Justice for All
E-mail: immortalguardofiran@yahoo.com

Freedom, Justice, Honor, Courage
Wednesday May 06th, 2009
Imperial Iranian Armed Forces-Martial Arts
Paratrooper of Imperial Iranian Armed Forces went to Germany, and learned art of Judo from the German's army as Judo became a trade mark in the Imperial Iranian Armed Forces. In 1341 or 1342 solar calendar of Iran, there was a turning point in Imperial Iranian Armed Force's melee training, when His Imperial Majesty, Light of Aryan, King of Kings Mohammad Reza PAHLAVI I was reading one foreign newspaper, and noticed on the paper one Iranian name Farhad VARASTEH, who earned his black belt in Karate {combat with empty hand} in the United States of America.
His Imperial Majesty asked His French tutor Dr. VARASTEH that if the person in the paper was related to him. Dr. VARASTEH told His Imperial Majesty that indeed it was his son in the paper. His Imperial Majesty offered Farhad VARASTEH job opportunity as His personal body guard. Most importantly, Farhad VARASTEH earned his doctoral in field of political science, he had a mind and body to think, and not just his body.
Dr. Farhad VARASTEH came to Iran, and worked as His Imperial Majesty's body guard. In addition, Dr. Farhad VARASTEH commenced to train Imperial Iranian Armed Forces in field of Karate, and first recruit came from the Imperial Iranian Armed Forces, and these individuals were hand picked among officers, and sergeants {in Iran just foot soldiers would not be commission} First-Guard Brigade {Lashgar Guard Ik} in Tehran. As these individuals learned art of Karate, they transmitted knowledge and wisdom of Karate to other department of the Imperial Iranian Armed Forces.
Last note, Dr. Farhad VARASTEH developed his own style of Karate which was Kanzen Ryu.
Thank you
Long Live Pure Divine Motherland of Iran
Former Infantry Officer/Vanguard & Military Tribunal Judge
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