New World Order is a system which is perpetuating itself throughout
history by different means. Not going far from world history. During
Cold War the world was divided between former Soviet Union and the
US. As each nation had a worldly vision on how effectively to manage
a nation's political-economy. The former Soviet Union created Eastern
block and the US created the Western block. The Eastern block adopted
and implemented communist economic system as only true way to manage
political-economy of a nation under supervision of the former Soviet
Union. On the other hand, the Western block adopted and implemented
capitalist economic system as only true version to manage
political-economy of a nation under supervision of the US. In
addition, the former Soviet Union was concern of spread of capitalism
in its frontier, and natural environment of international relations
was in state of anarchy. This presence of anarchy created a sense of
insecurity in the former Soviet Union to form military alliances with
Eastern European nations under banner of Warsaw Pact. The US also
needed to have military presence in the Europe. It formed military
alliances with the Western European nations under banner of North
Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). The above military entities
created balance of power between East and West.
again the New World Order reinvented itself as the former Soviet
Union collapsed which was a source of inspiration for the Eastern
European nations to remain communist. The collapse of the former
Soviet Union also triggered a domino effect of disintegration of the
former Soviet Union. The former Soviet Union was divided among
several states as each state formed its own republic. Currently,
region of Central Asia has four republics Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan,
Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan. Since 1990's, the above republics are
playing key security role for the former Soviet Union or today's
Russia as well as China. The above republics are sharing border with
Russia and China. The above nations several months prior to 9/11
occurrence in the New York, they signed treaty of Shanghai
Cooperation Organization (SCO) to combat three evils of terrorism,
extremism, and separatism.1
The US deems the SCO as another version of the Warsaw Pact,2
and the US deems the SCO as an illegitimate organization because the
above states did not adopt liberal democracy and the SCO is not
following democratic process.3
Once, again the world is divided between East and West that how a
state should manage its domestic affairs. Interestingly, the US is
fighting terrorism post 9/11 which is same critical issue for
integral stability of Russia and China. Canada is also concern about
post 9/11 and is supporting the US foreign policy on War on Terror.
The aim of this paper is to examining the reason for the existing of
the SCO, to explore the US involvement on global scale to combat
terrorism, and drafting a constructive criticism for the paper of
Paul H. Chapin.
portion of the paper is examining the reason for the existing of the
SCO as an instrument to create security in a manner to combat three
evils of terrorism, extremism, and separatism. In addition, the issue
of security is crossing national boundaries.4
There is need for states to collaborate with one another to preserve
their national integrity. 5
The SCO formed Regional Anti-Terrorist Structure (RATS) which does
not have military intention.6
The RATS task is to gather local information and share those
information with other states which are part of the SCO.7
The RATS do not pose any threat to any state's security.8
There is a claim that the RATS has been successful to ensure
stability in the region by apprehending individuals who pose threat
to national security like Uighurs was apprehended by Kazakhstan
authority and was extradited to China due to act of terrorism.9
In addition, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, and Kyrgyzstan agreed to assist
China to prevent Xinjiang from separating from China.10
There is a voice of critic that the RATS was not able to combat
Islamic terrorism in Afghanistan.11
The RATS is not seem as an effective system to provide security in
the region because the power elite of the states are facing regime
security challenges to their rules and there is ineffective
institutions in the states which are making state security weak to
internal factors. Ayoob reflected light on the Third World state that
the Third World states did not fully develop liberal democracy,12
and it was at infancy stage.13
There is a problem with Ayoob's view about the Third World states
for being behind the Western nation's liberal democracy. Ayoob needs
to consider that the Third World nations were not fully democratic
and remained as a weak states because the West continuously is
seeking means to keep them as a developing nations. Walter Rodney in
his book “How Europe Underdeveloped Africa”
explained how he European nations colonized African nations and
humanitarian aides did not assist African nations to become develop.
