Justice for All
The Motto of the Theology State in Iran
Think Independently, and freely because you are a free person.
Monday, November 15, 2010
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Friday, August 13, 2010
Friday, August 06, 2010
Monday, August 02, 2010
Hich Kas-Yek Roz Khob Miad
Is it possible this dark clouds to be moved from Iran's sky and happines take over Iran's sky?
Tehran-Hichkas-Social Inequality in Iran
The 1979 Revolution promised of social equality. Now, in Iran social inequality is common currency, and AHMADI NEZHAD is always saying that he would fight corruption and would store social justice in Iran. Have not we heard enough lies from these liars? Export Development of Canada, in 2006, stated that 10% of population is holding on 75% of Iran's wealth that this 10% of population was composed of individuals that they were loyal to the rouge state of IRI.
Friday, July 30, 2010
Thursday, July 22, 2010
The Islamic Republic of Iran Controls Canadian Politicians

Thursday July 22nd, 2010
The Islamic Republic of Iran Controls Canadian Politicians
The Islamic Republic of Iran is controlling federal, provincial and local Canadian politicians by having lobby groups like Iran Canada Business Council which is making political campaign contribution to the Canadian politicians. In return the rouge state in Iran is able to make investments in Canada, as well as, acquisition of nuclear capability.
The Iran Canada Business Council plays a vital role in recruiting Canadian politicians under disguise of political campaign contribution and securing the Iranian regime's investments in Canada. According to the Iran Canada Business Council's acting chairperson Mr. Ahmad TABRIZI {Ahmad Reza TABRIZI} “the Iran Canada Business Council provides members with exceptional opportunities to develop business in Iran. Through a wide network of senior business and government contacts both in Canada and in Iran, the Council is able to provide members with entree into one of the most important and growing markets in the Middle East.”
On August 14th, 2003 the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada released a report {IRN41817, E}about role of the Revolutionary Guard Corps which was controlling Iran's construction industry, and had closed ties with the cleric circle in Iran. Mr. TABRIZI is involved in construction industry in Iran. In addition, Canada allowed cleric Rafsanjani who is an infamous international terrorist to build Highway 407, and Center Point Mall with his family in city of Toronto, Province of Ontario. Most importantly, it was against Criminal Code of Canada section 83.03 to allow a terrorist entity like Rafsanjani to use Canada as an economic base.
In March 1992 Canadian Security Intelligence Service released a report of the rouge state in Iran's ambition to pursue nuclear power by Dr. R. HENDERSON. Interestingly, this research paper mentioned “we [Iran] have learned that preserving our independence and survival in this unsuitable international climate is not possible without science, technology and the necessary tool. Iranian President Rafsanjani, New York Times, 18 November 1991.” Furthermore, in November 1995 the CSIS stated that the regime is isolated from international community because it is pursuing nuclear power. Despite the above ugly reality, the Canadian politicians gave their blessing to the rouge state in Iran, and provided the regime with nuclear power, and other secondary materials to the regime in Iran to build underground nuclear powers.
The rouge state of Iran's lobby group in Canada has been proven to be influential in Canada by forming fraudulent charity organizations like Parya Trillium Foundation, and registered its address at 30 Kern Road, T.O ON M3B 1T1. Interestingly, Mr. TABRIZI registered his company's {Taim Canada Inc.} address under the above address, who is making political campaign contributions to the Canadian politicians under different charities, companies and names.
All in all, the rouge state in Iran is recruiting Canadian politicians in order to use Canada as an economic base. In return, the Canadian politicians would provide safe haven for terrorist like Rafsanjani, and providing nuclear power to the regime in Iran to bully other nations.
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Adam Josephs-Toronto Police Services-52 Div
Not only Toronto Police Services is acting like a bully, all law enforcers in Canada are acting like a bully. This police officer is making up story that this lady is assualting him with a bubble in front of the camera. Now, imagine when there is no camera, he would lie all the way. Thus, this police officer, and all police officers in Canada=Revolutionary Guard in Iran.
Sunday, July 04, 2010
Sunday, June 06, 2010
Shahram Shabpareh
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Our Man in Tehran: Ken Taylor, The CIA, and The Iran Hostage Crisis by Robert Wright
On page 8 this author stated the shah had indeed married the girl, Gilda Soufi... Ottawa obliged. Not even the KGB knew that the shah had taken a fourth wife.” According to historical fact, King Mohammad Reza PAHLAVI married three times, and at each time of his marriage, there was monogamy relationship. Thus, this author's claim that the King was involved in a polygamy relationship was false. In addition, this author was reverberating the theocratic regime's propaganda in Iran that the King had a mistress. After careful consideration, this author left a taste that he has a connection with the regime in Iran.
On page 17, this author put a great leverage on 1953 coup which was orchestrated by the US. According to CIA documents, it did not take part in 1953 coup in Iran, the below weblink would shed lights on 1953 coup in Iran.
