Justice for All
The Motto of the Theology State in Iran
The Motto of the Islamic Republic of Iran (IRI), it is better to be feared than to be loved. The IRI is using Iron Fist by utilizing Machiavelli doctrine of Fear, Fraud and Force to rule Iran.
Think Independently, and freely because you are a free person.
Think Independently, and freely because you are a free person.
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Friday, September 28, 2007
Iran, Osama and 9/11
Frontpage Interview’s guest today is Thomas Joscelyn, an expert on the international terrorist network. He has written extensively on al Qaeda and its allies, including Iran. He is the author, most recently, of Iran’s Proxy War Against America, a booklet published by the Claremont Institute and available for download at its web site. (Click here to download the booklet.)
FP: Thomas Joscelyn, welcome to Frontpage Interview.
Joscleyn: Good to be here Jamie.
FP: Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s visit to Columbia has sparked great controversy. Yesterday, Ahmadinejad announced in front of the U.N. General Assembly that Iran will defy U.N. Security Council resolutions demanding that his regime suspend its uranium enrichment.
What should the American people know about Ahmadinejad and the regime he represents?
Joscelyn: Ahmadinejad is a puppet for the Ayatollah and his attending mullahs, who have the real power in Iran. This clerical regime, which rose to power in 1979, is intrinsically opposed to America and her allies throughout the world. When they chant “Death to America,” they mean it. The Iranian regime is also dedicated to revolution. That is, they want to export the Iranian revolution throughout the Middle East and the world. And they have often done so on the backs of terrorists.
Iran has provided vital assistance to terrorist organizations in at least all of the following nations/areas: the Palestinian territories (Hamas, and Palestinian Islamic Jihad), Lebanon (Hezbollah), Egypt (the Islamic Group and Egyptian Islamic Jihad), Sudan (a variety of terrorist groups), Somalia (Sunni terrorists), Algeria (an al Qaeda affiliate), Saudi Arabia (Saudi Hezbollah), Southeast Asia (various terrorist groups, including affiliates of al Qaeda), Iraq (both Sunni and Shiite terrorist groups), Afghanistan (Iran now even arms the Taliban, its one-time enemy), the Gulf States, and elsewhere.
So, Iran is the fountainhead of terrorism.
Much of the public outrage over Ahmadinejad’s visit has focused on Iran’s ongoing support for our terrorist enemies in Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as his nation’s burgeoning nuclear program. These are, of course, legitimate and grave concerns. Unfortunately, however, there has been little focus on the relationship between Iran and al Qaeda, despite the fact that the relationship reportedly dates back to 1990.
FP: What evidence ties Iran to al Qaeda as early as 1990?
Joscelyn: According to Lawrence Wright in his book The Looming Tower, a top al Qaeda operative named Ali Mohamed told the FBI that Ayman al Zawahiri and the Iranians agreed to cooperate on a coup attempt in Egypt in 1990. The Iranians have long targeted Hosni Mubarak’s regime and so they were very willing to assist Zawahiri’s Egyptian Islamic Jihad (“EIJ”) in a coup attempt. According to Mohamed, the Iranians gave Zawahiri $2 million and trained his EIJ operatives for the coup attempt, which was ultimately aborted.
Coming from Ali Mohamed, this is especially damning testimony. Mohamed was one of the U.S. Government’s star witnesses during the trial of some of the al Qaeda terrorists responsible for the August 7, 1998, embassy bombings in Kenya and Tanzania. Mohamed himself admitted to his involvement in the embassy bombings – he did the surveillance that was used to plan the operation. He also looms large in al Qaeda’s early history: he compiled al Qaeda’s first training manual, trained bin Laden’s security guards, helped organize al Qaeda’s move from Afghanistan to the Sudan in the early 1990’s, and was trusted by Zawahiri to penetrate America’s intelligence and military establishments (he even feigned cooperation with the CIA as an informant and went on to become a sergeant in the U.S. Army).
So, Mohamed’s testimony is good evidence that the Iranians and al Qaeda were cooperating all the way back in 1990.
FP: And the cooperation didn’t end there, did it?
Joscelyn: No, it did not end there. There is evidence of cooperation between Iran, Hezbollah and al Qaeda from 1990 through the present. I go into more detail about this evidence in Iran’s Proxy War Against America, but let me provide some of the highlights here.
According to the 9/11 Commission, the Iranians and al Qaeda held discussions in the early 1990’s. During the embassy bombings trial we learned that one of these meetings involved a sit down between Imad Mugniyah, who is Iran’s master terrorist as well as Hezbollah’s chief of terrorist operations, and Osama bin Laden. As a result of these meetings, Iran and al Qaeda agreed to cooperate on attacks against America and Israel. Al Qaeda terrorists were then trained in Iranian and Hezbollah training camps in Lebanon, Sudan and Iran.
Mugniyah had a profound impact on al Qaeda’s transition from an Afghani-based insurgency group into an international terrorist empire. As a result of the cooperation between Mugniyah and bin Laden, al Qaeda consciously modeled itself after Hezbollah in many ways. As Lawrence Wright notes in The Looming Tower, there are good reasons to suspect that al Qaeda even adopted the use of suicide bombers because of Hezbollah’s influence. I think that prior to 1993 (there may be an isolated incident or two prior to then), suicide attacks were an anathema to Sunni Islam. They were strictly prohibited. The Shiite Hezbollah, however, had used suicide bombers since as early 1983, when Mugniyah’s suicide truck bombers destroyed the U.S. embassy and the U.S. Marine Barracks in Lebanon. Zawahiri and al Qaeda adopted suicide attacks as their modus operandi only in the early 1990’s, after Hezbollah had shown them the utility of such operations.
According to Bob Baer in See No Evil, the CIA uncovered evidence that Mugniyah helped facilitate the travel of an al Qaeda terrorist en route to an attack on the Egyptian embassy in Pakistan in 1995. In June 1996, according to Gerald Posner in Why America Slept, the CIA obtained reports from a terrorist summit in Tehran. The reports indicated that al Qaeda, Iran and Hezbollah had agreed to step up their attacks on American targets throughout the Middle East. A few days later, on June 25, 1996, Hezbollah – under direct orders from Tehran – bombed the Khobar Towers complex in Saudi Arabia.
