Recently, France was under attacked due to act of terrorism which claimed life of innocent individuals. In this case, there were journalist that they were exercising their rights to freedom of speech. Sadly their lives were curtailed by some individuals that they were Muslims. There are no excuse to defend these acts of violence which are happening around us. However, there is a room for intellectual discussion that why are these it acts of violence happening? And how to make a bridge between Muslim communities and their new adopted lands?
There are some Muslims that they are spearheaded to use violence against others in name of God. In fact, these Muslims are wrong and cannot use violence to defend cause of God. God command us to love one another. Even, they are those who would speak and write contrary to belief of Muslims, it is Muslims responsibility to show path of righteousness to others which recited during pray times.
The western nations should not legislator tough laws to fight terrorism, it would infringe civil liberties of their citizens. It would be imperative to develop policies to enable new immigrants to integrate in main stream society. For example, racism is wide spread in Canada and it is preventing new comers integrate in main stream society, and they remain in their communities and are falling behind the real world. In Canada, people gain employment through networking, a new comers does not have any kind of roots to gain employment and remains vulnerable to economic and social factors. Thus, it is very wise to develop a system which is assisting these individuals to gain employment and would not feel marginalized and alienated. Plato in his book "Republic" stated that those with possessions are less likely to go to war.
The final thought, today, Muslim communities are like a sugar grains on a bottom of glass and needs to have a warm, and gentle water to be poured in the glass and gently to stir the waow.ter in order to dissolve the sugar in the glass. The sugar grains would not be seen by naked eyes, it is part of water n
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