Justice for All

The Motto of the Theology State in Iran

The Motto of the Islamic Republic of Iran (IRI), it is better to be feared than to be loved. The IRI is using Iron Fist by utilizing Machiavelli doctrine of Fear, Fraud and Force to rule Iran.

Think Independently, and freely because you are a free person.

Monday, May 30, 2016

What to Do With US War Machine?

On December 25th, 1992 former Soviet Union collapsed, and no longer the Red Army posed a military threat to the US’s capitalist economic system. The collapsed of communism in Russia was a beginning of a new era or a new world order for the nations around the world. Prior of the collapse of Soviet Union, there were nations around the world that they aligned their foreign policy with former Soviet Union’s foreign policy in form of military and economic system which stood in stark contrast with the US’s foreign policy of military and economic system. Most importantly, the collapsed of Soviet Union led to a domino effect as several republics began to gain their own self – autonomous.
The collapsed of Soviet Union provided a unique power vacuum for the US to advance its interest globally. There was reunification of European nations. The West and East wall collapsed, and the capitalist system began to permeate in the region. These nations had financial institutions that they were compatible with communist form of economy, and the new system of capitalism was going to give the old economy a shock way. As a result, countries like Poland could not keep – up with the capitalist system, and remain in stage of vulnerability of self – sustaining itself. There were some countries like East – Germany that it joined West Germany. In fact, the West Germany was the engine of capitalist economy in Europe and reunification with East Germany did not hurt the economy.
The issue of self – autonomy became an international issue during 1990s. Yugoslavia disintegrated among different ethnic groups due to past grievances. The US used its military might to suppress violence in the region. The US used its military power in the region not because it wanted to have peace, but because these new regimes needed to know that the new boss is the US and not Russia. According to Competitive Authoritarianism: Hybrid Regimes after the Cold War by Steven Levitsky and Lucan Way, who are pro US foreign policy around the world. In fact, they resonate the dependency theory that as long as nations around the world follow the US laws, they will remain at peace. Otherwise, those nations will be entangled in civil – wars. Such examples are not figment of imagination. When Muhammad Ghazafi was head of state of Libya, he was on side of Soviet Union. After collapsed of the Soviet Union, the US foreign policy was to toppled Mr. Gazafi’s regime at any cost. The US did and not Libya is burning alive at hand of civil – war. Innocent peoples are fleeing Libya to European nations by using unsafe vessels. Not all migrants are lucky. The vessels are sinking in the middle of ocean, and these are mostly women and children that they are drowned in the middle of ocean. Furthermore, the US has a foreign policy in place to topple Hosni Mubarak in Egypt as it did, and not this nation is in state of chaos. The US has a foreign policy of toppling Bashar Al – Asad, whose head of Syria. The US foreign policy is not about peace and freedom. It is about turning these nations to stone ages. It is the same foreign policy that the US did in Vietnam. The US went to the Vietnam under banner of peace, freedom and democracy, and turned the region in an inferno of hell.
It is possible to stop the US foreigner’s war machine, when Canada begins to take side with Russia, and involves Russia in foreign trades, and buys military armaments. In regard of lumber, the US caused serious problems for Canada. In regard of military the US caused a serious ethical issues for Canada like F- 35. It can be said that currently the US has no military expansion for Canada because the US needs to this buffer zone with Russia. Thus, it is time to use this moment for Canada to build economic and military ties with Russia in order to stop the US from becoming a global constable. In fact, Canada becomes a middle power that wants to be by means of diplomacy and not war. This will lead the world toward peace, and the current situation would lead to destruction of world.

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Justin Trudeau’s actions causes uproar in House

After watching this video clip, I noticed other politicians are harassing Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau. They are the one that they need to apologize to him and not him to others. There are the one who are provoking him, and inviting him for their traps. Wow.

