Justice for All

The Motto of the Theology State in Iran

The Motto of the Islamic Republic of Iran (IRI), it is better to be feared than to be loved. The IRI is using Iron Fist by utilizing Machiavelli doctrine of Fear, Fraud and Force to rule Iran.

Think Independently, and freely because you are a free person.

Wednesday, December 02, 2009

The Justice for All Strategic Planning

All It Takes for Evil to triumph is for Good wo/men to do Nothing; Edmund Burke
Dr. Carter McNamara defined strategic planning as a way of determining “where an organization is going over the next year or more, how it's going to get there and how it'll know if it got there or not. The focus of a strategic plan is usually on the entire organization.”1 There were several models for developing a strategic planning for an organization which is correlated to the organization's nature; such as, “leadership, culture of the organization, complexity of the organization's environment, size of the organization, expertise of planners.”2 Moreover, there were several models of strategic planning like “goals-based, issues-based, organic, scenario. Goals-based planning is probably the most common and starts with focus on the organization's mission (and vision and/or values), goals to work toward the mission, strategies to achieve the goals, and action planning (who will do what and by when). Issues-based strategic planning often starts by examining issues facing the organization, strategies to address those issues, and action plans. Organic strategic planning might start by articulating the organization's vision and values and then action plans to achieve the vision while adhering to those values. Some planners prefer a particular approach to planning. Some plans are scoped to one year, many to three years, and some to five to ten years into the future. Some plans include only top-level information and no action plans.”3 The Justice for All's strategic model was goals-based planning which had a mission statement, and goals were geared toward the mission statement of the Justice for All. The aim of this paper is to discuss situation analysis of the Justice for All, who were key stakeholders, developed strategies for achieving each objective, implementing and action plan, staffing and budget, and how to monitor the project.
Situation Analysis:
This portion of the paper was discussing situation analysis of the Justice for All by relying on formula of SWOC {Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, and Challenge} in order to conduct environmental scanning of the Justice for All. The “SWOC analysis clarifies the nature of these tensions by juxtaposing two fundamental dimensions of existence-good and bad-as well as two temporal dimensions-present and future. A SWOC analysis in conjunction with an understanding of stakeholders, key success factors, and distinctive competencies clarifies the organizational tensions that arise when trends and events juxtapose concerns for equity, productivity, preservation, and change.”4
The Justice for All was able to create public awareness with regard to human rights violation in Iran by using YouTube, and Blog systems from 2006 to 2009.
The Justice for All published several books that how Canadian Government and the regime in Iran were involved in economic trades from 2006 to 2009.
Drafted a manifesto in order to envision a bright and prosperous future for Iran under concept of “justice”.
There was a problem with recruiting members for the Justice for All in the province of British Columbia because individuals were lacking vision for emancipation of Iran.
There was a problem with registering the Justice for All as a non-profit organization in the B.C., so that the Justice for All would be recognized by the Government of Canada as one legitimate organization because the Justice for All did not have four members in the province of B.C. Consequently, the Justice for All was unable to apply effective pressure on the Government of Canada that it would comply the Government of Canada and the regime in Iran to reduce degree of economic, as well as, political relations.
There were different political factions that they were divided over past grievances which were causing them not to focus on immediate task at hand as they were arguing with each other over past issues.
Working toward one book which was illustrating how the Government of Canada was allowing the regime in Iran to have investments in Canada while those investments were contrary to criminal code of Canada.
Office of the Information Commissioner of Canada may assist the Justice for All to identify the theocratic regime's investments in Canada.
Drafted one petition on line, and will submit the petition to the International Court of Justice in order to apply pressure on the Government of Canada to reduce degree of economic and political relations with the regime in Iran.
The Justice for All was preparing evidences so that it would submit those evidences to the Transparency International Organization that how the Government of Canada was allowing the regime in Iran to have investments in Canada while those investments in Canada were depriving Iranians from basic necessity of life.
To identify all assets of the clerics of Iran in Canada.
The Government of Canada had a policy of Alternative Service Delivery; such as, Build-Own-Operate-Transfer. In this case, a private sector would build a project, and would manage it for a certain time frame, and eventually this project's ownership would be transferred to the Government of Canada.5 It would be likely that the Government of Canada would follow the above suit in order to conceal assets of the theocratic regime in Canada.
Working toward unity among different political factions by providing examples that division among different factions was providing opportunity to the regime in Iran to last longer. Particularly over issue of 1953 Coup in Iran.
The mass media was not interested to report about assets of the clerics in Canada.
Applying Karl Marx theory of “Proletarian Revolution” in Iran by cutting off all forms of economic trades with the regime in Iran.
Key Stakeholders:
