Justice for All

The Motto of the Theology State in Iran

The Motto of the Islamic Republic of Iran (IRI), it is better to be feared than to be loved. The IRI is using Iron Fist by utilizing Machiavelli doctrine of Fear, Fraud and Force to rule Iran.

Think Independently, and freely because you are a free person.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

KAVOUSSIFAR Update 8: Why US State Dept. has not informed public and News Media accrording FOIA?

Why US State Dept. has not informed public and News Media regarding Mr. Majid Kavousifar case and his arrest in past 2 years accrording "The Freedom of Information Act"?
Potkin Azarmehr wrote:
US Embassy Ignorance http://azarmehr.blogspot.com/ Majid Kavousifar, seen in these pictures before being hanged, left Iran for Abu Dhabi two days after the assassination of one of the corruptest and most repressive judges in the Islamic Republic. Judge Moghaddas who was assassinated by Kavousifar and his nephew, was responsible for handing out long sentences to many political activists. Moghaddas sometimes even boasted that he sentenced the accused without even reading their files! Kavoussifar had introduced himself as the killer of Moghaddas to the American Embassy in Abu Dhabi, where he had applied for asylum. The embassy guards handed him over to the Interpol, which informed Islamic Republic's authorities of the incident. I thought it was just the Homeland Security at the US airports who were the thickest officials in the world! Here, Majid Kavousifar is seen smiling and saying his last goodbye. Why are so many victims smiling in these latest round of public executions? Perhaps if there is any after life, it will be better than living under the mullahs.
On Tuesday, August 02, 2005 Motorcycle gunman assassinated Islamist Taazi Judge Hassan Moghaddas in Tehran who was involved in several high-profile political cases: http://jurist.law.pitt.edu/paperchase/2005/08/motorcycle-gunman-kills-prominent.php and according to Mr. Potkin Azarmehr post above Mr. Majid Kavousifar left Iran for Abu Dhabi two days after the assassination of one of the corruptest and most repressive judges in the Islamic Republic. then on Friday, August 05, 2005 or August 06, 2005 Mr. Majid Kavousifar was detained by US Embassy in Abu Dhabi. and according to this information Mr. Majid Kavousifar was in Iran prison for past 2 years and under Torture. 1- If the above dates correct then why US State Dept. has not informed public and News Media regarding Mr. Majid Kavousifar case and his arrest in past 2 years? 2- Has US State Dept. violated “ The Freedom of Information Act or other USA Open Government Laws” regarding Mr. Majid Kavousifar case ? 3- What was the Secretary Rice's logic for her actions regarding Majid Kavousifar who was detained at the US Embassy, turned over to UAE Police who in turn handed him over to Mullah's agents for Torture and Execution? 4- What is Condi Rice answer to the mother of one of the victim men (Mr. Hussein Kavoussi-Far) cried out: "God, please give me back my son."? __________________________________
The Freedom of Information Act wrote:
The Freedom of Information Act For more information on Current Legislation, click here http://www.sunshineingovernment.org/foia.html (Sep. 21, 2006) The House of Representatives passed FOIA reform legislation (H.R. 1309) earlier in 2007. The Senate Judiciary committee approved a similar bill, but the legislation (S. 849) is stalled before a full Senate vote. This act is the most comprehensive legislation to reform the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) in a decade. Check our mainpage for updates and here for more information about the legislation. Brief history of the Freedom of Information Act The Freedom of Information Act of 1966 formally established the public's inherent right to access government information. Since that time, the following significant amendments have been made to FOIA: The Privacy Act of 1974 - Before this time, if only one word within a document was considered too sensitive for release, the entire record would be withheld. The Privacy Act required a FOIA officer to black out sensitive words or pages and release the rest. Freedom of Information Reform Act of 1986 - This amendment dealt with questions of fees to be charged to requesters and protections afforded to law enforcement records. Electronic Freedom of Information Act (EFOIA) of 1996 - Among other things, this act brought electronic information under the jurisdiction of FOIA. It also aimed at speeding up access to records through multi-track processing and expedited access provisions. Traditionally, debate surrounding FOIA has concerned how much information the public has the right to know, and how much must be withheld because of reasons of national security and privacy. Since its inception, the FOIA has been responsible for the public release of vital information. More importantly, once information is made public, people have the power to put a stop to undesirable government activity.
sunshineingovernment.org wrote:
http://www.sunshineingovernment.org/who_we_are.html Our Mission The Sunshine in Government Initiative is a coalition of media groups committed to promoting policies that ensure the government is accessible, accountable and open. Public oversight is the ultimate safeguard of democracy. This is not an issue just for the media. It is the inalienable right of citizens to examine and judge their government; and that right is served when news media act on behalf of the public to gain access to information. Sunshine in Government Initiative Principles An informed public is the cornerstone of our democracy. Open government instills public trust. Policies preserving access to information are essential to our national well-being. Americans depend on news media to inform them about governmental activities and to exercise the right of access to appropriate government information on the public's behalf. In a democracy, government must function under a presumption of openness, balancing this as necessary with legitimate national security needs and the confidentiality concerns of individual privacy. The Freedom of Information Act should be preserved and strengthened. Over-classification, unconstrained nondisclosure agreements, and indiscriminate use of "sensitive" designations to withhold information ill serve our nation's security interests and thwart the public's right to know.
ActivistChat wrote:
ActivistChat 2007 Guideline Framework And Vision Of Future http://activistchat.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=8384 13. We are Free Iran Activists and Watch Group monitoring high government officials, Journalists , writers and scholars words and their actions based on the following direction from James Madison: "If men were angels, no government would be necessary. If angels were to govern men, neither external nor internal controls on government would be necessary. In framing a government which is to be administered by men! over men, the great difficulty lies in this: you must first enable the government to control the governed; and in the next place oblige it to control itself. A dependence on the people is, no doubt, the primary control on the government; but experience has taught mankind the necessity of auxiliary precautions. " The Federalist No. 51 (James Madison). We thank all compatriots and organizations who contributed for defining part of above Guideline Framework for Human Rights, Regime Change in Iran, Free Iran, Free Society and Secular Democracy .

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