The 9/11 Commission found that in addition to strong evidence of Iran’s involvement, there were also signs that al Qaeda played a role in the Khobar Towers bombing. Al Qaeda had reportedly been planning a similar operation in the months prior to the attack and intelligence officials found that bin Laden was congratulated by senior al Qaeda members, such as Ayman al Zawahiri, shortly thereafter. Contemporaneous reports by the CIA and the State Department noted that Iran and al Qaeda were both suspects. Therefore, although we don’t know for sure, there is, at the very least, a strong possibility that the Khobar Towers operation was a joint operation between Iran, Hezbollah and al Qaeda.
The 9/11 Commission found that the al Qaeda cell in Kenya, which was responsible for bombing the embassy there on August 7, 1998, was trained by Hezbollah for the operation. The 9/11 Commission also found that there is evidence that Iran and Hezbollah facilitated the travels of 8 to 10 of the hijackers responsible for the September 11 attacks.
There is strong evidence that Iran helped al Qaeda and Taliban members escape from Afghanistan in late 2001 and, therefore, evade American justice. Finally, Iran harbors senior al Qaeda leaders such as Saif al Adel (al Qaeda’s military chief) and Saad bin Laden (Osama’s son and heir) to this day.
This is just some of the evidence of Iran’s involvement in al Qaeda’s terror.
FP: So in your opinion, what is the strongest evidence of Iran’s support for al Qaeda?
Joscelyn: The simultaneous suicide bombings of the U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania on August 7, 1998. As I explain in Iran’s Proxy War Against America, there is strong evidence that: (1) Bin Laden and al Qaeda deliberately modeled the attack after Hezbollah’s simultaneous suicide bombings of the U.S. Marine barracks and a headquarters for French paratroopers in Lebanon in 1983. (2) According to the 9/11 Commission, Iran and Hezbollah trained at least one of the cells responsible for the attack. They showed them how to execute this type of operation. (3) There is evidence that Iran supplied al Qaeda with a large amount of explosives used in the attack. (4) Iran gives safe haven to the senior al Qaeda terrorist wanted for his involvement in the bombings, Saif al Adel, to this day.
Therefore, we have Iran and Hezbollah inspiring, training, arming and giving safe haven to the al Qaeda terrorists responsible for the embassy bombings. And this was al Qaeda’s most successful operation prior to 9/11. If this isn’t support for al Qaeda, then I don’t know what is.
FP: So wait a minute then, could it be fairly said that Iran was, to one extent or another, behind 9/11?
Joscelyn: I do not think that Iran was “behind 9/11.” I think that, just as the 9/11 Commission found, there are open questions about Iran’s and Hezbollah’s involvement in the September 11 attacks. If you read pages 240 and 241 of the 9/11 Commission’s final report very carefully you realize there are a lot of dots connecting Iran and Hezbollah to the travels of 8 to 10 of the 9/11 hijackers. However, the 9/11 Commission sort of kicked the can down the road, so to speak, on this issue. The commissioners called for further investigation into this matter in 2004, but more than three years later no such investigation has been launched. That’s one of the reasons I wrote this booklet.
I would also point out that the 9/11 Commission did not cover all of the threads potentially tying Iran and Hezbollah to 9/11. As Newsweek first reported, Ramzi Binalshibh – al Qaeda’s point man for 9/11 – made a very suspicious trip to Iran during the planning stages of the operation. And shortly before the attack he left Germany on a flight that landed at Tehran International Airport. Thus, one of the main al Qaeda conspirators involved in 9/11 found it convenient (or something more?) to travel to Iran during the key stages of the 9/11 plot. Binalshibh reportedly told his CIA interrogators that there was nothing to any of this, but one has to wonder if he wasn’t simply lying. And certainly we shouldn’t take his disavowal at face value.
FP: Some on the left will no doubt accuse you of trying to bolster the case for a war with Iran. How would you respond to this allegation?
Joscelyn: I think this hits on a big problem we face right now as a nation. The discourse has become too politicized. The focus in this nation is largely on our own domestic political situation and the Bush administration. I think we would be better served by asking more of the tough questions about al Qaeda that need answering.
In the booklet, I explicitly argue that an invasion of Iran would be disastrous. I do not think that military strikes should be taken off the table entirely, but I have doubts about their efficacy. And force may be required to stop Iran’s sponsorship of terrorists who are killing American servicemen inside Iraq. But the point of the booklet is not to advocate for a particular course of action. The reason I wrote it was to stir debate about what I think are a significant body of facts and evidence tying Iran to al Qaeda. I don’t think the public interest is served by pretending that none of this evidence exists.
FP: Why is there such reticence to engage the evidence of Iran’s involvement with al Qaeda?
Joscelyn: It seems to me that al Qaeda is an enemy we have never really understood. Ignorance is widespread. We face a large network of terrorists, but many prefer not to get into the nuts and bolts of how they actually work. For example, we often hear that the Sunnis of al Qaeda and the Shiites of Iran and Hezbollah are incapable of cooperation due to their theological differences. A cursory examination of Iran’s and al Qaeda’s behavior reveals, however, that this is nonsense. When it comes to facing their common enemies the two have been more than willing to set aside their differences. In fact, Iran has long supported Sunni terrorists, including groups such as Hamas, which is the ideological cousin of al Qaeda. The 9/11 Commission also explicitly found that ideological or theological differences did not prevent Iran and Hezbollah from cooperating with al Qaeda.
More than six years have passed since 9/11. I think it is about time we got rid of some of our more shallow assumptions about our terrorist enemies.
And perhaps we should start asking President Ahmadinejad why it is that his nation harbors scores of al Qaeda terrorists to this day.
FP: Thomas Joscelyn, thank you for joining Frontpage Interview.
Joscelyn: Thank you Jamie.
FP: Thomas Joscelyn, welcome to Frontpage Interview.
Joscleyn: Good to be here Jamie.
FP: Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s visit to Columbia has sparked great controversy. Yesterday, Ahmadinejad announced in front of the U.N. General Assembly that Iran will defy U.N. Security Council resolutions demanding that his regime suspend its uranium enrichment.
What should the American people know about Ahmadinejad and the regime he represents?
Joscelyn: Ahmadinejad is a puppet for the Ayatollah and his attending mullahs, who have the real power in Iran. This clerical regime, which rose to power in 1979, is intrinsically opposed to America and her allies throughout the world. When they chant “Death to America,” they mean it. The Iranian regime is also dedicated to revolution. That is, they want to export the Iranian revolution throughout the Middle East and the world. And they have often done so on the backs of terrorists.
