Justice for All

The Motto of the Theology State in Iran

The Motto of the Islamic Republic of Iran (IRI), it is better to be feared than to be loved. The IRI is using Iron Fist by utilizing Machiavelli doctrine of Fear, Fraud and Force to rule Iran.

Think Independently, and freely because you are a free person.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Obama Derangement Syndrome

By David HorowitzFrontPageMagazine.com 3/30/2009
I have been watching an interesting phenomenon on the Right, which is beginning to cause me concern. I am referring to the over-the-top hysteria in response to the first months in office of our new president, which distinctly reminds me of the “Bush Is Hitler” crowd on the Left. Speaking of this crowd, have you seen any “I am so sorry” postings from that quarter as Obama continues and even escalates the former president's war policy in Afghanistan and attempts to consolidate his military occupation of Iraq? Conservatives, please. Let's not duplicate the manias of the Left as we figure out how to deal with Mr. Obama. He is not exactly the anti-Christ, although a disturbing number of people on the Right are convinced he is. I have recently received commentaries that claim that "Obama's speeches are unlike any political speech we have heard in American history" and "never has a politician in this land had such a quasi-religious impact on so many people" and "Obama is a narcissist," which leads the author to then compare Obama to David Koresh, Charles Manson, Stalin and Saddam Hussein. Excuse me while I blow my nose. This fellow has failed to notice that all politicians are narcissists – and that a recent American president was a world-class exponent of the imperial me. So what? Political egos are one of the reasons the Founders put checks and balances on executive power. As for serial lying, is there a politician that cannot be accused of that? And once, the same recent president set a pretty a high bar in this category, and we survived it. As for Obama's speeches, they are hardly in the Huey Long, Louie Farrakhan, Fidel Castro vein. They are in fact eloquently and cleverly centrist and sober.
So what's the panic? It is true that Obama has shown surprising ineptitude in his first months in office, but he's not a zero with no accomplishments as many conservatives seem to think – unless you regard beating the Clinton machine and winning the presidency as nothing. But in doing this you fall into the “Bush-is-an-idiot” bag of liberal miasmas. It is also true Obama has ceded his domestic economic agenda to the House Democrats and spent a lot of money in the process. But what’s the surprise in this? After all, Bush and McCain both proposed (and in Bush's case pushed through) massive government giveaways (which amount to government takeovers as well). This is bad, but it doesn't make Obama a closet Mussolini, however deplorable the conservatives among us may regard it. Moreover, he's already run into political resistance even within his own party. Charlie Rangel has made it clear that the itemized deduction tax hike is not going through his committee – and that should tell you that the American system, the one the Founders created, is still in place. Even as astute a conservative thinker as Mark Steyn has been swept up in the tide that thinks Obama is a “transformative” radical. But look again at his approach to the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. In both cases, as noted, he is carrying out the Bush policies – the same that he once joined his fellow Democrats in condemning. And that should be reassuring to anyone concerned about where he is heading as commander-in-chief. In other words, while it's reasonable to be unhappy with a Democratic administration and even concerned because the Democrats are now a socialist party in the European sense, we are not witnessing the coming of the anti-Christ. A good strategy for political conflicts is to understand your opponent first – not to underestimate him, but not to overestimate him either. Once conservatives do that, they will find some silver linings in the first moves of the Obama administration. Through a combination of ineptitude and zeal, Obama has in two short months locked down the conservative and Republican base. On fetal stem-cell research, on borders (e-verification), on spending, on unions, on shutting down talk radio, Obama has flexed the leftist muscle so nakedly and unmistakably that there isn’t a conservative left who will vote Democratic in the next election (and there were many who did so in the last). As we move forward, Obama faces increasingly tough choices in the wars against Islamic fascism in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Gaza and Iran. Hopefully, he will make the right choices, and should he do so conservatives will need to be there to support him. If he makes the wrong choices, conservatives will need to be there to oppose him. But neither our support nor our opposition should be based on hysterical responses to policies that we just don't like. Let’s leave that kind of behavior to the liberals who invented it.
David Horowitz is the founder of The David Horowitz Freedom Center and author of the new book, One Party Classroom.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

In The Name of My Daddy

In The Name of My Daddy
I am going to end this discussion with you, and I found you to be a liar, working for the regime in Iran, two faces, and as long as, this was how you were living, you were going to lose your friends, and would find yourself alone.
I also took a piety on you because maybe you became who you were because of the regime in Iran, the regime in Iran took your father from you with very aggressive manner, and you lost faith in everything, and the regime mutilated your heart as you became a heartless person.
I knew from beginning that you were playing one big game with me, and gave you many chances to you so you would change yourself, but you did not.
Have you find it strange, people start pulling away from you, they pulled away from you very fast and did not show you any kind of mercy like Juliet? You talked in rude manner with people, and were taking a great pride for being rude to others, and were thinking everyone was in great debt to you because of your father. No one was responsible for your father's death. The mullah did it, and no one else was involved in it, and others were trying to help you to have a final disclosure in your life.

Everyone lied to you about your father's death, and I told you the truth that you needed to know, and how the regime killed him.

You claimed that you had physical and emotional pain, I believed in law of Karma and what you were going through in life, it was because of what you had done in your past to people.
I did what I had to do so you would know that some individuals would take a firm stand against you, and would not be bully around by you.

If you take one more step against me by spreading lies or anything about me to others, I will deliver hell storm to you. This 32 days of war between us would become a reminder to you not to mess with me.

I did not lay criminal charges against you and your gang because others did not allow me to do it, but next time, I would not show you the same remission.

Stop playing with people and start building relationship with people, and try to have friends with what is left from your life.


Nojeh/Nozheh Coup:

Justice for All

E-mail: immortalguardofiran@yahoo.com

Freedom, Justice, Honor
Sunday March 29th, 2009
The below paper was consulted with one infantry officer who served during Imperial Iranian Armed Forces.
Nojeh/Nozheh Coup:
Remember, Remember, 18 Tir of Each Year, a Day of Gun Powder, and Revolt.1