Crowd Mentality – PM Justin Trudeau

The Right Honorable PM of Canada Justin Trudeau is holding the highest office in Canada. Public has high expectation from him to be a good role model because he is representing Canada on a domestic affairs, as well as, foreign affairs. Furthermore, it is interesting to know that he had a passion to follow his father’s foot step. It is clear when he was elected to the Prime Minister’s Office, he asked staff to bring his father’s desk back to the Prime Minister’s Office. He is working diligently to respond to all Canada’s needs. Since 1991, I have been living in Canada, I never seen a politician to work hard like this.
We need to ask ourselves, when PM Trudeau went to Fort McMurray, how did the incident have effect on his mental health?    Emile Durkheim says that external forces are shaping our internal behavior. In addition, is it possible that this passionate man for Canada, and Canadians suffered from some form of crowd mentality? A voice in his head said; let’s move forward and cannot keep Canada behind. More works need to be done.
It is obvious that he suffered from tunnel vision, and auditory exclusion. Now, let’s not judge him for what happened on Wednesday May 19th, 2016 at the House of Common. Let’s be a person of emotional intelligent, and embrace him in our arms. This is the way of life and not hurting him emotionally.

Friday, May 13, 2016

Iran and Iraq

Several days ago this matter came up that where is Iran and how it is different than Iraq.
Where is Iran on the map and what it means.
1. Iran is located in the Middle East. It was known as Persia.
2. In 1930s England and Russia were interfering in domestic affairs of Iran in order to disintegrate Iran among different ethnic groups. Consequently, Reza Shah Pahlavi changed Persia to Iran.
3. Iran means land of noble.
4. Iraq was part of Iran.
5. In the 17th Century Ottoman Empire attacked Persia or Iran, and annexed Iraq from Iran.
6. During World War One Ottoman Empire collapsed and England took over Iraq. In fact, England deprived Iran to regain its land.
7. Iraq’s national language is Arabic.
8. Iran’s national language is Persian.
9. There is a huge difference between Canada and US. It is stemming from its political culture. 1
10. Three wisemen were from Iran or Persia that they were adherent to Zoroastrian faith. This is the first monolithic faith.

End note:
  1. https://www.amazon.ca/Search-Canadian-Political-Culture/dp/077481389X

Sunday, May 08, 2016

What is Terrorism?

What is Terrorism?

There is always a question in our minds that what is terrorism? In fact, it has two points in it. There is legality question that how to punish those who commit such heinous act which cannot be forgiven by any means. The act of terrorism has caused social unrest to the magnitude that citizens of that nations are at state of panic. Therefore, the central government must ensure social well being of its citizens as Max Weber says that government has monopoly of power to create social order. It can be said confidently that perpetrators would not go without punishment in order to establish social order and security in society.

There is also this side of point that terrorist groups may be held as heroes by others. Since, terrorism is defined as weapon of weak to retaliate against unjust that they endured during their past times. It brings this idea forward that the US in the past dropped two atomic bombs in Japan. Slaughtering three million Vietnamese. Destroying Iraq and turning it into stone ages. Afghanistan will never become a free country and North African nations like Libya will remain in a state of anarchy. Does that make the US a terrorist state or not? Why is the US allow to wage these kind of wars without any kind of United Nations firm responses against the US?

We need peace and love. Not policy of death, destruction and revenge.

