Justice for All

The Motto of the Theology State in Iran

The Motto of the Islamic Republic of Iran (IRI), it is better to be feared than to be loved. The IRI is using Iron Fist by utilizing Machiavelli doctrine of Fear, Fraud and Force to rule Iran.

Think Independently, and freely because you are a free person.

Friday, July 31, 2009

Carole James

Dear Friends,It’s hot out there, and I’m not talking about the record-breakingtemperatures in BC. Everywhere I go people are stopping me in the street totell me how upset they are about recent developments.How many of you remember the BC Liberals promising to run a big deficitwhile making deep cuts to health, education and other public services?And how many of you remember them promising to impose a $4 billion sales taxon everything from haircuts to funerals to movie tickets to airfare?I don’t remember it either._That’s because they chose not to tell us the truth._Just weeks after an election where they promised the deficit would be nolarger than $495 million, they’d protect health and education funding, andthey WOULD NOT impose a new Harmonized Sales Tax – they’re doing theopposite.The HST alone is going to cost British Columbians – you – a lot of money,just when families need a break._When it comes into effect in 2010, you’ll be paying a lot more_ forvitamins, food, meals at restaurants, funerals, real estate, theatretickets, renovations, school supplies, bicycles and more.It’s a regressive tax that makes it harder for families to make ends meet.And it’s going to kill jobs and hurt small businesses just when the BCeconomy needs a break.It’s another broken promise from a government that is more arrogant anduntrustworthy than ever.Gordon Campbell didn’t tell us the truth. He didn’t consult with the public.He simply hasn’t got a mandate to impose a tax that will cost consumers $4billion over three years.The HST will take effect on July 1, 2010. That gives us less than one yearto stop it._Here’s how we start: [1]sign my on line petition today._ Links: 1. http://www.bcndp.ca/hstpetitionIn the weeks to come, I’ll be doing everything I can to hold Campbellaccountable for this broken promise – and his broken promises about thedeficit and funding for important services like health and education.In the meantime, please take a few seconds to click this link and add yourname. If enough British Columbians speak out we can stop the HST.For years, governments of all stripes in BC have recognized the need toencourage environmentally responsible actions by giving tax breaks onbicycles and energy conservation equipment like insulation and solar powerequipment.But not this government. The BC Liberals want to wipe that out that legacyon July 1, 2010.Let’s not let them get away with it. [2]Please sign the petition today.\ Links: 2. http://www.bcndp.ca/hstpetition_Carole JamesLeader, BC New Democrats_

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