On 18 Tir/July 09 several Immortal Soldiers took their lives in their own hand, and acted selflessly. These Immortal Soldier left comfort of their homes, and loved one in order to defend those who could not defend themselves. It was true that final objective was not achieved. However, these Immortal Soldiers' high spirit gave birth to another 18 Tir/July 09 student movement in Iran. How can anyone forget all these sacrifices that the Imperial Iranian Armed Forces made for Iran? Dare not. What Did Happen on 18 Tir?
Iran is a rich country due to abundant of natural resources, and these natural resources were generating substantial amount of revenue for Iran and since His Imperial Majesty, Light of Aryan, King of Kings Mohammad Reza PAHLAVI I made Iran to become an independent nation, and no longer was under control of Britain or Russia, Iran’s economy was blooming, and Iranian were enjoying high standard of living.
As Iran was making progress, the other countries like France, Britain, and US became jealous about Iran’s positive progress because the above nations knew well that Iran would become one major power player. The above nations did not want to share political realm with Iran. As democrat President John F. KENNEDY set the tone against Pahlavi Dynasty, and Jimmy Carter finished dirty deal of Kennedy to halt Iran from progress.
Carter’s ill intention became clear when he invited His Imperial Majesty to the White House, and Carter orchestra student demonstration against His Imperial Majesty. In fact, those were not students, they were bunch of outlaws that they were running around and causing social disorder. Eventually, France, Britain, and US inspired Khomeini HENDI, Bazargan, Sanjaby, MEK and other Marxist-Islamist factions to create the 1979 fiasco in Iran.
His Imperial Majesty left Iran due to violent behavior of naïve public, and Iran was left in hands of brave the Imperial Iranian Armed Forces to protect Iranian from their own destructive behavior. It was during this fateful moment, when Iranian Imperial Armed Forces contemplated an uprising to stop the cleric regime from destroying ancient land of Persia. It would be reasonable to come to a natural conclusion that the event of 18 Tir was dislodged because the US Carter predicted that Imperial Iranian Armed Forces would stage an uprising, and the US made sure one mole would be planted among Imperial Iranian Armed Forces. Henceforth, the 18 Tir coup became fruitless.
Let’s remember the MEK, Tudeh Party and other Marxist-Islamist factions went bombastic on apprehension of Imperial Iranian Armed Forces, and executed as many as they could do in order to purge the Imperial Iranian Armed Forces.
As a result, the 18 Tir of each year is a national remembrance day for Iranian, a day to remember that the Imperial Iranian Armed Forced fulfilled its allegiance to their King of Kings Mohammad Reza PAHLAVI, and Iran. Let’s remember that it was not the individuals of the 18 Tir coup who failed to reach to their final destination, it was a nation that it failed to grasp the hard labor of love of the Imperial Iranian Armed Forces for their King and Iran. Additionally, Iran was in state of dystopia since 1979 because Iranian failed to understand value of the Imperial Iranian Armed Forces.
Theory of 18 Tir Coup of Imperial Iranian Armed Forces:
There were many theories about the 18 Tir coup by the Imperial Iranian Armed Forces which took place about two years after 1979 fiasco in Iran. Currently, there were two theories about the 18 Tir uprising and first one was associated with Shapour BAKHTIAR, who was former Prime Minister of regency government in Iran that he plotted the 18 Tir coup in Iran with support of Kurdish people. It was assumed that the Kurds were going to charge at Tehran with assistance of the army to overthrow the regime and there was one last possibility that CIA staged the 18 Tir coup in Iran by providing financial support, as well as, military supplies to the Imperial Iranian Armed Forces to topple the regime in Iran.
This paper would explore validity of the above theories, and to understand how participants of the 18 Tir were contemplating to overthrow the regime in Iran, this portion of the paper was consulted with one infantry officer in order to reflect light on situation of the 18 Tir.
Military uprising is composed of different stages, it involved mind frame, loyalty, dedication, secrecy and envisioning safe and secure future for everyone.
Stage One Conditions to Proceed:
First order of business about any kind of military uprising which would be carry-out by infantry/vanguard personnels because infantry personnels would be in position to make arrest, capitulation, and assault on the opponents. Also, infantry personnels same rank as other officer in navy, and air-force would lead them, and navy and air-force officers must obey command of infantry officer. Henceforth, the infantry officers play major role during military up-rising, and air-force would be use as an instrument to support infantry and to suppress opponents in case of eventuality.
Second order of business would be that one high ranking military officer from an infantry would stage the uprising because in an army there is one high ranking officer who commands others and others must obey him blindly. In army there was absent of democracy, just obey the command and move forward.
Third order of business would be mind frame of the entities that they wanted to stage an uprising. They need to recruit individuals that they share same value, belief and have one common denominator. Hence, it required dedication and times to recruit right kind of individuals to participate in the up-rising, and would coordinate meeting in unconventional fashion. Perhaps, high ranking officers would discuss details of uprising during early morning, when they were in the base and were raising flag or sometimes they would gather in someone's house and would discuss details of the uprising.
Fourth order of business would be extreme secrecy during course of contemplating uprising and would be an absolute silent. Information would not be share with anyone. Only those who are part of circle of trust would exchange information with one another.
Recruiting Process:
One high ranking infantry officers; such as, a Major-General which was a minimum requirement to commence an uprising in this situation and had three brigades in his command and there was no absent of trustworthy person. The Major-General would seek deputy of them, and in case that failed the Major-General would recruit one high ranking officer who would be in position to command a brigade. These brigades were not in one military base, they were spread-out in one city. In case of Tehran, there were three brigades, one brigade/tip 1 Pahlavi located at Ishrat Abad, two brigade/tip 2 Naderi, located at Chahrah Qasr, and three brigade/tip 3 Heshmateh located at Serah Heshmateh. Once, this Major-General finalized his selection process from the above three brigades. Now, recruiting process reached to next stage which would be recruiting more military officers. It was time to recruit sergeants, and sergeants would be on look-out for right kind of foot soldiers who shared same vision as them.
Therefore, the process of selection was very lengthy and it was not matter of several months. This labor of recruiting would take more or less two years, and sergeants would be selected close to final stage of uprising.
There was process of networking that once one city begin to recruit its own participants, it would begin to recruit officers from other major cities. In this case, it would begin to recruit from city of Hamedan, Tabriz, Mash-had, and Tehran. There were other cities that they did not have any significant in this case like city of Esfehan and Shiraz because Esfehan was for training artillery cadets and would not serve any purpose for anyone during uprising, and there were cadets in Shiraz that they were receiving military training. In Sistan and Baluchistan, there was Gendarmerie Task Force was pre-occupied with illicit drugs trafficking and did not have military capability or to be able to retaliate any kind of military strike at the participants of the 18 Tir uprising. Additionally, the Gendarmerie possessed light weaponry and did not have state of art weapons. In Province of Khouzistan, it was heavy armories like Tanks, and so on which was designed to confront Iraqi force, and would not be able to reach to Tehran within short time-frame. Even, they heavy armories wanted to defend the regime, several air strike would finish the job right on the spot.
Identifying Process:
All participants would be on look-out who would play nice with the participants and who would not play with the participants. In this case, individuals would be sympathizer to the regime were identified, and during the uprising, the participants would apprehended the sympathizers in order to suppress any kind of reaction and in case there were individuals that cloud of doubts were hanging on them, the participants would refrain from engaging in conversation with them, and during course of uprising would be imprisoned.
Meeting Destiny:
The Major-General would select a date for this operation, and a particular time to carry-out the operation, and making sure it would be coincident with some kind of holiday or at night that there was possibility of ambushing the opponent, and the opponent was less vigilant.
The Major-General and other participants calculate a plan of action, and must be able carry-out their tasks with coordination at once without any kind of delay. Otherwise the uprising would be dislodged or it would turn-out to be bloody.
In this theory of coup certain individuals are assigned to capitulate commanding officers of brigade/tip 1 Pahlavi located at Ishrat Abad, brigade/tip 2 Naderi, located at Chahrah Qasr, and brigade/tip 3 Heshmateh located at Serah Heshmateh. These individuals would appear in their offices with one high ranking officer and perhaps they would appear with two sergeants as visitors of the brigades and wanted to discuss some issues with them. Once, they were in the offices, the participants would handcuffed the brigades, and would be advised to collaborate with the participants.
The sergeant would ask some soldiers to leave the base, and selected some soldiers, and would give rifles and other gears to the soldiers in order to engage in the coup. Also, they would rush to the arsenal storages, and would lock down the storages, and would not allow anyone to have access to the storages.
There were other plotters who were assigned to capitulate a chief of police. These military officers would not walk to the chief of police office with rifles because it would raise question about their present in the police station, and would give clue to police officers that there was something suspicious, and it was on progress. Thus, they were carrying knives, and since they wearing uniform, they would have respect of police officers, and would not be subject to frisk, and these officers would be ushered with police officers to the chief of police office. Once, these officers were in, they would handcuff the chief of police, and would use knives as a coercive method to subdue the chief of police. It was meant to prevent police to spread the message of uprising to other places. These officers would ask the chief of police to act accordingly, and gather his personnels in a large room, and the chief of police would follow command of the officer. Remember, there was fear of death and anyone would obey command of a person with power. Once, these police officers gathered in a large room, soldiers would rush in the police station, and would take over police station, these soldiers would make sure radio communication would be dismantle, also high ranking police officers were imprisoned in the large room, and were informed of it. The chief of police would instruct other police stations to follow the command of plotters, and there would be other soldiers that they would rush to other police stations and would take over the police stations.
There were other plotters that they would seize radio and television stations or any means of communication, so the establishment would not be able to call for help from outside or inside. These plotters would use same tactic by gaining entry in the building, and would imprison all staffs.
There were individuals that they would apprehend head of state and other dignitaries. It would be vital to apprehend the head of state alive, as well as, other dignitaries. The intention of the military uprising was to keep as many people alive for next stage of the uprising which was unfolding.
The above actions would take place in cities of Hamedan, Tabriz, Mash-had, and Tehran at once during exact time since Iran has one time zone there was no problem about carrying on the operation.
Now, everyone was in place, the plotters would advised detained brigades to advise others to surrounded to the plotters, and the brigades would yield to the demand of plotters or whoever was commanding the army. The head of state would be ushered before national camera, and the plotters would make sure that if he wanted to do monkey business, there was no tomorrow for him. The head of state would be instructed to tell everyone not to resist, and join the plotters. Obviously, a man with a gun was in-charge of this situation, and everyone would follow his command meticulously.
Once, everything was finalized the mission was accomplished and the plotters re-establishing the Pahlavi Dynasty in Iran.
What Happened on 18 Tir:
The above theory of coup provided 101 military uprising and did not give any insight about the 18 Tir uprising which was dislodged in Iran. This portion of the paper was discussing the 18 Tir uprising, and how they were going to accomplish their mission. During early stage of 1979 fiasco in Iran, the Marxist-Islamist factions were executing, as many as, infantry officers. Quite frankly, it was a big party for them, and they were thirsty for blood of military officers.
Therefore, there were not that many high rank infantry military officers to coordinate some kind of coup in Iran, and Major-General Saeed MEHDIYOUN from city of Hamedan at Shahrokhy air-base had obligation toward his country and His Imperial Majesty, Light of Aryan, King of Kings Mohammad Reza PAHLAVI to defend Iran against unjust entities, as he engaged to recruit officers which during process of recruiting, Brigade-General Ayat MOHAGHEGHI was selected among others. In addition, this group which was known as Neqab/mask recruited others from other cities too.
Why Shahrokhy Air-Base:
The Shahrokhy air-base was designed to confront possible Iraq of Iran during. Also city of Tabriz, Tehran and Mash-had air-bases which were insignificant compare to Shahrokhy air-base. The Shahrokhy air-base had infantry personnels too in order to confront Iraq invasion of Iran.
The 18 Tir coup became fruitless, and it was not clear who really exposed the plotters, but there must be one person who informed the regime in Iran about the plotters and one person stood out as a possible accused person who acted as an informant to the regime in Iran.
There was no doubt that during process of recruiting there was a mole among them who exposed them and since these officers wrote the names on papers and carried the names with them and when they were detained, the names came out of them, so they were exposed one by one.
The coup was dislodged because of Saeed HAJJARIAN who informed Mohammad Mohammadi Nik known as Reyshahri that there was a coup.2 According to eye witnesses city of Tehran had become a military zone, tanks were everywhere, and everyone in street was talking about a military coup. Obviously, the coup was dislodged and the tanks were prepared for eventuality.
False Allegations:
During one television interview with Honorable Immortal Brigade-General Ayat MOHAGHEGHI, which appeared that it was his military trial. It was during course of the trial one interviewer asked the General did he have intention of firing rocket to Khomeini HENDI's house? And he said yes, and the interviewer did not allow him to finish his sentence. However, according to rule of military coup which was a “must” to deatin head of state alive and to be usher before camera and making sure that every province in Iran would be surrounded to uprising and would not show resistance. Yes, the air-force as a last resource and only option on table would launch rocket at Khomeini's house when the uprising became bloody or the head of state in case Khomeini became aware of the uprising and was seeking a safe-house and was hiding somewhere. Thus, the situation would dictate the air-force as a support to infantry to use deadly force in order to eliminate threat and since the uprising was carried by limited number of infantry the air-force would provide support to the boys on the ground to get ride of trouble maker, as quickly as, possible.
Did Shapour BAKHTIAR stage the 18 uprising? Imperial Iranian Armed Forces had no attachment to him. He was a civilian and military officers do not take command from a civilian. The Imperial Iranian Armed Forces had loyalty only for His Imperial Majesty, Light of Aryan, King of Kings Mohammad Reza PAHLAVI, and wanted to restore Pahlavi Dynasty. Furthermore, BAKHTIAR in his memories professed that he orchestra collapsed of the Pahlavi Dynasty. The Imperial Iranian Armed Forces saw BAKHTIAR nothing but a traitor to Iran that he was a man who was looking for a fame and glory.
Did CIA provide financial assistance or any kind of assistance to the 18 Tir uprising? The CIA assisted Marxist-Islamist factions to unseat the Pahlavi Dynasty, and CIA would not do anything to remove the regime in Iran. Plus, these immortal soldiers had access to arsenal, and did not need anyone to supply the plotters with weapons.
Did Kurdish people or any ethnic people were staging attack to Tehran? It was an absurd idea to think that ethnic people would rush to the capital city. It would be out of character of military uprising, dynamic of military uprising was about secrecy. This was a military uprising, and it was not public knowledge. In case, there was some kind of assault from outside to Tehran, it would lead to some serious clash and the uprising would be dislodge at no time. It required the participants to ambush the regime key players and give them a chance to live. If force would be used and there was fear of death the supporter of the regime would retaliate fearlessly in order to survive the coup.
Did Saddam Hussein know about the 18 Tir? Saddam was enemy of Iran, as well as, His Imperial Majesty. Thus, the Imperial Iranian Armed Forces did not have any connection with Saddam.
Why Was not There any Other Coup?
How come there never was another military uprising in Iran? There were several factors which were contemplating here which prevented the army to remove the regime in Iran. One, the US naval was positioned in the Persian Gulf which was a sign for the Imperial Iranian Armed Forces that if the army moved against the regime, the US would support the regime which was the case during Tabriz populace uprising. The US force landed in Tabriz air-base and provided light weaponry to Revolutionary Guards to suppress the uprising. Second, there was an eight year war between Iran and Iraq and the Imperial Iranian Armed Forces had obligation to defend Iran against aggression of Iraq. The Imperial Iranian Armed Forces was on tough spot. Eventually, the Revolutionary Guards took control of armed forces, and the cleric regime did not trust the Revolutionary Guards and created a paramilitary with name of Besij, and the cleric did not trust the Besij and created lebas shakhsi or civilian group against all above entities and they had no military training whatsoever, they just knew how to use deadly force against anyone.
Thank you
Long Live Pure Divine Motherland of Iran
1 Borrowed from movie of “V for Vendetta”
2 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mohammad_Reyshahri December 29th, 2007. PG 01

US Propaganda

Justice for All
E-mail: immortalguardofiran@yahoo.com

Freedom, Justice, Honor
Sunday March 29th, 2009
The below paper was consulted with one infantry officer who served during Imperial Iranian Armed Forces.

US Propaganda:
The US media was a great tool for the White House administration to spread propaganda and distorting information and re-inventing event, and misleading public about reality of event in Iran. There was one more example that how the US media began to play mind game with Iranian and US public.
On April 24th, 1980 the US claimed that it staged “Operation Eagle Claw” which “was a United States military operation to rescue the 53 hostages from the US Embassy in Tehran, Iran”1 and this operation failed to achieve its objective. Actually, on that fateful day, the US failed to supply Mujahideen in Afghanistan with arsenal so that the Mujahideen would have enough weapons to go to war with Russia on behalf of the US.
In 1980, the US was at proxy war with the Russia in Afghanistan, and the US was supplying the Mujahideen in Afghanistan with arsenal. The Russian’s Red Army became aware of the US cargo airplanes were landing on Iranian secret airbase at Tabas desert which was closed by Afghanistan and Iran border. On April 28th, 1980 the Russian’s Red Army fired several long range rockets, and destroyed the cargo airplanes, and left the US airplanes in total dysfunction and mayhem, and rest of the crews left the scene of chaos back to US naval in the Persian Gulf.
Abolhassan BANI SADR who was president of Iran, one airplane took him to the scene of incident early in the morning and there were Revolutionary Guards who were searching the airplane wreckages. BANI SADR received a raido call to leave the area forthwith as he left the area with the airplane, and all of sudden Iran’s F-4 and F-5 rushed to the scene of incident and bombarded the airplane wreckages, and killed all Revolutionary Guards at the site of US airplanes wreckages, and destroying any evidence and witnesses that the America was using the Tabas desert as a temporary station to supply arsenal to the Mujahideen in Afghanistan. In this fashion, the US avoided face to face confrontation with the Russia, and the US claimed that this operation was about to rescue hostages in Tehran.
Interestingly, the Tabas desert was too far away from city of Tehran and it is closed to Afghanistan border. It would be rational for any rescue mission to be carried close by city of Tehran and the US airplanes to land close by Tehran, and flee Iran’s territory in rush, and one military officer was consulted with regard to this matter, and this person stated that there were two military bases closed by Tehran, one is called Semnan, and last is called Gharmsir. It was about one hour drive with military vehicles to reach to the above destinations and the above locations were well known places for military training and there would be absent of civilian.
These were prime spots for the US airplanes to land. These bases were made so in case the Russian’s Red Army would launch an assault on Iran, the US would supply the Imperial Iranian Armed Forces with weapons so that the Imperial Iranian Armed Forces would repel the Russian’s Red Army out of Iran. Thus, this whole idea that the US airplanes landed in the Tabas desert was an absurd idea. Plus, the Tabas desert would be wrong place to carry secret operation because of Imam Reza shrine, and pilgrim. It was a heavy traffic area, and would not be so wise to land their airplanes over Tabas desert. Also, these airplanes were making loud noise, and would get attention of people. Thus, Tabas desert would be impossible place to carry some kind of discreet and secret military operation.
In coclusion, truly the US media and the White House were making up story as they went along and were thinking everyone was naïve and were going to believe what they had to say. The US story had no merit.

Thank you
Long Live Pure Divine Motherland of Iran

Mullah Agents in Canada did not Like Burning Mullah Images

In this video clip, you would see how element of the Islamic Republic in Iran were burning images of Khamenie and Mahmoud Ahmadi Nezhad and did not want to happen.

Michael Jackson - Smooth Criminal

Michael Jackson - They Don't Care About Us

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Faithless - Insomnia

Bring Me To Life - Evanescence

I'd Do Anything For Love - Meat Loaf

Soul Asylum- Runaway Train

This song always remind me, when I left my loving country, and I always hate it for leaving my country. I wish, I would stayed in Iran, and would joined Iran's army and would do what was pending for so long.

Runaway train never goes back..., but I am going back to Iran.

