Justice for All
E-mail: immortalguardofiran@yahoo.com

Freedom, Justice, Honor, Courage
Thursday November 27th, 2008
Failure of Federalism for Iran. Part1-3
Federalism is a political system which allows each different states to join to one another and these different states would form a nation-state like United States of America which is made of 50 states and one District of Columbia.1 There is a reason for America to comprise of different states because it had lengthly battle against Britain, and on July 04th, 1776, it gained its independence. There is Canada which is composed of ten provinces, and three territories, and Canada too went through lengthly armed forces battle, as well as, political battle against Britain to become an independent nation, and it was on April 17th, 1982 Canada had its own act, but still her majesty Queen Elizabeth II was head of state of Canada. Obviously, the US and Canada shared same historical background as they struggled against Britain to become independent nations by unifying all different nations into one strong nations against Britain.
Now, let’s ponder these questions to better understand federalism in relation with Iran. Does Iran share or experience of any above historical event? Are Iranians struggling against one foreign entity? And who is enemy of Iran today? Answering all above questions in one short answer that Iran has been an independent nation since dawn of history, and enemy of Iran, today, is the theocratic regime in Iran. The aim of this paper is to explore concept of political culture of Iran, discussing current economic condition of Iran in relation with future of Iran, and formulating a strategy to integrate diverse ethnic groups into a mainstream of Iran. This paper will prove that federalism would not work for Iran.
This portion of the paper is exploring concept of political culture of Iran. In first order of business, it is going to define concept of political culture which is going to give more in-depth understanding of intention of this paper. Political culture is defined as “values, beliefs, and attitudes that are the basis of political behavior. The political culture of a group of people composed of the memory of important historical events in the group’s development and the symbols that crystallize the subjective meaning that their society has for them.”2 Today’s value and belief of Iranian are shaped by past experience, it goes back to Cyrus the Great who is founder of Iran, and his my mother was Mandana from Mede princess who married a Persian king, and labor of their union brought Cyrus the Great. Interestingly, name of Cyrus is “a non-Iranian name. More likely, however, is an Iranian origin related to kur, the word for son in Kurdish and Luri dialects. The mixture of cultural elements from Aryans and indigenous peoples is also shown in the dress of the Persians pictures on reliefs from Persepolis, where they wear robes like Elamites rather than trousers or boots as do the other Iranian peoples, including Medes.”3 Therefore, diversity has been pinnacle point of Iran from the founder of Iran Cyrus the Great, and ethnic groups would mingle with one another in royal court, or on daily activities.
Passing page of history in fast pace, and coming closer to Iran’s contemporary history by looking at 1900’s when Britain and Russia signed a treaty with each other, and divided Iran into two spheres of their own influence, as American lawyer William Morgan Shuster published a book “The Strangling of Persia” and Edward Granville Browne published books like “The Persian Revolution 1905-1909” and “The Letters From Tabriz”, as the above books depicted a chilling historical events that how Iran was ransacked by Russia and Britain without mercy. In addition, Russia would supply Iranian separatist with arsenal in order to under mind the central authority, and Britain would supply souther separatist with arsenal in order to under mind the central authority. However, when Japan defeated Russia and Russia faced with Bolshevik Revolution of 1917. Russia lost control of Iran. Additionally, Britain was on shaky ground on Iraq, and was moving toward inevitable World War One, and it needed its army to defend its own sovereignty. It was during this global unrest that a man named Reza Mirpanj who stepped in political scene, and descended throne of Iran who saved Iran from hands of separatists. Once, Russia and Britain took a break from the World War One, they launched an assault on Iran, and forced His Imperial Majesty King of Kings Reza Pahlavi the Great abdicated the throne of Iran, and His Imperial Majesty, Light of Aryan, King of Kings Mohammad Reza Pahlavi descended the throne of Iran. Still, Russia and Britain engaged in “Great Game” with Iran by supplying separatists with arsenal and contributing to chaos in Iran. His Imperial Majesty, Light of Aryan, King of Kings Mohammad Reza Pahlavi used military tactic, as well as, international community to bring social order back to Iranian territory.
