Justice for All

The Motto of the Theology State in Iran

The Motto of the Islamic Republic of Iran (IRI), it is better to be feared than to be loved. The IRI is using Iron Fist by utilizing Machiavelli doctrine of Fear, Fraud and Force to rule Iran.

Think Independently, and freely because you are a free person.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

What would be Jesus’s Political Ideology?

Have you ever wonder what kind of political ideology Jesus would have? Would he be a conservative? Would he be a communist? Would he be a libertarian? Would he be a liberalist? It is important to look at the historical context of his life. He came to this world at the time, when Pax-Roman doctrine was ruling the region and people were treated as a slave. These people were taxed up to the necks and were facing injustice on a daily basis. There was absent of total civil-society and there was clear present of chaos.  The Hebrew regime was just a puppet regime of Rome. It did not have sovereignty of its own. Here comes a man, Jesus, with simple message of regime change within framework of civil-disobedience. Thus, Jesus was not a simple spiritual nurturer of people. He was going to up-root Roman Empire from Bethlehem, but his enemies hatched his plan and he failed to accomplish his goal of liberating Jewish people from tyranny of Roman Empire. The aim of this paper is to discuss political and historical context of Jesus and to examining current political ideologies of right and left side of political spectrum to see if Jesus would walk on right side of political spectrum or left side of political spectrum.

This portion of the paper is discussing epoch of Jesus as a man, who challenged conventional wisdom of society. It is clear to his Christian followers at any given historical moment that he is a man of honour and courage, who stood single handily against strong men of his time. These men were controlling political and legal institutions. They were able to determined future of a person as they did for Jesus. They were able to created doubt in public’s minds about his work and question integrity of his work. People were nothing but a slave without any rights. They were forced to engage in any humiliating work in order to satisfy their masters and were kicked around as they were no body. Here comes superhero of all times that he did not obey the rules, but he revolted against establishment and asked everyone to re-evaluate their belief system, and think rationally about what they want to do. Just imagine this significant historical moment a woman was about to be stoned to death, Jesus interfered and asked those individuals that “let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.”[1] Let’s ask this question from anyone. How many people are willing to stand-up for another person in this climate? Having experienced human cruelty first hand, it can be said confidently that majority of people would join gang bang violence, and would blame the whole mass on Crowd Mentality of Gustave Le Bon. The time that Jesus was living, it was not a friendly time. It was a time that people would hurt one another at any price. Thomas Hobbes in his book “Leviathan” depicted human life to be short, nasty, and brutish. People lived a short life and would harm one another. The time that Jesus lived was not any different than what Thomas Hobbes said.

This portion of the paper is discussing Jesus’s political ideology. The conservative ideology would go back to dawn of history, and Edmund Burk had written extensively about conservatism. He believed that a society had certain ideal values that they must be treasured, preserved and cherished by member of its community.[2] The conservative ideology was about maintaining status quote.[3] He was absolutely staunch defender of monarchy system and opposed the French Revolution of 1789.[4] Does the above definition make Jesus a conservative? Jesus was not trying to preserve any old tradition. He was against those old fashion values and was teaching new ideas to people that they were free agents; they were not bond to master and slave relation of Pax-Roman. They could decide for themselves that what was right or wrong.

The Liberal doctrine came to light, in 1700, as Adam Smith was discussing laissez-faire approach to economy.[5] It was trying to remove class barrier and inserting a new class of merchant that it was demanding equal opportunity.[6] It was questioning integrity of ascribed status that it was merit less, and achieved status as a new way to govern political, legal and economic affair of a nation.[7] It was the Liberal doctrine that ignited the French Revolution in 1789. The Liberal doctrine only brought wars and clash between owner of means of production and those who do not own means of production. It was until 1930s that John Maynard Keynes came with Welfare – Liberalism.[8] He introduced three principles for a government to survive a free market. 1) A government to be governed by democratic elements.[9] 2) A government provides social safety network for those who live below poverty line.[10] 3) The laissez-faire capitalism to be abandoned and replaced with John Maynard Keynes principles.[11] Otherwise, “that reliance on market forces could result in a permanent economic depression.”[12] It can be said confidently that Jesus would not be embracing a political economy of Liberalism which is favouring only the elite class of society. It disregarded vulnerable member of community. However, Jesus would embrace welfare – liberalism. Jesus has been very clear with people in 1 John 3: 17 “but whoso hath this world’s good, and seeth his brother have need, and shutteth up his boweld [of compassion] from him/how dwelleth the love of God in him?”[13]