Brooklyn Bounce (progressive attack)


Brooklyn Bounce - Take A Ride

Love Inc!-Broken Bones

Love Inc. - You're a Superstar

Love Inc. - Here Comes The Sunshine

Aqua - Cartoon Heroes

Aqua - Around the World

Aqua - Happy Boys and Girls

Aqua - My Oh My

aqua -lollipop-

Barbie Girl - Aqua

Aqua - Dr Jones

Feel the Vibe - Afrika Bambaataa

Dance ( if you cannot ) - Alter Ego

La Bouche-Sweet Dreams

The Cheetah Girls - Dance Me If You Can

La Bouche Be my Lover European

Culture beat - Mr. Vain Recall video

Lady Gaga - Just Dance

Bon Jovi - (You Want To) Make A Memory

Bon Jovi - It's My Life

This music made me to investigate mullah investment in Canada. Otherwise, I am just an innocent person. Do not blame, blame this song.

I am not going to live for ever...

Aerosmith - I Don't Wanna Miss a Thing

Single - New Kids On the Block & Ne-Yo - NKOTB

Rihanna - SOS

Rihanna - Don't Stop The Music


Canada and Mullah Connection-Nuclear

Ontario - Iran
Trade Factsheet
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
Value in Thousands of Canadian Dollars
$15,987 $13,232 $18,825 $68,196 $44,795
Ontario - Iran: Two-Way Trade
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
Value in Thousands of Canadian Dollars
$41,552 $27,567 $34,712 $33,275 $23,855
Ontario - Iran Goods Trade
(1995 - 2004)
(Thousands o f Canadian Dollars)
1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
Exports Imports
Top 10 Goods Exports 2004 (HS4 code) C$ (000’s)
Soybeans $6,425
Medications – prepared for retail use $2,809
Machinery for working rubber & plastic $2,563
Corn (maize) $2,443
Machinery $2,112
Pumps for liquids & liquid elevators $2,009
Interchangeable hand tools $1,993
Self-propelled bulldozers, graders, etc. $1,454
Metal foundry moulding boxes, bases, etc. $1,399
Moving, grading etc. machinery; snow ploughs $1,368
Ontario - Iran: Top Goods Exports and Imports
Ontario’s Top Five Trade Partners
Management Systems Registered to the ISO 9001-2000
Top 10 Goods Imports 2004 (HS4 code) C$ (000’s)
Nuts - fresh/dried $6,166
Grapes - fresh/dried $5,378
Carpets/floor coverings - knotted $5,172
Heterocyclic compounds $699
Fruit, nuts, etc. – prepared/preserved $369
Monument stone – worked $339
Marble, etc. $257
Carpets/floor coverings – woven $247
Chemical products for pharmaceutical use $244
Dates, figs, pineapples, etc. - fresh/dried $1,660
May 13, 2005 Ontario Exports Inc. - Source: Industry Canada—Strategis, May 13, 2005
Ontario - Iran Goods Trade
As a Percentage of Total Ontario Goods
(19 9 5 - 2 0 0 4 )
1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
Exports Imports
Goods Exports 2004
(% of total goods exports)
United States 90.66%
United Kingdom 1.97%
China 0.65%
Norway 0.56%
Mexico 0.55%
Iran (51) 0.03%
Goods Imports 2004
(% of total goods imports)
United States 69.14%
China 5.55%
Mexico 5.04%
Japan 3.31%
Germany 1.97%
Iran (70) 0.02%
Publié également en français

Mullah and Canada-Nulcear

Trade Factsheet
1998 1999 2000 2001 2002
Value in Thousands of Canadian Dollars
$16,604 $49,610 $15,987 $13,232 $18,835
Ontario-Iran: Trade Balance
1998 1999 2000 2001 2002
Value in Thousands of Canadian Dollars
$34,233 $40,111 $41,552 $27,564 $34,465
Ontario-Iran Trade
( thousands o f Canadian dollars)
1998 1999 2000 2001 2002
Exports Imports
Top 10 Exports 2002 (HS4 code) C$ (000’s)
Dishwashing/Bottle Processing Machinery $1,683
Stone/Ore Handling Machinery $1,260
Radiation/Electrical Detection Equipment $1,215
Pharmaceuticals $1,204
Electric Welding/Soldering Equipment $760
Pet/Animal Food $683
Medical/Dental X-Ray Equipment, etc. $665
Circuit Switches/Protectors $554
Bulldozers, Graders, etc. $552
Bovine Semen $537
Ontario-Iran: Top Exports and Imports
Ontario’s Top 5 Middle Eastern Trade Partners
Exports 2002 (% of total exports)
Israel 0.11%
Saudi Arabia 0.06%
United Arab Emirates 0.04%
Egypt 0.03%
Turkey 0.03%
Iran (7th) 0.01%
Imports 2002 (% of total imports)
Israel 0.17%
Turkey 0.09%
Iran 0.02%
Egypt 0.01%
United Arab Emirates 0.01%
Registered to the ISO 9001-2000
Top 10 Imports 2002 (HS4 code) C$ (000’s)
Knotted Carpets $9,088
Fresh/Dried Nuts $8,017
Flat, Hot-Rolled, Uncoated Iron/Steel $4,626
Fresh/Dried Dates, Figs, Pineapples, etc. $2,103
Heterocyclic Compounds $1,828
Other Heterocyclic Compounds $595
Worked Monumental/Building Stone $523
Other Dried Fruit/Nuts $297
Pickled Vegetables/Fruits/Nuts $261
Fresh/Dried Grapes $2,929
March 2003, Ontario Exports Inc.
Publié également en français
Sources: Statistics Canada and Ontario Ministry of Economic Development and Trade

Mullah and Canada-Nulcear

Trade Factsheet
1997 1998 1999 2000 2001
Value in Thousands of Canadian Dollars
$47,712 $16,604 $49,610 $15,987 $13,232
Ontario-Iran: Trade Balance
1997 1998 1999 2000 2001
Value in Thousands of Canadian Dollars
$58,928 $34,233 $40,111 $41,552 $27,618
Ontario-Iran Trade
( thousands o f Canadian dollars)
1997 1998 1999 2000 2001
Exports Imports
Top 10 Exports 2001 (HS4 code) C$ (000’s)
Pet/Animal Food $1,977
Machinery $1,668
Telephone Equipment/Modems $1,387
Transformers, Static Converters, Inductors $1,294
Machinery Parts $958
Uranium, Other Radioactive Elements, etc. $731
Pharmaceuticals $687
Bovine Semen, Other Animal Products $631
Circuit Switches, Protectors $382
Blood, Blood Preparations $368
Ontario-Iran: Top Exports and Imports
Ontario’s Top 5 Middle East Trade Partners
Israel 0.10%
Saudi Arabia 0.05%
U.A.E. 0.03%
Turkey 0.02%
Kuwait 0.01%
Exports 2001 (% of total exports)
Iran (8th) 0.01%
Israel 0.15%
Turkey 0.06%
Iran 0.01%
U.A.E. 0.01%
Egypt 0.01%
Imports 2001 (% of total imports)
Sources: Statistics Canada and Ontario Ministry of Economic Development and Trade
Registered to the ISO 9001 Standard
Top 10 Imports 2001 (HS4 code) C$ (000’s)
Fresh/Dried Nuts $8,114
Carpets $6,545
Fresh/Dried Dates, Figs, etc. $1,493
Heterocyclic Compounds $982
Computers and Peripherals $768
Transformers, Static Converters, Inductors $735
Glazed Ceramic Tiles, Cubes, etc. $329
Carbon $262
Preparations of Fruits, Nuts, etc. $243
Fresh/Dried Grapes $4,558
April 2002, Ontario Exports Inc.

Canada and Mullah Connection-Nuclear

Trade Factsheet
1997 1998 1999 2000 2001
Value in Thousands of Canadian Dollars
$47,712 $16,604 $49,610 $15,987 $13,232
Ontario-Iran: Trade Balance
1997 1998 1999 2000 2001
Value in Thousands of Canadian Dollars
$58,928 $34,233 $40,111 $41,552 $27,618
Ontario-Iran Trade
( thousands o f Canadian dollars)
1997 1998 1999 2000 2001
Exports Imports
Top 10 Exports 2001 (HS4 code) C$ (000’s)
Pet/Animal Food $1,977
Machinery $1,668
Telephone Equipment/Modems $1,387
Transformers, Static Converters, Inductors $1,294
Machinery Parts $958
Uranium, Other Radioactive Elements, etc. $731
Pharmaceuticals $687
Bovine Semen, Other Animal Products $631
Circuit Switches, Protectors $382
Blood, Blood Preparations $368
Ontario-Iran: Top Exports and Imports
Ontario’s Top 5 Middle East Trade Partners
Israel 0.10%
Saudi Arabia 0.05%
U.A.E. 0.03%
Turkey 0.02%
Kuwait 0.01%
Exports 2001 (% of total exports)
Iran (8th) 0.01%
Israel 0.15%
Turkey 0.06%
Iran 0.01%
U.A.E. 0.01%
Egypt 0.01%
Imports 2001 (% of total imports)
Sources: Statistics Canada and Ontario Ministry of Economic Development and Trade
Registered to the ISO 9001 Standard
Top 10 Imports 2001 (HS4 code) C$ (000’s)
Fresh/Dried Nuts $8,114
Carpets $6,545
Fresh/Dried Dates, Figs, etc. $1,493
Heterocyclic Compounds $982
Computers and Peripherals $768
Transformers, Static Converters, Inductors $735
Glazed Ceramic Tiles, Cubes, etc. $329
Carbon $262
Preparations of Fruits, Nuts, etc. $243
Fresh/Dried Grapes $4,558
April 2002, Ontario Exports Inc.

David Miller Mayor of Toronto in payroll of Mullah in Iran

See the evidence for yourself that how mullah agents were paying him as if money would run out of fashion.