On page 21, this author mentioned that the King called himself, King of Kings or Shahanshah, Light of Aryan. As a matter of fact, it was part of Iran's political culture to refer to all Iranian/Persian monarchs as King of Kings. The Light of Aryan title was given to Him by academic arena. The King also had another title, Great Chief and Commander of of Imperial Army.
On several pages, this author mentioned that SAVAK agents had torture machines in their homes. The above allegation emerged on the surface after victory of 1979 Revolution in Iran. After careful consideration, the above allegation had no merit. First, victims would be in pain and would be making loud noises, so neighbors would know that there were problems. Last, this author claimed that there were victims body parts. Obviously, these places would cause staunch. Currently, there are SAVAK agents all over the world, and none ever brought international courts.
This author mentioned several times about armories were present in the streets. Indeed, in 1970's, Quebec wanted to separate from rest of Canada, and there were individuals that they engaged in terrorist activities. There were marshal laws in place, and absent of civil liberty. Of course, in the above case, the end justify the meaning. However, in case of Pahlavi, it would be constituted as brutality.
On page 50, this author needed to read General Robert Huyser's book “ Mission to Tehran” that how he prevented the Imperial Iranian Armed Forces to stage a coup in Iran. In addition, he was puzzled why Carter's administration was forcing General Toufanian to buy more weapons from the US.
This author illustrated bias toward 1979 revolution by calling former Generals with derogatory names while this author was praising the revolutionary people.
This author had no firm grasp of Iran's 1979 Revolution because he was referring to King Mohammad Reza Pahlavi as Reza Pahlavi.
There were plenty of grammar mistakes.
This author also invented his own version of history by claiming that Khomeini's sons, Ahmad and Mustafa were well trained in military skills. In fact, Ahmad, and Mustafa were pleasently plum, and Mustafa died as a result of over eating.
The bottom line, this book reminder of BBC propaganda.
Friday, April 02, 2010
In The Name of My Father
Shirin is a prime example that how these individuals are impeding Iran's liberation from tyranny of mullah in Iran.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Public Declaration from Me to Your E-mail Viruses
As a result, I do not open any e-mail from past acquaintances, or individuals, they pretend that they are working for cause of Iran while they are informants of the rouge state of Islamice Republic of Iran in the West.
You can send me, as many e-mail as, you want too. You are same low life persons, and that is what you are.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Tuesday, January 05, 2010
Sunday, January 03, 2010
The Servants of Devil

Sunday January 03rd, 2009
1.Creating a Marxist-Islamist Utopia.
2.Respecting safety and security of Imperial Iranian Armed Forces.
3.Freedom of speech.
In February 1979, Khomeini returned to Iran after fifteen (15) years of exile, and when one American reporter, in the airplane, asked Khomeini, how did he feel about returning to Iran? He said nothing. He had no feeling to Iran. As this child of Prophet Muhammad landed in Iran, he did not waste any time, he formed firing squads and commenced to executed members of Imperial Iranian Armed Forces in order to prevent any possible military coup. The widows did not have chance to say good bye to their loved one, as the Marxist-Islamist factions began to confiscate assets of Imperial Iranian Armed Forces and families left destitute. Some of these families fled Iran, and some went back to their parents' houses.
Khomeini did not want to share political sphere with anyone as he gave himself title of Ayatollah/Sign of God, and Ro-Ho-Llah which means Spirit of God. Interesting, in Islam, it was forbidden to associate anything to God, it was constituted as blasphemy sin, and punishment was death, but he did.
Khomeini asked the left-wing factions to speak freely in Iran, as the Marxist Factions would appear before cameras, and would discuss utopia. Once, these left-wing factions were identified, the freedom of speech of abolished, and Iran's prisons were filled with the left-wing factions. The regime had one solution for these individuals in the prisons. Let's purge them all. In case of young ladies that they were not married. They had to be touched in order to prevent them from entering garden of heaven. The Revolutionary Guards, Paramilitary (Besij) and any other form of Iron Fist of the regime commenced to illustrate their loyalty to the regime by taking part in touching the ladies in the prisons, and their execution in the glory of Prophet Muhammad and Allah.
According to the below video clip, it illustrated that in Iran's culture it was rude to kiss another man's hand, as MOUSAVI and others were kissing Khomeini's hand. Plus, Koran was above Khomeini, and Koran in Chapter 5 verse 51 and Chapter 9 verse 29 mentioned God did not like arrogant people.
The real fact would remain solid that Khomeini and his associates began to plunder Iran's wealth, in some cases, they destroyed ancient sites of Iran because they hate Iran or they sold priceless items to other nations so they would have more money in their bank accounts. These type of individuals were serving purpose of evil, and were nothing but servants of devil. Mr. MOUSAVI, Mr. KHATAMI and any individual was associated with the regime was nothing but a godless person, and was servant of devil. Would you hand shake with devil?