Furthermore, in 1906, Morgan Shuster came to Iran during
Constitutional Revolution to restructure Iran's finance. However, he
could not do it because England and Russia were interfering in Iran's
domestic affairs. He was forced to leave in Iran. In his book “The
Strangling of Persia” he was optimistic
that Iran, recently, entered in realm of foreign politics and at some
point in future in would be able to play art of international
relations. His optimism for a bright future of Iran or any developing
nations would be short lived. The West nations have Think Tanks that
they are constantly drafting recommendations to the politicians to
oust head of states of developing nations so that these nations would
always remain as weak states; such as, New American Century which
drafted “Rebuilding America's Defenses” back in 1998 to topple
head of states of Syria, Iran, and Libya. Consequently, there is
always an on-going violence in developing nations and never would be
able to have regime security and state security.
portion of the paper is exploring the US involvement on global scale
to combat terrorism. The US is concern with spill-over of the
violence in East Asia and the Middle Eastern countries.14
Therefore, the West become vulnerable and unstable to spill-over
which is providing for the US and the West to interfere in domestic
affairs of the developing nations in the Asia and the Middle East.15
Robert Dover paper “Towards a Common EU
Immigration Policy: a Securitization Too Far”
claimed that African nations have not adopt liberal democracy system
which is causing the African nations to remain as weak states. In
addition, there is a political and economic legacy between African
nations and European nations. The European nations are selling
weapons to the African nations illegally which is contribute to death
and destruction in African nations. In return, the European nations
are infected with illicit drugs, and money laundry. Most importantly,
African immigrants are becoming burden on the European social
to the Globe and Mail reported Al-Qaeda was not deter by the French
Foreign Legion (FFL) presence in Mali.16
It was true that the FFL liberated Gao from the Al-Qaeda. However,
the Al-Qaeda was able to control outskirt of the Gao, and Mali army
was too weak against the Al-Qaeda. Obviously, there is a question
that how this Al-Qaeda is able to finance and receive arms from
outside of Mali? There is a possibility for civilians to leave their
homeland and immigrate to European nations. Since, these newcomers
did not have work skills relevant to their new homes. They may rely
on the social safety network as a means to support themselves. It may
trigger racism in Europe and legislating laws against newcomers.
portion of the paper is drafting a constructive criticism for the
paper of Paul H. Chapin. The paper is praising Conservative Party of
Canada's role on foreign policy, and it is regarding Liberal Party's
foreign policy to invite terrorism in Canada. The paper claimed that
Trudeau's foreign policy developed economic ties with Russia, China,
Latin America, Africa and Asia. The Canadian Armed Forces played
peace mission role. However, Mr. Chapin praised the Conservative
government of Brian Mulroney for applying realpolitik in the realm of
international relations. The realpolitik means Canada was applying
political-realism to its doctrine to interact with other nations.
Since, Canada has only border with the US, it would not be so wise to
challenge the US. It would be also naïve to assume since Canada did
not share border with other nations, it was safe from land attack.
The author began to glorify death of Canadian soldiers in Korea. He
claimed that Canada deployed 25, 600 forces, 1609 of them died and
406 of them went missing. The author dislike the Liberal Party's
approach on military expedition at times of crisis. He stated that
from 1992 to 2004 40, 000 Canadian soldiers were deployed in
Bosnia-Herzegovina as peacekeeping mission. The human loss was 23
individuals. This author needs to compare Korean War with
Bosnian-Herzegovina peacekeeping mission. In addition, Canada has an
image of peace keeper not a war monger. If this author truly love
war, he needs stop writing about glory of death and destruction, and
holds an assault rifle and goes to a combat zone. Soon, he will see
for himself that war is about life and death, it is unlike paper cut
on his soft fingers. Plus, today Canada played combat role in
Afghanistan, it claimed 158 lives.17
Mr. Chapin needs to look at mothers, fathers, and sibling who are
still grieving with death of their loved one in the Afghanistan. It
is always easy to say to others go and die, but it is not easy for a
person to put her/his life in harm way. The author claimed that the
mission in Afghanistan had to magnify notion of Jihad, Islamist or
Al-Qaede. The religious decree of issuing a Jihad is very difficult
one. To issue a Jihad, it requires a cleric with high credential to
issue a Jihad. No religious figure ever declare holy war in
Afghanistan. Dr. Ron Dart recommended “The
Power of Nightmare” movie which illustrated
Al-Qaede to be nothing, but an empty nest. It did not have sleeping
cell and did not pose any kind of real threat to world safety and
author's paper was an open book for criticism, and did not do any
kind of research to present facts, except his personal view on
Canada's role as a military police to execute law and order
regardless how many soldiers will die. He claimed Alan Borovoy “in
Canada we don't ban demonstrations, we re-route them.” There are
countless times that Canadian police used unnecessary forces to
during peaceful protest. In 2000, when Ontario Coalition Against
Poverty held a protest by the Queen's Park against Conservative
premier of Ontario Mike Harris for eroding social safety network. The
protestors were attacked by the Toronto Police Services.18
In addition, the CBC aired a program in regard to G20 Summit in
Toronto that how the law enforcers were making arbitrary arrest and
were using excessive forces against protestors.19
The above evidences that does not support enthusiasm of Mr. Chapin.
bottom line, the text book as well as the reading materials are
having propaganda nature. They are supporting value and wisdom of the
West. These materials are not provoking intellectually and trying to
push the envelop. These papers are claiming the right course of
action is by adopting the Western values which is liberal democracy.