Iran has provided vital assistance to terrorist organizations in at least all of the following nations/areas: the Palestinian territories (Hamas, and Palestinian Islamic Jihad), Lebanon (Hezbollah), Egypt (the Islamic Group and Egyptian Islamic Jihad), Sudan (a variety of terrorist groups), Somalia (Sunni terrorists), Algeria (an al Qaeda affiliate), Saudi Arabia (Saudi Hezbollah), Southeast Asia (various terrorist groups, including affiliates of al Qaeda), Iraq (both Sunni and Shiite terrorist groups), Afghanistan (Iran now even arms the Taliban, its one-time enemy), the Gulf States, and elsewhere.
So, Iran is the fountainhead of terrorism.
Much of the public outrage over Ahmadinejad’s visit has focused on Iran’s ongoing support for our terrorist enemies in Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as his nation’s burgeoning nuclear program. These are, of course, legitimate and grave concerns. Unfortunately, however, there has been little focus on the relationship between Iran and al Qaeda, despite the fact that the relationship reportedly dates back to 1990.
FP: What evidence ties Iran to al Qaeda as early as 1990?
Joscelyn: According to Lawrence Wright in his book The Looming Tower, a top al Qaeda operative named Ali Mohamed told the FBI that Ayman al Zawahiri and the Iranians agreed to cooperate on a coup attempt in Egypt in 1990. The Iranians have long targeted Hosni Mubarak’s regime and so they were very willing to assist Zawahiri’s Egyptian Islamic Jihad (“EIJ”) in a coup attempt. According to Mohamed, the Iranians gave Zawahiri $2 million and trained his EIJ operatives for the coup attempt, which was ultimately aborted.
Coming from Ali Mohamed, this is especially damning testimony. Mohamed was one of the U.S. Government’s star witnesses during the trial of some of the al Qaeda terrorists responsible for the August 7, 1998, embassy bombings in Kenya and Tanzania. Mohamed himself admitted to his involvement in the embassy bombings – he did the surveillance that was used to plan the operation. He also looms large in al Qaeda’s early history: he compiled al Qaeda’s first training manual, trained bin Laden’s security guards, helped organize al Qaeda’s move from Afghanistan to the Sudan in the early 1990’s, and was trusted by Zawahiri to penetrate America’s intelligence and military establishments (he even feigned cooperation with the CIA as an informant and went on to become a sergeant in the U.S. Army).
So, Mohamed’s testimony is good evidence that the Iranians and al Qaeda were cooperating all the way back in 1990.
FP: And the cooperation didn’t end there, did it?
Joscelyn: No, it did not end there. There is evidence of cooperation between Iran, Hezbollah and al Qaeda from 1990 through the present. I go into more detail about this evidence in Iran’s Proxy War Against America, but let me provide some of the highlights here.
According to the 9/11 Commission, the Iranians and al Qaeda held discussions in the early 1990’s. During the embassy bombings trial we learned that one of these meetings involved a sit down between Imad Mugniyah, who is Iran’s master terrorist as well as Hezbollah’s chief of terrorist operations, and Osama bin Laden. As a result of these meetings, Iran and al Qaeda agreed to cooperate on attacks against America and Israel. Al Qaeda terrorists were then trained in Iranian and Hezbollah training camps in Lebanon, Sudan and Iran.
Mugniyah had a profound impact on al Qaeda’s transition from an Afghani-based insurgency group into an international terrorist empire. As a result of the cooperation between Mugniyah and bin Laden, al Qaeda consciously modeled itself after Hezbollah in many ways. As Lawrence Wright notes in The Looming Tower, there are good reasons to suspect that al Qaeda even adopted the use of suicide bombers because of Hezbollah’s influence. I think that prior to 1993 (there may be an isolated incident or two prior to then), suicide attacks were an anathema to Sunni Islam. They were strictly prohibited. The Shiite Hezbollah, however, had used suicide bombers since as early 1983, when Mugniyah’s suicide truck bombers destroyed the U.S. embassy and the U.S. Marine Barracks in Lebanon. Zawahiri and al Qaeda adopted suicide attacks as their modus operandi only in the early 1990’s, after Hezbollah had shown them the utility of such operations.
According to Bob Baer in See No Evil, the CIA uncovered evidence that Mugniyah helped facilitate the travel of an al Qaeda terrorist en route to an attack on the Egyptian embassy in Pakistan in 1995. In June 1996, according to Gerald Posner in Why America Slept, the CIA obtained reports from a terrorist summit in Tehran. The reports indicated that al Qaeda, Iran and Hezbollah had agreed to step up their attacks on American targets throughout the Middle East. A few days later, on June 25, 1996, Hezbollah – under direct orders from Tehran – bombed the Khobar Towers complex in Saudi Arabia.
The 9/11 Commission found that in addition to strong evidence of Iran’s involvement, there were also signs that al Qaeda played a role in the Khobar Towers bombing. Al Qaeda had reportedly been planning a similar operation in the months prior to the attack and intelligence officials found that bin Laden was congratulated by senior al Qaeda members, such as Ayman al Zawahiri, shortly thereafter. Contemporaneous reports by the CIA and the State Department noted that Iran and al Qaeda were both suspects. Therefore, although we don’t know for sure, there is, at the very least, a strong possibility that the Khobar Towers operation was a joint operation between Iran, Hezbollah and al Qaeda.
The 9/11 Commission found that the al Qaeda cell in Kenya, which was responsible for bombing the embassy there on August 7, 1998, was trained by Hezbollah for the operation. The 9/11 Commission also found that there is evidence that Iran and Hezbollah facilitated the travels of 8 to 10 of the hijackers responsible for the September 11 attacks.
There is strong evidence that Iran helped al Qaeda and Taliban members escape from Afghanistan in late 2001 and, therefore, evade American justice. Finally, Iran harbors senior al Qaeda leaders such as Saif al Adel (al Qaeda’s military chief) and Saad bin Laden (Osama’s son and heir) to this day.
This is just some of the evidence of Iran’s involvement in al Qaeda’s terror.
FP: So in your opinion, what is the strongest evidence of Iran’s support for al Qaeda?