Passing page of history in fast pace, and coming closer to Iran’s contemporary history by looking at 1900’s when Britain and Russia signed a treaty with each other, and divided Iran into two spheres of their own influence, as American lawyer William Morgan Shuster published a book “The Strangling of Persia” and Edward Granville Browne published books like “The Persian Revolution 1905-1909” and “The Letters From Tabriz”, as the above books depicted a chilling historical events that how Iran was ransacked by Russia and Britain without mercy. In addition, Russia would supply Iranian separatist with arsenal in order to under mind the central authority, and Britain would supply souther separatist with arsenal in order to under mind the central authority. However, when Japan defeated Russia and Russia faced with Bolshevik Revolution of 1917. Russia lost control of Iran. Additionally, Britain was on shaky ground on Iraq, and was moving toward inevitable World War One, and it needed its army to defend its own sovereignty. It was during this global unrest that a man named Reza Mirpanj who stepped in political scene, and descended throne of Iran who saved Iran from hands of separatists. Once, Russia and Britain took a break from the World War One, they launched an assault on Iran, and forced His Imperial Majesty King of Kings Reza Pahlavi the Great abdicated the throne of Iran, and His Imperial Majesty, Light of Aryan, King of Kings Mohammad Reza Pahlavi descended the throne of Iran. Still, Russia and Britain engaged in “Great Game” with Iran by supplying separatists with arsenal and contributing to chaos in Iran. His Imperial Majesty, Light of Aryan, King of Kings Mohammad Reza Pahlavi used military tactic, as well as, international community to bring social order back to Iranian territory.
Putting past experience beside and looking at current condition of reality which is looming on Iran that already Professor Bernard Lewis drafted a blue print to disintegrate Iran, as Iran would be divided among different ethnic groups.
The above plan of Dr. Bernard Lewis is already in progress ad embraced by foreign entities which is according to record on June 31st, 2005 Foreign Minister of Canada Pierre Pettigrew met Iranian separatist from Province of Khuzestan Rafiq Abu-Sharif, who claimed that Province of Khuzestan was suppressed by Iran, and wanted to separate Province of Khuzestan from Iran.4
Also, former prime minister of Canada Paul Martin, and current Prime Minister of Canada Stephen Harper have met Rafiq Abu-Sharif, and all above meetings mean that forces are at work to disintegrate Iran, and needs to be taken seriously by all Iranian that future of Iran is at risk.
There is a counter measure to prevent Iran from disintegration by internal and external forces as Iran’s political culture is monarchy, a monarch as a head of state of Iran would bring unification among different ethnic groups under one umbrella of Iran. The above scenario for a monarch would be applicable, when a monarch is residing in Iran, and acting within guideline of constitution as a symbol of Iran while parliament or legislative body would take appropriate action for unity of Iran within guideline of constitutional law.
This portion of the paper is discussing current economic condition of Iran in relation with future of Iran. The cleric regime’s economic management has been equal to plundering Iran’s wealth, and has been draining Iran’s treasury, and left dry in front of sun thirsty. Consequently, there is no wealth distribution among subjects of Iran. In 2006, Export Development Canada reported 10% of Iran’s elite population own 75% of Iran’s wealth and 90% of population own 25% of Iran’s wealth. The gap between elite of the society and rest of population is going to remain same. In past 20 years Iran’s inflation rate is recorded between 12% to 18%, and in 2008 it was recorded 18%,5 and according to current data from International Monetary Fund has stated about the theocratic regime’s inflation rate “monetary policy in Iran has not been successful in meeting the inflation and monetary targets set in the Five-Year Development Plans, owing mainly to the monetary impact of government spending out of oil revenue. Although the attainment of the inflation targets has improved somewhat recently, the objective of a gradual disinflation to single-digit levels has not been achieved. Moreover, the implicit intermediate target of monetary policy, money growth, has been systematically missed,”6 and the unemployment rate is “12.6%”7 where population is 70 million. There is daily occurrence in Iran as people put their body organs on auction in a black market or in a legal clinic in exchange for cash. Also, economic pressure is forcing ladies to engage in oldest profession in order to support their basic necessity of life for their families. The above grimes are reality today in Iran, and asking for this mega political structure of federalism for Iran which is relying on oil revenue to meet ends, it would be unfair and unjust cruelty toward 90% of population that owns 25% of Iran’s wealth. It means to have fat cats sitting around parliaments and are taking high salaries in the name of democracy, and draining Iran’s treasure, and leaving 90% of Iranian hanging dry in front of sun one more time. It would be unjust, and unacceptable.
This portion of the paper is formulating a strategy to integrate diverse ethnic groups into a mainstream of Iran by allowing pressure groups to take part in political life in order to create balance of power in a civil society, and power of pressure groups has been proven beyond doubt during cold war as Henry Mintzberg mentioned “capitalism did not triumph at all, balance did. We in the West have been living in balance societies with strong private sectors, strong public sectors, and great strength in the sector between. The countries under communism were totally out of balance.”8 Also, there are non-profit organization and non-governmental organization that they contributed to political life in the west,9 and would have influence on public policy.10 These pressure groups are engine behind a healthy civil society and would gear a nation toward a democracy.