Vote Toronto Mayoral 2003 Citizen Donations Miller






William Richardson

Ahmed Reza Tabrizi 30 Kern Road Limited

Dolores Franco

Donna Evans

Dr. Seyed Mortazavi

Tom Ryder

Graham Lee

Helene Gignac

Jane Rowe

John C. Davies

Keith Townend

Kim Bradley

Lawrence J. Schmidt

Loretta Lombardi

Louise R Summerhill

Martha Shuttleworth

Thomas Kierans

Mary Janigan

Paul Bradley

Renata A. Kierans

Seumas Woods

Robert D. Eisenberg

Mary Costello

Elizabeth Mitchell

Sue Philpott

$1,000 - $1,999


Frederick J. Geyer

Alison B. Geyer

Ruth Hallam Elder

Jocelyn Allen

Siavash Shojaei

Peter Donolo

Michael J. Adams

Iraj Mahlouji

David Maubach

Steven A. Zakem

Murray S. Gold

Michael Thompson

Colin Arnold

Michael Bourassa

Mark Yarranton

Margaret A. Crisell

Diana Wisner

K.A.S. Monaghan

Jo-Anne Raynes

Helen Marie Kersley

Leonard Barkin

Bruce J. Scott

Owen Minns

William R. McMurtry

Alastair Lewis

Fredrick Boardman

E. William Cronau

Ian B. Graham

Chander Chaddah

James B. Love

James B. Pitblado

James G. Matthews

James H. Cole

Jane Karwat

Dr. Kathy Brock

Amanda Lewis

John A.G. Grant

John BM Ryder

John Hill Saunders

John Laschinger Management

John McIntryre

John Ronson

John Ryder

Juan F. Carranza

Jules Barry Bloch

Dr. Beverley Richardson

Kim Kovar

Eldon J. Bennett

Dick Hill

Marilyn Youden

David McCarthy

Charles Higgins

Bruce Scott

Michael Menzinger

Michael Nobrega

D Ferguson

Milos Barutciski

Christine H. Lewis

Nicholas H. Lewis

Farideh Jalaeifar

Patricia A. M. Foran

Paul Schabas

Eric Iverson

Peter Hunter

Philip Tunley

Robert John Morrison

Ron Faggetter

Rosemary Fitzgerald

Aleck Dadson

Baman Afif

Stephen Pepper

Chris Williams

Tara Lewis

Thomas R. Whitby

Timothy Hill

Valerie A. Jacobs

W.E. Barnett

W.N. Horan

Walter R.P. Blackwell

William Clarke

William G. VanderBurgh

William Molson

$500 - $999


Lynn Eakin

Shirley Douglas

Peter A. Allen

Martin G. Abell

Joseph P. Loparco

E. Peter Auvinen

Diane Marzetti

Barbara J. Worndl

Joel M. Rochon

Andrew Wright

John Ronson

Howard Kaplan

Christine Yankou

Vern P. Gazzola

Susan E. Hunter

Steven Golick

Simon Lewis

Robert Spence

Robert Bauer

Mohammad Reza Aboonabi

M.J. Lewis

A.H.C. Lewis

Alan W. Mitchell

Esther Abiscott

Deborah Grant

Catherine Lewis

Rodney V. Northey

Kamran Ayagh

Craig Flood

Dr. Theodora C. Ruijs

W Carson Woods

Virginia Rae

Andrew Frei

Siobhan Monaghan

Britt Oldenburg

Bryan E. Timm

Simon Dwyer

Adam Plackett

Reg Watson

Paul Didur

Paul C. Gogan

Barry S. Alper

Oksana M Kuryliw

Cathleene Lynett

Norman Jesin

Nick Torchetti

Charles Hazell

Nick Lewis

Ms. Maya Toman

Mary Attfield

Andonis Artemakis

Martha Cook

Bill Reno

Marie Metcalfe

Linda M. Padfield

Lila M. Kenny

Lesley E. Townend

David McComb

Leigh Francescutti

Julia Lorenzetti

John Doherty

Barbara Willitts

John A. Keefe

Alexander Ling

Jake Gilbert

Gabrielle A. David

Donna R. Tamosaitis

Douglas Stewart

Dr. Barbara Falk

Eric R. Watson

Elizabeth Storey

Ed Scherer

Margaret Murray

Dr. John S. Murray

Albert Boyer

William F. Woods

E. Eva Frank

Dr. Mahmood Fazl

Edward C. McDonnell

Edward Saunders

Edward Taras Burtynsky

Elizabeth J. McIntyre

Elizabeth K. Storey

Elizabeth M. Mitchell

Brian Iler

Dr. John C. Hunt

Eric T. Sigurdson

Ernie's Arcade Limited

Alex Ling

F. Arthur Huycke

Fattaneh Shadanloo

Dr. G.A. Sheridan Cyrus

Geoffrey Reeves

George D. Butterfield

George R.B. Hodgson

Georgina Woods

Gerald Silverberg

Glenn S. Christie

Gordon Hendren

Hagar Samatar

Harriet Lewis

Heather Regent

Henry C. Eaton

Howard Hampton

Ana P. Lopes

J. Carr-Locke

Jack Slaughter

Don Ferguson

Jamil Mardukhi

Jamshid Rahmanian

Janet Davis

Janet Zimmerman

Jean D. Smith

Jeremy Freedman

Jill Marzetti

Jock Fleming

Joe Ip

Dianne Poole

Albert Tucker

John A. Zinn

John Abraham

John Caliendo

John Colantonio

Debra Foulds

John E. Twomey

John Harris

John L. Ronson

John M. Rosen

John Piper

Amir Mazinani

John Smith

John Torrey

Jonathan D. Spencer

Jonathan Freedman

Jose Menendez

Barbara Caplan

Juanita Smith

Judy Litwack Goldman

Debby Copes

K. Lung

Beth Moore Milroy

Kathleen Lynett

Kevin R. Smith

L. Milton Hess

L.W. Keith

Laurie Pawlitza

David T. Takenaka

David Philpott

Leslie C. Thomas

David G. Patterson

Daniel B. Roth

Lisa Jefferson

Louise Botham

Lucie Dipronio

Arthur Arbour

Lynn R. Williams

M.D.M. Arkin

Ardith Ekdahl

Malcolm Avey

Margaret A. Austin

Margaret L. Sullivan

Margaret Laycock

Dr. Rosemary Fitzgerald

Marguerite L. Pilger

Marian Boxer

Marie Labatte

Dale G. Kirby

Marion Campbell

Marion Kane

Marjorie Nichol

Mark Gaskin

Mark Leach

D. Scott Boulton

Alan Macisaac

Christopher W. Hoskins

Mary E. Attfield

Medora Roe

Michael Bourassa

Michael De Pencier

Michael G. Peck

Michael J. Adams

Michael Lewis

Michael Sherman

Michele J. Podplatnik

Ann Patterson

Christine Lewis

Nancy Whitla

Christine A. Brown

Cheryl Nesbitt

Norman B. Bell

Norman D. Rogers

Chander M. Chaddah

Cathy Hendren

Patricia A. O'Connell

Catherine McQueen

Catherine Fleet

Paul Henderson

Alan Hudson

Peter Donolo

Peter Paul Bloemen

Peter W. Treen

Catharine Opler

Richard N. Holder

Robert A. Mansell

Angela Goyeau

Robert Burton

Robert J. Wright

Alice Heap

Bernard McGarva

Ronald Murray

Rosemarie Humphries

Russell Minor

Scott Joslin

Sheldon Fainer

Carolyn Quick

Carolyn Kilbourne

Andrew L. Laing

Caroline F. Di Giovanni

Stan F. Jolly

Stan Kumorek

Stan Petrowski

Stephen Munro

Stephen Watt

Bridget Lynett

Andrea Bowker

Susan M. Addario

Sylvia Mackenzie

Thomas H Stevenson

Thomas S. Axworthy

Timothy Gray

Timothy P. Murray

Tracey Kernahan

Tupper Foster

Urusula Boylan

Andre Wagner

Vernon I Edwards

Bridget Gomes

Brian Phillips

Walter R.P. Blackwell

Warren G. Watson

Will O'Hara

$100 - $499


James K. McDonald

Karen Rosen

Roger D. Wilson

Rosemary Martiniuk

Catherine A. McNamara

Reid Lester

Paula Rochman

William R. McMurtry

Sheena Weir

Santa Cuda

Sang Kim

Roman Stoykewych

Max E. Reed

Mark Opashinov

Malcolm L. Heins

Kirk F. Stevens

K.A.S. Monaghan

John F. Fox

Johanna Brand

Colleen Parrish

Valerie Schatzker

Sean Dewart

Roger Heeler

R. Scott James

Paul Bennett

Jane Jacobs

Howard Goldblatt

Frances Kendal

Don Kendal

David J. Bronskill

Charles Higgins

Annette Di Nardo

Tamara L. Bernstein

Susan V. Zimmerman

Robert A. Gullins

Richard Johnson

Michael Perley

Mary Morison

Mark Mayerson

Marion F. Korn

Lisa T. Boulton

Joyce McLean

John A. Feld

Joel P. Rochon

Howard Abrams

Hilary E. Clarke

Gloria J. Melnick

Gabrielle Monaghan

David Wurfel

Cheryl Wagner

Bernard S. Fishbein

Austin Cooper

Arthur Davis

Philip F. Jones

Tom Haslett

Morden Yolles

M. Alberdingk Thijm

Joan Cohl

Harold Caley

Frances Ball

Elizabeth Eayrs

Douglas J. Wray

Dorothy E. Ross

Diana Goldsborough

William Booth

Victor Baillargeon

Tim Hadwen

Spinal Health Care Centre

Sonia D. Dolar

Allison Savaria

Sherrill Cheda

Shaun Nakatsuru

Abby Bushby

Rosemary Fitzgerald

Rosemary A. Newman

Robin Fraser

Renzo Francescutti

R. Ian Crosbie

Alison Colvin

Peter Shepherd

Peter Clutterbuck

Paula Alice Greco

Paul E. Robson

Mr. Hesuck Kang

Morton Ritts

Michael Menzinger

Martha Goodings

Marjorie Harris

Marjorie Brandston

Manfred Netzel

Mac Makarchuk

Lois Bedard

Kevin Rooney

Kerrin Alletson


Juliette Del Junco

Alex MacDonald

Joseph Fraser

John Keenan

John Hunter

Jean E. Goodier

Ila Bossons

Ian Russell

Graham Jackson

Gity Nasehy Tabrizi

George Butterfield

Evelyn Rothstein

Elizabeth Lines

Dr. Cynthia Chataway

Donald Wilford

Debra Forman

David Molesworth

David G. Duff

David Forgey

Christopher Ward

Carolyn J. Lemon

Bruce Arnott

Barbara Gory

Anne Johnston

William E. Burt

Susan Swan

Susan Philpott

Sherry MacLauchlan

Robert J. Brent

Robert Ciborowski

Richard T. Pfohl

Philip F. Siller

Peter Hobbs

Peter Goodwin

P. Coopersmith

M. (Joy) Casey

Kim Hume

Kathy Allan

Karen Mann

John Martin

James R. Kreppner

Gordon J. Sheard

Gabrielle A. David

Douglas Jolliffe

Denise Reaume

Brian Meeson

Hugh O'Reilly

Keith Labbett

Marcello Mancuso

Alexander Ochrym

Dr. Howard T. Mount

William S. O'Hara

William Malcolm

William M. Trudell

William F. Murray

Anthony McGrath

William E. Punnett

William A. Hammond

Wesley A. Stevens

Wes Wilson

Welden J. Thoburn

Wayne G. Olson

Warren D. Stevens

Walter F. Jarsky

W.J. King

Arshia Tabrizi

W.A. Derry Millar

W. Alfred Apps

Allan Sparrow

Vanessa Alexander

Ulla Stenman

Ulla Colgrass

Ula Colgrass

Tracy Loconte

Tom Parkin

Tom Mathers

Todd Ducharme

Tobias Novogrodsky

Timothy I. Hyde

