Justice for All
E-mail: immortalguardofiran@yahoo.com

Freedom, Justice, Honor
Saturday April 04th, 2009
The below document was extracted from the book “The Rotted Garden of Paradise” by Iran Zamin which was forthcoming April 2009, and it would available for purchase at http://www.amazon.com/. Hoping readers would enjoy reading the below paper.
TABRIZI, Mullahs and Canada Trade
In 1999, Ahmadreza TABRIZI attended Iran Chamber of Commerce, Industry & Mines function with Mr. Khosrow TAJ, Deputy Minister of Commerce and Head of Export Promotion Center of Iran. Mr. TAJ described the brilliant economic situation of Canada “the comprehensive technical cooperation of our engineers provides very suitable grounds for development of bilateral cooperation because there are many virgin and potential markets around us, where Canada can, through material Introducing further the technical and engineering capabilities of construction and consulting companies of Iran, the deputy minister of commerce added: “At present our constructive forces, notwithstanding their financial problems, are implementing the following projects in various countries that is, five construction projects, nine road, building projects, two silos, four concrete and metal bridge, five metallic reserves and structures, five transmission line projects of energy, two electrification and electric network projects, two installation project communication, 19 projects for installation, equipping and constructing of industrial factories etc. All which point to the existing of potential capabilities.”1
Canada illustrated its own version of economic trade with the Islamic Republic of Iran. Canadian Exports to Iran from year 1999 to year 2000 “8479-Machines etc Having Individual Functions n.e.s, Parts 8607-Parts of Railway or Tamway Locomotive or Rolling Stock…8504-Electric Transformers, Static Converters & Inductors. 8409-Parts For Combustion Piston Engines 3002-Human Blood 8531-Electric Sound or Visual Signaling Apparatus, Parts 8515-Electric, Laser or Other Light or Photon Beam etc…8413-Pumps For Liquid; Liquid Elevators; Parts Thereof 8546-Electrical Insulator of Any Material…8536-Electrical Apparatus For Switching etc, 1000V 8481-Taps, Cocks, Valves etc For Pipes, Tank etc, Parts 3824-Binders For Foundry Molds, Chemical Products etc n.e.s.”
Ontario Exported to Iran “3002-Human Blood 7223-Wire of Stainless Steel…2844 Radioactive Chemical Elements & Isotopes etc” in 2001 Ontario exported top 10 Goods to Iran simply one item which is noteworthy to mention, it is “uranium, Other Radioactive Elements, etc.” in 2002 Ontario exported “Radiation/Electrical Detention Equipment…Bulldozers, Graders Etc.” and in 2004 Ontario exported “Pumps for liquids & liquids elevators and moving, grading etc machinery, snow ploughs.”
As a result, Canada had first hand knowledge that the theology state in Iran was building underground nuclear reactors because Canada was providing all kinds of means to the cleric's regime in Iran to build underground nuclear reactors by providing heavy machinery to remove soils from the earth. Plus, Canada provided communication tools to the cleric's regime for their nuclear plants; such as, railroads, elevator liquid, and other electronic communication equipments. Most effectively, Canada sold uranium, as well as, chemical radioactive to the cleric's regime, which means one thing, that Canada sold the cleric's regime in Iran the actual juice of nuclear bomb. Canada had diabolic plan for the Middle East. Canada was supplying the cleric in Iran with nuclear armament because Canada would like to cause nuclear arm race in the Middle East. On July 12th, 2007 King Abdullah II paid a state visit to Canada and first order of business, the King wanted to sign a nuclear treaty with Canada and to be in operation by 2015.2
There was one matter on table which was repulsive and needed to be addressed here that Canada sold human blood to Iran. Canadian donate blood to Canadian Blood Service without receiving monetary compensation, and there were plenty of television advertisements that how Canada was facing blood shortage, and according to Canadian Blood Service “approximately every minute of every day, someone in Canada needs blood. In fact, according to a recent poll, 52 per cent of Canadians say they, or a family member, have needed blood or blood products for surgery or for medical treatment,”3 and when Canadian Blood Services was contacted about shortage of blood it stated that “each summer, we have a greater challenge collecting blood, because blood donors are often on vacation or busy with other activities. You probably heard or saw news reports leading up to the July 1 long weekend, which said we had an immediate need for blood donors, especially donors with O- blood type. During that time we saw a shortage in platelets in our trauma market. This was due to the short shelf-life of platelets. During the summertime, when donations are lower, our blood supply reserve becomes lower. That being said, Canadian Blood Services is not short of blood and our blood supply system is safe; we still continue to meet our hospitals' need for blood products. Long weekends are also challenging for us as families take holidays and there can be greater chance of traumas or accidents as more people travel. We will be sending out another media release before the … Day long weekend urging people to donate blood for this reason. We hope you'll consider giving blood this summer - as well as bringing a friend or family member to help us meet the need for blood during this time.” It was unacceptable to sell blood to cleric's regime in Iran so that they were preparing for war while Canadian were in need of blood.
There was one matter on table which was repulsive and needed to be addressed here that Canada sold human blood to Iran. Canadian donate blood to Canadian Blood Service without receiving monetary compensation, and there were plenty of television advertisements that how Canada was facing blood shortage, and according to Canadian Blood Service “approximately every minute of every day, someone in Canada needs blood. In fact, according to a recent poll, 52 per cent of Canadians say they, or a family member, have needed blood or blood products for surgery or for medical treatment,”3 and when Canadian Blood Services was contacted about shortage of blood it stated that “each summer, we have a greater challenge collecting blood, because blood donors are often on vacation or busy with other activities. You probably heard or saw news reports leading up to the July 1 long weekend, which said we had an immediate need for blood donors, especially donors with O- blood type. During that time we saw a shortage in platelets in our trauma market. This was due to the short shelf-life of platelets. During the summertime, when donations are lower, our blood supply reserve becomes lower. That being said, Canadian Blood Services is not short of blood and our blood supply system is safe; we still continue to meet our hospitals' need for blood products. Long weekends are also challenging for us as families take holidays and there can be greater chance of traumas or accidents as more people travel. We will be sending out another media release before the … Day long weekend urging people to donate blood for this reason. We hope you'll consider giving blood this summer - as well as bringing a friend or family member to help us meet the need for blood during this time.” It was unacceptable to sell blood to cleric's regime in Iran so that they were preparing for war while Canadian were in need of blood.
“February 2004: Visit of Canadian Ambassador, Mr. Philip MacKinnon, to attend the Iran Canada Business Council event “Iran: Challenge and Opportunity.”4
Thank you
Long Live Pure Divine Motherland of Iran
1 http://www.iccim.org/english/magazine/iran_canada/vo11_no6/iccos_news.htm July 17th, 2007
2 http://www.theglobeandmail.com /servlet/story/LAC.20070712.JORDANNUCLEAR12/T 18 July, 2007
3http://www.bloodservices.ca/centreapps/internet/uw_v502_mainengine.nsf/page/E_Who%20Needs%20Blood 17 July 2007
4 http://www.iir.gov.ab.ca/international_relations/pdfs/ 11 September 2007. PG 02
1 http://www.iccim.org/english/magazine/iran_canada/vo11_no6/iccos_news.htm July 17th, 2007
2 http://www.theglobeandmail.com /servlet/story/LAC.20070712.JORDANNUCLEAR12/T 18 July, 2007
3http://www.bloodservices.ca/centreapps/internet/uw_v502_mainengine.nsf/page/E_Who%20Needs%20Blood 17 July 2007
4 http://www.iir.gov.ab.ca/international_relations/pdfs/ 11 September 2007. PG 02
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