Justice for All
The Motto of the Theology State in Iran
Think Independently, and freely because you are a free person.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Richard Burr-Senator
Rather than creating a new government-run plan, our bill aims to rein in costs by emphasizing prevention and wellness, rather than only treating people when they are sick. Our bill also addresses affordability by ending the “cherry picking” that allows insurance companies to deny coverage for pre-existing conditions. Better yet, our bill doesn’t increase the deficit or increase taxes.
The health care reform bill the Senate Finance Committee passed this week fails to address malpractice reform and any discussion about affordable health care for women must include medical malpractice reform. The Congressional Budget Office released an analysis just last week that shows that medical liability reform could save taxpayers roughly $54 billion over the next 10 years. Equally as important, comprehensive medical liability reform would reduce total national health care spending by about 0.5 percent – or about $11 billion in 2009 alone.
For example, if we care about making sure women have access to OB/GYNs, we cannot ignore the fact that high malpractice insurance is driving doctors out of this specialty and, even worse, closing practices. This issue seems to be the 800 pound gorilla in the room when it comes to access to affordable health care for women. Additionally, we need to make the insurance marketplace more competitive by allowing individuals to purchase insurance across state lines. This would ensure that women would be able to pick a coverage option that fits their specific needs, even if those needs aren’t met by plans offered in their home states. We cannot effectively reform health care without addressing medical malpractice reform.
No one disagrees that reform is necessary, but I will continue to oppose legislation that has been rushed through for the sake of passing something at the expense of quality reform, and I will push for reform that actually reduces cost in addition to expanding health care coverage. We need to get this right so that our children and grandchildren do not have to spend their lifetimes correcting our mistakes and paying off the debt we left them.
Also this week, the Senate passed legislation I cosponsored which authorizes advanced appropriations for VA medical care. The bill, which is now on its way to the President, funds the Veterans Health Administration (VHA) in two-year cycles through advance appropriations. This gives VHA the ability to plan its budget one-year ahead of the regular federal funding process. Currently, the budget for VHA is subject to delay, which hinders the ability to plan and provide quality care to our veterans. In a time of war and an aging veteran population, we have an obligation to ensure that veterans can get the health care they need when they need it.
I am also excited to announced that yesterday, the Department of Interior awarded $487,000 to the Cape Lookout Lighthouse for repairs that will allow the National Park Service to re-open the lighthouse to the public in 2010. Standing 163 feet tall, the lighthouse was first lit on November 1, 1859, making this year its 150th anniversary. Thought it has been closed to the public since the spring of 2008, the lighthouse is an important part of our state’s heritage and to this day warns ships of the location of the Cape Lookout Shoals. These much needed repairs will allow the lighthouse to re-open so that future generations of Americans will be able to enjoy this national treasure and fully appreciate its historical significance to our state.
On Monday, October 19, 2009, Erskine Bowles, President of the University of North Carolina system, and I will host the 2009 Statewide Economic Development Summit. The event is geared toward local officials, small businesses, and corporations in order to better understand the tools and resources our State’s vast array of public and private colleges and universities offer North Carolina businesses and industry. The summit will be held at North Carolina Central University’s School of Education and is free and open to the public. To register for the summit or for more information please visit http://burr.senate.gov/register or call my office at (202) 224-3154.
For timely updates from Washington, please visit my blog.
U.S. Senator Richard Burr
*Please do not respond to this email address. To contact me please click here, or visit my website burr.senate.gov.
Federal Building
151 Patton Avenue, Suite 204
Asheville, NC 28801
Phone: (828) 350-2437
Fax: (828) 350-2439
Rocky Mount
100 Coast Line Street, Room 210
Rocky Mount, NC 27804
Phone: (252) 977-9522
Fax: (252) 977-7902
Washington, DC
217 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Phone: (202) 224-3154
Fax: (202) 228-2981
2000 West First Street
Suite 508
Winston-Salem, NC 27104
Phone: (800) 685-8916
Phone: (336) 631-5125
Fax: (336) 725-4493
City Hall
181 South Street, Room 222
Gastonia, NC 28052
Phone: (704) 833-0854
Fax: (704) 833-1467
201 North Front Street
Suite 809
Wilmington, NC 28401
Phone: (888) 848-1833
Phone: (910) 251-1058
Fax: (910) 251-7975
John Barrasso-Senator
A developer in Colorado is trying to draw water from the Green River and pipe it to Colorado’s Front Range.