This portion of the paper was discussing concept of key stakeholders. The text book defined stakeholder “as any person, group, or organization that can place a claim on an organization's attention, resources, or output or that is affected by that output.”6 In addition, there was, “this grid arrays stakeholders on a two-by-two matrix where the dimensions are the stakeholder's interest in the organization or issue at hand and the stakeholder's power to affect the organization's or issue's future. Four categories of stakeholders result: players, who have both an interest and significant power; subject, who have an interest but little power; context setters, who have power but little direct interest; and members of the crowd, who are stakeholders with little interest or power.”7 The “stakeholder analysis are critical because the key success in the public and nonprofit sectors-and the private sector too for that matter-is the satisfaction of key stakeholders. If an organization does not know who its stakeholders are, what criteria they use to judge the organization, and how the organization is performing against those criteria, there is little likelihood that the organization will know what it should do to satisfy those stakeholders.”8 The idea was to identify certain individuals that how supportive these individuals were with the Justice for All's mission statement.9
1.The Government of Canada was supportive of the regime in Iran because the Government of Canada was making financial gain from the clerics' investments in Canada; such as, creating jobs in Canada.
2.The Government of Canada was not supportive of the Justice for All, as a matter of fact, the Government of Canada would explore venues to block the Justice for All to identify assets of the clerics in Canada.
3.The regime in Iran was extremely dangerous, and would pose danger to safety and security of the Justice for All. Also, it would be impossible to open any channel of dialogue with some elements of the regime in Iran in order to expose the assets of the mullahs in Canada.
4.If the Office of the Information Commissioner of Canada would follow its mandate and would assist the Justice for All to identify assets of the mullahs in Canada, the Justice for All would be able to reduce degree of economic relation between the Government of Canada and the regime in Iran.
5.Iranian dissidents were lacking vision for emancipation of Iran due to past grievances; such as, 1953 Coup in Iran. As a result, it would be vital to mediate over past issues, and mobilize Iranians toward one common cause like conforming the Government of Canad to disclose all assets of the mullahs in Canada, and the Government of Canada to stop its relation with the regime in Iran. Plus, the Government of Canada would freeze all the assets of the mullahs in Canada, and would not allow the mullahs to make Canada as an economic nest.
Strategic Planning for Achieving Each Objectives:
This portion of the paper was discussing concept of strategic planning which “is to develop a clear and succinct description of what the organization should look like as it successfully implements its strategies, achieve its full potential, and creates significant public value,”10 and “mandates, mission, and values indicate the public value the organization will create and provide the social justification and legitimacy on which the organization's existence depends.”11 The mandate define preexisting of “an organization can define its mission and values, it must know exactly what it is formally and informally required to do by external authorities.” The mission statement “clarifies an organization's purpose, or why it should be doing what it does; vision clarifies what it should look like, and how it should be have as it fulfills its mission.”12 The value statement would be defining an organization's philosophy and culture.13
The Justice for All needed to formulate a “mission statement” which would be appealing to public and would explain to public that why the Justice for All exist, and what it was trying to accomplish. Hence, the Justice for All developed a mission statement that it was “committed to the protection, and enhancement of the quality of life for all members of our community through service function and expressive function that comes from education and from promoting and upholding good political, social and economic standards and practices.”14 The Justice for All would like to reach to public by providing educational programs with regard to human rights violation in Iran. Also, the Justice for All developed a vision value which would define the Justice for All as a “grassroot movement” by empowering vulnerable members of its community, and creating a vibrant and healthy network beyond boundary of Canada by publishing books, articles, researched papers, video clips, films, and requesting from international communities to assist the vulnerable members to overcome their barriers in order to execute justice to those individuals whom are victims of injustice.”15 Last, the Justice for All developed a value statement that the Justice for All was “working with its community by providing proper education in its community about injustice which is taking place in Iran, and with will of Iranian to seek justice in Iran by putting aside political ideologies, past grievances, and focusing on unity among diversity of ideas, belief systems, and backgrounds.”16
The Justice for All goals:
1.Providing public education with regard to human rights violation in Iran.
2.Convincing different Iranian political factions to put aside their past grievances. Particularly over issue of 1953 Coup in Iran.
3. Mobilizing Iranians toward one common goal in order to emancipate Iran from the current establishment in Iran.
Implementing and Action Plan:
This portion of the paper was discussing how to implement an action plan for the Justice for All. The Justice for All needed to create a strategic planning “which can produce significant value-especially in terms of building intellectual, human, social, political, and civic capital-but that is not enough.”17 “The most important outcome that leaders, managers, and planners should aim for in this step is added public value resulting from greater achievement of the organization's goals and heightened stakeholder satisfaction.”18 In addition, “the second subordinate outcome is the development of a clear understanding by implementers of what needs to be done and when, why, and by whom.”19 There was “a third subordinate outcome is the use of a debugging process to identify and fix difficulties that almost inevitably arise as a new solution is put in place.”20 There was a “fourth, successful implementation is also likely to include summative evaluations, to find out whether strategic goals have actually achieved once strategies are fully implemented.”21 Last, there was “a fifth subordinate desired outcome is retention of important features of the adopted strategies and plans. As situations change and different actors become involved, implementation can become a kind of moving target.”22
