The Motto of the Islamic Republic of Iran (IRI), it is better to be feared than to be loved. The IRI is using Iron Fist by utilizing Machiavelli doctrine of Fear, Fraud and Force to rule Iran. Think Independently, and freely because you are a free person.
Stephen Harper decided to remove heading of Government of Canada from federal government papers and replaced it with Harper 's Government. It caused real problem because his action illustrated that his ego was beyond anyone's imagination. He was no longer in touch with reality and was seen himself as a demi-god.
Sometimes, in fall 2014, there were some individuals that they used act of terrorism to express their views about how they felt about Canada. What they did was wrong. There is no excuse for what they did. Now, the current regime is on process of passing a law to hunt down "a lone wolf" so that these individuals would not be able to cause harm to others. It sounds like a great idea to apprehend "a lone wolf". Thus, Canada would be a safe place. There is a flaw in the above policy, if there is a lone wolf who has a diabolic intention against Canada and Canadians and dressed in a sheep, how does the law enforcement body is going to identity this lone wolf? How credible is evidence against the lone wolf? Because this is a lone wolf who is not exposing anything to anyone.
Therefore, this law new would take away citizens freedom of speech and anyone speech contrary to value of the system, s/he would be identified as an enemy of state. It is a dangerous road to walk on as fog would cover clarity of the what is wrong and what is right. It would lead to dystopia in Canada. Interestingly, in 1979 Revolution, after departure of the King from Iran. When the religious faction, in Iran, wanted to eradicate other factions from the political scene. The religious faction began to labeled everyone as anti-revolutionary and formed a police state in Iran. Is this the same case scenario?
According to the below article, Harper Government is going to legislate a new to tackle individuals are promoting terrorism in Canada. Now, the key point is, every time, the legislative body is passing a new law, it is infringing civil liberty of citizens.
As a result, this new measure by the conservative party means that civil liberty in Canada become less relevant, it begins to move toward a police state. There is already law in place to apprehend individuals are contributing threat to safety of Canada, and how come Canada is not enforcing those laws?
I remain steadfast that the Canadian Government and Islamic Republic of Iran are good friends with each other. I was reading Morteza Pashaei's story on Wikipedia and found the below information. I asked myself; does Canada close its embassy in Iran? Yes. Than how did Pashaei get a visa come to Canada? In the past, Canadian Government had issue citizenship to terrorists and so many other facts. It is very difficult to believe to Canadian Government for being a nice guy.
" According to his doctor, it was Morteza's strength that kept him alive
for a year. His doctor also mentioned that until his last moments,
Morteza still had hope and he was looking forward to performing at his
first Canadian concert in Toronto on November 29th 2014, which was to be
the beginning of his Canadian, and eventually international tour.
However, unfortunately, he never had the chance to make it, and his
friend and fellow singer, Farzad Farzin, agreed to do the concert in his
place, and perform all of Morteza's songs in his honour. One of
Morteza's greatest achievements besides being a legendary Iranian singer
at such a young age, was that his talents gained international
recognition as well. After his passing away, he got a letter of
recognition from Canada's minister of citizenship and immigration."1
According to the below article Toronto Police Services decided to lay criminal charges against individuals for throwing their jerseys in the middle of hockey rink.
The below link connects to a radio show that conducted an interview with Constable David Hopkinson from Toronto Police Services' communication department. He claims that these individuals are facing criminal charges because they are causing financial pressure on business. It is disruptive for nature of business of what they had done. A rational mind would acknowledge that by throwing a jersey in the hockey rink would disruptive a game. It is preventing pleasure of people. However, there is no physical harm to people or private property.
A question comes to mind that by allowing Toronto Police Services and with long record of violating human rights and acting like Taliban most of the time. Is Canada becoming a police state?
One issue anyone can deal with is power and politics and in Canada people do not have power because politics is controlled by a few individuals. The judicial, executive and legislative bodies are hard on people. When some police victims appeared before judicial system, it proved to be ineffective to have justice in Canada and there was further victimization of police brutality.
As a result, it create a negative matrix between state and public and there is no civil - society in Canada. Hoping that politicians would change this environment and create a positive civil - society.
