Justice for All
Freedom, Justice, Honor
Sunday March 29th, 2009
The below paper was consulted with one infantry officer who served during Imperial Iranian Armed Forces.
Nojeh/Nozheh Coup:
Remember, Remember, 18 Tir of Each Year, a Day of Gun Powder, and Revolt.
On 18 Tir/July 09 several Immortal Soldiers took their lives in their own hand, and acted selflessly. These Immortal Soldier left comfort of their homes, and loved one in order to defend those who could not defend themselves. It was true that final objective was not achieved. However, these Immortal Soldiers' high spirit gave birth to another 18 Tir/July 09 student movement in Iran. How can anyone forget all these sacrifices that the Imperial Iranian Armed Forces made for Iran? Dare not. What Did Happen on 18 Tir?
Iran is a rich country due to abundant of natural resources, and these natural resources were generating substantial amount of revenue for Iran and since His Imperial Majesty, Light of Aryan, King of Kings Mohammad Reza PAHLAVI I made Iran to become an independent nation, and no longer was under control of Britain or Russia, Iran’s economy was blooming, and Iranian were enjoying high standard of living.
As Iran was making progress, the other countries like France, Britain, and US became jealous about Iran’s positive progress because the above nations knew well that Iran would become one major power player. The above nations did not want to share political realm with Iran. As democrat President John F. KENNEDY set the tone against Pahlavi Dynasty, and Jimmy Carter finished dirty deal of Kennedy to halt Iran from progress.
Carter’s ill intention became clear when he invited His Imperial Majesty to the White House, and Carter orchestra student demonstration against His Imperial Majesty. In fact, those were not students, they were bunch of outlaws that they were running around and causing social disorder. Eventually, France, Britain, and US inspired Khomeini HENDI, Bazargan, Sanjaby, MEK and other Marxist-Islamist factions to create the 1979 fiasco in Iran.
His Imperial Majesty left Iran due to violent behavior of naïve public, and Iran was left in hands of brave the Imperial Iranian Armed Forces to protect Iranian from their own destructive behavior. It was during this fateful moment, when Iranian Imperial Armed Forces contemplated an uprising to stop the cleric regime from destroying ancient land of Persia. It would be reasonable to come to a natural conclusion that the event of 18 Tir was dislodged because the US Carter predicted that Imperial Iranian Armed Forces would stage an uprising, and the US made sure one mole would be planted among Imperial Iranian Armed Forces. Henceforth, the 18 Tir coup became fruitless.
Let’s remember the MEK, Tudeh Party and other Marxist-Islamist factions went bombastic on apprehension of Imperial Iranian Armed Forces, and executed as many as they could do in order to purge the Imperial Iranian Armed Forces.
As a result, the 18 Tir of each year is a national remembrance day for Iranian, a day to remember that the Imperial Iranian Armed Forced fulfilled its allegiance to their King of Kings Mohammad Reza PAHLAVI, and Iran. Let’s remember that it was not the individuals of the 18 Tir coup who failed to reach to their final destination, it was a nation that it failed to grasp the hard labor of love of the Imperial Iranian Armed Forces for their King and Iran. Additionally, Iran was in state of dystopia since 1979 because Iranian failed to understand value of the Imperial Iranian Armed Forces.
Theory of 18 Tir Coup of Imperial Iranian Armed Forces:
There were many theories about the 18 Tir coup by the Imperial Iranian Armed Forces which took place about two years after 1979 fiasco in Iran. Currently, there were two theories about the 18 Tir uprising and first one was associated with Shapour BAKHTIAR, who was former Prime Minister of regency government in Iran that he plotted the 18 Tir coup in Iran with support of Kurdish people. It was assumed that the Kurds were going to charge at Tehran with assistance of the army to overthrow the regime and there was one last possibility that CIA staged the 18 Tir coup in Iran by providing financial support, as well as, military supplies to the Imperial Iranian Armed Forces to topple the regime in Iran.
This paper would explore validity of the above theories, and to understand how participants of the 18 Tir were contemplating to overthrow the regime in Iran, this portion of the paper was consulted with one infantry officer in order to reflect light on situation of the 18 Tir.