This project has broad repercussions for our entire state. That’s why I stepped in to guarantee Sweetwater County communities have a voice during this debate. Sweetwater County, Rock Springs, Green River and the Sweetwater County Conservation District now have cooperating agency status with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. The status gives the Sweetwater County community a chance to share their expertise with the Corps of Engineers as it begins drafting its recommendation.
Protecting the current and future interests of Wyoming is paramount. We must work to ensure a plentiful future water supply for Wyoming.
Best Wishes,
U.S. Senator John Barrasso
Senator Barrasso talks to Shannon and Carl Harris of Afton at "Wyoming Wednesday" in Washington, D.C. Shannon, who is currently the Principal at Star Valley High School, was named Wyoming's 2009 High School Principal of the Year.
Senator Barrasso TV
Barrasso on MSNBC with Tamron Hall
Barrasso on CNN’s Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer
Barrasso on FOX News with Patti Anne Brown
Barrasso on FOX News Sunday with Shannon Bream
Barrasso on MSNBC’s Morning Meeting with Dylan Ratigan
Barrasso on MSNBC with David Shuster and Tamron Hall
News from Senator Barrasso's Office
Budget Office Paints Bleak Picture for Fossil Fuel Sector, Wyoming
Barrasso Lauds Honesty from Non Partisan Budget Office
October 14, 2009
WASHINGTON, D.C. -- The non-partisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) predicts the U.S. fossil fuel industry will suffer significant job losses if the Waxman-Markey climate bill is signed into law.
Director of the CBO, Dr. Douglas Elmendorf, said the fossil fuel sector would mirror the massive job losses experienced by the manufacturing industry since the 1970s.
The startling admission was in response to questioning by Senator John Barrasso (R-Wyo.). Elmendorf was testifying before the Energy and Public Resources Committee hearing Wednesday.
Click here to
Senators Call for 3 Days
Bills should be available online with their total cost
October 8, 2009
WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senators Mike Enzi and John Barrasso, both R-Wyo., put their weight behind an amendment today that would change Senate rules to increase transparency in the halls of Congress.
The amendment, which is identical to a stand-alone resolution the members cosponsored this week, requires every piece of legislation in the Senate to be available to the public and provide a full cost analysis by the Congressional Budget Office three days before consideration by any subcommittee or committee of the Senate or on the floor of the Senate. Unfortunately, the Democratic leadership used a procedural motion to block consideration of the amendment on the Commerce, Justice, Science Appropriations bill currently being debated in the Senate.
Click here to
CIA Climate Change Center –The Wrong Priority
“Barrasso: Let’s focus on the safety of the American people.”
October 6, 2009
WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator John Barrasso (R-Wyo.) is opposing the Administration’s misguided defense funding priorities. Barrasso says the CIA should be combating terrorists, not spying on sea lions.
Barrasso is fighting the Administration’s efforts to fund a climate change center at the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in the Fiscal Year 2010 Defense Appropriations bill.
“The CIA is responsible for gathering foreign intelligence information for the United States. I don’t believe creating a center on climate change is going to prevent terrorist attacks.”
Click here to
Senator Barrasso in the News
Wall Street Journal
Climate Spies: Should the CIA Worry About Climate Change?
October 6, 2009
By Stephen Power
There’s been a lot said lately about the national-security implications of climate change, in the form of water shortages, mass migration, and unstable governments.
But in the view of at least one U.S. senator—Republican John Barrasso of Wyoming–those potential impacts don’t justify a “climate change center” like the one that the Central Intelligence Agency recently launched.