On September 30th, 2005 Jyllands - Posten draw Muhamamd's cartoon which opened a Pandora Box, and caused serious emotional pains for adherent of Islam. On Jan 07th, 2015 Charlie Hebdo draw Muhammad's cartoon which offended Muslim community in France and caused serious emotional pain in Muslim community as the Muslim community decided to use deadly force to express itself against Charlie Hebdo. The Muslim community had not right to use any type of force to express itself. However, there is a part of issue which needs to be said after waving around the smoke surrounding this issue, it seems that Europe enjoys enticing negative emotion in its Muslim community. Obviously, these Muslims do not like Muhammad be depicted in a negative light. Thus, do not do it.
There is a myth that Canadians are polite people. In fact, not everyone is polite in Canada. It also does not mean that everyone is rude and dis-respectful to others. The idea that everyone is polite in Canada is nothing but a myth. In fact, large percentage of Canadians are rude and handful of Canadian demographic is with manner and etiquette. When I was watching the above video clip, it proved my thoughts that most Canadians are hostile to a point of physical confrontation with others that who speak contrary to their views. Most Canadians are not tolerant people as it is painted in Canadian mystical multicultural value. In fact, most Canadians developed art of hidden racism and express those terrible feelings within their confident circle.
David Icke came to Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada to discuss his view that "The Power Elites" was controlling direction of society. In fact, he was not saying anything revolutionary. C. Wright Mills published two books and made claims that "The Power Elites" were shaping public policies. Further down the road of history Edmond Burke praised "The Little Platoons" for their hard works for maintaining status quo in society. Thus, David Icke is not attacking at anyone.
There was an issue of bigotry that Mr. Icke was targeting Jewish people during course of his discussion. There was a claim that he is calling Jewish as a lizard and when he was in England, the Combat 18 attended his seminar.
This is the sad part that people in Canada does not practice freedom of speech, and when he went to one radio station, it is called A.M. 1040 which was booked for him to speak, it was cancelled on him without prior warning. How rude it was. The radio station even did not call him and let him know that it was cancelled. He appeared in the radio station and one person it was cancelled. When he asked for explanation, there was a Canadian respond. It is private property, you must leave at once.
The Chapter and Indigo in Robson Square had made an arrangement with him to sign books, and Mr. Icke was not made aware prior of arriving to the above book store that the book store cancelled his book sign plan. When he asked a person; what was the reason for the cancellation? A person did not answer his question, and was leading the conversation to a level of physical confrontation. Icke appeared on VTV television and Dr. Barry Beyerstein from BC Skeptics Society began to be verbally abusive toward Icke. Dr. Beyerstein did not engage in an intellectual discussion with Icke.
Those who live in Canada, they know well that racism is wide spread in Canada, and this video clip illustrated that one group represented anti racism and were made up of white male person except one oriental lady. One white male person asked a question about Icke which did not represent view of the group and was asked to leave the session. This is how democracy and freedom of speech is exercised in Canada. You must think like others.
There was matter of serious criminal offence that one group used a pie as a weapon against him and assault Icke and Vancouver Police Department did not do anything about it. Is this justice in Canada? Better believe it, it is about who has money and not a person has done something wrong or not.
1. Section 2 of the Criminal Code includes the definition of weapon: “Weapon”
means any thing used, designed to be used or intended for use (a) in
causing death or injury to any person, or (b) for the purpose of
threatening or intimidating any person.
(a) without the consent of another person, he applies force intentionally to that other person, directly or indirectly;
(b) he
attempts or threatens, by an act or a gesture, to apply force to
another person, if he has, or causes that other person to believe on
reasonable grounds that he has, present ability to effect his purpose;
(c) while openly wearing or carrying a weapon or an imitation thereof, he accosts or impedes another person or begs." 1
According to recent development, ISIS is recruiting young minds to carry out act of violence against others. There is a huge problem that this young boy, who appeared to be at state of fragile and accepts any terms without any question, he approached two men and executed them in a cold blood.
Obviously, this boy, now, is diagnosed for certain mental health issues and requires medical treatment. The older gentleman himself needs medical treatment too. He does not understand that by teaching this boy to take a life away, he created a monster and a monster would become a huge problem for himself and others.