Timothy Breen

Tim Kirkwood

B. Blumenthal

Tim B. Wilbur

Thomas Barlow

B. Lowell Langille

Theresa Comery

Terri Hilborn

Terrence Macdonald

Tamara Duncan

Barbara E. Malcolm

Tamara Crispin

Sylvia Searles

Sylvia Gold

Sydney Suissa

Sybil Veenman

Suzan Fraser

Susan T.C. Morais

Susan Sparrow

Susan J. Peterson

Susan E. Ynasko

Susan E. Wallace

Stuart Schoenfeld

Steven Williams

Steven F. Rosenhek

Steven A. Zakem

Stephen Smith

Stephen J. Wickens

Stephen A. Evans

Stephanie Thompson

Barry Lipton

Barry Monaghan

Barry Young

Stan Kumorek

Soraya H. Farha

Sophie Howe

Soo Mathers

Simon Scheiderman

Berislav Ivankovic

Simon Miles

Simon M. Blackstone

Shirley Jones

Shirley E. Levitan

Amadeo Melendez

Sheridan Nolan

Sheila McCook

Sheila M. Crummey

Beth Moore Milroy

Amanda M. Roelofsen

Shari Elliott

Sean S. Caragata

Sean G. Foran

Scott Northey

Scott Maidment

Scott C. Hutchison

Sarah Powell

Sarah Jordison

A.H. Zimmerman

Sandy French

Sandra M. Shaul

Sandra Guinness

Sandra Campbell

Sandra Bussin

Sam R.E. Babe

Sally Shaw

Sage Walker

S.C. Mackinnon

S Preisenhammer

Ruth Grier

Bradley Berg

Ruth Cowan

Ruth Beemer

Rubin Frauke

Brendan Agnew-Iler

Brian Brittain

Brian C. Westlake

Roslyn Pauker

Rosie Pokorchak

Brian G. Wright

Anatol Mazurenko

Rosario Marchese

Ronaldus I. Ritchi

RONALD Sparrow

Ronald Norman Lebi

Ronald Kanter

Brian Scully

Ronald K. McCuaig

Ronald J. Matheson

Brinley Evans

Roland Dandy

Brock Winterton

Roger J. Middleton

Roger J. Floyd

A. Christina Tari

Rodney L.K. Smith

Bruce Arthur

Bruce Bussin

Rod Macgillivray

Bruce D Voogd

Bruce Engell

Bruce G. Pearce

Robin Alter

Bruce J. Scott

Roberto Tomassini

Roberto M. Indrigo

Bruce Ryder

Robert Weese

Robert Walman

Robert N. McMillan

Robert N. Baron

Bryan D. Hackett

Robert Lines

Bryce Winter

Robert K. Milling

Robert J. Luker

Robert J. Beveridge

Robert H. Graham

Robert Boulton

Robert Bernecky

Riyaz Lalani

Richard M. Borins

Richard Karwat

C.J. Roper

Richard F. Tinsley

Richard E. Stren

Richard E. Kulis

Richard Blickstead

Cara Marie O'Hagan

Cara Sweeny

Carl Cavannah

Carlo Aiello

Rhona Leith

Andre B. Denton

Rashmikant Nathwani

Raoul Boulakia

Randy S. Schroeder

Ramani Hariharan

Rachel Spence

R. Wayne Rosenman

Alan M. Minsky

Prof. Orrin Benn

Priscilla Costello

Carole Aherne

Poh M. Lim

Phyllis N Yaffe

Peter Weis

Peter Victor

Peter S. Groves

Peter J. Chapin

Peter Hunter

Anne Bermonte

Anil S. Purandare

Peter E. Milligan

Peter Downard

Peter D. Tiedemann

Caryl Peterson

Andrea E. Addario

Peter Buckley

Catherine Bolen

Penny Marno

Paul Siren

Paul Schabas

Paul Robertson

Paul Potvin

Catherine Lyons King

Paul Nielsen

Catherine Rosebrugh

Paul M. Smith

Catherine Wood

Paul Jachymek

Paul Herzberg

Paul Foster

Paul F. Monahan

Paul E. Robertson

Cathy Reeves

Cathy Singer

Catrin Brunke

Paul Copeland

Alan Meisner

Paul A. LaRose

Patrick M.R. Hill

Patricia Stovel

Patricia Rubin

Charles A. Keil

Patricia J. McAdie

Charles Birchall

Charles Campbell

Patricia Cavanagh

Patricia A.M. Foran

Patricia A. Rae

Charles Hazell

Patrice Band

Paige Backman

Oliver Zielke

Norman MacAskill

Norm Bolen

Charlotte Morgan

Charlotte R. Mudge

Nora Theresa Currie

Nino Ricci

Cheryl Stacey

Nina J. Arthur

Nikola Halar

Niki De Villiers

Chris O'Connor

Nicole Frew

Nicholas D. Holland

Nancy Shanoff

Myron J. Gordon

Myrna B. Markovich

Myriam Jarsky

Murray S. Gold

Murray Koebel

Mrs. Kevin Garland

Andrea McCabe

Monique T. Lafontaine

Christine Thomlinson

Christine Yankou

Christopher E. Reed

Mitchell Stambler

Miles Barutciski

Mike Glicksohn

Michelle Sherwood

Michael W. Lacy

Michael Mouritsen

Michael Mazzuca

Christopher Varley

Anil K. Kapoor

Michael Leshner

Michael Greason

Michael G. Quigley

Michael Freund

Claire M. C. Kennedy

Claire Pokorchak

Michael Disney

Clark Hortsing-Perna

Michael Colgrass

Michael A. Tile

Michael A. Booth

Matthew Pianosi

Clive Henry

Colin Arnold

Matthew Horner

Matthew Church

Alex Farquhar

Mary M. Morison

Mary E. Patridge

Connie Ho

Connie Reeve

Mary Aileen Meagher

Marvin Kurz

Martine M.N. Band

Constantine Tsantis

Martin Klein

Martin F. Katz

Martha B. Turner

Marta Brisco

Mark Young

Mark S. Fox

Mark R. Crow

Craig Floor

Craig G. Brown

Mark N. Sills

Alex L. Macfarlane

Marie Lane

Maria Victor

Marguerite Ethier

Margo Duncan

Margaret Rutherford

Margaret Porter

D. Bain Macaskill

Margaret Kittel Canale

Margaret G Norman

D. Keith Laushway

D. McComb

Margaret Bryant

Margaret Atwood

Margaret Attwood

D.H. Assaf

Marc P. Pocobelli

Dale Fullon

Maralynne Monteith

Mabel-Anne Waters

M.J. Marques

M.E. Church

M Whitfield

Daniel Guttman

Daniel MacKenzie

Daniel Robinson

Dante Tamburro

Lyn Artmont

Luba Szkambara

Louise Botham

Louise A. James

Lorne P. Massena

Daria P. Love

Loreta Zubas

Darren J. Hogan

Lisa Gelboin

David A. Rubin

David A. Swartz

Lisa Empringham

Line Forestier

Leslie A. French

Leo F Longo

David C. O'Connor

David Carbonaro

Leland Verner

Lee M. Stratton

Lee Anne McAlear

David E. McClung

Laurie Pawlitza

Laurent Mareschal

Laura A. Hopkins

David G Nichol

Klaus Uhlig

Andrew Gory

Kevin C.L. Runions

Kenneth J. Hale

Kenneth G. Russell

Ken Fraser

Kay W. Leung

Kathy Laird

Kathy Heximer

Kathryn Podrebarac

Kathleen M. Flynn

Katherine Hoffmann

Alastair N. Craik

Karen R. Yukich

Karen Louie

Karen J. Kaplan

Karen Cooper

K.J. Leblanc

K.J. Bowles

Julius Deutsch

David M. Powell

Andrew I. Malcolm

Judith Goldstein

David Maubach

Judith Blackman

Joyce Spencer

Andrew J. Spicer

Joyce McKeough

Joseph Steiner

Joseph Schatzker

Joseph H. Carens

Joseph Di Luca

David R. Elfstrom

John W. Dickson

John Szold

David R. Wingfield

John Slatcher

David Robertson

John S. Turner

John Ryder

David Smaller

David Street

John Romansky

John Robert Kellermann

John O'Leary

David Weatherston

David Wright

John Murray

Dawn Napier

John M. Routh

John M. Ford

John Liss

John Harild

John F. Clifford

John D. McKellar

John Brewin

John B.M. Ryder

John B. Love

John A. Dawson

Debra M. Haak

Johanna M. Brand

Joel Richler

Jodee M. McCaw

Joanne Yolles

Jo-Anne P. Raynes

Joanne M. Trypuc

Joan Oreto

Denise Carroll

Joan Doiron

Jini Stolk

Jesse I. Goldman

Jesse Hirsh

Jesse Hirsch

Jennifer Nedelsky

Jennifer Hall

Jennifer Brown

Jennifer Bradley Reid

Jennifer A. Orange

Derek Blackadder

Jeff G. Cowan

Jeff Evenson

Jean C.H. Iu

Jayne Dawson

Jay Flint

Deyanira R. Flint

Janice Sandomirsky

Janet E. Borowy

Janet Dassinger

Janet A. Solberg

Jane Turrittin

Jane Taylor

Diane B. Woody

Diane Burt

Diane D. Buckell

Alan R. Lawrence

Diane Marzetti

Jan M. Armstrong

James T. Lemon

James S. Rolfe

Dirk E. Rueter

James Reid

Anne McNeely

James R. Ferguson

Don Winter

James Pokorchak

James Janetos

James Harris

James E. Kennedy

Donald MacDonald

Donald Mackinnon

Jacqueline Kaiser

Jack R. Shapiro

Jack Gemmell

Jack B. Gold

J.M. Armstrong

J. Patricia Costello

J. Michael Lomer

J. David Hulchanski

Irene Wong

Irene Jones

Ira Levy

Andrew Lane Ilersich

Doreen Balabanoff

Andrew McAlpine

Ian R. Coutts

Ian Pearson

Ian D. Cooper

Hy Rosenberg

Dorothea Cook

Dorothea M. Cook

Huy A. Do

Husnive Atas

Hugh John MacKenzie

Hugh Craig

Hugh Christie

Howard Moscoe

Howard Hampton

Alex Waugh

Doryne Peace

Doug Carroll

Alexander D. Mackenzie

Helen J. Mazewski

Douglas Bradley

Heather-Anne Driver

Heather Nagy

Alistair Grieve

Gwen Burrows

Gregory M. Judd

Gregory Kasparian

Gregory Hamara

Greg Payne

Graham Mudge

Graham Jones

Graeme Mew

Gordon Bruce Stratton

Gloria Shulman

Glen R. Whyte

Glen Jennings

Ginger Kautto

Gilbert Hardy

Gerome James Nyman

Dr. Anthony Kwok

Gerald S. Swinkin

Gerald Lazare

George J. Luste

George Goodwin

George D. Finlayson

Dr. Carolyn Poon Woo

Geoffrey Reeves

Geoffrey M. Singer

Gary Norris

Gary Dale

Gail Fairley

Gail E. Posen

Alexandra Bednaj

Gabrielle Amatruda

Gabriele Lundeen

G. Elliott Whitby

Fred Bever

Franklin D. Tall

Frank Nagy

Frank E. Walwyn

Alix M.T. McLaughlin

Faust Gaudio

Farah A. Spicer

F. David Rounthwaite

Evelyn Murialdo

Eugenie Greenham

Erin Patricia O'Donovan

Dr. Patricia Cavanagh

Eric Russell Steen

Dr. Peter H. Keefe

Eric R. Fisher

Dr. Peter Victor

Dr. Robert D. Wagman

Eric Fournie

Emma Punnett

Elsie Salichuk

Elizabeth W. Leslie

Elizabeth Rykert

Dr. Thomas Lindsay

Elizabeth Randell

Dr. Virginia Duff

Elizabeth Johnson

Elizabeth J. Flavelle

Eleanor Stanlake

Eleanor Olmstead

Eleanor Fritz

Eileen B Elmy

Egon Homburger

Edward Taylor

Edward Syperek

Edward M. Morgan Exp.