Click here to
New York Times
C.I.A. Climate Center Irks Barrasso
October 6, 2009
By John M. Broder
Senator John Barrasso, a conservative freshman Republican from Wyoming, said on Tuesday that he would try to stop the Central Intelligence Agency from opening a new climate change center by choking off its funding.
“The C.I.A. is responsible for gathering foreign intelligence information for the United States,” Mr. Barrasso said in announcing an amendment to a 2010 spending bill to block any money being spent by the agency on the new office. “I don’t believe creating a center on climate change is going to prevent terrorist attacks.”
Click here to
Friday, October 16, 2009
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Narges Kalhor-نرگس کلهر
Nagers Kalhor is daughter of Kalhor who works for Ahmadinejad's office.
1. She is full of lies
2. She said that her father did not know she made a movie, and where about she was. However, according to law of Iran, she needed her father's consent to obtain her passport, otherwise passport office would not issue one for her.
3. She claimed that there were individuals within system that they were working with people:
i) Pay attention to her body language, and will notice that she was rolling her eyes as she was uttering the above comment which was a clue that she was lying.
ii) She was saying that the system has a fault and needs to correct itself. As a result, this is another Akbar Ganji, Mohsen Sazegara, and other fool players who is here to identify dissidents, and mislead Iranian about free future of Iran.
iii) She was conveying a message that these ruthless players of the IRI had nothing to do with their children. Do not kill our children.
The bottom line, Iranian had thiry (30) years of experience with this evil doers in Iran why would you think a child of murderer and a rapist would want to improve the system in Iran.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Naramata Lifestyle

Dr. Charlene Reeves, holds a doctorate in Quantum Traditional Naturopathy, is a certified therapist, in biofeedback, homeo-therapeutics and theta. She is also a certified health minister, reiki master, german new medicine consultant and lifestyle coach. She is Board Certified in Alternative Medicine, and a member of the American Association of Integrative Medicine. Charlene is a health care, wellness and spiritual counselor advocating an integrative holistic approach for the health and healing of people and animals using supportive energy therapies. She is well versed in holistic therapies, utilizing bio-energetic principles for over 20 years. Her interest in energetic medicine began after the birth of her daughter with special needs. She has since worked with a wide variety of top performance elite athletes, special needs children, addictions, and weight management. Charlene and her husband Tim have opened up a Wellness Centre just 6 kilometers outside of Penticton on the way into Naramata.
A natural teacher, Dr. Charlene Reeves uses her in-depth knowledge of holistic foods based on The Hallelujah Diet and the Quantum Biofeedback principles to eliminate stress build teams and create optimal health. Charlene truly does “walk her talk” and she coaches others empowerment to generate blissful lives. With the Quantum Biofeedback SCIO she helps groups and individuals to reach potential futures that were not otherwise possible. She is very passionate about this new journey, and will attempt to share about this exciting technology, called the SCIO. It is a state of the art Quantum Biofeedback holistic device that is based on over 25 solid years of research and was developed by a former NASA scientist.
Learn Wellness
To foster lasting change education is essential. Together we will discover what factors influence your health and develop a plan that you can follow to address those things that will help you the most. As we work together as a team, you will gain a greater understanding of your body and how it responds to your environment “inside and out”. Through this process you will learn how to be well and stay well.
Help Along the Way
Of course it is not all up to you. At Naramata Lifestyle Wellness Centre we will be with you every step of the way providing you with professional advice and proven supportive therapies. Our goal is to make your experience as rewarding and comfortable as possible.
Accessing Every Resource
We realize that you will have needs and concerns that may fall outside our scope of expertise. This is why we feel it is so important to have open communication with you to discuss every discipline and specialty. When you can utilize all the knowledge and skills available, you can achieve the best outcome. At Naramata Lifestyle Wellness Centre we will be your advocate for Optimal Health.