Joscelyn: The simultaneous suicide bombings of the U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania on August 7, 1998. As I explain in Iran’s Proxy War Against America, there is strong evidence that: (1) Bin Laden and al Qaeda deliberately modeled the attack after Hezbollah’s simultaneous suicide bombings of the U.S. Marine barracks and a headquarters for French paratroopers in Lebanon in 1983. (2) According to the 9/11 Commission, Iran and Hezbollah trained at least one of the cells responsible for the attack. They showed them how to execute this type of operation. (3) There is evidence that Iran supplied al Qaeda with a large amount of explosives used in the attack. (4) Iran gives safe haven to the senior al Qaeda terrorist wanted for his involvement in the bombings, Saif al Adel, to this day.
Therefore, we have Iran and Hezbollah inspiring, training, arming and giving safe haven to the al Qaeda terrorists responsible for the embassy bombings. And this was al Qaeda’s most successful operation prior to 9/11. If this isn’t support for al Qaeda, then I don’t know what is.
FP: So wait a minute then, could it be fairly said that Iran was, to one extent or another, behind 9/11?
Joscelyn: I do not think that Iran was “behind 9/11.” I think that, just as the 9/11 Commission found, there are open questions about Iran’s and Hezbollah’s involvement in the September 11 attacks. If you read pages 240 and 241 of the 9/11 Commission’s final report very carefully you realize there are a lot of dots connecting Iran and Hezbollah to the travels of 8 to 10 of the 9/11 hijackers. However, the 9/11 Commission sort of kicked the can down the road, so to speak, on this issue. The commissioners called for further investigation into this matter in 2004, but more than three years later no such investigation has been launched. That’s one of the reasons I wrote this booklet.
I would also point out that the 9/11 Commission did not cover all of the threads potentially tying Iran and Hezbollah to 9/11. As Newsweek first reported, Ramzi Binalshibh – al Qaeda’s point man for 9/11 – made a very suspicious trip to Iran during the planning stages of the operation. And shortly before the attack he left Germany on a flight that landed at Tehran International Airport. Thus, one of the main al Qaeda conspirators involved in 9/11 found it convenient (or something more?) to travel to Iran during the key stages of the 9/11 plot. Binalshibh reportedly told his CIA interrogators that there was nothing to any of this, but one has to wonder if he wasn’t simply lying. And certainly we shouldn’t take his disavowal at face value.
FP: Some on the left will no doubt accuse you of trying to bolster the case for a war with Iran. How would you respond to this allegation?
Joscelyn: I think this hits on a big problem we face right now as a nation. The discourse has become too politicized. The focus in this nation is largely on our own domestic political situation and the Bush administration. I think we would be better served by asking more of the tough questions about al Qaeda that need answering.
In the booklet, I explicitly argue that an invasion of Iran would be disastrous. I do not think that military strikes should be taken off the table entirely, but I have doubts about their efficacy. And force may be required to stop Iran’s sponsorship of terrorists who are killing American servicemen inside Iraq. But the point of the booklet is not to advocate for a particular course of action. The reason I wrote it was to stir debate about what I think are a significant body of facts and evidence tying Iran to al Qaeda. I don’t think the public interest is served by pretending that none of this evidence exists.
FP: Why is there such reticence to engage the evidence of Iran’s involvement with al Qaeda?
Joscelyn: It seems to me that al Qaeda is an enemy we have never really understood. Ignorance is widespread. We face a large network of terrorists, but many prefer not to get into the nuts and bolts of how they actually work. For example, we often hear that the Sunnis of al Qaeda and the Shiites of Iran and Hezbollah are incapable of cooperation due to their theological differences. A cursory examination of Iran’s and al Qaeda’s behavior reveals, however, that this is nonsense. When it comes to facing their common enemies the two have been more than willing to set aside their differences. In fact, Iran has long supported Sunni terrorists, including groups such as Hamas, which is the ideological cousin of al Qaeda. The 9/11 Commission also explicitly found that ideological or theological differences did not prevent Iran and Hezbollah from cooperating with al Qaeda.
More than six years have passed since 9/11. I think it is about time we got rid of some of our more shallow assumptions about our terrorist enemies.
And perhaps we should start asking President Ahmadinejad why it is that his nation harbors scores of al Qaeda terrorists to this day.
FP: Thomas Joscelyn, thank you for joining Frontpage Interview.
Joscelyn: Thank you Jamie.
Experts Discusses Use of Paint on Achaemenid Royal Tombs at Naqsh-e Rustam
LONDON, (CAIS) -- Archaeologist and former member of the Parseh and Pasargadae Research Foundation (PPRF) Mohammad-Taqi Ataii gave a series of new details on the amazing discovery of ancient paint remnants on the Achaemenid royal tombs at Naqsh-e Rustam in southern Iran’s Fars Province.
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Crown Prince Reza PAHLAVI
