Honorable MP Peter Gordon MacKay
Minister of Foreign Affairs
House of Commons
Ottawa, ON K1A 06A
E-mail: Mackay.P@parl.gc.ca
Via: Register mail (confirmed)
Dear Honorable MacKay:
On Februray 15th, 2007 Mr. David HARRIS and Sayeh HASSAN drafted one srticle on behalf of Canadian Coalition which was published on National Post. This article explicitly expressed one special request from Federal Government of Canada which was to take firm approach against the Islamic Republic of Iran {IRI}. On same day, one copy of article was e-mailed to Honorable Prime Minister of Canada and the PMO responded that thos e-mail was forwarded to Honorable Peter MacKay. Thus, this letter is seeking to assist Honorable MacKay to make right decision for future of Canada by taking firm approach against the IRI.
This paper referred to role of the IRI involvement in proxy war between Israel and Lebanon which took place in summer of 2006 [1]. As a matter of fact the IRI has an agenda for past 29 years to committee another holocausr with its nuclear bombs. As a result, European Nations and the US are imposing fair and just sanction against the IRI with intention to scrap the cleric's nuclear programs in Iran.
The clerics are not just mangling in Lebanon; the clerics are mangling in Iraq too. On February 14th, 2007 Telegraph.co.uk reported that "Britian and America are furious with Austria for exporting to Itan 800 sniper rifles that could be used against their troops in Iraq" [2] because these rifles are strong enough to penetrate into a US Humvee [3]. According to recent report 100 of above rifles are discovered in Iraq. Canadian need to know that wining in Iraq means, Canadian Arm Force will win in Afghanistan. In event, the US loses war in Iraq, and once the clerics eliminates the US force in Iraq, the cleric will expand their Islamic wing in afghanistan. The IRI has agenda to export ite revolution to other nations including Canada.
Canadian Government has acted so far incompetent to combat war on terror, and as National Post simply brought forward accusation that Canada is allowing the IRI for using Canada as an economic base for their personal gain. In fact, there are legal evidences that Canada does harbor terrorism, which is serious matter and needs to be dealt with. In addition, Canada is allowing the IRI to stash money in Canada. As a result, Canada has turned its back at the US on matter of delaing with terrorism and Iranian people. Unless Canada wants to reverse its policy and to prove otherwise as the National Post pointed "Iranians who desire freedom will come to know that Canadians will not stand by and allow the Islamic regime's offical to prosper while their people suffer and the world is held hostage to the ayatollahs' belligerence. Finally, if there is to be hope for avoiding war, Canada must support Iranians who want change"[4].
Last comment that the IRI from time of its inception has embraced Machiavellian political doctrines in Iran, which means the IRI is ruling Iranian people with fear, fruad, and force and the IRI does not have consent of Iranian people to rule them because 10% of Iran's population which is composed of the clerics class is controlling 75% of Iran's wealth, and 90% of Iran's population is controlling 25% of Iran's wealth and this income disparity is on rise. Consequently, Iranian people are deprived from having prosperous future because the clerics are not investing money in Iran and are investing in countries like Canada. There are valid questions that how Canada is preparing itself to respond to Iranian people after regime change in Iran that how Canada had become a safe heaven for "Ayatollah Ali Khamemei, Iran's Supreme Leader, former Iranian president Hashemi Rafsanjani, and their children are thought to have million of dollars invested in Canada. Some of this money could well have been misappropriated from Iranians[?]"[5] All above matters written in the book with name of "Romanticisim and Revivalism of Pure Divine Motherland of Iran" PEN name Iran Zamin. Most importantly, Peter MacKay is coming from peaceful family and Madam Macha MacKay is a peace activist person [6] and she would oppose Canadian Government for assisting murderers to run around Canada and Canada has become an economic base for HEzbollah Organization.
As a result, the IRI is a global threat; it is not just a regional threat. The IRI has an agenda to export its revolution to other nations. Thus, it is harboring terrorism and contributing to terrorism on global scale, and today the US in Iraq is facing serious threat of defeat by the IRI and once the IRI defeats the US in Iraq, the IRI will deploy its terror camp in Afghanistan. Also, it is worthy to understand the other side of the coin that the IRIis at point of collapse because it does not have consent of Iranian people to rule them, and Canada cannot become a cane for the IRI to remian on its feet. Now, it is time, to remove the cancer from the surface of the earth which is the IRI. Eagerly, waiting for your respond.
Thank you,
Kind regards
c.c. CSIS 1941 Ogilvie Rd. Ottawa, ON K1J 1B7 via: Register mail (confirmed)
End Note
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