Freedom, Justice, Honor, Courage
July 01st, 2009
Issue of July, 2009
1.Emotional Intelligence
2.Mir Hussein MOUSAVI = Islamic Republic in Iran
3.Clueless Iranian
4.Michael IGNATIEFF's Confession to Iranian
Emotional Intelligence:
On June 12th, 2009 the theocratic regime in Iran held another shamble election in Iran, as hopeful Iranian went to polling station and cast their votes for several candidates that these candidates were handpicked by the state of Islamic Republic in Iran.
During final count down of the election Mir Hussein MOUSAVI claimed that he won the election, and Mahmoud AHMADI NEZHAD claimed that he won the election, as the above situation between two candidates appeared as some kind of storm between them. It was during this heated moment Iranian inside of Iran decided to protest against the election's outcome because MOUSAVI was keep chanting that the election result was rigged.
It was during this moment Islamic Republic in Iran launched its iron fist at protesters with very high velocity, as protesters began to roll in their own blood in streets of major cities of Iran.
There would be a logical question that why so many Iranian decided to follow this deceptive theocratic regime in Iran. It had one simple answer that large portion of Iranian population did not develop emotional intelligence skills, which refers to “1) the ability to diagnose and recognize your own emotions, 2) the ability to control your own emotions, 3) the ability to recognize and diagnose the emotions displayed by others, and 4) the ability to respond appropriately to those emotional cues.”1
Therefore, Iranian would react to the situation and was not taking a step backward to think about whole dynamic of the situation in order to take progressive step toward the situation.
Mir Hussein MOUSAVI = Islamic Republic in Iran
In 1979, British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) provided Khomeini HENDI with means of communication to cause unrest in Iran. Khomeini was shouting behind BBC's microphone that when he would return to Iran, he would not execute anyone, and would move to city of Qom to continue his religious study, and when he came back to Iran with no feeling as he told the reports that he had no feelings for returning to Iran after 15 years of exile, he broke his promise and inaugurated Kangaroo Court, and ushered Imperial Iranian Armed Forces to slaughter houses. Once, Khomeini made sure there was no potential threat from the former army. Khomeini began to encourage everyone to talk about politics, and everyone was expressing their own point of view about political affairs of Iran. Once, Khomeini's henchmen identified left wing factions, the theocratic regime's henchmen apprehended as many as left wing factions, and murdered them in cold blood, and as usual ladies were raped by the element of Islamic Republic prior of their executions for two reasons. One, the regime considered these ladies as a war possession, and had all right to enjoy their possession, and last the regime's own Islamic doctrine gave permission to rape ladies prior their execution so they would not go to paradise.
Mir Hussein MOUSAVI, as a matter of fact, any mullah, plain clothes thug of the regime, Basij, Revolutionary Guard like Mohsen SAZEGARA, Akbar GANJI et, al... are rapist. The above entities earned respect of the regime, and were able to earn higher education or left Iran and now were residing in the West because they passed their loyalty test. Otherwise, the regime would not allow them to leave in Iran and betray the system of the theocratic regime in Iran. Coming to the point that Mir Hussein MOUSAVI was involved in murdering Iranian, and there were four questions to ask for oneself, when MOUSAVI pioneered Iran with blood of Iranian, how was he planing to change a system? Two, how was it possible for rapist and murderer like MOUSAVI to have sympathy for others? Three, how come the regime in Iran was murdering everyone at a blink of eye, and was allowing MOUSAVI to preach to people to revolt against establishment in Iran? And last, how come he asked seventy (70) university professors to meet and all the professors were apprehended by the authority except MOUSAVI?
The bottom line, Mir Hussein MOUSAVI is equal to Islamic Republic in Iran.
Clueless Iranian
YouTube, and Twitter social networks proven to be an effective tolls of mass communication during unrest in Iran, and the above social networks broke away from traditional medium that how public would be spoon fed with their own agendas. Interestingly, there were these television stations in Los Angeles like Channel One, Pars TV, Ariamehr International, as well as, other television stations in State of California. These television stations found new blood in their system as a result of June 12th, 2009 election. These television stations began to air YouTube video clips on their programs, and their staffs would appear before cameras, and were having crocodile tears in their eyes that people were dying in Iran, as they were asking for money from people. Most importantly, these individuals even could utter a few English word. Plus, these individuals were receiving fund from the US administration. So why should Iranian donate money to them? Well, it went back to concept of emotional intelligence which was lacking in Iranian.
Two points, Saeed SAKUIE and Shirin NESHAT were talking with Dr. Corsi and were asking for money from the US administration for their programs. What was very interesting that SAKUIE could not say English word strike to Corsi and asked NESHAT, and she could not say either. When these individuals were illiterate, how were they going to do any kind of help to people in Iran?
The most astonishing event happened when Shahram HOMAYOUN from Channel One, and from Pars TV Mehrdad PARSA began to receive phone calls from Iran, as some victims from Iran's prison were calling them, and were claiming that they were in prisons, and needed their help. A rational mind says one second please how was it possible for someone in dungeon of Islamic Republic in Iran to have access to a phone? There was the answer, after the phone call was finished Mehrdad PARSA and Shahram HOUMAYOUN were crying and were asking for money from public.
Let's be clear and crystal, these entities in the Los Angeles from A-Z have done nothing for past 30 years, what are they going to do anything different now? In past, these entities were saying that they knew element of the regime that they were working with them, and how come during June-2009 unrest their elements did not help Iranian to stop blood shed in Iran?
Just remember that these individuals like Shahram HOMAYOUN were so naïve that they took part in green, which was color of prophet Mohammad, and flagrant election of mullah in Iran.
Michael IGNATIEFF's Confession to Iranian
In June 2009 Michael IGNATIEFF appeared in Vancouver, B.C. and gave the following speech:
“This is a regime that has denied the reality of the Holocaust, that's attempted to develop nuclear weapons and long before the election we knew this was a regime with which we could not have normal relations,” he said. “Canada cannot abandon the people of Iran. We must keep our embassy open to help the injured and continue to call for open and transparent elections and democratic freedoms.”2
According to the above statement of him, he acknowledged that Canada long before had knowledge that the regime in Iran was building nuclear bombs and it had no civilian use than how come Canada was supplying the regime in Iran with nuclear materials to build bombs? There were more questions on horizon that why Rafsanjani and his families were allowed to have investment in Canada?
He was to some extend illiterate too because he was contradicting himself in the above statement. In one hand he says that we could not have normal relation with the regime in Iran, and from another hand, he wants to re-open Canada's embassy in Iran. So how was it possible to have not relation and to have relation by opening an embassy?
As a result, IGNATIEFF was not any different than any political party or his predecessor. He made the above speech with intention of the green light to the regime in Iran that he too was ready to speak with the regime in Iran in order to reform the system in Iran while Ahmad Reza TABRIZI (Iran Canada Business Council) were shoving money in his pocket. No thank you we Iranian do not need your help, we have 7000 years of history, and pushed and naturalized aggressors out of our land, and we are going to do it this time by ourselves. Take a hike.
Contributors are: Caesar WARRINGTON, Shannon H. Correspondent from Iraq, Steve F, former Imperial Iranian Armed Forces, Peyman Pawn
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