There is need to create a pluralism political system as political power is diminished among pressure groups, public servants, and elected members of parliament.11 There is absent of one voice rule, but to follow will of people, and people are determining their own future.12 There is no “power elite that dominates the decision making process; rather there is a plurality of participants involved in the process. Success in influencing government decision making depends not only on access to such resources as money and expertise but also on a determination to have one’s voice heard.”13
In case, there is a federalist system in Iran, eventually, Libertarian school of thought would emerge on surface as a strong voice against this mega system of federalism to cut back on government spending. This school of thought would view “big government is a threat to freedom and economic prosperity,” 14 and government needs to cut back on its programs in order to reduce taxes in order to have balance budget.15 Obviously, government would become like a virtual-government model like United Kingdom, United States of America and New Zealand,16 and multinational corporates would decide on public policy.17 Coming to this natural conclusion, if such above reality would occur in Iran by implementing a federalist system, as government would be eliminated by multinational corporates of region, and multinational corporates would push away pressure groups from their path on public policy. Consequently, Iran is marching toward its demise of civil unrest since wealthy province is unwilling to share its regional revenue with other region. However, in case by not having a federalist system, pressure groups would become political actors and would influence on public policy, and would respond to need of their communities as member of each community would begin to integrate into a mainstream society, and would not create an alienation of people who are citizen of one nation.
As a result, it is justifiable to be concern about future of Iran, in case, it implements federalism as a political system, Iran is marching directly toward civil war and disintegration of Iran among ethnic groups, and already internal and external forces are working to disintegrate Iran among diverse ethnic groups.
Today, 90% of Iranians are under economic pressure and there are families that they having tough times to put one meal on table for their families, this 90% is composed of different ethnic backgrounds, and it does not indicate which particular ethnic group is suffering more than other ethnic groups. Otherwise, it would be reasonable to claim that such ethnicity suffered more than others at hands of other ethnic groups.
There is one fact which is standing-out clearly that the cleric who claim to be from line of Prophet Muhammad, and according to history, they invaded Iran during seventh century to plunder Iran’ wealth, and today same people with their associates like Revolutionary Guard and Besij are enjoying lucrative 75% of Iran’s wealth. This minority group has been suppressing all Iranians since 1979. So, enemy is the regime, and not diversity of Iran. Moreover, future of Iran needs to have diversity of political actors, and not political leaders to shape public policy, and in case federalism would be implemented as a political system in Iran, government would march toward a virtual government and multinational corporate of each region would influence on public policy. Obviously each region with stronger financial background would dominate political scene as others would face less influence in public policy. Consequently, it would lead Iran toward civil war so other region would become independent from other region.
The bottom line, the federalist system may work in one country, but not for Iran because Iran’s political culture is way different than other nations. Let’s reduce unemployment rate, reducing inflation rate, and making sure Iran would move toward peace and prosperity.
Thank youLong Live Pure Divine Motherland of Iran
End Note
1. The World Factbook <https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/print/us.html> 27 November 2008
2. Brym J. Robert. New Society: Sociology for the 21st Century. TO, ON: Harcourt Brace & Company Canada Ltd. 1995. PG 18.20
3. Frye N. Richard. The Heritage of Persia. Costa Mesa, CA: Mazda Publishers Inc. 2004. PG 92
4. The Bernard Lewis Project<http://www.rozanehmagazine.com/NoveDec05/AZPartVI.html> 27 November 2008
5. index mundi <http://www.indexmundi.com/iran/inflation_rate_(consumer_prices).html> 27 November 2008
6. IMF <http://www.imf.org/external/pubs/ft/wp/2007/wp07119.pdf> 27 November 2008
7. IMF <http://www.imf.org/external/pubs/ft/scr/2007/cr07100.pdf> 27 November 2008
8. Mintzberg, Henry. Managing Government. President and Fellows of Harvard College: 1996. PG 75
9. Mintzberg, Henry. Managing Government. President and Fellows of Harvard College: 1996. PG 76
10. Kenneth Kernaghan, David Siegel. Public Administration. Fourth Edition. Toronto: International Thomson Publishing. 1999. PG 484
11. Kenneth Kernaghan, David Siegel. Public Administration. Fourth Edition. Toronto: International Thomson Publishing. 1999. PG 30
12. Kenneth Kernaghan, David Siegel. Public Administration. Fourth Edition. Toronto: International Thomson Publishing. 1999. PG 30
13. Kenneth Kernaghan, David Siegel. Public Administration. Fourth Edition. Toronto: International Thomson Publishing. 1999. PG 30
14. Kenneth Kernaghan, David Siegel. Public Administration. Fourth Edition. Toronto: International Thomson Publishing. 1999. PG 36
15. Kenneth Kernaghan, David Siegel. Public Administration. Fourth Edition. Toronto: International Thomson Publishing. 1999. PG 36
16. Mintzberg, Henry. Managing Government. President and Fellows of Harvard College: 1996. PG 81
17. Mintzberg, Henry. Managing Government. President and Fellows of Harvard College: 1996. PG 81
Ghani, Reza. Iran and the Rise of Reza Shah: From Qajar collapse to Pahlavi Power. NY, NY: I.B. Tauris. 2000
Frye N. Richard. The Golden Age of Persia. Great Britain: A Phoenix Press Paperback. 2003
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