Edward E. Taylor

Edgardo R. Sepulveda

Ed Kennedy

E. McNee

E. William Cronau

Mark Pomerantz

Jeffrey Kraegel

Yola Grant

William O. Morris

William L. Drover

William J. Logan

William G. Kennedy

Allan Shiff

William A. Johnston

Wendy Smith

Victoria Piersig

Victoria J. Burrus

Vanessa Payne

Alan D. Levy

Ursula Martin

Tracy Warne

Edward Gordon

Alice Jean Finlay

Tom Ciancone

Timothy I Hyde

Tim McCaskell

Tim Egan

Thomas J. Egan

Thomas Evers

Thomas Broadhurst

Barbara Donaldson

Tecca Crosby

Syd Nestel

Susan Opler

Susan McArthur

Susan L. Nickerson

Barney Colvey

Steven Banach

Steven A. Williams

Stephen Thomas

Stephen Otto

Stephen Krashinsky

Stephen K. Young

Dwight Peters

Ben Rothman

Shelly Gordon

Shelley Obal

Sheldon L. Godfrey

Sheelagh Norman

Elizabeth Burcher

Shauna Ray

Sharon Weintraub

Seymour Iseman

Alan Huycke

Scott Rogers

Elizabeth Gray

Scott MacRitchie

Scott Kurtzman

Scott K. Fenton

Dr. Wilfred H. Ziegler

Sarah Kraicer

Bill Cameron

S.T. Dubeau

Ruth Hartman

Brian Corman

Roy G.H. Hewson

Brian McBurney

Brian R. Mossop

Ronald Mazza

Ronald Manzer

Brian Steele

Brnka Nikolovski

Dr. Tyrone Turner

Bruce A. Thomas

Roger Banting

Rodney Cohen

Robin Conliffe

Bruce Kidd

Robert M. Ferguson

Robert J. Kerr

Robert Glover

Robert B. Maxwell

Aleks Nikolovski

Richard Thorpe

Richard Kirsh

Richard J. Bradshaw

Cameron J. Turner

Cameron Rusaw

Renate S. Brickman

Reid David Rusonik

Reginald Braithwaite-Lee

Rebecca Bush

Carol P. McLaughlin

R.S. Beckwith

Carol Tator

Phillip Goldsmith

Phillip Campbell

Philip Lewis

Erin B. Kennedy

Philip J. (Bud) Rossiter

Anna Siegel

Andrea Bowker

Andrea Burke

Ethan Poskanzer

Peter R.R. Windrem

Peter Psihogios

Dr. Michael Millgate

Peter Kidnie

Catherine A. Lace

Eva Ligeti

Peter Clarkson

Peter B Goldthorpe

Persa Nikolovski

Penelope Potter

Paula Anderson

Paul W. Hand

Catherine Goulet

Paul Monahan

Paul Meier

Cathrin Bradbury

Cathy McPherson

Paul F. Henderson

Patricia Watson

Patricia Levy

Ferdinando Di Spirito

Charles Crawford

Alastair Normand

Parker M. Liddle

Pam Mazza

Charles Patrick Gossage

P.J. Mitchell

Oksana Kuryliw

Nicole Martin

Nicholas Stanoulis

Neil Young

Natalie Houston

Nancy Smith Lea

Francis Costanzo

Nancy Sears Barker

Frank Boudreau

Nancy Goodman

Nancy G. Torrance

Frank Lewinberg

Nancy Boadway

Ms. M. Motamedi

Christopher Hicks

Molly Jessica Ehrlich

Mitchell A. Flagg

Miriam Margaret Grenville

Michal Hasek

Michael Roschlau

Michael Ondaatje

Fred Taylor

Michael McCarty

Michael J. Landauer

Michael Cruickshank

Michael Cochrane

Michael Barkley

Michael B. Decter

Michael Anderson

Clayton C. Ruby

Melany Franklin

Melanie Shisler

G.A. McGreniere

Meg Lewis

Gabe Hayos

Dr. J.V. Frei

Max Bercovici

Maureen Fair

Colin Campbell

Connie Clement

Mary E. Attfield

Martin Lanigan

Gail O'Hara

Martin J. Long

Martha Davis

Cornelia Schuh

Craig J. Bridgman

Mark Noskiewicz

Mark Fung

Marisa Pollock

Marilyn Nairn

Marilyn Jean Moore

Marilyn Beatty

D. Ann Ball

Gary P. Moriarty

D. Francis Roche

Margaret L. Sullivan

Margaret Kohr

Margaret G. Norman

Margaret E. Kidd

M. David R. Brown

Andrew Szende

Alison Stirling

D'Arcy A. Mackenzie

Lucy Ten Kortenaar

Lucia P. Favret

George C. Comninel

Darcy J.K. McNeill

Louise Levett

Lorne A. Richmond

Litavski Kentridge Johnston Limited

Lisa Ehrlich

Linda Spalding

David Ehrlich

George Kourtesiotis

David Fuller

Larry Steinberg

George Theodoropoulos

Larry S. Hershfield

Larry Bertuzzi

Aneurin Thomas

Kirby Chown

Kim Storey

Kevin Plautz

Gerald Hunt

David G. Samuel

Kenneth Francois

Dr. B. Theodore Boadway

Keith Billings

David I. Bloom

David Ian Matheson

David J. Pyper

Katherine Gyles

Ann Dembinski

Gerry S. Gotfrit

Karen E. Koch

David Lavin

David Lever

David M. Rayside

Gillian McKay Graham

Judson Whiteside

Judith Marshall

Andrew R.C. Webster

David McCarthy

David McCully

Judith Ann Smith

Joyce Campbell

David R. Mackenzie

Joseph B. Reid

John Wellner

Alexandra Dagg

John MacMurchy

John MacMillan

Dean Tudor

Deanne E. Taylor

John Leeson

Glynis A. Evans

John H. MacFarlane

Ahmad Tabrizi

Gordon Gibson

John f. Fagan

Deborah E. Hardy

John A. Curry

Joell A. Vanderwagen

Gordon T. Lucas

Joel Rochon

Joan Wendy Cook

Alison Wiley

Jim E. Lawrence

Graham F. Scott

Andrew Nairne

Jill Taylor

Jeremy Ehrlich

Douglas Joel Dick

Jennifer Webster

Douglas Heighington

Dennis Jones

Jeffrey Davies

Andrew Klochek

Griffiths Cunningham

Derek Norridge

Janice Wright

Gwen Davenport

Allan Kling

Diana Weatherall

Jane L. Glassco

Jamie G. H. Smith

James McLellan

James Good

James G. Bredin

James E. Brugmann

James Brown

James Bailey

Jack Gibbons

Donald W. Middleton

J. Douglas Campbell

Irene M. Brown

Irene Fedun

Irena Hrzina

Ihor Kuryliw

Ian S. Epstein

Ian Macgregor

Doris J. Bradley

Hugh F. Murray

Hugh C. Lewis

Howard M. Goodman

Douglas A. Palmateer

Herbert Hess

Helen Samulewski

Douglas Goold

Elaine V. Jones

Alon Nashman

Roger D. Moore

Don Schmidt

Carol A. Trainer

Yu Yuen Chua

E.P. Horton

Wilma J. Larrett-Smith

William Martin Snelgrove

Earl J. Burt

Helen J. Breslauer

William Heffernen

Helen Kenney

William G. Rutherdale

Anton Turrittin

Ed Nihalcin

Helen Riley

William Andrew Bourke

Edgar Wright

Arlene McCallum

Wendy J. Macbeth

Wendy Bowen

Alina Gildiner

W. Harris Hill

Arthur English

Henry K. Schultz

Vlajko Peric

Victor H. Carrozzino

Arthur Lymer

Arthur Scace

Valerie Loader

Audrey Choate

Trevor de Boer

Howard Bogach

Treat Hull

Tom Mihalik

Dorothy Rusoff

Howard Kevin Walters

Edward J. Richardson

Edward Levy

Tim Kotcheff

B. Hafiz

Thomas L. Edwards

Bahman Ghahreman Pour

Terry R. Downey

Hugh F. Mackay

Barbara Dresner

Terence Grier

Dorothy I. McLaughlin

Eileen B. Elmy

Barbara J Murchie

Barbara J. Murche

Susan Wayne

Albert Nigro

Barbara McPhail

Susan Orlando

Eitan E. Wugalter

Susan M. Macpherson

Susan Kotcheff

Barbara Radford

Sufiya M Reid

Steven D. Price

Hassan Yussuff

Dylan Thomas

Eleanor J. Dudar

Beate E. Bowron

Stanley L. McDonald

Allen Booth

Sophia Zahumeny-Phillips

Sophia Sperdakos

Simon E. Mortimer

Bernard W Campin

Sheri D. Price

Elinor K. Leard

Shelley Martel

Sheila Murray

Harold Sterling

Bertha Gaigalas

Elizabeth Chrumka

Irene Keroglidis

Shawn Kerwin

Sharron E. Kussiar

Donna Mitchell

Sharon Matthews

Sharon Aylsworth

Shannon McManus

Shannon Hall

J. Anne C. Hume

Shannon Gracey

Sean Fitzpatrick

Elizabeth Flavelle

Harding Bishop

Beverley Stapells

Elizabeth K. Storey

Scott J St. John

Scott E. Haskill

Beverly Bennett

Scott Bridges

Bonnie Fernie

Boris Broz

J. Philip Penney

Ruth Barratt

Brian Day

Brian Phillips

Ronaldus Ritchi

Ronald G. Slaght

Ronald B. Desousa

Ron Shirtliff

Roger R. Mahabir

Roger Hutchinson

Jack C. Martin

Roger Du Toit

Elizabeth Theis

Bruce Hanson

Robin Davidson-Arnott

Ella L. Bernhard

Bruce S. Alton

Robert Pomerantz

Robert M.N. Klarer

Jafar Amini

Ellen M. Tate

Robert H. Boulton

Hannah Evans

Richard Shears

James Booth

Richard Petri

Richard L. Stromberg

Richard Brott

Richard B. McLellan

Carol A. Morrison

Rev Michael John Lloyd

Eric A. Comartin

A. Kajbaf

Raul Hermosilla

Carol Baker

Dr. Peter H. Keffe

Eric Tucker

R.J. Rankin

R.G. Slaght

A. (Taheri) Abbaszadeh

James Laxer

James M. Crummey

R. John Ross

James M. Ireland

James Machlachlan

Prof. Ursula M. Franklin

James Melvin

Caroline DiGiovanni

Caroline E. Clark

Phyllis Gordon

Erika Engel

Erin Gardhouse

Philip J. Conlon

Eshrat Sayani

Petra I. Moser

Peter McLaughlin

James T. Healy

Peter Jarvis

Peter Gorrie

Peter G Alexander

Jamil Mardukhi

Peter Fleming

Peter Fitting

Peter Donolo

A. Jardine

Peter Bird

Jane Karwat

Catherine Cragg

Penny Dickens

Jane Martin

Jane Mercer

Paula Boutis

Andrew Stawinoga

Andrea Griggs

Paul Westlind

Paul T. Hellyer

Paul Stott

Dr. Lorna R. Marsden

Paul Newby

F. Stewart Cooke

Dr. Linda Wood

Paul Loader

Paul Dezara

Janet Li

Chander M. Chaddah

Patricia McQuaid

Charles Danzker

Patricia Aldana

Charles H. Campbell

Pamela F. Pastachak

Oksana M. Kuryliw

Frances J. Frisken

Norman L. Calder

Janne Duncan

Norman Curtis

Cheryl Buchwald

Cheryl Folkes

Nina Lester

Nikki Gershbain

Frances L. Hodgins

Neil Freeman

Neal A. Irwin

Natalie Litwin

Nancy Sutherland

Jean Ferguson

Francis T. Rooney

Dr. John Stanley

Dr. Jeffrey G. Reitz

Nancy B. Fleming

Jeff Buttle

Christine Dodds

Mordechai Wasserman

Frans Van Duinen

Monica MacMahon

Moira Hutchinson

Minnie Givens

Fred Knittel

Michael Raby

Christopher Petrik

Michael Melling

Michael McKeon

Christopher Watson

Michael Kermen

Michael J. Warden

Michael E. Hotrum

Michael De Pencier

G. David King

G. James Purdie

G. Menna Weese

Merlin Homer

Merle A. Gilmour

Melvin Shipman

Adam Plackett

Maureen Orton

Maureen J. Orton

Colin R. Arnold

Coline Gardhouse

Mary Harlan

Mary Finlay

Mary F. Leone

Conor D.M. McCourt

Mary Donohue

Mary Ciufo

Corinne Robertshaw

Garfield Mahood

Martha Milczynski

Joan A. Hill

Joan Anderson

Joan Barrett

Joan Chisholm-Guenter

Andrea Patricia Mudry

Markus Koehnen

Cornelia Shuh

Mark Vandenburg

Craig Peskett

Joan Forge

Joan H. Whitley

Mark Gyurcsik

Gary Hepworth

Cranford Pratt

Anne Stinson

Douglas P. Dungan

Marilyn Tate

Joanne Biggs

Dr. Dirk V. Leemans

Marie Steer

Marie Metcalfe

Joanne P. Raynes

Cynthia MacDougall

Maria I. Drever

Joanne W. Young

Denis C. Casey

Jocelyn Stratton

Cyril Howes

Geoff Rytell

Margaret Hancock

Del Coucette

Margaret Catto

Margaret Amerongen

Dalton Robertson

Mall Puhm

Malcolm MacRury

Malcolm Jolley

Maha Ayoub

M.S. Lamont

Daniel E. Moser

M. Kathleen Sharpe

George Aboud

M Motamedi

Lynn Verhoeff

John Beattie

Lynn McDonald

George Baird

Daria Chmil

Darlene Varaleau

John Colautti

John Crysler

Darwina Moore

John David Baker

John E. Otter

John Eastwood

John Edward F. Gibson

Andrew G. Stafl

Linda Piwowarski

Lily Pearson

Lily Chang

Lester T. Brown

Leslie Thomas

Anne Montagnes

Gordon J. Brigden

Lawrence K. Porter

Lawrence Fine

Angela Hains

Laurie Hardwick

Laura Cooper

David G. Broadhurst

George Thomson

George Wilson Finnie

L.D. Sullivan

L. Faye Stephens

Kyung B. Lee

Kyra Woudstra

Klaus Dunker

Kit Pineau

John Kendall

Kirk Dale

Kimberly Thompson

David G. Payne

Gerald Kernerman

Kevin P. O'Neill

Dr. Bernadette McLaughlin

John Macbeth

Andrew Gullen

Kenneth S. Wyman

Kenneth Hanson

Gerard Macleod

David Gracey

Anne Hunt

Gerard McDonald

Kathleen Thompson

Geri R. Sheedy

Kathleen Lynett

Andrew H. Clement

Karl Calhoun

Karen Wheeler

Gib Goodfellow

Karen Craine

Giles Endicott

Jutta Mason

John R. Varley

David Warner

Junetta Morris