Tuesday, May 03, 2016

What Went Wrong

Former Prime Minister of Canada Stephen Harper astonished me for the economic austerity measure that he took to respond to Canada’s economic problems. I believed, Mr. Harper formulated his policies that they were having harsh tones toward public. He acted in a super critical manner because he earned an economic masters degree from the University of Calgary that his dissertation was stemming from F. A. Hayek’s political economy of libertarianism. Mr. Harper took Hayek’s political economy too seriously, and did not follow the middle ground approach to accomplish his goals.
I read F. A. Hayek’s book “The Road to Serfdom“. This book illustrates how Dr. Hayek’s world view is shaped as a result of his experience of World War Two, and Bismrack’s1 policies. Dr. Hayek believed, private sectors should govern a nation and not governmental bodies because private sectors would build factories around the world, and would provide job opportunities for peoples. Hence, there would be no more wars around the world because private sectors wanted to protect their self – interests, and not destroying them with bombs. Eventually this approach would lead to the perpetual peace of Immanuel Kant who envisioned for humankind. Ayn Rand also advocated a libertarianism because she experienced Tsar ruler of Russia that a system had a policy of military expansion around the world. Thomas Hobbes published “Leviathan” book that he asserted human lives in a nature of state which was in constant state of violence. He asserted human lived a short, brutish, and nasty life. They needed to give – up all their rights, and handed them over to a strong sovereign to govern them for greater good of society. In fact, he told his audience about the way he experienced that epoch.
It appeared to me that Mr. Harper experienced all the above elements of the global affairs, and the domestic affairs at the same time. The domestic affairs and foreign affairs made him to act hastily toward issues rather than acting in calm manner. Canada’s economy in need of repair, and there was a threat of terrorism. There was a need for a strong man to find a solution for all the problems that Canada faced. It could be said confidently that this was the place, where Mr. Harper fell short on his policies that he took the unilateral approach to the problems Canada faced. As a result, Mr. Harper provided an ample window of opportunities to his critic to censure him at every point.  Author Donald Gutstein published a book called “Harperism” and depicted Mr. Harper as a tyrant of Canada who had to be toppled from the Prime Minister’s Office. Author Mel Hurting published a book called “The Arrogant Autocrat“.  The book title was a give away what the author was planning to do with Mr. Harper. This author was going to up – root Mr. Harper in his book at every corner. This book depicted him as a man who destroyed Canada’s democracy. Being less critical, and less vigil anti against Mr. Harper. The above books in my view did not have any academic merits, they were books to confront Bill – 51 and 24. These authors were attempting to claim that Mr. Harper’s policies were disenfranchising Canadians from their Constitutional Rights. Therefore, voters do not vote for him in this up – coming election.
There are two books that they clash with each other very nicely.  Book one, “The Spirit Level: Why Equality is Better for Everyone” by Richard Wilkinson and Kate Pickett against book two “The Spirit Level Delusion” by Christopher Snowdon. Richard Wilkinson and Kate Pickett used quantitative methods to prove their claims that equality would lead to greater good of society; such as, reducing suicide rate. For example, these authors claimed that the US has more gun problems and higher suicide rate compare to Canada because of social inequality. These authors used numbers to prove their claims by asserting that Canada has universal health care, and everyone is receiving a proper medical health care treatment. As a result, there was less gun problems, and less suicide rate in Canada compare to the US that everything is privatized (you may watch the YouTube video clip that I attached to this forum so that you make your judgement call on issue of gun problems).2 Author Snowdon used fallacy technique to refute Wilkinson and Pickett claims, and sometimes he claimed that the above authors omitted their numbers on the graphs. When I was reading Snowdon’s book I noticed that he was shying away from some of the key arguments of the above authors. In fact, he was proven their claims, and not his claim. For example, when I was reading page 81 of “The Spirit Level Delusion” of Snowdon, I noticed author says “The USA’s high homicide rate is largely driven by black – on – black gun crime and gang activity. The homicide rate for black male victims is 37.59 per 100, 000… Wilkinson and Pickett could no doubt identify inequality as being the ‘root cause’ of black – on – black shooting”. On Sunday Feb 28th, 2016 Oscars event was censured by public for not having an African-American recipient to win a prize from the Oscars event. It means African – American individuals are having difficulty to overcome social barriers which leads to social inequality and gang violence. This is the light that Snowdon does not see. On a more vital note, women are facing glass ceiling, it leads to social inequality in society. It must come to an end for greater good of society.
All in all,  the text book is right, when it says, do not be so hard on your findings, and leave a room for others to breath, and remain at the middle ground. Otherwise, an author would appeared as an arrogant person to others. A claimant needs to be a humble person, and approachable by her/his critics. Now, there is a question for the reader of this paper, am I the black sheep of the family? I think not because Premier of Ontario is empowering vulnerable peoples of Ontario and all powers to her.3 Thank you for reading this long paper, and yes I talk a lot. Now, scroll down to see the picture of what Mr. Harper envisioned for Canada.