E-mail: immortalguardofiran@yahoo.com
Freedom, Justice, Honor, Courage
On line News for June-2009
The Dirty Dozen
Think Globally, Act Locally
Talking Trash
Movie Review
The Dirty Dozen
There were plenty of televisions, radio stations and websites that they appeared to be working toward emancipation of Iran, and each and everyone one of them were playing their own drums as it created this image in mind that there was this melody in the air that it did not have any tone into it. It was havoc and mayhem among all these televisions, radio stations and websites. They were working in such a disarray with each other as if the whole world was about to collapse. There was a logical reason for the televisions, radio stations, and websites to work in such a chaotic environment because the above entities like televisions, radio stations, and websites were owned by bunch of fossils, and they were “among the dirty dozen attributes is a “threat-rigidity” response in which people become conservative. They hunker down and become self-protective and increasingly rely on old, first learned habits and past behaviors. In reaction to a perceived threat, they do that which they know how to do best or that which has worked best in past. Despite new circumstances in which old behaviors may not be effective, there is an escalation commitment to habitual behavior. People consider fewer options, look for information that confirms their previous biases, and become more narrow-minded in their perspectives.”1
Kindly look at some of these fossils at televisions, radio stations, and websites. They were merely enforcing their own bias ideas about H. I. M Mohammad Reza PAHALAVI vs MUSSADIQ, Khomeini HENDI stole the 1979 Revolution from the left wing factions while the theocratic regime in Iran was plundering Iran's wealth, and was enjoying a free ride.
Let's forget the past, and move on with our lives, and secure future of Iran, there was not much which would be done for past mistake, but there was a bright future for Iranian which was waiting to be embrace. Last, these fossils were stuck in their own bias, and past experience and were self-promoting their own profile like little children look at me, look at me, I am coming from this type of family and so on.
Think Globally, Act Locally
Environmentalist groups have one common slogan which unites them globally in their cause toward environmental issues, as the environmentalist groups chant their slogan that they “think globally, act locally”. Now, Iranian who did not want the theocratic regime in reign in Iran, Iranian should incorporated the environmentalist's slogan in its cause by thinking globally and acting locally. There were many venues for Iranian to follow through the above slogan, and the key point was to paralyze the Islamic Republic in Iran's economy in order to make sure Revolutionary Guard, and other branch of security forces would lose their loyalty to the system, and would take side with Iranian in order to execute justice in Iran.
There was one way to paralyze economic of the theocratic regime in Iran, which was by imposing economic sanction on the regime, and Iranian really should not rely on any entity to do the job, but to take the initiative, and impose their own smart economic sanction against establishment in Iran. For example, recently, Justice for All tried to imposed sanction on the theocratic regime in Iran by drafting the below petition with good intention of not allowing the regime in Iran to transfer fund in Canada.
Other Iranian should develop their own strategy and charge at the establishment in Iran in order to execute justice in Iran, and must not wait for anyone to do anything. Be a leader, think globally and act locally. It is a key to bright future for Iran.
Talking Trash
This was life cycle of “Iranian Opposition”for toppling the Islamic Republic in Iran. This Iranian Opposition would form a team and would appear before camera as this team would make some outrageous promise and lie to their viewers like saying that this team has formulated a tactical operation in Iran to topple the regime. Of course, all Iranian were desperate, and were looking for a window of hope to open so Iran would be liberated from hands of mullah. This dream team began to move to next stage which was presenting a superheroes, and these superheroes would call themselves technocrat, elite of the society, think tank, and many more fancy and colorful words. It appeared that these individuals were on top of their studies, and seriously they were going to do it. This dream team moved to other logical stage which was to confirm it lies. This team would claim that the regime in Iran published some articles in the state media and it would be shown to everyone. This team would claim that they were determined to topple the regime in Iran and needed some cash from public to do it. Plus, this was registered under 503(1) charity and it was tax refundable. Now, everyone was all excited that the regime's demise was on horizon, it was about time to go back home. This team began to make more promise and lie to their members that how the regime in Iran did not have any stability and was about to fall down. As time passes by, it became clear that this team was like previous team, it did not have any juice into it. Now, it was time to exit for this team. It would begin to play blame game that how public did not support them in this national uprising, and if public would support them, the regime in Iran would be toppled at no time.
Fact, the US was providing funds to Iranian Opposition to keep Iranian busy while the regime in Iran would be threatening by bogyman of the US. The US was providing funds to Iranian Opposition because Iranian Oppositions was composed of disgruntle individuals toward Iran, and never would take any step toward freedom of Iran. For example, one television station was asking public to come out of their homes another television station was saying exactly opposite of other one.
Movie Review
Narrator: H. Schneider
Movie: The Lucky Ones
The movie combines the well established road movie genre with the more recent 'returners from Iraq' genre. It is a comedy that makes light of personal tragedies and does it gracefully. I watched it in a 'combi pack' with 'Stop Loss', the much more serious film about soldiers who are forced to return to the front after their contracted term has expired.
In The Lucky Ones, Robbins is a sergeant who has completed his term and who looks forward to return to wife and teenage son. Pena and McAdams are on a 30 days home leave. The three get accidentally grouped together for a car trip from New York to Las Vegas and experience the difficulties of outsiders in an ambiguous situation. None of them has stable social circumstances, as even the Robbins character finds out to his shock. Their social backgrounds are quite divergent. They are variously feted as war heroes or attacked by the home crowd for being either too stupid to stay away from trouble or too luke warm about the war effort itself. The backseat drivers in middle American require heroic attitudes, not a statement that survival is a soldier's main objective.
This is the kind of movie that discusses problems without indoctrinating you.
Thank you
Long Live Pure Divine Motherland of Iran
Contributors are Caesar, Shannon, Steve F, Infantry Officer/Vanguard & Military Tribunal Judge, and Peyman
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