Action Taken:
1.The Justice for All decided to publish one book each year in order to raise awareness about poor human rights record of the regime in Iran. Since 2006, the Justice for All has published one book each year in order to raise awareness about human rights violation in Iran.
2.In 2006, the Justice for All commenced to check archives of CIA and other government agencies' archives to prove that the CIA did not orchestra the 1953 Coup in Iran. In 2008, the Justice for All discovered three CIA documents with regard to the 1953 Coup that the CIA did not have involvement in the 1953 Coup in Iran. The three documents were submitted to Crown Prince Reza Cyrus PAHLAVI Heir to Throne of Iran. Thus, Crown Prince PAHLAVI would weigh how to apply the above CIA documents. In addition, the Justice for All posted the CIA documents on the blog.
3.In 2006, the Justice for All launched an investigation with regard to the clerics' investments in Canada, and it came to attention of the Justice for All that Rafsanjani owned 49% of HWY 407 in province of Ontario. The Justice for All drafted a letter to Right Honorable Stephen HARPER and told him that Rafsanjani was an international terrorist. As a result, Canada was breaking criminal code of Canada 83.03 by allowing Rafsanjani to have investment in Canada. Right Honorable Stephen HARPER did not answer the Justice for All's letter.
4.It would be impossible to ask the Government of Canada to collaborate with the Justice for All. As a result, the Justice for All drafted one petition online in order to submit the petition to the international community that the Government of Canada was working with the regime in Iran. So, the international community would stop the Government of Canada to have economic ties with the regime in Iran.
5.The final, ultimate, goal was total removal of the theology state in Iran by using Karl Marx theory of Proletarian Revolution. The above goal would be difficult to attain because the regime in Iran was able to make investments in Canada and other nations. Therefore, the regime in Iran was bribing the other nations by foreign investments.
Budget and Staffs:
This portion of the paper was discussing budget and staffing of the Justice for All, and the “budget allocations have crucial if not overriding significant for the implementation of strategies and plans. Budgets often represent the most important and consequential policy statements that governments and nonprofit organizations make. Not all strategies and plans have budgetary significance, but enough of them do that public and nonprofit leaders and managers should consider involving themselves deeply in the process of budget making.”23 Furthermore, the budget played a vital role in quality of a project.24 When there would be sufficient budget for a project, project manager would hire specialized staffs to conduct certain tasks in order to make sure the project would be finished on time and within specifications which would meet expectation of stakeholders.25
Budget and Staff of the Justice for All:
1.The Justice for All had $900.00 US budget to publish book each year.
2.Revenue from the books would remain private and confidential.
3.The Justice for All did not pay for office space, phone, Internet, and stationary materials because the Justice for All was a home base.
4.The Justice for All could not have volunteers because it would be difficult to check their backgrounds and making sure they were not part of secret services of Iran or Canada.
5.The Justice for All had insufficient budget to hire professional staffs to investigate or extracting information from the Canadian agency archives. As a result, it was greatly time consuming to extract information from government agencies.
6.The Justice for All was attending University of Victoria to learn skills, and tools with regard to Public Administration in order to be proactive, as well as, effective with regard to implementing the above actions.
Monitoring the Project:
This portion of the paper was discussing how to monitor the project. The last stage of a project was a delivery stage which is required to deliver a project to stakeholders, “includes the two activities: delivering the project product to the customer and redeploying project resources. Delivery of the project might include customer training and transferring documents. Redeployment usually involves releasing project equipment/materials to other projects and finding new assignments for new team members.”26

Delivery Stage:
1.The Justice for All was involved in public education by publishing books with regard to human rights violation in Iran, and how the Government of Canada had amicable economic relation with the regime in Iran.
2.Posting materials about human rights violation on YouTube and Blog.
Therefore, the Justice for All was a new organization, and had insufficient budget to hire professional staffs to carry certain tasks. Also, it was too risky to rely on volunteers to do the job because secret services from Iran were not kind upon individual like the Justice for All. As it was relying on current courses at the University of Victoria to learn and develop skills and knowledge in order to be proactive on current affairs of Canada and Iran. In addition, the Justice for All developed its mission statement in summer of 2009, and it was working hard to reach to public, and educate public about human rights violation in Iran.
The main goal of the Justice for All was total removal of the theology state in Iran by applying Karl Marx theory of Proletarian Revolution. Thus, the Justice for All needed to apply economic pressure on the regime in Iran so Iranians would be inspired to the change the regime in Iran. It would be a difficult task to do since other nations were making financial gains from the regime in Iran.

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