Military uprising is composed of different stages, it involved mind frame, loyalty, dedication, secrecy and envisioning safe and secure future for everyone.
Stage One Conditions to Proceed:
First order of business about any kind of military uprising which would be carry-out by infantry/vanguard personnels because infantry personnels would be in position to make arrest, capitulation, and assault on the opponents. Also, infantry personnels same rank as other officer in navy, and air-force would lead them, and navy and air-force officers must obey command of infantry officer. Henceforth, the infantry officers play major role during military up-rising, and air-force would be use as an instrument to support infantry and to suppress opponents in case of eventuality.
Second order of business would be that one high ranking military officer from an infantry would stage the uprising because in an army there is one high ranking officer who commands others and others must obey him blindly. In army there was absent of democracy, just obey the command and move forward.
Third order of business would be mind frame of the entities that they wanted to stage an uprising. They need to recruit individuals that they share same value, belief and have one common denominator. Hence, it required dedication and times to recruit right kind of individuals to participate in the up-rising, and would coordinate meeting in unconventional fashion. Perhaps, high ranking officers would discuss details of uprising during early morning, when they were in the base and were raising flag or sometimes they would gather in someone's house and would discuss details of the uprising.
Fourth order of business would be extreme secrecy during course of contemplating uprising and would be an absolute silent. Information would not be share with anyone. Only those who are part of circle of trust would exchange information with one another.
Recruiting Process:
One high ranking infantry officers; such as, a Major-General which was a minimum requirement to commence an uprising in this situation and had three brigades in his command and there was no absent of trustworthy person. The Major-General would seek deputy of them, and in case that failed the Major-General would recruit one high ranking officer who would be in position to command a brigade. These brigades were not in one military base, they were spread-out in one city. In case of Tehran, there were three brigades, one brigade/tip 1 Pahlavi located at Ishrat Abad, two brigade/tip 2 Naderi, located at Chahrah Qasr, and three brigade/tip 3 Heshmateh located at Serah Heshmateh. Once, this Major-General finalized his selection process from the above three brigades. Now, recruiting process reached to next stage which would be recruiting more military officers. It was time to recruit sergeants, and sergeants would be on look-out for right kind of foot soldiers who shared same vision as them.
Therefore, the process of selection was very lengthy and it was not matter of several months. This labor of recruiting would take more or less two years, and sergeants would be selected close to final stage of uprising.
There was process of networking that once one city begin to recruit its own participants, it would begin to recruit officers from other major cities. In this case, it would begin to recruit from city of Hamedan, Tabriz, Mash-had, and Tehran. There were other cities that they did not have any significant in this case like city of Esfehan and Shiraz because Esfehan was for training artillery cadets and would not serve any purpose for anyone during uprising, and there were cadets in Shiraz that they were receiving military training. In Sistan and Baluchistan, there was Gendarmerie Task Force was pre-occupied with illicit drugs trafficking and did not have military capability or to be able to retaliate any kind of military strike at the participants of the 18 Tir uprising. Additionally, the Gendarmerie possessed light weaponry and did not have state of art weapons. In Province of Khouzistan, it was heavy armories like Tanks, and so on which was designed to confront Iraqi force, and would not be able to reach to Tehran within short time-frame. Even, they heavy armories wanted to defend the regime, several air strike would finish the job right on the spot.
Identifying Process:
All participants would be on look-out who would play nice with the participants and who would not play with the participants. In this case, individuals would be sympathizer to the regime were identified, and during the uprising, the participants would apprehended the sympathizers in order to suppress any kind of reaction and in case there were individuals that cloud of doubts were hanging on them, the participants would refrain from engaging in conversation with them, and during course of uprising would be imprisoned.
Meeting Destiny:
The Major-General would select a date for this operation, and a particular time to carry-out the operation, and making sure it would be coincident with some kind of holiday or at night that there was possibility of ambushing the opponent, and the opponent was less vigilant.
The Major-General and other participants calculate a plan of action, and must be able carry-out their tasks with coordination at once without any kind of delay. Otherwise the uprising would be dislodged or it would turn-out to be bloody.
