Justice for All

Freedom, Justice, Honor, Courage
Today's Iran tragedy is not because of theocratic regime in Iran is playing game with Iranian dissidents, it is because there are ancient fossils who are playing games with Iranian dissidents, and they are misleading course of action against the establishment in Iran. These ancient fossils were victims of Marxist-Islamist Utopia in 1979, and they fled Iran, and took refuge in Western nations. Eventually, the regime in Iran compensated them for their pain and suffering in return these individuals would act as eyes and ears of the regime in Iran. These ancient fossils are anchor persons of minor television stations, and have fancy life style or they have one website and do not work whatsoever, they have luxury life style even their fathers could not effort that life style. After checking on these individuals, it became clear that these individuals were receiving funds from the US, and were involved in criminal activities. The above statement illustrated one example about Iran's tragedy.
The most interesting part was, when left wing factions fled Iran during 1980's, and took refuge in Western nations, and did not go to communist nations. In mid 1980's Islamist left Iran, and resided in Western nations. The Islamist believed that Islamic doctrine was superior to Christian doctrine, and the Western nations lack morality or any kind of humane value. Plus, the Islamist executed anyone from 1979 until now for moral corruption. Particularly, the most heinous images were the time, the Marxist-Islamist executed Imperial Iranian Armed Forces for spreading corruption on earth, and public was cheering every time, there was a lifeless body of Imperial Iranian Armed Forces.
The Marxist and Islamist in the West became buddy, and understood they should work together to prolong the regime in Iran. Thus, they work together very well to drag this tyrannical regime in Iran. They have green movement or 1953 Coup saga, and outcry of past grievances that how monarchy was dreadful for Iran. As if now Iran is better off.
When these ancient fossils, the Marxist and the Islamist are put in one place, they bite each other like vicious dogs, as these dogs are going at each other, it creates dust and mayhem which makes it difficult for any wise person to see the path toward freedom of Iran which is Iran's tragedy. True Iranian dissidents need time, until these ancient fossils are gone in their graves by will of God hopefully within next five years, and Iranian dissidents would charge at the enemy to finish the enemy with one strike. Do not wait for a leader to come by, you are soldier of Iran, and savior of Iran.
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