Our Long-term Commitment
At Naramata Lifestyle Wellness Centre we understand that real health and wellness is not something that can be achieved overnight. Rather, it is an active process that each of us participates in throughout our entire lives. We feel that it is our role to help you navigate through life with increased understanding of health, better tools to create and maintain wellness and the kind of encouragement and support it takes to be successful during the process.
“When it comes to your health, finding the right Specialist and Wellness Centre can make all the difference.”
About Dr. Charlene Reeves, Doctorate in Traditional Naturopathy
Dr. Charlene Reeves began to realize consciousness in 1989, when she gave birth to a daughter with Down Syndrome and multiple birth defects. This experience led her to research and understands different modalities of healing that served to improve her daughters’ health and became an advocate for her well being. It also awakened her passion to obtain a deeper understanding of the complexities of the human body, mind and spirit, and encouraged her to believe in a much bigger plan with a new world of possibilities.
Charlene’s research led her to German New Medicine, whereby FIVE BIOLOGICAL LAWS explain the cause, the development, and the natural healing of ”dis-eases“ based on universal biological principles. This established the understanding that what we do on a daily basis directly influences our health today and determines what it will be for the future.
Charlene has been on her path of healing and has over 20 years of formal education in the wellness arena. She is an energizing, magnetic Lifestyle Coach who is also a Certified Biofeedback Specialist, a Theta Healing Practitioner, a Health Minister, a Registered Homeo-Therapeutic, and German New Medicine Consultant.
Charlene is also a board certified, licensed Quantum Healer and holds a Doctorate in Traditional Naturopathy. Charlene was trained in the quantum art and science by approaching health from a ~whole person view~ understanding that individual health is a complex expression of multiple factors including our internal selves and our external environment.
Charlene is a natural teacher and uses her in-depth knowledge of holistic foods based on The Hallelujah Diet and Quantum Neuro-feedback philosphy to eliminate stress and create optimal health. Charlene practices this healthy lifestyle and this way of thinking, which is very empowering for her clients to see the work in action.
Charlene is equipped with state of the art, cutting edge technology to evaluate and treat your health challenges. Charlene also uses her connection to her higher source that provides valuable insight to assist in her clients healing. She is assisted by caring staff with expertise in wellness that are also committed to help you on your journey to wellness.
Charlene is happily married to Tim, her best friend, talented, supportive and loving partner. As a blended family, together they have 4 children, Kimberly, Karen, Cole and Riley. She continues to pursue her passion in swimming, yoga, cycling, live organic foods, and the art of living.
© 2009 Naramata Lifestyle
Welcome to the World of Energetic Wellness!
Friday, October 09, 2009
Bully Conservative Party of Canada

Friday October 09th, 2009
Therefore, the accused persons have nothing to do with delay or anything, and with regard to double credit which is due to 11 d).
The real issue would be when these politicians would stop giving themselves pay hike, and would start investing public's money in people; such as, educational programs, rehab programs, protecting privacy of accused persons, and many more programs in order to make sure that individuals in conflict with law would reintegrate in mainstream society.
According to Conservative Party of Canada's philosophy, guilty until proven innocent, and very soon, it would introduce some kind of legislation to strap due process. After all these individuals will not go hungry, and they have police connection.
1. http://dsp-psd.tpsgc.gc.ca/Collection-R/LoPBdP/CIR/918-e.htm
Tom Udall-Senator
It’s been a busy month in the Senate. The conclusion of debate in the Senate Finance Committee means another important step towards providing access to affordable insurance for millions of Americans. We are closer than ever to health insurance reform and I am urging my colleagues to bring to the floor of the Senate strong legislation that will provide quality, affordable access to health insurance for all New Mexicans.
In order to help the one in four New Mexicans who are uninsured and the thousands more who are underinsured, I believe health insurance reform must include:
• A public option for uninsured families and small business employees to get coverage and to keep insurance companies honest
• Preventive care to change our current system from a sick care system to a health care system
• Increased access to health care for rural communities, veterans and Indian country
• Help for small businesses to cut through red tape and work together to cut costs
I’m proud of what my colleagues in the Senate have been able to accomplish so far, but there is still much work ahead.