It was during climate of Industrial Revolution of 1800 as farmers would leave land and would immigrate to the city to find a job in dirty factories. It is well document that children would clean chiming with their naked bodies, and at some point in future they were diagnosed with skin cancer. Furthermore, children, and adults were working in the factories over sixteen hours per day with no day of rest. The working condition was so bad that people would sustained injuries with no opportunity to survive harsh capitalist economic system.  It was in this epoch Max Weber published “The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism”. He explained that how religious institutions were justifying malice and cruelty of capitalism. Particularly, the Calvin faith explained that God had chosen people prior to birth to be destined to good life here and after life, and no one knew that s/he was chosen one or not. It was during this charged climate socialism emerged as a saviour of proletarians, and giving hope to people for better life. The most interesting part is Karl Marx and Frederick Engle “Communist Manifesto” of Proletarian Revolution as he was predicting that at some point in distance future workers will revolt and over throw the capitalist system. Karl Marx and Engle were not thinking any different that Jesus. They are seeking justice in present of injustice for vulnerable member of community. There is need for a caution. Historical recorded proven that communism is another form of capitalism, it favours proletarian elite, and Jesus never would associate with this individuals and would ask people to over throw this rotten system too.  Jesus would favour socialism, it is different than communism. The socialism has many different levels. Jesus would invite people to socialism, and wanted to see communities are reflecting current times, and not old fashion values.

Jesus would also accept Red – Tory doctrine that is a “description of those whose sympathy for collective public policy associated with state intervention in the economy and society seems to be based, not on liberal notions of equity or the egalitarian values of social democracy, but on a traditional conservative or Tory value of obligation inherit in a hierarchy society which is necessary for the preservation of the social order.”[14] Jesus would promote Red – Tory policies which were promoting social harmony in political arena in order to increase happiness in society. The Federal Government of Canada has equalization payment which is embedded in the Constitution Act of 1982 subsection 36(2) that it is a responsibility of the Federal Government to provide financial support to the poor provinces. The forefathers of Canada always thought about well being of others and were not self-center.

Therefore, Jesus has a political ideology and that would be left side of political spectrum. He never would be a conservative person and marginalizing people. He has a clear message to people for not being greedy and disregarding others. He says that do not worry about life, and God is with you at all time who will provide you for what you need.[15] It is also political economy context of time being, he can embrace Welfare – Liberalism, Red – Tory or one form of socialism that what people want, and how to be governed justly.

[2] Ball, Terrence, Richard Dagger, William Christian, Colin Campbell. “Political Ideologies and the Democratic Ideal.” 3rd ed. Pearson Toronto, Pearson Canada Inc., 2013.84. Print.
[3] Ball, Terrence, Richard Dagger, William Christian, Colin Campbell. “Political Ideologies and the Democratic Ideal.” 3rd ed. Pearson Toronto, Pearson Canada Inc., 2013.84. Print.
[4] Ball, Terrence, Richard Dagger, William Christian, Colin Campbell. “Political Ideologies and the Democratic Ideal.” 3rd ed. Pearson Toronto, Pearson Canada Inc., 2013.84. Print.
[5] Ball, Terrence, Richard Dagger, William Christian, Colin Campbell. “Political Ideologies and the Democratic Ideal.” 3rd ed. Pearson Toronto, Pearson Canada Inc., 2013.57. Print.
[6] Ball, Terrence, Richard Dagger, William Christian, Colin Campbell. “Political Ideologies and the Democratic Ideal.” 3rd ed. Pearson Toronto, Pearson Canada Inc., 2013.41. Print.
[7] Ball, Terrence, Richard Dagger, William Christian, Colin Campbell. “Political Ideologies and the Democratic Ideal.” 3rd ed. Pearson Toronto, Pearson Canada Inc., 2013.42. Print.
[8] Jackson, Robert, Doreen Jackson. “Canadian Government in Transition”. 5th ed. Pearson Toronto, Pearson Canada Inc., 2010.24.Print.
[9] Jackson, Robert, Doreen Jackson. “Canadian Government in Transition”. 5th ed. Pearson Toronto, Pearson Canada Inc., 2010.24.Print.
[10] Jackson, Robert, Doreen Jackson. “Canadian Government in Transition”. 5th ed. Pearson Toronto, Pearson Canada Inc., 2010.24.Print.
[11] Jackson, Robert, Doreen Jackson. “Canadian Government in Transition”. 5th ed. Pearson Toronto, Pearson Canada Inc., 2010.24.Print.
[12] Jackson, Robert, Doreen Jackson. “Canadian Government in Transition”. 5th ed. Pearson Toronto, Pearson Canada Inc., 2010.24.Print.
[14] McMeney, John. “The Language of Canadian Politics” Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 1995. 249.Print.