_‘Eerie’ is the way the emails vanished - like magic, or sorcery_“The parallels with Watergate become more eerie by the day.”_- Gary Mason (Globe and Mail), July 21, 2009 __Except the Nixon tapes didn’t disappear in the middle of an election_“No kidding. From the eerie similarity of Rosemarie Hayes' first name tothat of Rose Mary Woods, Nixon's secretary who erased 18 minutes of secretWhite House tape recordings, to the fact that the provincial government'slawyer has now filed affidavits from Campbell's senior political staff, thewhole situation has an All The President's Men feeling about it.“In the original Watergate investigation, it was revealed in July 1973 thatNixon had secretly installed a taping system to automatically record allconversations in the White House. Watergate Special Prosecutor Archibald Coximmediately demanded the tapes be turned over to him.”_- Bill Tieleman (the Tyee), July 21, 2009__Does Campbell have a dog named Checkers?_“I half expect to see the premier go on TV soon and tell the people thathe’s not a crook, à la Richard Nixon. This is a very, very serious matter,and Mr. Campbell’s got to face it as that.”_- Rafe Mair (Monday Morning Quarterbacks – CKNW), July 20, 2009__Speaking of disappearing, there goes the last of Campbell’s credibility_“The loss of these documents is a serious problem for the B.C. Liberalgovernment, one that will plague Premier Gordon Campbell and his cabinetuntil the next election…“For years, the government has refused to comment on the B.C. Rail deal,arguing that it was before the courts. The apparent destruction of e-mailevidence makes a mockery of that stance.“Even dedicated Liberal supporters, who have stayed true to the party forthe past decade, should be shaken by the e-mail fiasco and pressing foranswers.”_- Editorial (Times Colonist), July 18, 2009__We’re sure the Campbell government has e-mailed the answers to thosequestions_“We also have a right to answers about the government's use and retention ofe-mails. Which ones are missing? Which ones are kept permanently? What isbeing retained now?“The government should answer those questions, and more. If it has nothingto hide, it should not hesitate to tell the people.“The public has a right to know what is going on.”_- Editorial (Nanaimo Daily News), July 20, 2009 __Whiteout is for amateurs: the Campbell Liberals are professional deleters_“Now one can see the workings of a government strategy here -- find anofficial scapegoat and blame the whole sorry mess on the blind vagaries ofbureaucratic process.“Don't buy it. The order to destroy thousands of highly sensitive governmente-mails didn't come from an empty suit with a pen -- someone with realauthority, perhaps someone elected, gave the order to pour Whiteout over theentire public record.”_- Editorial (Prince George Citizen), July 21, 2009 __They’re only silent because the truth would be so damning_“The bidding was rigged all along to ensure CN got B.C. Rail, the defencealleges. The government wanted Omnitrax kept involved to preserve theappearance of a real bidding process. (CP Rail had dropped out because itbelieved the bidding process was unfair; a partner bidding with Omnitrax hadpulled the plug for the same reason.)“And all of this, remember, after a promise by Campbell not to sell B.C.Rail.“It is a bizarre situation that two provincial elections have been heldsince the raids and allegations of corruption, with no answers for thepublic and only silence from the government.”_- Paul Willcocks (Times Colonist), July 22, 2009 _B_ecause if we didn’t laugh, we’d cry, here’s one wag’s ‘tech support’suggestions_“Try telling the judge you're rebooting anyway. No one knows what that meansand it might buy you some time. This case has been running for five years,so it's not like there's any sense of urgency.“Try playing the ‘we're searching the warehouse’ card. This has beensuccessful in the past. And the government has a lot of warehouses.“Jargon can also be helpful. ‘Somebody defragged the backup tapes, but thecorruption filter was inverted.’ They'll probably start snickering at theword corruption, but it might work.“The judge may also be receptive to the idea that your B.C. Rail e-mails gotmixed up with the Viagra pitches and the Nigerian correspondence. There'senough spam in the world that everyone can sympathize if you happen to getit mixed up.”_- Les Leyne (Times Colonist), July 18, 2009_On the Campbell government ignoring their election commitments_You can take it to the bank – just don’t try to cash it_“‘I can tell you this -- that the deficit for 2009-10 will be $495 millionmaximum,’ Campbell declared during the election campaign, in a statementthat merits equal prominence alongside the other don't-take-it-to-the-bankpronouncements of his political career. ‘A B.C. Liberal government will notsell or privatize BC Rail,’ for instance.”_- Vaughn Palmer (Vancouver Sun), July 21, 2009 __The government now believes they can have it all: higher deficits, brokenpromises and cuts to health care_“The government has decided that keeping the deficit small is more importantthan maintaining health care at the current level. People should limp longerwith their bad knees or wait longer for care."_- Paul WIllcocks (Prince George Citizen), July 18, 2009 __Which lie are we talking about? To protect health care? Not sell B.C. Rail?To be open and accountable?_“This government is in serious trouble Philip and it should be and they’rein trouble around trust and they’re in trouble around whether or not theywere honest with the voters before the election. I think on this one theywere – it was close to a lie.”_- Vaughn Palmer (CKNW), July 24, 2009__Ah, the promise that ‘harmonizing’ sales taxes will be good for you_“It's going to cost you quite a bit depending on what type of things, goodsand services you buy in your daily going around purchasing things. And thereason for this, Deb, is that a number of things we buy right now only theGST applies to it, that 5 per cent GST. A lot of things we purchase on adaily basis have been exempt from the sales tax, that 7 per cent sales tax.Now the two get combined. The things that were exempt before will no longerbe exempt starting next July.”_- Keith Baldrey (Global TV), July 23, 2009 __Not out of their minds, just out of touch_“Well, I think they’ve absolutely lost their minds if they expect—if theyexpect people to pay that sort of a tax. I don’t understand why thegovernment would do that to the housing economy seeing as housing is one ofthe staples of having a healthy economy as you can attest to by checking outwhat’s happened in the U.S.”_- Realtor Tom Everett (on CBC Radio), July 24, 2009 __… and most of the ammunition is coming directly from the B.C. Liberals_“The legislature is back in session next month Philip. I’m telling you theNDP are loaded for bear here. They’ve got a lot of ammunition to fire atthis government now.”_- Michael Smyth (CKNW), July 23, 2009_==============================================You are receiving this because you subscribed to the BC NDP Newswire.
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