Fresh Voices in Unison for Health Insurance Reform
VIDEO: Tom's Health Care Speeches
Over the past two weeks, my fellow freshman senators and I came together on the Senate floor to sound a call for swift health insurance reform that will contain costs and improve care for all Americans. We took a look at the high price of inaction — more New Mexicans without insurance, more New Mexicans bankrupt from hospital bills, and more hidden taxes for us all to pay for the uninsured. The status quo is not an option. We cannot afford to go any longer without meaningful reform.
In New Mexico, we have an epidemic of preventable diseases and a real need for an emphasis on preventive care. In my second speech, I called for reform that makes clinical services like mammograms and colonoscopies and cholesterol screenings more available and provides incentives for adopting healthy lifestyles. Preventive care will not only cut costs, it will ensure the health of future generations.
To check out my speeches in full, click here.
Finding a "Do It All", "Do It Right" Energy & Climate Bill
VIDEO: Udall Supports 'Do It All' Energy & Climate Bill
This week I called on the Senate to pass legislation that will put our nation on a path towards energy independence. At the unveiling of the Clean Energy Jobs and American Power Act, I spoke of the urgency that we change our course from an addiction to foreign oil to a clean energy economy.
The best way to make this transition is through a "Do It All", "Do It Right" energy approach that includes renewable energy, natural gas, enhanced domestic production, safe nuclear power, real clean coal technology and energy efficiency. As part of that approach, I believe that New Mexico and the West can lead the way.
You can watch my full speech at the event by clicking here.
That’s it for this Udall Update. Stay tuned for the next one or follow me on Facebook or Twitter to get news as it happens.
Contact Tom
Washington, DC
110 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington DC, 20510
Phone: (202) 224-6621
Fax: (202) 228-3196
219 Central Ave NW
Suite 210
Albuquerque, NM 87102
Phone: (505) 346-6791
Fax: (505) 346-6720
Las Cruces
Loretto Town Center
505 South Main
Suite 118
Las Cruces, NM 88001
Phone: (575) 526-5475
Fax: ( 575) 523-6589
Santa Fe
120 South Federal Place
Suite 302
Santa Fe, NM 87501
Phone: (505) 988-6511
Fax: (505) 988-6514
Richard Burr-Senator
Thousands of Navy and Marine veterans and their families who lived on Camp Lejeune have contracted various forms of cancer and other diseases believed to be attributable to their service at the base before it was designated a Superfund site in 1988. Studies are ongoing, but these veterans and their families have waited more than two decades to get answers about what is making them sick.
That’s why I have introduced the Caring for Camp Lejeune Veterans Act of 2009. My legislation would allow veterans and their family members stationed at Camp Lejeune while the water was contaminated to get medical care from the VA. These veterans and their families deserve closure to this tragic situation, and Thursday’s hearing was a step in that direction. I believe we must do what is right by funding the government’s scientific studies of this issue and caring for these patriots and their families.
To see video footage from the hearing, please click here.
Also this week, I introduced two pieces of legislation related to lands in Western North Carolina. The Pisgah National Forest Boundary Adjustment Act would authorize the U.S. Forest Service to acquire twenty-three acres of land near Catawba Falls and the Pisgah National Forest and allow the Forest Service to open a public trail to Catawba Falls. The second bill, The Blue Ridge Parkway and Town of Blowing Rock Land Exchange Act, would allow the town of Blowing Rock to acquire permanent ownership of its water supply reservoir and give the Parkway a 192-acre buffer tract from the town.
North Carolina’s public lands are some of our state’s greatest assets. The Pisgah National Forest provides tremendous environmental and economic benefits to McDowell County, and providing trail access to Catawba Falls will drive more tourists to the area. Also, ensuring the town of Blowing Rock will continue to have access to their water supply is important and gives a boost to the overall economy. Both of these pieces of legislation will allow North Carolinians to enjoy the beauty of our state.