In this theory of coup certain individuals are assigned to capitulate commanding officers of brigade/tip 1 Pahlavi located at Ishrat Abad, brigade/tip 2 Naderi, located at Chahrah Qasr, and brigade/tip 3 Heshmateh located at Serah Heshmateh. These individuals would appear in their offices with one high ranking officer and perhaps they would appear with two sergeants as visitors of the brigades and wanted to discuss some issues with them. Once, they were in the offices, the participants would handcuffed the brigades, and would be advised to collaborate with the participants.
The sergeant would ask some soldiers to leave the base, and selected some soldiers, and would give rifles and other gears to the soldiers in order to engage in the coup. Also, they would rush to the arsenal storages, and would lock down the storages, and would not allow anyone to have access to the storages.
There were other plotters who were assigned to capitulate a chief of police. These military officers would not walk to the chief of police office with rifles because it would raise question about their present in the police station, and would give clue to police officers that there was something suspicious, and it was on progress. Thus, they were carrying knives, and since they wearing uniform, they would have respect of police officers, and would not be subject to frisk, and these officers would be ushered with police officers to the chief of police office. Once, these officers were in, they would handcuff the chief of police, and would use knives as a coercive method to subdue the chief of police. It was meant to prevent police to spread the message of uprising to other places. These officers would ask the chief of police to act accordingly, and gather his personnels in a large room, and the chief of police would follow command of the officer. Remember, there was fear of death and anyone would obey command of a person with power. Once, these police officers gathered in a large room, soldiers would rush in the police station, and would take over police station, these soldiers would make sure radio communication would be dismantle, also high ranking police officers were imprisoned in the large room, and were informed of it. The chief of police would instruct other police stations to follow the command of plotters, and there would be other soldiers that they would rush to other police stations and would take over the police stations.
There were other plotters that they would seize radio and television stations or any means of communication, so the establishment would not be able to call for help from outside or inside. These plotters would use same tactic by gaining entry in the building, and would imprison all staffs.
There were individuals that they would apprehend head of state and other dignitaries. It would be vital to apprehend the head of state alive, as well as, other dignitaries. The intention of the military uprising was to keep as many people alive for next stage of the uprising which was unfolding.
The above actions would take place in cities of Hamedan, Tabriz, Mash-had, and Tehran at once during exact time since Iran has one time zone there was no problem about carrying on the operation.
Now, everyone was in place, the plotters would advised detained brigades to advise others to surrounded to the plotters, and the brigades would yield to the demand of plotters or whoever was commanding the army. The head of state would be ushered before national camera, and the plotters would make sure that if he wanted to do monkey business, there was no tomorrow for him. The head of state would be instructed to tell everyone not to resist, and join the plotters. Obviously, a man with a gun was in-charge of this situation, and everyone would follow his command meticulously.
Once, everything was finalized the mission was accomplished and the plotters re-establishing the Pahlavi Dynasty in Iran.
What Happened on 18 Tir:
The above theory of coup provided 101 military uprising and did not give any insight about the 18 Tir uprising which was dislodged in Iran. This portion of the paper was discussing the 18 Tir uprising, and how they were going to accomplish their mission. During early stage of 1979 fiasco in Iran, the Marxist-Islamist factions were executing, as many as, infantry officers. Quite frankly, it was a big party for them, and they were thirsty for blood of military officers.
Therefore, there were not that many high rank infantry military officers to coordinate some kind of coup in Iran, and Major-General Saeed MEHDIYOUN from city of Hamedan at Shahrokhy air-base had obligation toward his country and His Imperial Majesty, Light of Aryan, King of Kings Mohammad Reza PAHLAVI to defend Iran against unjust entities, as he engaged to recruit officers which during process of recruiting, Brigade-General Ayat MOHAGHEGHI was selected among others. In addition, this group which was known as Neqab/mask recruited others from other cities too.
Why Shahrokhy Air-Base:
The Shahrokhy air-base was designed to confront possible Iraq of Iran during. Also city of Tabriz, Tehran and Mash-had air-bases which were insignificant compare to Shahrokhy air-base. The Shahrokhy air-base had infantry personnels too in order to confront Iraq invasion of Iran.