Judith Phelan

David Schatzky

John Sewell

Gladys Tanner

John Swan

Judith Bell

Ane Christensen

John Van Nostrand

Douglas Thomas

Joshua Allen

Josephine M. Loblaw

David Pinto

Glenn A. Sweazy

E Bialystok

Carole Perry

David Laing

Zulfikar H. Jivraj

Yvonne Bohr

E. Oakley

Anthony N. Doob

Arnold Lang

Vicki Cowan

Heather D. Wilson

Tim Grant

Terry Lee

Teresa Tenberg

Tanja Schmid

Allan Iijima

Barbara M. Hardy

Heather Alden

Stephen Ruby

Stephen Ireland

Beatrice Levis

John Wang

Stacey J. Young

Heather Wilson

Silvano Feruglio

Imad Malaeb

Shin Imai

Bert G. Bacchas

Scott I. McKay

Boyd Erman

Ruki Perera

Donald West

Harald Ohlendorf

Harald Bohne

Anders Hayden

Robin C. Macaulay

Robert MacMillan

Ellen Samiec

James Barker

Rita Brooks

C. Yaworski

Enid A. Moscovitch

Rashmi M. Nathwani

Andrea Addario

Helen A. Armstrong

Peter M. Newman

Peter Dale

A. Papadopoulos

Jane Ross

Catherine L. Oliver

Paul R. Trethewey

Dr. Juan Pasqual-Leone

P. Bruce Arthur

Noel Bennet-Alder

Dr. Janice Johnson

Miriam Divinsky

Alen M. McCombie

Michael Doucet

Michael Colvin

Dennis Findlay

Craig Flood

Joan Harrison

Maria C. Rodrigues

Marc McClean

Gordon Moir

M. Duncan

Louise Jobba

Louis Anastasakos

Lise M. Baudry

Linda D. Sulliavan

L. Faye Stephenson

John J. Magyar

John J. Thomson

Kristin R. Taylor

Krista Lamb

Gerald Helleiner

Kevin M. Brown

Kenton Vaughan

Katya Masnyk Duvalko

John Moore

Gerold Goldlist

Victoria Reaume

Bernie Hanson

Sheilagh Turkington

Amanda Pask

Elizabeth McIntyre

Elizabeth Shilton

James Hayes

James Robbins

David Matheson

Fay Faraday

Paul Cavalluzzo

Jeffrey Andrew

Michael Wright

Kate Hughes

Mary Cornish

Gary Caroline

David Bloom

John Evans

Shawn P. Gracey

Paul Hirst

Jeannelle Savona

Michael Cohen

Denise Y. Nishimura

Ronald Kushnier

C. Stevenson

Owin Lambeck

Nigel D. Allen

Richard Cassidy

Lieselotte Eschenauer

Carol Trainor

J. Donald Schmidt

Zvi Gaster

David Golsby

Kenneth Goldberg

Anne Louise Layton

David Goldbloom

Kenneth Luginbuhl

Kenneth Moffatt

Kenneth Pearl

Glenne Murray

Kenneth W. Peglar

Karl John Beveridge

Kerrin Alleston

Anne-Marie Brousseau

John Mackenzie

John P. McDonnell

Kevin Malone

Kevin McLaughlin

Gloria Pereira

Douglas Rutherford

Kevin R. Wilson

Debbie Field

Kevin Sullivan

Kim Beemer

Anne Gloger

Kim M.C. Malcolmson

Kim Malcolmson

Karen Wirsig

Kimberly Gibson

John Lewis

Gerald Hannon

Kirk Belanger

Douglas P. Thomas

Adrienne Pollak

Kirk Kelly

Kirk Stevens

John L. Szold

Klara L. Jarke

Andrew K. Calder

Gerald Englar

Konrad Radacz

Kris Owen

John P. Richmond

Kristin E. Marshall

Karen Takacs

Kurt Danziger

Kyle Ferguson

Karen Shaver

A. Abbaszadeh Taher

L. Dymond

John I. Jackson

David Jacobs

L. Gerald Bell

L. Roberts

John Huot

L.J. Sennema

Laird B. Grantham

Larratt T Higgins

Andrew Kapos

Larry Hoath

George W. Szollosy

Larry Smokorowski

John Hockin

Larry Till

Debbie Hardy

Gordon Cumming

Laurence Moore

George Shane

Lauretta Holbrook

John Greenwood

Laurie L. Shieff

John Gordon Hunter

Laverne Jacobs

John Gittins

John Galloway

Lee Adamson

Lee Ann Gallant

Lee Anne Mackenzie

George Poulos

David Coburn

Leela Khurana

David Clandfield

Lenny Abramowicz

Lenore M Strathy

Lenore M. Strathy

David Christie

Leo Murphy

Leonard Gertler

David Bryant

Leslie C. Thomas

Leslie J. Merklinger

Leslie Lawlor

John G Davies Enterprises

Gordon Jocelyn

Lia Gordon

Liana Harman

Liddy Gomes

Ken Prehogan

Liisa L. North

Lillian Butovsky

John F. Buttimor

John F. Bemrose

Lily Smith

Linda Bartram

Linda Briskin

Karen McNama

Linda D. Sullivan

Linda Loth

Linda Pascaris

Kathy McGuire

Linda Sheppard

Dr. Brian Merrilees

Linda Stitt

Linda Tam

Lindsay M. McDonald

David Bruckmann

Dr. Bruce Robertson

Kathy M. Penfold

David Barrett

Lisa Judge

Lisa Kelly

Lisa Swimmer

Alex L. Murray

Lisa Tucker Boulton

John Puusa

George Fells

Loghman Azar

John Ellis

Lois J. James

Lois Ziemba

John Eleen

Lori Stahlbrand

Lorna MacDonald

George Drover

Lorne H. Taylor-Walsh

Deborah Lee Sheppard

Lorraine Johnson

David K. Ferris

Louise (Betsy) Matthews

Louise A. Botham

John Cameron Stout

D'Arcy Robert

Karen Kain

Louise Kelner

George Dalton

Louise Sommers

George D. Meanwell

Dr. Christine L. Dunbar

Lucie Hall

Lucie Homburger

Lucienne Sparham

Lucy Becker

Andrew Schulz

John C. Newell

Lynn Appleby

Lynn E.H. Trainor

Deborah Moffelt

John Bohdanowicz

Lynne Cuthbert

Lynne de Munnik

Andrze S. Jordan

Daphne Perkins

Anne Foster

John B. Pendergrast

M. Cariou

Geoffrey Whitney

David Kinahan

M. Elizabeth Atcheson

M. F. Sayers

M. Jack Suttaby

Debra Friendly

M.B. Mullins

Daniel Goldstick

John Abraham

M.L. Gemmill

M.R. Cresswell-Weber

John A. Stephens

M.S. McCartney-Filgate

M.T. Wells

Daniel Adirm

Andrew Frei

Madeleine Pengelley

Alex Murray Demolition

Debra Smith

Malcolm King

Adriana Radelicki

Karen Gilbert

Malcolm Stewart

Malcolm T. King

John (Dan) Danielson

Andrew Dundass

Dan Scrimger

Marc Belanger

Gilbert Goldstein

Marc McLean

Deidre S. Munroe

Marcelle St. Amant

Anne Wills

Marcia Gilbert

Aladdin Mohaghegh

Dale Fallon

D. Shipley

D. Peddie

Gordon W. Rogers

Dr. David W. Loach

D. Michelle Pretzer

Geoffrey A. Hill

Graeme H. Cropley

Margaret Hawthorn

Margaret Hynd

Margaret I. Garbig

Margaret J. Slemon

Margaret K. Lasserre

D. Ground

Margaret Klym

Alex Sproll

Margaret L. Evans

Margaret L. Hamilton

Gay Thomson

Margaret Lasserre

Margaret M. Reilly

Margaret Norquay

Gavin Leeb

Margaret Proctor

Gary Waters

Joe Lobko

Margot Kane

Cynthia Zimmerman

John R. Gardner

Della Golland

Maria Kelleher

Maria Olivia McAllister

Maria Senyk

Jo-Anne Raynes

Marian M. Press

Marian M. White

Marian Rumack

Mariana Valverde

Marianne F. Nan Cooper

Marianne Khurana

Marie E. Metcalfe

Marie F. Clarke

Marie L. Hunt

Curtis F. Oliver, PhD.

Denis E. Seguin

Joanne P. Irvine

Joanne Naiman

Marilyn Green Robson

Gary J. Hepworth

Marilyn L. Youden

Gary J. Cwitco

Marilyn Roycroft

Denis McGrath

Mario Braini

Marion Barszczyk

Marion Campbell

Joan Workman

Gary Hunt

Andrew Clarke

Andrew B. Lennox

Marjorie L. Frutos

Mark A. Polley

Mark Brubacher

Mark Everard

Joan Milling

Joan M. Harvey

Mark L. Nieweglowski

Alex Irwin

Johnny Sin

Dr. Evan J. Collins

Adam Wadon

Mark Polley

E. Waschuk

Gary Cwitco

Dr. A. Tarnopolsky

Joan E. Murray

Joan E. Eddy

Joan E. Avirovic

Marlene Cashin

Marni E. Angus

David Gurin

Cornelia J. Weyermaers

Garth Knox

Martha F. Keil

Keith Denning

Graham D. Harley

Martin Cohnstaedt

Cornelia J. Baines

Jo Anne Bersohn

Corinne Wilks

Gail Posen

Martin O'Grady

Martin Sneath

Dennis Bryant

Constance Robson

Mary A Whiteside

Mary A. Hall

Constance R.M. Gardner

Mary Ann McPherson

Mary Bartolini

Jim T. McElgunn

Mary Clark

David Hamilton

Jim Mitchell

Mary E Carey Hill

Gail Misra

Mary E. Irvine

Douglas P Thomas

Mary E. Prokipchuk

Anne Shields

Jill S. Arthur

Mary Gerritsma

Jill Eisen

Mary Jane Baillie

Mary K. Winter

Mary L. Gemmill

Mary L. Heiberg

Dr. Fred Freedman

Alan D. Latta

Mary Spence

Mary Stalteri

Mary-Ann E. Haney

Jessica Kamphorst

Matthew G. Wilson

Dennis Dejong

Matthew Howe

Dr. Gina Rakoff

Anne-Marie Walsh

John R. Gustavson

Maureen Lennon

Dennis I. Bryant

Maurice Mazerole

Mavis Simons

Dr. Hugh J. Haley

Jerry Goldhar

Max Moore

Anne R. Farquharson

G.D. Nault

G. Michael Coulter

Melinda Mayhall

Melissa Cronick

Melville Bradshaw

Jerry Diamond

Men Chong Luk

Mereike Martin

Jerome Diamond

Allan Greenbaum

Meyer Brownstone

Clayton R. Peterson

Jenny J. Ahn

Douglas Hart

Michael Arbour

Michael Armstrong

Dr. Jacinta O'Hanlon

Greig S. Dunn

Michael Blurton

Michael Cheena

Freya S. Godard

John Matthew

Claus Wirsig

Afsaneh Tabassian

Frederik Rotter

Jennifer Maclachlan

Michael Deconnick Smith

Claude W. Williams

K. Staniec

Jennifer M. Chan

Michael E. Yorke

Clarice Ondrack

Claire Huang Kinbsley

Claire Archambault

Michael Grobin

Michael Hanson

Michael Harrison

Michael Hotrum

Frederick Jelfs

Michael J. McCloskey

Jennifer Kalant

Michael Jackel

Dennis Lee

Michael L. Davidson

Cindy Wilton

Michael Lyons

Jennifer Gilbert

Frederick Franklin

Dennis Raphael

Michael Meade

Denyse Harvey

Andrea P. Durkacz

Michael Millgate

Derek G. Bell

Freda M. Fyles

K Robinson McBrearty

Jennie P. Smith

Jeffrey R. Rose

Michael Stainton

Michael Ufford

Michael V. Spence

Christopher Palin

Kathy Edwards

Fred Holtz

Christopher Moore

Michelle Swenarchuk

Mike Delarme

Christopher McCormack

Mike Hardt

Mikolaj Semczyszyn

Christopher L. Serenity

Jeffrey Kugler

David Wallace

Miriam J. Schlifer

Fred Freedman

Mirko Lakoseljac

Fred Franklin

Mitchell A. Wigdor

Christopher J. Purdye

Moaz Jivraj

E. Sewell Russell

Mollie Waterman

Molly A. Macdonald

Dr. Jane L. Davis

Molly Thompson

Gretta Purtill- Thissen

Monica Townson

Jeffrey Berman

Kathy A McGuire

Alison Sheppard

Morris Wolfe

Christine R. Pollock

Andrea Margles

Mrs. Diana St. B. Weatherall

Mrs. Frances M. Money

Christine McLean

Mrs. Ruth Thib

Justin A. Connidis

Muhammad Hussain

Muriel C. Morgan

Muriel Milne

Muriel Morkel

Muriel Welsh Patterson

Murray Code

Murray Erlich

Murray H. Miskin

Murray Klippenstein

Christine M. Audet

Murray Laufer

Derek M. Leebosh

Murray Shukyn

Mustafa Koc

Myra Novogrodsky

Christine de Groot

Christine Daly

Christine A. Brown

N. John Adams

N.J. Bardecki

Derek McGillivray

Nancy Barootes

Frank W. Peers

Jeannine Locke Reilly

Nancy Gloger

Frank Gabourel

Nancy Hoita

John McQuaker

Christina M. Van Der Vink

Jean M. Dodds

Jean M Dodds

Francie Wyland

Gunild Spiess

Douglas Haldenby

Jean B. Hodder

Neil Naiman

Neil Vosburgh

Frances M. Marin

Nest Pritchard

Nestor Mykytyn

Christian W. Mueller

Nicholas Kapos

Nicholas R. Watt

Nicholas Samurkas

Devin Tucker

Nick C. Fillmore

Nick Fillmore

Christian Heywood

Alanna McDonagh-Morgan

Ken Heard

Christa Freiler

Jay Roberts

Chris McBride

Chris Lea

Jay Nathwani

Alfred Bird

Nipun Sharma

David W. McLean

Nola Whittall

Jay MacPherson

Diana Chastain

Norman B. Ettinger

Jassie Khurana

Norman F. Hall

Jarle Lovlin

Charles Rosenberg

Norman Taub

Norton Parry

Janine Sindrey

Gwendolyn Setterfield

Olga Herbst

Olive Chester

Olive E. Chester

Charles Rachlis

Orest Rudzik

Orysia Haras

Owen D. Moorhouse

David Gordon

June Callwood

Anne Farquharson

P. Dann

P. Siemens

Frances Hayos

Dr. John W. Grant

Frances A. Gregory

Diana D. Wolfson

Pamela Harris

Pamela Koch

France McCabe

Pat Evans

Pat Reavy

Charles Kim

Fortunato Rao

Patricia A. Warwick

Janice Paul

Janice N. Dembo

Janice Carolin

Patricia G. Finlay

Patricia J. Dryden R.M.T.

