Justice for All

The Motto of the Theology State in Iran

The Motto of the Islamic Republic of Iran (IRI), it is better to be feared than to be loved. The IRI is using Iron Fist by utilizing Machiavelli doctrine of Fear, Fraud and Force to rule Iran.

Think Independently, and freely because you are a free person.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Recent Turmoil in Iran

Justice for All

E-mail: immortalguardofiran@yahoo.com
Freedom, Justice, Honor, Courage

Tuesday June 16th, 2009

Recent Turmoil in Iran

The theocratic regime in Iran does not have will nor consent of Iranian to govern Iran, and there is always some kind of fire beneath of ashes, and all it takes one tiny spark to engulf the whole situation.

Recently, this terminally ill and illegitimate state of normative control model in Iran orchestra one election in Iran. It, really, did not matter who would be selected to president's office because Sign of God/Ayatollah Khameini would rule Iran with iron fist and no one else. The players of state began to play game of deception one more time with people. Since the system played a dirty game in 1999, and it was about time to identify dissident elements within the system, as well as, others in order to purge those elements that they were opposing the system. These were times for those individuals in the system to illustrate their loyalty to the system, and were going to use coercive method to suppress this turmoil in Iran with iron fist. Interestingly, the thug elements of the system were claiming that they were not involved in suppression of turmoil in Iran, and the state brought forces from Lebanon and Palestine. It was very interesting to see these Lebanon and Palestine forces in Iran were wearing Iranian uniform in large numbers were walking in Iran's streets.

There was one good news for these television stations, and the websites in Los Angeles that they would draft a large bills to the White House that they want to promote democracy in Iran.

The bottom line, no this turmoil in Iran was not about justice, this turmoil in Iran was preplanned by the regime in Iran to identify dissidents in Iran, to gain legitimacy in the eyes of the world, and their friend's in Los Angeles that they own television stations, as well as, websites to identify dissidents, and ask for money from the White House.

Thank you

Long Live Pure Divine Motherland of Iran


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