These papers failed to illustrate how Western think tanks as a source
of unrest in the East as well as around the world. These papers are
claiming that the West is truly concern with terrorism. However, the
West did not take any step to collaborate with the SCO to fight
terrorism. The West simply claims that the SCO is another Warsaw
Pact. The Western thinkers need to change their seats and look at the
issues from real life situation and would see that the world which is
turning around the sun and earth is not flat. Perhaps, another issue
would be how the West is controlling the space and needs to stop
spying on other developing nations so they too can be prosperous.
Aris “Shanghai Cooperation Organizations:'Tackling the Three
Evils'. A Regional Response to Non-Traditional Security Challenges
or an Anti Western Bloc? European-Asia Studies 61(3) May 2009 pp
Aris “Shanghai Cooperation Organizations:'Tackling the Three
Evils'. A Regional Response to Non-Traditional Security Challenges
or an Anti Western Bloc? European-Asia Studies 61(3) May 2009 pp
Aris “Shanghai Cooperation Organizations:'Tackling the Three
Evils'. A Regional Response to Non-Traditional Security Challenges
or an Anti Western Bloc? European-Asia Studies 61(3) May 2009 pp
Aris “Shanghai Cooperation Organizations:'Tackling the Three
Evils'. A Regional Response to Non-Traditional Security Challenges
or an Anti Western Bloc? European-Asia Studies 61(3) May 2009 pp
Aris “Shanghai Cooperation Organizations:'Tackling the Three
Evils'. A Regional Response to Non-Traditional Security Challenges
or an Anti Western Bloc? European-Asia Studies 61(3) May 2009 pp
Aris “Shanghai Cooperation Organizations:'Tackling the Three
Evils'. A Regional Response to Non-Traditional Security Challenges
or an Anti Western Bloc? European-Asia Studies 61(3) May 2009 pp
Aris “Shanghai Cooperation Organizations:'Tackling the Three
Evils'. A Regional Response to Non-Traditional Security Challenges
or an Anti Western Bloc? European-Asia Studies 61(3) May 2009 pp
Aris “Shanghai Cooperation Organizations:'Tackling the Three
Evils'. A Regional Response to Non-Traditional Security Challenges
or an Anti Western Bloc? European-Asia Studies 61(3) May 2009 pp
Aris “Shanghai Cooperation Organizations:'Tackling the Three
Evils'. A Regional Response to Non-Traditional Security Challenges
or an Anti Western Bloc? European-Asia Studies 61(3) May 2009 pp
Aris “Shanghai Cooperation Organizations:'Tackling the Three
Evils'. A Regional Response to Non-Traditional Security Challenges
or an Anti Western Bloc? European-Asia Studies 61(3) May 2009 pp
Aris “Shanghai Cooperation Organizations:'Tackling the Three
Evils'. A Regional Response to Non-Traditional Security Challenges
or an Anti Western Bloc? European-Asia Studies 61(3) May 2009 pp
Aris “Shanghai Cooperation Organizations:'Tackling the Three
Evils'. A Regional Response to Non-Traditional Security Challenges
or an Anti Western Bloc? European-Asia Studies 61(3) May 2009 pp
Aris “Shanghai Cooperation Organizations:'Tackling the Three
Evils'. A Regional Response to Non-Traditional Security Challenges
or an Anti Western Bloc? European-Asia Studies 61(3) May 2009 pp
Peters “The West Against the Rest Geopolitics after the End of the
Cold War Geopolitics 4(3) Winter 1999 pp.29-46
Peters “The West Against the Rest Geopolitics after the End of the
Cold War Geopolitics 4(3) Winter 1999 pp.29-46
Globe and Mail Islamist push back into Gao
11 February 2013
31 October 2011
11 February 2013
10 November 2000
11 February 2013
11 February 2013
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