Dear Friend,
It’s been a busy month in the Senate. The conclusion of debate in the Senate Finance Committee means another important step towards providing access to affordable insurance for millions of Americans. We are closer than ever to health insurance reform and I am urging my colleagues to bring to the floor of the Senate strong legislation that will provide quality, affordable access to health insurance for all New Mexicans.
In order to help the one in four New Mexicans who are uninsured and the thousands more who are underinsured, I believe health insurance reform must include:
• A public option for uninsured families and small business employees to get coverage and to keep insurance companies honest
• Preventive care to change our current system from a sick care system to a health care system
• Increased access to health care for rural communities, veterans and Indian country
• Help for small businesses to cut through red tape and work together to cut costs
I’m proud of what my colleagues in the Senate have been able to accomplish so far, but there is still much work ahead.
Fresh Voices in Unison for Health Insurance Reform
VIDEO: Tom's Health Care Speeches
Over the past two weeks, my fellow freshman senators and I came together on the Senate floor to sound a call for swift health insurance reform that will contain costs and improve care for all Americans. We took a look at the high price of inaction — more New Mexicans without insurance, more New Mexicans bankrupt from hospital bills, and more hidden taxes for us all to pay for the uninsured. The status quo is not an option. We cannot afford to go any longer without meaningful reform.
In New Mexico, we have an epidemic of preventable diseases and a real need for an emphasis on preventive care. In my second speech, I called for reform that makes clinical services like mammograms and colonoscopies and cholesterol screenings more available and provides incentives for adopting healthy lifestyles. Preventive care will not only cut costs, it will ensure the health of future generations.
To check out my speeches in full, click here.
Finding a "Do It All", "Do It Right" Energy & Climate Bill
VIDEO: Udall Supports 'Do It All' Energy & Climate Bill
This week I called on the Senate to pass legislation that will put our nation on a path towards energy independence. At the unveiling of the Clean Energy Jobs and American Power Act, I spoke of the urgency that we change our course from an addiction to foreign oil to a clean energy economy.
The best way to make this transition is through a "Do It All", "Do It Right" energy approach that includes renewable energy, natural gas, enhanced domestic production, safe nuclear power, real clean coal technology and energy efficiency. As part of that approach, I believe that New Mexico and the West can lead the way.
You can watch my full speech at the event by clicking here.
That’s it for this Udall Update. Stay tuned for the next one or follow me on Facebook or Twitter to get news as it happens.
Contact Tom
Washington, DC
110 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington DC, 20510
Phone: (202) 224-6621
Fax: (202) 228-3196
219 Central Ave NW
Suite 210
Albuquerque, NM 87102
Phone: (505) 346-6791
Fax: (505) 346-6720
Las Cruces
Loretto Town Center
505 South Main
Suite 118
Las Cruces, NM 88001
Phone: (575) 526-5475
Fax: ( 575) 523-6589
Santa Fe
120 South Federal Place
Suite 302
Santa Fe, NM 87501
Phone: (505) 988-6511
Fax: (505) 988-6514
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