I only pray for peace for all of us and not wishing violence for anyone.
Still, I am in state of shock and awe that how much hate, anger and resentment is disseminated by the US politicians to the rest of the world. To me there is no difference between these individuals and those individuals are seeking violence in name of God.
I want to live in a world that people live in harmony. Amen. God please save us from these war mongers.
I am not promoting, advocating any kind of violence, I am asking for peace.
When you begin to watch this movie, you will begin to understand why the Western powers toppled the Pahlavi Dynasty and why the world is in state of chaos. Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi wanted peace and the west wanted war.
Please take a moment and compare George Bush senior and Junior's speech and compare it with Obama. They all have one theme, the US is a global constable, and Russia is an evil empire. Is there anything else they say?
Recently, France was under attacked due to act of terrorism which claimed life of innocent individuals. In this case, there were journalist that they were exercising their rights to freedom of speech. Sadly their lives were curtailed by some individuals that they were Muslims. There are no excuse to defend these acts of violence which are happening around us. However, there is a room for intellectual discussion that why are these it acts of violence happening? And how to make a bridge between Muslim communities and their new adopted lands?
There are some Muslims that they are spearheaded to use violence against others in name of God. In fact, these Muslims are wrong and cannot use violence to defend cause of God. God command us to love one another. Even, they are those who would speak and write contrary to belief of Muslims, it is Muslims responsibility to show path of righteousness to others which recited during pray times.
The western nations should not legislator tough laws to fight terrorism, it would infringe civil liberties of their citizens. It would be imperative to develop policies to enable new immigrants to integrate in main stream society. For example, racism is wide spread in Canada and it is preventing new comers integrate in main stream society, and they remain in their communities and are falling behind the real world. In Canada, people gain employment through networking, a new comers does not have any kind of roots to gain employment and remains vulnerable to economic and social factors. Thus, it is very wise to develop a system which is assisting these individuals to gain employment and would not feel marginalized and alienated. Plato in his book "Republic" stated that those with possessions are less likely to go to war.
The final thought, today, Muslim communities are like a sugar grains on a bottom of glass and needs to have a warm, and gentle water to be poured in the glass and gently to stir the waow.ter in order to dissolve the sugar in the glass. The sugar grains would not be seen by naked eyes, it is part of water n
1. In regard to Russia's President Putin, who is violating Ten
Commandment, thou shall not kill, and he is killing innocent people, he
is an idiot. 2. In regard to US
global terrorism. “Construct terror, Benign terror, and Nefarious
terror. Construct terror is that which fulfils the aims and ambitions of
the USA. The actions of the USA in Indonesia ... Benign terror is
something not directly done by an imperial power, but by a client state
of the USA to consolidate power in an area. The Indonesian invasion of
East Timor in 1975 is a case in point. ... Nefarious terror is what
enemies of the 1st world do to other states that play into the larger
propaganda system.”1 3. In regard to notion of “conspiracy theory”.
It is a matter of interpetition of one individual. One person sees it
in light of thinking outside of the box and to make an inform opinion.
There is one individual who believes that in order to maintain a social
order, it is required to follow rules and orders of state and
government. 4. Additional reading: Ron Dart “The Beatitudes: When Mountain Meets Valley”. Fresh Wind Press, 2005.
End note:
1. Dart, Ron. "Keepers of the Flame: Canadian Red Toryism" Fermentation Press, 2012. 26-7.
The world is ruled by idiots may sound a little bit harsh to ears. In fact, it is a reality of our daily lives. For example, Napoleon Bonaparte had a grand vision for world that everyone would follow his rules. His idea was not welcomed by other powerful nations and brought France in a collision course with other nations. The real tough guy was Hitler who wanted the Aryan race to rule the world, and he failed to accomplish his goal.
The real wise guys are the US foreign policy which is developing a system of New World Order that everyone must submit to will of United Nations which is product of the US, and International Monetary Funds, World Bank, as well as, multinational corporations. There is another loony group which is called Islamic Fanaticism in a different form and shape that it would like to transform the world into a single Islamic state.
Now, how you and I planning to fit into this mass?