Justice for All

The Motto of the Theology State in Iran

The Motto of the Islamic Republic of Iran (IRI), it is better to be feared than to be loved. The IRI is using Iron Fist by utilizing Machiavelli doctrine of Fear, Fraud and Force to rule Iran.

Think Independently, and freely because you are a free person.

Monday, July 06, 2009

Silly Laws in Canada

I enjoy very much cold or warm weapons, and found the below Canadian laws to be silly like knife, hand gun, and so on. I like looking at them.


•automatic knives such as switchblades;
•centrifugal knives such as flick knives or butterfly knives;
•gravity knives;
•mace or pepper spray designed for use on humans;
•nunchaku sticks;
•shuriken (throwing stars);
•manrikigusari or kusari (fighting chains);
•finger rings with blades or other sharp objects projecting from the surface;
•Taser and stun guns shorter than 480 mm;
•crossbows designed for one-handed use;
•crossbows 500 mm or shorter;
•Constant Companion (belt-buckle knife);
•push daggers;
•devices shorter than 30 cm concealing a knife blade (e.g. knife-comb);
•spiked wristbands;
•Kiyoga or Steel Cobra batons (spring batons);
•spring-loaded rigid batons (triggered by a button or lever);
•morning stars; and
•brass knuckles.

Now, you can have your own version of the above weapons. You may have a battry between your fist and punch someone.

Shooting star can be done by having an oil lid, get three nails, and insert them in, and pour some lead in the lid. Now, you have your shooting star.

You want to have a Bruce Lee nuchuka, well get two pieces of woods, and connect them with metal.

Royal Canadian Mounted Police, I do not have the above weapons, but the above laws are silly. Anyone can make them just by putting some thought into it. If I had them, I would not be talking about them here. So, you would raid my home. If I get raid I will sue you guys, and the above picture is coming from the below weblink.


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