Freedom, Justice, Honor, Courage
July 09th, 2009
Dear Michael COREN:
RE: Prisoner of Tehran-King of Iran
I was on YouTube and was checking my account, and noticed your video clip so I click on the video clip to see what it was. Marina NEMAT was talking about her life experience prior 1979 fiasco in Iran. All of sudden you interrupted her, and told her that there was positive side about monarch of Iran, there was also secret police which kidnapped people.
1.SAVAK did not kidnap anyone. If you can prove it, kindly do so.
2.Toronto Police Services is always engaging in racial profiling and there is no consequences from any level of governments.
3.Toronto homelessness:
552,000 Toronto households have incomes below the poverty line
250,000 Toronto households pay more than 30 per cent of their incomes on rent
71,000 households are now on the municipal waiting list for affordable social housing, and
31,985 homeless individuals (including 4,779 children) stayed in a Toronto shelter at least once during 2002
4.Former Primer of Ontario Mike HARRIS blamed general strike of 1997 on Iranian communist.
5.There is pervasive abuse by all law enforcers like victim polish immigrant Robert Dziekanski.
6.Vancouver Police Department is working with organize crime.
1.How come MEK which was engaging in terrorism in Iran during reign of Pahlavi was a good guy and now it is bad guy?
2.How come Bin Laden is terrorist?
3.How come you do not talk about Canada's role in harboring terrorism for allowing Rafsanjani to have assets in Canada?
4.How come you Canadian enjoy seeing Iran suffer?
Answer to above question is all about oil. When His Imperial Majesty, Light of Aryan, King of Kings Mohammad Reza PAHLAVI said that He would not give oil to the Westerns, and would not renew the contract in 1979 than His Imperial Majesty was unwanted, and people like Michael COREN brought us Khomeini HENDI.
Long Live Pure Divine Motherland of Iran
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