Yesterday, I got the chance to speak with Ben Ball at WTKF-AM in Morehead City about what is going on in Washington including the Senate VA Committee hearing, health care reform, and the economy. To listen to the interview, please click here.
Next week, the Senate will take up the Commerce, Justice, and Science Appropriations bill . Also, the Senate Finance Committee will have their final vote on the health care reform bill on Tuesday.
On October 19, 2009, Erskine Bowles, President of the University of North Carolina system, and I will host the 2009 Statewide Economic Development Summit. The event is geared toward local officials, small businesses, and corporations in order to better understand the tools and resources our State’s vast array of public and private colleges and universities offer North Carolina businesses and industry. The summit will be held at North Carolina Central University’s School of Education and is free and open to the public. To register for the summit or for more information please visit http://burr.senate.gov/register or call my office at (202) 224-3154.
For timely updates from Washington, please visit my blog.
U.S. Senator Richard Burr
*Please do not respond to this email address. To contact me please click here, or visit my website burr.senate.gov.
Federal Building
151 Patton Avenue, Suite 204
Asheville, NC 28801
Phone: (828) 350-2437
Fax: (828) 350-2439
Rocky Mount
100 Coast Line Street, Room 210
Rocky Mount, NC 27804
Phone: (252) 977-9522
Fax: (252) 977-7902
Washington, DC
217 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Phone: (202) 224-3154
Fax: (202) 228-2981
2000 West First Street
Suite 508
Winston-Salem, NC 27104
Phone: (800) 685-8916
Phone: (336) 631-5125
Fax: (336) 725-4493
City Hall
181 South Street, Room 222
Gastonia, NC 28052
Phone: (704) 833-0854
Fax: (704) 833-1467
Sunday, October 04, 2009
Richard Burr-Senator
Also this week, during their consideration of health care legislation, the Senate Finance Committee voted against creating a government option twice (one vote was 15-8 and the other was 13-10). As I’ve written here before, the need for health care reform is clear, but the government option is not the way to go. It is more important to get this right so that our children and grandchildren do not have to spend a lifetime correcting our mistakes, than to rush a bill through.
This weekend, I will be visiting with 100 World War II veterans from North Carolina who are traveling to Washington on Saturday to visit the World War II Memorial on the National Mall. Honor Flight was created to honor America’s veterans by flying them—free of charge—to Washington, DC, to visit the national memorials built in their honor. America’s World War II veterans served our country with honor and they deserve the opportunity to see the national memorial that has been erected in memory of their service. I look forward to meeting with these veterans on Saturday.
Next week, the Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee will hold a hearing on potential exposure issues within the Department of Defense and VA. At this hearing, I intend to continue to press for a resolution to the Camp Lejeune water contamination issue. Former Marines, their families, and former employees at Camp Lejeune have waited far too long for answers.
For timely updates from Washington, please visit my blog.
U.S. Senator Richard Burr
*Please do not respond to this email address. To contact me please click here, or visit my website burr.senate.gov.
Federal Building
151 Patton Avenue, Suite 204
Asheville, NC 28801
Phone: (828) 350-2437
Fax: (828) 350-2439
Rocky Mount
100 Coast Line Street, Room 210
Rocky Mount, NC 27804
Phone: (252) 977-9522
Fax: (252) 977-7902
Washington, DC
217 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Phone: (202) 224-3154
Fax: (202) 228-2981
2000 West First Street
Suite 508
Winston-Salem, NC 27104
Phone: (800) 685-8916
Phone: (336) 631-5125
Fax: (336) 725-4493
City Hall
181 South Street, Room 222
Gastonia, NC 28052
Phone: (704) 833-0854
Fax: (704) 833-1467
201 North Front Street
Suite 809
Wilmington, NC 28401
Phone: (888) 848-1833
Phone: (910) 251-1058
Fax: (910) 251-7975
John Barrasso-Senator
October 02, 2009 |
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