Justice for All

The Motto of the Theology State in Iran

The Motto of the Islamic Republic of Iran (IRI), it is better to be feared than to be loved. The IRI is using Iron Fist by utilizing Machiavelli doctrine of Fear, Fraud and Force to rule Iran.

Think Independently, and freely because you are a free person.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Globalization and Terrorism

It is important to understand that today we are moving toward globalization. It means that the Western ideas are permeating in other cultures that they do not share Western values. In 1979, one censure against Mohammad Reza Shah PAHLAVI was westernization of Iran. As a result, it would be a very difficult idea to promote globalization in the Middle East region. The Western values would be rejected by people.

Food for Thought

How To Handle Terrorism in Canada

It is important to eradicate terrorism in Canada. However, it is a lofty dream to do so. It is important for police forces to subdue a terrorist entity by shooting at her/his leg in order to avoid a fatal wound. S/he be brought the judicial system and face melody of criminal justice, and s/he begins to inform police forces how s/he was recruited. In addition, it is important to assist this individual to understand that s/he made a mistake and it is not the way of solving her/his problem with society.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Can We Trust Government of Canada?

This paper is engaging in an intellectual discussion and it is not about accusing a person or someone.

Reading intellectuals like Rousseau, John Locke, and other critical thinkers, they encourage people not to follow conventional wisdom of society and to think independently. Recently, Michael Zehaf Bibeau decided to use weapon as a means to express his view to Canada and world that he would no longer accept the way people live in Canada. In my view, he made a grieve mistake to take such a despicable action against anyone.

It is important to understand that what the world is moving forward. One, in 2000, The American Century Think Tank organization drafted a manifesto called "Rebuilding America's Defence" that it called for the US domination of the world.  There are books about international security and stated that the next fifty years there will be war in the Middle East due to oil. Two, the US proven fact that it lied about the war in Iraq, Bin Laden and all issues which were intertwined to the war on terror. Last, politicians are in offices due to power and money and not for public service. 
Knowing nature of capitalist system, it is reinventing itself. Thus, this war on terror needs to reinvent itself. Michael Zehaf Bibeau's application for passport was turned down by Canadian authorities. It means that the system could not trust him to have a Canadian document. It is possible to think that the system allowed him to engage what he wanted to do so that the system would justify tomorrow's action.

It is something to look forward that how the system is perpetuating its domination against citizens as they are molded toward subjects.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

End of America by Naomi Wolf

I think Canada is about to feel the same way as Naomi Wolf does.

May Have Hidden Agenda Behind Terror Act - Canada

In 1998, when I was attending the University of Toronto, I was enrolled in a political science course - international relations. This course slightly advocated the idea of exporting western democracy to outside of western hemisphere. Coming from Iran and witnessed 1979 revolution in Iran, it was a bad idea to export anything made in the west to the east. In 2000, an American Think Tank drafted a manifesto called "Rebuilding America's Defence" that it explicitly calls for the US to play a international constable role. In another world, the US must play role of imperialism.

Making my story very short, I know Canadian politicians from federal to provincial levels were receiving campaign contributions from the Islamic Republic in (of) Iran. I investigated this matter and published books, wrote letters to Stephen Harper and CSIS. I stated in my letters to them that by associating with the theocratic regime in Iran, there Trojan horse soldiers would come to Canada.

One day, I asked myself why am I doing these kind of works? Who cares? I read bible Ezekiel 3: 16 - 21 that good people must warn others about their sins. Thou Shall not Steal and that is what I did.

My book:

One of my letters:


Where are we heading?

Every time, a government is passing a law, it is infringing our civil rights. Democracy as worst form of government (Aristotle and C. B. Macpherson from University of Toronto would support my claim).


The US is a good place to look at as the state is enhancing its security, there is erosion of civil liberty.


I curtail my writing and leave it to you guys that you may wish to watch a video clip how people of the US from a citizen turned into a subject.


Act of Terror in Canada or Act of Government

Recently, we have witnessed how some individuals were willing to leave comfort of their home and go to another war torn countries to fight for Allah. There were some individuals that they decided to use Canada as a battle ground to settle some scores with Canadians.

There is no doubt in my mind that the above acts are wrong period. There is this part of me that believes that Canadian intelligent service and governments allow Trojan horse soldiers to enter in Canada and recruit these young individuals and engage in act of atrocities so that Canadians would move from quasi liberty to dystopia.

Currently, Americans are losing their civil liberties due to tough laws against terrorism. It is the same idea too. Canada shares a borderline with the US and needs to align its domestic policy with the US. 

We only can pray to Canada to protect us from this evil which is upon us.

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Reyhaneh Jabbari - Execution - Islamic Republic of Iran

 Reyhaneh Jabbari 1988 - October 25, 2014 was convicted of murdering a former intelligence officer, Morteza Abdolali Sarbandi. In 2007, Sarbandi met Reyhaneh, who was an interior decorator, in a cafe and convinced her to visit his office to discuss a business deal. At his office, Sarbandi allegedly drugged her and attempted to rape her. Reyhaneh grabbed a pocket knife and stabbed him. Then, she fled the scene leaving Sarbandi to bleed to death.

What did happen to Jimmy Carter's promise of  human rights for Iranians? Now, can we say Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi was a just and benevolent ruler? Indeed, these Freemason, and Illuminate leaders are dragging the world toward destruction. Only God can save us.

Pastor Martin Niemöller - First they came for the Socialists,

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.
Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

Friday, October 24, 2014

Spraying Acid on Womens Face - Isalmic Republic of Iran

The Islamic Republic of Iran since 1979 is using coercive methods to enforced Machiavellian doctrine in Iran in order exercise fear, fraud and force. There is weapon of praying to people of Iran to stop violence against one another. I pray to God that these types of violence come to an end.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Ottawa Terrorist Attack

On Tuesday October 21st, 2014 one man was planning to go to Turkey to join the ISIS. The custom agents did not allow him to leave Canada and to go to Turkey. On Wednesday October 22nd, 2014 several individuals decided to ambush the federal parliament in Ottawa. Consequently, it lead to death of several individuals and caused Prime Minister of Canada Stephen Harper to maximize security.

This blog since 2006 is informing the Canadian Security Intelligence Service and Right Honorable Stephen Harper that they must stop associating with Islamic Republic of Iran.  However, Canada is not listening. It is not financially beneficial for them because they have been receiving campaign contribution from the regime in Iran and building HWY 407 in Ontario and many other financial benefits for the personal gain of the politicians.

As a Christian Ezekiel 3: 16 - 21. I did my job to inform people do not associate with terrorist regime of Iran due to Trojan Horses, the rest is up to them to listen or not to listen.