Ferne Downey

Fergus Craik

Janice Buchanan

Charles A. Winder

Patricia Skippon

Charis Wahl

Fei-Fei Liu

Patrick Hardy

Patrick J. Semple

Janet M. Smith

Patrick McDonald

Celia Harte

Celia Godkin

Paul C. Zemokhol

Dean Odorico

Celia B. Lottridge

Janet Lo

Cecilia Dineen

Andrea L. Journeaux

Kathryn Brownell

Gina Gignac

Cathy Jackson

Paul G. Adler

Paul Gauthier

Cathy Gulkin

Kay Armatage

Cathy Bull

Janet Howard

Paul M. Ledoux

Paul M. Schmidt

Gwenyth Egan

Janet Douglas

F. Geary

Paul Nesbitt

Diana Ralph

Catherine Williams

Catherine Macdonald

John O.W. Pope

Julie Cassidy

Catherine H. Gregoris

Gysuzki Berki

Diana Woodhead

Diane Frank

Ezra Schabas

Jane T. Adams

Paul Wilson

Paul Winokur

Paul Zemokhol

Jane S. Larimer

Julia Honigsberg

Jane Reid

Paula J. Vopni

Paula Larrondo

Julia H. Bass

Paula Warren

Pauline S. Hill

Peggy Nash

Penelope Barr

Dr. Matthew J. McQueen

Jane N. Widereman

Jane M. Malleck

Evelyn Foster

Peter A. Block

Peter Abrams

Eve Hofstra

Peter B. Elton

Peter B. Goldthorpe

Gyuszi S. Berki

Peter Brickwood

Catherine Cahill

Peter Buzek

Evangeline M. Wong

Dianne E Roberti

Peter Crosby

Eva Samery

Julia Arnold

Peter Donald Woloshyn

Jane E. Maxwell

Peter Dorton

Carolynn Hobbs-Makarchuk

Carolyn Wood

Jane Cullingworth

Dianne Saxe

Peter Freeman

Jamsheed D. Mehta

Anne Brymer

Jamie Laidlaw

Peter H. Dorfman

Peter Harvey Griggs

Peter Harvey Lewis

Carolyn Souter

Carolyn E.J. Karwat

Carolyn Dodds

Peter J. O'Brien

H. Bernice Law

Peter K. Yu

Eva Lewiecki

Peter M. MacIntyre

Judy Simon

Dinah Forbes

Peter Montgomery

Eunice Savino

Eudora Pendergrast

Caroline Zayid

Ethel H. Meade

Peter Taylor

Peter Vandergeest

Caroline Underwood

Peter Webb

Caroline F. DiGiovanni

James Stewart

Philip A. Heiland

Philip Aber

Dolly Sherry

Ernest McNee

Dr. Pauline O'Connor

Kathleen P. Chung

Alanna Snell

Philip R. Walsh

Erika Wybourn

James R. Sutherland

Judy M. Holm

Donald C. Cole

Phyllis Platt

Phyllis Thibedeau

Phyllis V Fischer

Donald Carefoot

John Yorke

Prof. Ernest Sirluck

Kenneth B. McEvoy

James O. Stanford

Quentin P. Chiotti

R Douglas Kneebone

R Findlay

R. Barry Krentz

Judy Haddad

H. Daryl Currie

Erica Rideout

Carol Roach

James M. Estes

James Jones

Donald Cole

R.W. Brooks-Hill

James Healey

Radovan Gajic Sova Studio

Raine Grewal

Ralph Gibson

Carol Hancock

Carol Fripp

Carol Cook

Judy G. Malkin

Rashmi Nathwani

John O'Grady

Donald J. Buchanan

Rebecca Allen

Dr. Robert W. Shenton

Eric Miller

Dr. Robin Alter

H. Glen Davis

H.B.R. Walker

Rene Foisy-Marquis

Helen Angus

James Francis Goss

James F. Cole

Ric Amis

Richard A. Underehill

James E. McAndless

Carlo Augimeri

Donald P. Martin

Ken Lalonde

Richard Chester

Judy Fleming

Dr. S. Malcolmson

Cameron D. Miller

Richard Guisso

Dr. Sarah D. Gibson

Aleksander Polanski

C.M. Schaffter

Elsa Poitras

H.E. McDonald

Douglas Webber

Richard McLellan

Richard Nordahl

Richard P. Sniderman

Richard Peachey

James Chisholm

H.P. Armstrong

Anna Prodanou

Elna Jensen

Richard Yampolsky

Rick Alexander

Rick Giorgi

Rick Janson

Ricki Gallen

Rina Armstrong

Risa L. Pancer

David S. Smith

C. Turnbull

Robert & Odilie Gaudet

Robert A. Brosius

Elma Liivet

Robert A. Lane

Robert Allsopp

Robert Attfiled

Elliot M. Jacobson

Robert Barnard

Robert Barter

Kelly Lee

C. Julie Cassidy

Robert Campbell

Ann W. MacKenzie

Robert E. Millward

Robert G. Coates

Robert G. Lucas

Robert G. Sawyer

Robert Genier

Robert George White

Ellen Vanstone

Robert Gullins

Giuliana Weiss-Singh

C. Ian Lumsden

Robert Hatton

C. Edward Rathe

Ann Tudor

Judith K. Schwarz

C. Brian MacConnell

Robert J. Norquay

Robert Jekyll

Byron E.D. Morse

Robert L. Reeves

Burton Kramer

James A. McNab

James A. Bradshaw

Judith H. Midgley

Bryan Young

Bruno Muzzi

Robert P Gibson

Robert P. Alexander

Jacqueline Peeters

Robert Rodbourne

Robert S. Harris

Robert S.W. Campbell

Robert Tanner

Bruna Nota

Bruce Stratton

Robert Willson

Roberta G. Ferrence

Donald Smith

Bruce Rayment

Robin A. Green

Jacob Bakan

Robin Askew

Gladys Irene Rothman

Dr. Sheila David

Jack Wiseman

Robin Forbes

David Reed

Robin I. Sorys

Donald T. Bell

Jack R. Hamilton

Bruce Clark

Elizabeth Stewart

Douglas Buck

Anita Noble

John Taylor

Alan L. Harris

Donald W. Law

Elizabeth Slye

Bruce A. Chan

Judith Beamish

Roger T. Hughes

Rohan Jayasekera

Bruce A. Bryden

Abraham Blank

Ron Bischler

Jacalyn A. Coulter

J.M. Field

Ronald B. MacAllister

Ronald G. Bischler

Glen Brown

Glenn Smith

Ronald J.C. McQueen

Briane Nasimok

Elizabeth Robson

Anne W. Millyard

Ronald Mann

Dr. Vivian Darroch-Lozowski

Elizabeth Pead

Brian Rigley

Elizabeth Parr

Ronald W. Cumming

Brian R. Carr

J.C. Pinkney

Rosana Pellizzari

J. Yvonne Howard

Rose Stepanko

Anne Thoburn

Rosemary Donegan

Rosemary E. Smith

Amy Marcus

Rosemary Frei

A. George McKay

Rosemary Meier

Rosemary Tucker

Elizabeth Ormsby

J. Timothy Kennish

Ross E. Morrow

Ross G. Snetsinger

Roxann Bonellie

Elizabeth Nyburg

Roy Higson

Elizabeth Mustard

John W. Bessai

Russell Hann

Ruth Armstrong

J. Snell

Brenda Shillington

Ruth Budd

Branka Bakaric

Bradley C. Foster

Kathleen Kitchen

Ruth L. Hancock

Ruth Mechanicus

Ruth Wyman

Joyce Pigott

S. Dadrian-Kassabian

S. Doreen Popovich

S. Jason D'Elia

S. Pengelley

S. Ray Stephenson

S. Zahumery-Phillips

S. Zielinski

J. Sasso

Elizabeth Mannis

Sabina Rotenberg

Bonnie L. Fernie

Sally Gillis

Sally P. Bryant

J. Paul Raymond

Bob Frankford

Sam Sniderman

Blair W. Witzel

Bill V. Vrantsidis

Sandra E. Clifford

Bill Noddle

Elizabeth MacKinnon

Sandra Smit

Sandra Tulloch

Beverly Stager

Katherine McGuire

Beverly Sidney

Sara Gold

Beverly Howell

Andrew Stewart

Beverly Hollow

Sasha Jarh

J. Patricia Hanna

Andrew T. Brooks

J. Michael McCabe

David P. Gurin

Donna Gitt

J. Judith Forrestal

Elizabeth J. McIntyre

Scott L. Dobson

Duncan D.J. MacDonald

Beverly Agar

J. Hogan

Scott R. Armstrong

Elizabeth Hannigan

J. Edward Chamberlin

Gerald Vandezande

Beverley Salmon

Sean P. Gorman

Beverley Cheung

Elizabeth Feltes

Donna Glover

J. Cranford

Ishbel Halliday

Shantoo Patel

Bev Dales

Irving Snitman

Sharon C. Polan

Sharon L. David

Sharon L. Vanderkaay

Sharon L. Whyte

Irving Salit

Allan Baker

Sharon Wood

Irma J. Orchard

Sharron10 Kusiar

Betty Gaffney

Elizabeth Cohen

Irene M. Wyka

John Osgoode Smith

Douglas Green

Sheelagh Tait

A.E. Alexander

Sheila Brown

Sheila Coulter

Sheila Croft

Sheila J. Maclaren

Betty Derich

Sheila MacDonald

Donna Sawchuk

Irene Helen Fedun

Sheila Nasmith

Sheila Shotton

Sheila Van Deventer

Katharine Martyn

Shelagh B. Wilkinson

Elizabeth A. Pead


Elizabeteh Elliott

Donna-Lynn McCallum

Inge Kanjilal

Sheri Price

Bert Van Kleef

David P. Silcox

Sherry Galvao

Ann Sanderson

Joyce H. Turnbull

Dr. Arnost Kolin

Shirley J. Small

Joyce E. Denyer

Shirley McConkey

Joyce Davies

Ilze Purmalis

Bernard Savage

Alfred C. Holden

Bernadette McLaughlin

Sky Lara Jondahl

David R. Townsend

Sonya Popovich

Benita Black

Doreen H. Green

Harry Freedman

Elin McDonald

Beatrice Myers

Harvery R. Hannon

Joshua Phillips

John W. Puusa

Stan Kutz

Stanley Adelman

Dori Landmark

Stefan A. Kipfer

Ian R. Russell

Barry John Dunn

Stephen Best

Stephen Bigsby

Stephen G. Zolf

Stephen H. Kamnitzer

Joseph Wong

Barry Isenor

Duncan McLaren

Eleanor Nielsen

Stephen Lackey

Dorie Macaskill

David Pelletier

Barry Craig

Stephen Targett

Stephen Taylor

Doris Dohrenwend

Steve Gentles

Steve Kolos

Eleanor Cook

Barrie D. Gray

Eldon J. Bennett

Steven Charles Willett

Ian Marshall

Elayne Lockhart

Barbara Yip

Stig Harvor

Stuart B. McLean

Barbara Tessman

Ian Guenther

Sufiya Mary Reid

Susan Blayney

Barbara Stewart

Barbara Rahder

Susan Griffin

Susan J. McMurray

Ian Greene

Ian G. Campbell

Heather Speers

Ian David Scott

Susan Mahoney

Susan Martin

Susan Mary Higgins

Elaine Gold

Susan McDonough

Susan Miller

John Warkentin

Ian Collier

Susan P. Howard

Susan Phillips

Ann Nicholson

Susan Prentice

Susan Serran

Ian A Fleming

Ann Fitzpatrick

Barbara Mather

Iain Beaton

Dorothy E. Nicholson

Joseph Koenig

Suzanne Leger

Suzanne Mogensen

Barbara Lampert

Eileen Swinton

Sydney Nestel

Sydney Sproule

David R. Donnelly

Dorothy Goldin Rosenberg

Sylvia Hegge

Sylvia Jones

Barbara H. Von Keller

Ann Abraham

Barbara G. Caplan

Albert Mintz

Andrew Judge

Taras Gula

Anne Thompson

Hugh Moore

Joseph Fassel

Terrence L. Macdonald

Hugh John Craig

John Weatherup

Terri Preston

Terry Byram

Douglas S. Paton

Terry McAfee

Terry O'Connor

Heather Crosbie

Terry S. Lee

Thea Adams

Barbara Czarnecki

Thomas B. Hendry

Dorothy L. Holmes

E. Alan Rhodes

Thomas C. Matheson

E. Ann Pringle

Thomas G. Hanes

Edward T. Silva

Dorothy L. Thomas

Thomas M. Taylor

Thomas Maguire

Thomas Mathien

Heather D. Posgate

E. Anne Lane

Joseph David Sheard

Allem A. Israel

B. Godard

Hugh Anson-Cartwright

E. Jane Arthur

B Brett

Dorothy M. Purchase

B Beck

Timothy J. Bartkiw

Timothy J. Hill

Avrum Jacobson

Avrom Isaacs

Tom Carey

Joseph B. Whitney

Tom Czudec

Alison M. Warner

Tom Leslie

Edward J. Levy

Howard Law

Audrey Marples

Toni Neff

Tony Ferrante

Tracey/Daniel Jenkins/Donaldson

Tracy Jenkins

Audrey King

Tracy Torchetti

Edward Gruetzner

Alan Thomas

Howard D. Chapman

Trevor Hilton

Trynie De Vries

Tsau-Liang Tseng

Doug Kneebone

Audrey Abbott

Arthur Winter

Ulrike Alvo

Una O'Reilly

E. Joan Bennett

Val K. Lem

Valarie D. Hartling

Holly kirkconnell

Valerie McDonald

Edward Currie

Hilary Inwood

Vanessa M.K. Yeung

Edna Richardson

Verna Higgins

Vicki Butterfield

Glen W. Brown

Heather Floyd

Heather McCrae

Victoria E. Watkins

Edith Mary Akehurst

Victoria L. Hunt

Edith Geduld

Katherine Austin

Vijay Khurana

Viresh Raghubeer

Virginia Thompson

Virginia Thomson

Viveca Gretton

Vladimir Blagojevic

Herb Rosenfeld

Vreni Ducommun

Henry King

W. Bidell

W. David English

W. Harasym

Henry Hynd

W. Tsai

Henrietta Micallef

Arthur Alexander MacDonald

W.J. Sutton

Walter A. Moos

Aron D. Wallaker

Wanda M. Jurashek

Jordan I.J. Berger

Wasyl Kalmuk

Arnie Liebert

Wayne J. Fairhead

Arlene Richards

Helmut C. Paddags

Wendy Dey

Wendy E. Robertson

Wendy Hughes

Helen Sommers

Wendy Rothwell

Wendy Shaw

E. Langenholt

Helen Skippon

Arel Agnew

Will Fripp

Willa Marcus

Anton Wagner

Heather McCulloch

William A. Steggles

Helen S. Tokiwa

William B. Freeman

Helen Ross

William D. Hughey

William Dunn

Ann E. Martin

William E. Davison

William E. Dunford

Helen Petrowski

William F. Empey

William F. Kime

Jonathan Stainsby

William Freeman

Jonathan Lebi

Helen MAcDonald

William Grouchy

Helen M. Driscoll

Earle Toppings

William J. Phillips

William J. Vanree

William Krock

Douglas Browne

William L. Holt

Anthony Keith

Anthony Cassidy

Helen Hansen

William Noddle

Earl H.J. Graham

William R. Colbert

A. Patti Walker

Albert G. Hearn

William Toye

William W Schultz