Matneh in bargardan peyvast mibashad.برگردان فارسی مقالۀ رضا پهلوی در روزنامۀ لوموند چاپ پاریسبرای پیشگیری از فاجعه جنگ در ایران، باید راه سوم را برگزید!با تشدید بحران اتمی ایران، غوغایی بی سابقه بر صحنه دیپلماتیک جهان سایه انداخته و به موضوع مهم رسانه ها بدل شده است. اظهارات روزهای اخیر وزیر امور خارجه فرانسه روح تازه ای در این مباحث دمید : کسی که در واقع از تجربه طولانی مواجهه با بحران ها بهره مند است، خاصه زمانیکه از سوی سازمان ملل عهده دار اداره امور کوسووُ بود. پیش از این نیز سمت گیریهای رئیس جمهوری جدید فرانسه در دوره کارزار انتخاباتی اش خبر از وخامت بحران ایران میداد. حال پرسش این است که آیا حقیقتاً، چنانچه اخیراً آقای سرکوزی گفته است، در مواجهه با این بحران ما صرفاً با دو گزینه روبرو هستیم : "یا دستیابی ایران به بمب اتمی یا بمباران ایران"؟ از نظر من راه سومی وجود دارد.همانند بسیاری از مبارزان داخل کشورم اعتقاد راسخ دارم که مسأله اساسی مردم ایران نه ادامه غنی سازی اورانیوم است و نه ماجراجویی های رژیم اسلامی. آرزوی عمیق اکثریت بزرگ مردم ایران آزادی، حقوق بشر، جدایی دین از دولت، شکوفائی، رفاه، کار و امنیت اجتماعی است. اگر مردم ایران فرصت بیان آزادانه آرزوهایشان را داشتند، درستی و اعتبار این نظر بر همه جهانیان ثابت میشد. اما، مردم ایران، همانند دیگر ملّت هایی که چنین تجاربی را در طول تاریخ پشت سر گذاشته اند، اسیر یک دیکتاتوری دینی هستند و امکان بیان آزادانه آرزوهایشان را ندارند. با این حال، وضعیت جهانی امروز میتواند مردم ایران را در رهایی از این اسارت یاری کند. سمت گیری سیاست خارجی فرانسه در ماههای اخیر ظاهراً از آن نشان دارد که تصمیم گیرندگان این کشور آگاهی تازه ای از واقعیت امروز جامعه ایران کسب کرده اند.به منظور انعکاس هر چه بهتر همین واقعیت است که میکوشم توجه جهانی را به صداهای سرکوب شده داخل ایران جلب کنم. تمام توان و انرژی من متمرکز بر تحقق یک جنبش گسترده اتحاد ملی است که بنیادش را نافرمانی مدنی تشکیل میدهد. چنین جنبشی چه در ایران و چه در دیگر جاها (نظیر آفریقای جنوبی در دوره آپارتید یا بلوک کشورهای اروپای شرقی در زمان اتحاد شوروی سابق) نیازمند حمایت جامعه بین المللی است. جامعه بین المللی باید همانقدر نگران از نقض روزمره حقوق بشر در ایران باشد که از بحران اتمی. خاصه زمانی که به گفته رهبران فرانسه مسأله حقوق بشر از این پس "الویت فعالیت دیپلماتیک این کشور در جهان" بشمار میرود. آنچه مردم ایران از فرانسه، گهواره دموکراسی و حقوق بشر، میخواهند نه جنگ، که اعمال مجازاتهای هدفمند و گسترده علیه جمهوری اسلامی ایران تا قطع مناسبات سیاسی و اقتصادی با این حکومت و ممنوعیت سفر فرستادگانش به خارج از کشور است.در این مبارزه برای آزادی، ما به حمایت جامعه بین المللی نیازمندیم. اگر چه از اتخاذ سیاست قاطعانه فرانسه در قبال جمهوری اسلامی خرسندم، تصریح میکنم که جنگ فاجعه ایست که نخستین قربانیانش مردم ایران و دموکراسی در این کشور خواهند بود. برای اجتناب از این گزینه فاجعه بار، انتخاب مسیر سوم نیازی سرنوشت ساز است و با تمام توان، با عزم و اعتقادی راسخ، مشعلدار این راه خواهم بود و بیش از هر وقت به مبارزه ام برای استقرار دموکراسی حقیقی در ایران ادامه خواهم داد. بی شک، تصمیم گیری در مورد نظام سیاسی آینده ایران بر عهده هم میهنانم خواهد بود. اما، تا آن روز وظیفه من یافتن ساز و کارهای خروج از بحران و کم هزینه ترین انتقال به سوی دموکراسی است.دبيرخانه رضا پهلوي
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Consequences of a forced regime change in Iran
"Give me the money that has been spent in war and I will clothe every man, woman, and child in an attire of which kings and queens will be proud. I will build a schoolhouse in every valley over the whole earth. I will crown every hillside with a place of worship consecrated to peace." (Charles Sumner).
A Maniac in Morning Side Heights
Contrary to what you may have heard, Iran doesn’t “believe” in nuclear weapons. And pay no heed to reports of young Iranian women being stoned to death for adultery. Actually, Iranian women are among “the freest in the world.” In addition, further research is needed to determine whether the Holocaust happened, and to discover who was really responsible for the 9/11 attacks. Oh, and there are no homosexuals in the Islamic Republic.
By Jacob Laksin
FrontPageMagazine.com Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Contrary to what you may have heard, Iran doesn’t “believe” in nuclear weapons. And pay no heed to reports of young Iranian women being stoned to death for adultery. Actually, Iranian women are among “the freest in the world.” In addition, further research is needed to determine whether the Holocaust happened, and to discover who was really responsible for the 9/11 attacks. Oh, and there are no homosexuals in the Islamic Republic.
Fifth Season of Archaeological Study in Achaemenid' Borazjan Palace on the Way
LONDON, (CAIS) -- The fifth season of archaeological excavations has set to start in a near future in Borazjan palace which is denoted to the “Father of Iranian Nation”, the Cyrus the Great, the founder of second Iranian dynastic empire, the Achaemenids (550-330 BCE).
Announcing this news, Hamid Zareie, archaeologist, further said that the exact time for resuming the fifth season of excavations have not been clarified yet. However, since climate wise the Bushehr province is still too hot for any research to carried out, they have to postpone excavations until the weather make the attendance of archaeologists in the region possible.
Announcing this news, Hamid Zareie, archaeologist, further said that the exact time for resuming the fifth season of excavations have not been clarified yet. However, since climate wise the Bushehr province is still too hot for any research to carried out, they have to postpone excavations until the weather make the attendance of archaeologists in the region possible.
Seimareh Dam Reservoir Devours 100 Archaeological Sites
LONDON, (CAIS) -- A team of archaeologists has recently identified 100 ancient sites behind the Seimareh Dam reservoir in western Iran’s Ilam Province.
The sites have been identified as belonging to a whole array of historical eras including Neolithic, Bronze Age, Copper Age, Stone Age, as well as Parthian (248 BCE-224 CE), Sasanian (224-651 CE) dynastic eras, and post-Sasanian period (651-850 CE), team director Rasul Seyyedin Borujeni told the Persian service of CHN on Tuesday.
The sites have been identified as belonging to a whole array of historical eras including Neolithic, Bronze Age, Copper Age, Stone Age, as well as Parthian (248 BCE-224 CE), Sasanian (224-651 CE) dynastic eras, and post-Sasanian period (651-850 CE), team director Rasul Seyyedin Borujeni told the Persian service of CHN on Tuesday.
Monday, September 24, 2007
'No homosexuals in Iran': Ahmadinejad
NEW YORK (AFP) — Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad skirted a question about the treatment of homosexuals in Iran on Monday, saying in a speech at a top US university that there were no gays in Iran.
Dr. Farrokh
What I have to humbly say is only a personal view - so please take it as such. There are two issues here:
(1) A concerted effort by Petroleum interests, Israeli intelligence, MI6, many in the neo-con administration, EU, etc. to implode Iran and to transform it into mini-states. This is a reality that goes back to 1937 (actually even earlier) - the toppling of the Shah was/is a part of that process.
