_The latest, and perhaps most disturbing bombshell_"The lengthy B.C. Rail corruption trial took a turn for the worse yesterdayfor Premier Gordon Campbell's Liberal government."The trial was rocked by a revelation that e-mails written by the premierwere ordered destroyed during the May election campaign."_- Ian Austin and Andy Ivens (The Province), July 17, 2009__Woodward and Bernstein would be all over this_"It sounds like something from the Watergate scandal, but tonight there areallegations of a cover-up and obstruction of justice in the highest levelsof our own provincial government."_- Pamela Martin (CTV), July 16, 2009__Kevin Falcon is all over this_"Memo to B.C. Liberals - get ready to choose a new leader. Because GordonCampbell may not finish this - his third term - courtesy of the B.C. Railscandal. And yes, dear listener, it is a scandal."_- Gord McDonald (The World Today, CKNW), July 16, 2009__Eight to one odds says Campbell tells the judge "Sorry, it's before thecourts"_"The destruction of e-mails of the office of Premier Gordon Campbell and thecabinet of British Columbia, which may have been relevant to a current courtcase, was remarkably incompetent for any central governmental institution..."The B.C. government now has an obligation to explain itself clearly andthoroughly."Now it has emerged that they were disposed of this past May, after fouryears, which most unfortunately was during the B.C. election campaign..."B.C. officials, perhaps including Mr. Campbell himself, may yet have togive live testimony in court to explain the actions of the defendants.Justice may still be done..."_- Editorial (Globe and Mail), July 17, 2009__But answering questions would mean being open and accountable_"The Premier keeps saying, ‘It's before the courts. It's before the courts.'But, there are some very serious questions that need to be answered becausethis is a violation-if these tapes have been erased, it's a violation ofgovernment policy. Who ordered that to happen? Where did the order comefrom? On what basis was the decision made? These are all questions thatgovernment has to answer. It's not a court question and yet Campbell keepshiding behind, ‘It's before the courts.'"_- John McComb (CKNW), July 17, 2009__Someone get CSI to do tests on the premier's well-worn ‘delete' key_"It would have to be negligence of a kind that's unbelievable. You'd have tobe virtually completely incapable of reading in order to carry out that kindof destruction, or, alternatively, there has to be some deliberate act, inmy view. That deliberate act could only have occurred, I believe, oninstructions from someone, and the question to the premier today is: whogave the order, when, and why would they give the order and particularly whywas any such order given during the course of an election campaign?"_- Murray Langdon (CFAX), July 16, 2009__It's nothing a tearful apology won't wash over_"We have made a list of the five biggest [scandals] and asked a politicalscientist to rate them from one to five..."And according to this political scientist [Dennis Pilon], of the fivescandals, the current [B.C. Rail corruption scandal] is potentially theworst of the worst..."So far there has been little political fallout. Stay tuned as that maychange."_- Marisa Thomas (Global TV), July 16, 2009__I'd love to answer, but ‘it's before the courts'_"How could anyone delete or approve deletion of anything relating to a casethat's before the courts?"_- Bill Good (Cutting Edge, CKNW), July 17, 2009__Emails? What emails?_"The fact that they actually were sent to a private company for the reasonsof being destroyed is a complete violation of policy."_- Keith Baldrey (Cutting Edge, CKNW), July 17, 2009__Government? What government?_"This government, in its culture, has shown a consistent contempt for thepublic's right to know about things they don't want the public to knowabout, and perhaps that culture is now catching up to them."_- Sean Holman (Cutting Edge, CKNW), July 17, 2009__Stinkbomb, Pt. 1_"This one stinks to high heaven."_- David Schreck (Capital Gang, CFAX), July 17, 2009__Stinkbomb, Pt. 2_"Something doesn't pass the smell test...I'll tell you that...Something herestinks."_- Michael Geoghan (Capital Gang, CFAX), July 17, 2009__Stinkbomb, Pt. 3_"E-mail Bomb Sets Off Massive Stink"_- Headline (The Province), July 17, 2009_==============================================You are receiving this because you subscribed to the BC NDP Newswire.
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