Justice for All

The Motto of the Theology State in Iran

The Motto of the Islamic Republic of Iran (IRI), it is better to be feared than to be loved. The IRI is using Iron Fist by utilizing Machiavelli doctrine of Fear, Fraud and Force to rule Iran.

Think Independently, and freely because you are a free person.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Transformation of Al-Qaede to ISIS

During Cold - War, the US used Mujahedin as mercenary soldiers to wage a proxy war in the Afghanistan. It was  a great idea for the US to settle a score with Russia in regard to Vietnam War. In fact, it delivered victory for the US and brought Russia to its knee and humiliation. It also brought financial burden to Russia and became a trigger point for the communist system to lose face around the world that it was defeated to the capitalism in the Afghanistan.

The Mujahedin were some loose canons, and they were holy warriors with agenda of expanding their military supremacy around the world.   Post 9/11, the US labelled Mujahedin as Al-Qaede, and they posed threat to the Western nations securities. The above entity was no longer a freedom fighter, but it was acting within capacity of terrorism. It was a blood thirty entity. The Al-Qaede now has been waging war with the west since 9/11 incident took place in New York, NY, US.

The US began to train some group of rebel to topple Assad head of Syria, and as it turned out this rebel group was a branch of Al-Qaede. When Al-Qaede was operating in Iraq, certain individuals began to interpret Koran at extreme point and a new entity emerged from Al-Qaede, it is called Islamic State of Syria and Iraq (ISIS) under leadership of Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi.  Now, this group is focused on the North Africa, Middle East and Asia, and has no interest in the West. That is how the map says. Than why are the ISIS video tape themselves and say we are coming to the US to kill people? It does not make sense at this time.

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