(2) Ahmadinejad: In my opinion he has done incredible damage to Iran's geopolitical security with his provocative views and his unqualified support of pan-Islamists, Palestine, Hamas, etc. As we speak, many of Iran's historical heritage treasures are being destroyed under his watch (Bolaghi, Tagh-eBostan, etc.). Mr. Ahmadinejad is a dangerous fanatic and does believe in the formula of "Islam before Iran". At a crucial time when Iran's right to peaceful nuclear power is at stake, he has done much to provide the geopolitical enemies of Iran the pretext they need to promote their long-standing agendae.
(3) The Media: Why does the Media fail to differentiate the words "Iran", "Iranians" from Ahmadinejad and the Islamic Republic? We are always clear that the terms "Nazi" and "German" are to be differentiated - ergo: very few Germans are nazis. However the media has conveyed the impression that "Iranian" automatically means "Islamic fanatic" and/or "terrorist". Iranians do not yet comprehend that the issue is not just the Islamic Republic or even the current president - but Iran itself. I recall as a child when my father was in the diplomatic corps in Germany in the 1970s, how much the European media clamored for "human rights violations" in Iran and how "Iran's growing military was a threat to the region".
We need to separate 2 issues clearly:
(a) the damaging role of Ahmadinejad and the Islamic Republic in failing to put Iran first and willing to sacrifice Iran in the name of pan-Islamism (and esp. Palestine)
(b) the reality that the US-UK-EU & petroleum are working to disintegrate Iran. Yugoslavia was only a first step towards the realization of petroleum corridors that are about to straddle from the Caucasus and Central Asia to Europe. Yugoslavia was in the way. Here is a reference you may find of interest...
William Engdahl has provided a detailed analysis of Petroleum geopolitics and its ambitions in the Caucasus. Engdahl also argues that the civil war and partitioning of Yugoslavia is part of the larger scheme to secure the Caspian pipeline into Europe
“…The Yugoslav model had to be dismantled…Yugoslavia also lay on a critical path to the potential oil riches of Central Asia …the National Endowment for Democracy…began…handing out generous doses of dollars in every corner of Yugoslavia, financing opposition groups…journalists…trade union opposition…and human rights NGOs…(p.240)…using groups such as the Soros Foundation…financial support was channeled into often extreme nationalist or former fascist organizations that would guarantee dismemberment of Yugoslavia (p.241)…” [William, Engdahl, A Century of War: Anglo-American Oil Politics and the New World Order. London: Pluto Press, p.240-241, 2004]
Sean Gervasi’s little known article entitled “Germany, U.S. and the Yugoslav Crisis” reported that Yugoslavia was:
“…the target of a covert policy waged by the west and its allies, primarily Germany, the United States, Britain, Turkey and Saudi Arabia…to divide Yugoslavia into its ethnic components…a process of national fragmentation and fratricidal war…Germany…demanded that the Bush administration adopt the German policy of working for the “dissociation”, that is, the dismantling, of Yugoslavia.” [Sean Gervasi, Germany, U.S., and the Yugoslav Crisis: The civil war as lethal shadow play, Covert Action Quarterly, Volume 43, p.41,43]
Why? Because, a strong, large and united state in the Balkans (Yugoslavia) was viewed as a potential obstacle to the coming oil pipelines of the Caspian Sea, just as Iran is today. From the non-Iranian geopolitical view, it is irrelevant whether Iran is a democracy or a theocracy: the issue is what kind of Iran is good for petroleum business.
Engdahl cites two additional reasons for western sponsorship of Yugoslavia’s partitioning:
[a] she was a highly successful multiethnic state which had blended elements of both socialism and capitalism into its economy. The present mini-state successors of Yugoslavia are shadows of their former economic selves. Poverty and economic instability are the legacies of the Yugoslav tragedy (see child-beggar in Prishtiwie, Kosovo – below photo by Gervasi].
Pan-Turk seperatist such as Mr. Chehreganli and Mr. Obali (and their supporters in Baku) have promised Iranian Azerbaijanis that if they separate from their ancestral nation (Iran), they will be rewarded with a booming western style economy, which they proudly dub as “The Kuwait of the Caspian”. The reality is far different. The photo of the dejected Bosnian child aptly summarizes what awaits the people of Iran and the region should pan-Kurd, pan-Turk, pan-Arab, etc. activists manage to realize their aims in realizing a fratricidal war in Iran, the Caucasus and the (so-called) Middle East.
[b] Engdahl also cites the need to have “…a commanding and clearly permanent military presence in the strategic Balkans within reach of the Caspian Sea” [Engdahl, 2004, p.244]
The Caspian Sea?
The objectives of the seperatist operations in Azerbaijan (e.g. SANAM) and Iranian Kurdistan (,e.g. PEJAK, Komala) are designed to promote western (mainly Anglo-American) geopolitical and Petroleum interests. Mr. Chereganli’s SANAM movement openly acknowledges the role of western and Turkish support (in the name of “Human Rights”) for their cause:
“…Since 2002 the foreign representations of SANAM has been opening. At present, 24 representations -Bureau of the United States of America, Europe, Turkey and also the Azerbaijani Republic have been functioning…is known by the European Union, European Parliament, …UNO …”
[See SANAM website – http://www.arshiv.gamoh.info/en/index.php]
Undated Photo - Chehreganli with Mr. Mohsun in Turkey
For a introduction to Mr. Chehreganli's views, please see:
Two specific objectives will be achieved by the “re-unification” of the historically bogus “north” and “south” Azerbaijan:
[a] A potentially powerful Iranian state is removed from the international arena. The logic is that with Iran dismembered, the profit margin would increase as there would no longer be any need to economically and politically accommodate a large and potentially powerful state. Many western geopolitical interests are determined to gain access to the Iranian portion of the Caspian by either dismantling or reducing the present state of Iran.
Such a multi-ethnically unified state (like former Yugoslavia in the Balkans) would set limitations on foreign business operations on its sovereign territory. The destruction of a large and powerful state leads to smaller states which are more easily bought under the political and economic control of the aforementioned geopolitical interests.
[b] The Petroleum consortiums will have much easier geographical access to the Caspian region, making the process of Petroleum transportation far less costly than the present Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline. With Iranian Azerbaijan, Kurdistan and Khuzestan detached from western Iran, the “Iranian oil market”, especially in Khuzestan will be opened to multinational interests.
The key question to be asked is this: is the state of Iran a geopolitical obstacle to Petroleum Diplomacy? As noted by Engdahl:
“The overall emphasis is on removing obstacles – whether political, economic, legal and logistical – to the increased procurement of foreign oil…” [William, Engdahl, A Century of War: Anglo-American Oil Politics and the New World Order. London: Pluto Press, p.264, 2004].