The 18 Tir coup became fruitless, and it was not clear who really exposed the plotters, but there must be one person who informed the regime in Iran about the plotters and one person stood out as a possible accused person who acted as an informant to the regime in Iran.
There was no doubt that during process of recruiting there was a mole among them who exposed them and since these officers wrote the names on papers and carried the names with them and when they were detained, the names came out of them, so they were exposed one by one.
The coup was dislodged because of Saeed HAJJARIAN who informed Mohammad Mohammadi Nik known as Reyshahri that there was a coup. According to eye witnesses city of Tehran had become a military zone, tanks were everywhere, and everyone in street was talking about a military coup. Obviously, the coup was dislodged and the tanks were prepared for eventuality.
False Allegations:
During one television interview with Honorable Immortal Brigade-General Ayat MOHAGHEGHI, which appeared that it was his military trial. It was during course of the trial one interviewer asked the General did he have intention of firing rocket to Khomeini HENDI's house? And he said yes, and the interviewer did not allow him to finish his sentence. However, according to rule of military coup which was a “must” to deatin head of state alive and to be usher before camera and making sure that every province in Iran would be surrounded to uprising and would not show resistance. Yes, the air-force as a last resource and only option on table would launch rocket at Khomeini's house when the uprising became bloody or the head of state in case Khomeini became aware of the uprising and was seeking a safe-house and was hiding somewhere. Thus, the situation would dictate the air-force as a support to infantry to use deadly force in order to eliminate threat and since the uprising was carried by limited number of infantry the air-force would provide support to the boys on the ground to get ride of trouble maker, as quickly as, possible.
Did Shapour BAKHTIAR stage the 18 uprising? Imperial Iranian Armed Forces had no attachment to him. He was a civilian and military officers do not take command from a civilian. The Imperial Iranian Armed Forces had loyalty only for His Imperial Majesty, Light of Aryan, King of Kings Mohammad Reza PAHLAVI, and wanted to restore Pahlavi Dynasty. Furthermore, BAKHTIAR in his memories professed that he orchestra collapsed of the Pahlavi Dynasty. The Imperial Iranian Armed Forces saw BAKHTIAR nothing but a traitor to Iran that he was a man who was looking for a fame and glory.
Did CIA provide financial assistance or any kind of assistance to the 18 Tir uprising? The CIA assisted Marxist-Islamist factions to unseat the Pahlavi Dynasty, and CIA would not do anything to remove the regime in Iran. Plus, these immortal soldiers had access to arsenal, and did not need anyone to supply the plotters with weapons.
Did Kurdish people or any ethnic people were staging attack to Tehran? It was an absurd idea to think that ethnic people would rush to the capital city. It would be out of character of military uprising, dynamic of military uprising was about secrecy. This was a military uprising, and it was not public knowledge. In case, there was some kind of assault from outside to Tehran, it would lead to some serious clash and the uprising would be dislodge at no time. It required the participants to ambush the regime key players and give them a chance to live. If force would be used and there was fear of death the supporter of the regime would retaliate fearlessly in order to survive the coup.
Did Saddam Hussein know about the 18 Tir? Saddam was enemy of Iran, as well as, His Imperial Majesty. Thus, the Imperial Iranian Armed Forces did not have any connection with Saddam.
Why Was not There any Other Coup?
How come there never was another military uprising in Iran? There were several factors which were contemplating here which prevented the army to remove the regime in Iran. One, the US naval was positioned in the Persian Gulf which was a sign for the Imperial Iranian Armed Forces that if the army moved against the regime, the US would support the regime which was the case during Tabriz populace uprising. The US force landed in Tabriz air-base and provided light weaponry to Revolutionary Guards to suppress the uprising. Second, there was an eight year war between Iran and Iraq and the Imperial Iranian Armed Forces had obligation to defend Iran against aggression of Iraq. The Imperial Iranian Armed Forces was on tough spot. Eventually, the Revolutionary Guards took control of armed forces, and the cleric regime did not trust the Revolutionary Guards and created a paramilitary with name of Besij, and the cleric did not trust the Besij and created lebas shakhsi or civilian group against all above entities and they had no military training whatsoever, they just knew how to use deadly force against anyone.
Thank you
Long Live Pure Divine Motherland of Iran