health care as a liberal or socialist as if the liberal doctrine was same as socialism. 

1. Canada has a universal health care and everyone is benefiting from it. If a private sector begins to involve in it, it is designed to generate profit, and people's health would be compromised. This is the reason that most Americans cannot afford their private health insurances. At the same time, Canada's health care contribute to pan - Canada.
2. Liberalism is about equal opportunity and socialism is about equal condition.
3. Americans live in state of post liberalism which is called neo - liberalism. 
4. When Americans are saying, others are liberal, they are suggesting that they welcome tyranny in their political apparatus.  

It is time to read more social science books to understand this complex world.

What Are the Flaws in Sovereign State Ideology?

It is for quite sometimes that there are some individuals who are coming together and claiming that they are sovereign states and no longer need for them to abide by the rules due to old laws and old laws provides legal justification for them to act in a certain manner; such as, not paying taxes. It is the most absurd idea anyone can think of. The tax system is engineered to create pan - nation, sponsor local governments affairs so people would have clean running water, and sewer system is working and garbage would be disposed. Otherwise, there would be black plague running around and epidemic diseases would be killing people. 

Canadians are proud of the universal health care because everyone is benefiting from it, it is contributing to pan - Canada. 

It is true that politicians are being unreasonable in the past, they legislated laws that those laws served their interests. Now, it is time to people to organize themselves and by peaceful means to bring democratic change in the legislative buildings, and not other way around.

Let light rule all nations and not violence.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Harper urges swift passage of anti-terror bill, as NDP urges caution

Harper urges swift passage of anti-terror bill, as NDP urges caution



So why Stephen Harper does not want people examining this anti terror bill? 

مو از نوشابه و ساندیس و رانی / پسندُم آنچه روحانی پسنده!

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Fifty Shades Of Gray State [The Uncut Never Released Documentary]


I was looking online for something intellectual to watch on YouTube, and came across the above video clip. I found the video clip to be full of contradictions and did not make any sense whatsoever.

1. The people appeared in this video clip always accuse US Presidents as a Freemason or artists to be members of Freemason due to black and white checkerboard. In this video clip, you will see people are sitting around a table which has a black and white checkerboard!
2. One man says that people in accounting field of works would not be able to survive in future because they do not know how to survive on land. Now, let's respond to him, if that accountant is not working for a hydro company, there is no electricity and there is no Internet and no YouTube. How is this man going to spread his message to others?
3. The video clip encourages people not to pay taxes. How fire department would help people? Most importantly, sanitation department would not be around to keep cities clean and plague would spread around countries, and people would die from all sort of diseases.
4. The characters were promoting anarchy agenda. If there is no police, how can we have social order? If there is no court, how can we settle down our differences? 
5. Max Weber explains two important elements of society. One, we move from a mechanical society to an organic society. Last, a state has a prerogative right to use force to maintain social order.
6. Bearing an arm with intention of harming anyone is an act of violence, and a person to engage in such an act of violence must be brought before judicial system to face criminal code of that nation.
7. The man who made this movie was not killed by the US, he took his own life.

Saying no to violence.

Monday, February 16, 2015

Fifty Shades of Grey

There are people who opposed the "Fifty Shades of Grey" because it is promoting promiscuity.  There are individuals that they believe otherwise. This is the stand that this blog takes. The above video clip illustrates a sub - culture that defines sexual pleasure within framework of physical pain.
Therefore, it is a good movie that it advice people what they are getting into in this life style. The result of this life style may not be something that they expected. 

I was not planning to watch to movie, however, after all these negative statements, I am interested to watch it as a fashion to understand this sub - culture so that I treat them with respect and dignity.

Friday, February 06, 2015

Mr. Peabody & Sherman

Mr. Peabody and Sherman cartoon was very interesting to watch. The time of this film is great. It is a time that member of LGBTQ are trying to gain equal rights. Mr. Peabody is a dog who adopts a child and he is trying to teach his adopted son all resourceful skills. His son Sherman was teased at school because his father was a dog and the above idea resonated with current culture that how children whose parents are member of LGBTQ are teased at school. The above movie explained that how member of LGBTQ tend to be creative compare to others Leonard da Vinci, who was also member of LGBTQ. 

The movie ended as the law and everyone accepted Mr. Peabody as he was, and others accepted him as he was. 

The above movie had subliminal message that all is equal and accept everyone as they come.  

Control Film - 2004

Actor Ray Liotta played a role of a rotten person in movie "Control" and actor Willem Dafoe was trying to give a second chance to Mr. Liotta to change his life around and become a productive member of society. It was part of Liotta's character requirement to take a psychiatry medication in order to take step to ward recovery. However, Mr. Liotta's character had a past demons that they were trying to settle a score with him. There were several failed murder attempted on him. He tried to disassociate his past and get a job and have a family. However, his past was keeping walking closely with him. Liotta's character was feeling regretful for his past mistakes and was trying to correct his past mistake. Liotta could not run away from his past and was not allowing him to restart his life from scratch. The main point of the story was that, when he was a child, he witnessed how mom's boyfriend killed her, how society began to transform him into a monster that he was prior of medical treatment, and when he was receiving treatment he became a different person, a decent person, a person with ethic and morality. All he was having love, and kindness from people which made him a different person. Thus, share the love with others.

Wednesday, February 04, 2015

Harper's New Laws to Figh Back Terrorism

Recently, Harper's Government passed a law to fight terrorism. There are two aspects in these laws. One, it would prevent terrorist to make Canada an economic base, and last, it would allow the judicial system to persecute accused in absent.

Now, there is a constructive criticism of the above laws. In regard to number one, the Criminal Code of Canada section 80.0 persecute people for making Canada an economic base for terrorism. Particularly, it is number 83.03 covers area of terrorism in Canada. However, Rafsanjani owns highway 407 in Ontario and he is a terrorist. Thus, there is a law in effect but no one is enforcing it. In regard to last law that to persecute an accused person in her/his absent. Canada has a law of due process. It means an accused person is presumed innocent until proven guilty in an impartial court of law. How is it possible to hold someone accountable and responsible for her/his in her/his absent?

Tuesday, February 03, 2015

End of the Time is Upon Us

Watching news, and witnessing natural disaster occurrences are in rise in the west hemisphere while the eastern hemisphere is on fire due to superficial reasons.

The western side of the world is hearing sound of trumpet particularity in the regions that military decisions are made against other nations.

People have lost humanity in the east side of the world as they burn one another alive or behead one another at their behest as if God's actual command. 

There is a question to think about; is God happy the way we treat one another? Indeed, not. God is warning us through nature that God is mad at us the way with engage with one another.

I pray to mighty God to forgive me for what I have done wrong to others, and lead me to salvation so that I can gain access to God's paradise. I refrain from evil and follow God's word in my heart and action. 

I welcome others to share humanity and not hate to another. I welcome others as my brothers and sister and not my enemy as everyone is created by same God.