Olson’s study of Turkish-Iranian relations notes how Iran is itself an obstacle to geopolitical lobbies and Petroleum diplomacy:
“Iran was still an obstacle to the new combinazione (Pax Israel-Pax Americana), and its government and/or state would have to be changed, removed or diminished” [Olson, Robert, Turkey-Iran Relations, 1979-2004: Revolution, Ideology, War, Coups and Geopolitics, 2004, p.236].
Olson also notes how the use of Azerbaijani separatism simultaneously accommodates geopolitical objectives by removing Iran as a powerful state [a] and facilitate petroleum commerce [b]:
“The re-emergence of the Azeri question also fit the international geostrategic objectives of the US, EU, Turkey and Israel. First it would lessen the baility of Iran to participate in the distribution network of oil and gas pipelines criss-crossing Central Asia, the Middle East and Southwest Asia. Second, the growth of Azeri nationalism facilitated US and EU efforts to make the Caspian Basin region a “second” Persian Gulf…to exclude Arab and many Muslim countries…from having any effective voice in international affairs…to more effectively determine the price and access to…the Persian Gulf and the Caspian Sea basin.” [Olson, Robert, Turkey-Iran Relations, 1979-2004: Revolution, Ideology, War, Coups and Geopolitics, 2004, p.155-156]
If the Greater Khorassan and Baluchistan projects are revived (and there are indications that this is happening), then eastern Iran will be detached as well, allowing for pipelines to be laid from Central Asia to Iran’s southern waters. Engdahl has argued that the main reason that the Taliban of Afghanistan was supported by the West was due to hopes of laying a Central Asian pipeline across Afghan territory all the way to Pakistani ports.
A popular argument in today’s media outlets is that much of today’s predicament is the result of more than two and half decades of political and ideological alienation between Iran and the United States. There is no question that the Iranian people are entitled to (Human Rights, Democracy, as well as technology.
The real issue is sincerity: these same lobbies (who now call of "human rights") had no compunction for Iranians getting slaughtered by the pan-Arabist forces of Mr. Saddam Hussein in 1980. .
It was on September 22, 1980 , when Pan-Arabism graduated from hate literature (not all of which is Arab in origin) to outright violence: the Iraqis invaded Iran . Just as the Iraqi tanks were rolling into Iran , King Khalid of Saudi Arabia (1975-1982) (see photo) stated publicly to Saddam to “crush the stupid Persians”.
King Khalid of Saudi Arabia (1975-1982)
I do not recall any western media outlets condemning this racist statement against an entire people and nation. Are Iranians less than human? Judging from recent movie blockbuster releases, it would seem that this is what a number of lobbies want to us to believe:
Since when are Iranians no longer members of the human race? Is the argument between the current administration in Washington and the Islamic theocracy now ruling Iran? If it is, then why distort anthropology and history - nay, even reality itself?
It is sad that so much of the world in 1980, threw its support for the Saddam regime and its genocidal policies. Note the following excerpt by Eric Margolis in the Toronto Sun ( Sunday, January, 19, 2004 ):
“Britain, the U.S., Kuwait and Saudi Arabia convinced Iraq to invade Iran, then covertly supplied Saddam with money, arms, intelligence, and advisers...Italy, Germany, France, South Africa, Belgium, Yugoslavia, Brazil, Chile and the USSR all aided Saddam's war effort against Iran, which was even more a victim of naked aggression than was Kuwait in 1991”.
Saddam Hussein
Britain, the U.S., Kuwait and Saudi Arabia convinced Iraq to invade Iran, then covertly supplied Saddam with money, arms, intelligence, and advisers...Italy, Germany, France, South Africa, Belgium, Yugoslavia, Brazil, Chile and the USSR all aided Saddam's war effort against Iran, which was even more a victim of naked aggression than was Kuwait in 1991".
Few Iranians are aware that among Saddam Hussein's most ardent supporters of Saddam's invasion was Yasser Arafat (see his embrace of Saddam in the early 1980s).
Yasser Arafat and Saddam Hussein
Arafat had obtained 2 billion dollars of funds from Iran just a year before Saddam's army invaded Iran.
Note in the photograph below, the diverse range of Arab nationalities and races in Iraqi service, seen here captured by the Iranian army in February, 1984 (photo below):
"To the dismay of the pan-Arabists, the Khuzistani Arabs fought against Saddam from the start of the invasion, giving the Iranian army precious time to re-organize and counterattack. It is worth noting that only 200 of the defenders of the city of Khorramshahr were professional soldiers - the rest were locals of the city - many of them local Arabs. Together with the Iranian army personnel, they literally fought to the last man. Note photo below of Iranian Arabs preparing to fight Saddam Hussein's invasion forces in the early 1980s; the man with the beret is a professional soldier from the Iranian army teaching the Khuzestan Arabs in the use of rocket launchers:
Arab Iranians fight alongside Iranian Army and against pan-Arabists. Note that only the soldier with beret is non-Arab.
It was these same Khuzistani Arabs who again fought alongside the Iranian army when the city of Khorramshahr was liberated from Saddam's occupation in 1981. Unfazed by this failure (and rejection from the Khuzistanis), support still continues for pan-Arabists to separate Khuzistan from the rest of Iran (See http://www.alahwaz.com)
Why is it that nearly 2 decades after the end of the Iran-Iraq war, few media outlets (if any) speak of the atrocities committed on Iranian civilians by Saddam's troops. Atrocities against Iraqi civilians or Kuwaitis are only mentioned due to current political expediency.
There is no question that the current political animosity must be lifted, and is a major contributor to present day politics. However the issue being discussed here is the largely unreported geopolitical and economic factor: Petroleum Diplomacy.
RegardsKaveh Farrokh
France, U.S. to strike new chord at U.N.
UNITED NATIONS — For the first time in his presidency, President Bush will deliver a speech here Tuesday without worrying that the United States' oldest ally will follow and contradict much of what he says.
Columbia, Free Speech and the President of Iran
Columbia University is expected to be the scene today of speeches, rallies and protests related to a speech by President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran, which is scheduled for 1:30 p.m. The school’s campus in Morningside Heights has been all but closed to the public; a university identification is required to enter through the main gates on Broadway at 116th Street. Several reporters, including Helene Cooper, who covers foreign affairs, and Karen W. Arenson, who covers higher education, are in attendance, and this blog will be providing updates about the scene throughout the day.
