During Cold - War, the US used Mujahedin
as mercenary soldiers to wage a proxy war in the Afghanistan. It was a
great idea for the US to settle a score with Russia in regard to
Vietnam War. In fact, it delivered victory for the US and brought Russia
to its knee and humiliation. It also brought financial burden to Russia
and became a trigger point for the communist system to lose face around
the world that it was defeated to the capitalism in the Afghanistan.
Mujahedin were some loose canons, and they were holy warriors with
agenda of expanding their military supremacy around the world. Post
9/11, the US labelled Mujahedin as Al-Qaede, and they posed threat to
the Western nations securities. The above entity was no longer a freedom
fighter, but it was acting within capacity of terrorism. It was a blood
thirty entity. The Al-Qaede now has been waging war with the west since
9/11 incident took place in New York, NY, US.
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