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Crown Reza Pahlavi message in Persian text
Matneh in Payam Peyvast mibashad.پیام رضا پهلوی بمناسبت سال تحصیلی ۱۳٨٧־۱۳٨۶ یکشنبه اول مهرماه ۱۳٨۶هم میهنان عزیزم،ســال جدید تحصیلی رابـه شمـا وبویژه به دانشجــویان و دانش آموزان که آینده سـازان ایران فــردایند تبــریک می گویم. سال جدید تحصیلی رادر حالی شــروع می کنیم که کشورما باز هم بدلیل ناکارآمدی و کارنادانی سردمداران نالایق رژیم درشرایطـی بــس بحرانــی وبغرنج بسرمی برد. متاسفانه کشور ما درحالی بســوی انزوای نزدیک به مطلق پیش می رود کــه شایـد در تاریخ انسانی هیچـگاه مانند امروز، مرز میان ملتها برداشته نشده است. جهان کنـونی که به مـدد تکنولـوژی پیشرفته واینترنت به واقع بـه یک "دهکده جهانی" تبدیل شده است.در این دهکده ی جهانی همگان در تلاش اند که با دانشهـا، فنّاوریها، اختراعـات و اطلاعات هرچه بیشتر، گـوی سبقت را ازیکدیگر بربایند. این فرآیند تکاملی که کلیه ی بشریت را دربرگرفته است، متاسفانه درست همزمان است با حاکمیت نزدیک به سه دهه ی تاریک اندیشی، جهل پــروری، جـزمیت مذهبی و حتا اشاعه ی خـرافات و جهان نگریهـای آرکائیک ماقبل تاریخ و جادویی برکشورما.با سلب حق حاکمیت از ملت و به انحصـار درآوردن آن توسط ولی فقیه و اشرافیت مافیایـی او، جامعـه ی ایـرانی که باید در ردای یـک جامعه ی عقلانی در گسـتره ی جهانی شدن جای ویژه و مناسبت خود را می یافت، به جامعه ای خرافی و جادویی مبدل گشته است که در آن از گردش آزاد اطلاعات خبری نیست و نتیجـه ی آن عقب ماندگی فاجعه آمیز در سطح جهانی است. بارکمرشکن این عقب ماندگی بیش از همه بردوش جوانان ما سنگینــی می کند که ازآزادیهـای اجتماعــی، دانشها، فنّاوریهـا، هنــرها، زیبایی ها، شادیهـا و یک زندگی شغلــی و خانوادگــی مناسب، محـــروم و بی بهــره مانده اند. طبیعــی است که این محرومیتها و فشــارها و زورگوییها واکنش بحــق جوانان را برمی انگیــزد. پاسخ استبـداد مذهبی حاکــم به این واکنشــها، طالبانـــی کـــردن فرهنگ و میلیتاریزه کــردن جامعــه و سیاسـت بوده است. ولـی این دور و تسلسل خرافه و خشونت دیـری نمی پاید و ملت ایران در فراینـد تطـور علمی و پیشرفت جهانــی شـدن سرانجام جامعه ی جهـل و جنون و جزمیت را از میان بـرخواهــد داشــت و راه را بـرای جامعــه ی عقلانــی و اعتـلای آزاد آن با اعــاده ی حق حاکمیت به ملت هموارخواهد ساخت!ما باید برای فرارسیـدن آن روز با عزمی راسخ هریک به سهــم خود تلاش کنیـم. من اعتقاد دارم بـا مقـاومت و پایداری می توان این خواسته را ممکن ساخت.خداوند نگهدار ایران بادرضا پهلوی
Friday, September 21, 2007
Iran : une troisième voie, pour éviter la catastrophe, par Prince Reza Pahlavi
vec l'aggravation de la crise iranienne, un tumulte sans précédent s'empare de la sphère diplomatique et déborde sur la scène médiatique. Ces derniers jours, les déclarations du ministre français des affaires étrangères, homme doté d'une longue expérience des crises, notamment lorsqu'il fut en charge de la province du Kosovo mandaté par les Nations unies, ont ravivé les débats.
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Columbia Says It Canceled Ahmadinejad's Appearance
Bill Varner
Bill Varner
Sept. 20 (Bloomberg) -- Columbia University said it canceled a planned speech by Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad after failing to reach agreement on the format of his
scheduled appearance on Sept. 24.
Columbia wasn't able to ``establish a conversation with the Iranian embassy that would ensure to my satisfaction that the specific arrangements of any such program would reflect the academic values that are the hallmark of a university,'' university President Lee Bollinger said in a statement.
Deep investigation on Marjane Satrapi’s identity
Do you know Caroline Andrieu ? We do not. She writes in Le Parisien newspaper. She writes well, but she has produced a weird article about Persepolis . This journalist did not ask herself if information provided by Satrapi were true, in the way of all the other so-called journalists or TV presenters are contenting with producing a good paper with emotions. Nevertheless information exists and we are going to reveal more about Marjane Satrapi.
The « Red princess » who nobody knows
Marjane Satrapi repeats to who wants to hear that she is a “red princess” : a descendant of Qadjar and with parents who were member of Iranian communist party : Toudeh. First of all, we need to point out that Toudeh tried to give Iran over to soviet troops which invaded the country. Toudeh and its partisans dreamed of an Iran divided in multitude of soviet republics to give to Stalin an access to the Persian Gulf and its wealthy oil resources.
Nowadays, there is no Iranian to assert that his parents were members of this party that were not against an invasion and an occupation of Iran , like pro-Nazis during WWII who rejoiced by looking at Reich troops trampling the French ground.
But the French people are unaware of this aspect of the Iranian history and they have never heard the word Toudeh, picturing Satrapi as a simple leftist woman. Her belonging to a family from Toudeh party is for them a positive sign.
The problem is that her parents are unknown from the 2 old members of the Toudeh who are living in France . According the civil status she provided to the French authorities, the name of Marjane Satrapi is in reality Marjane Ebrahimi. She uses the maiden name of her mother as pen-name. But the 2 members of the Toudeh we interviewed do not know neither her father Ebrahim Ebrahimi, nor her uncle Houshang Ebrahimi (whose age does not match with the biographical elements provided by the comic strip).
The only person bearing this family name and also member of Toudeh was Ali Ebrahimi who died some years ago. In the same way, there was no Satrapi who was member of the Toudeh party. And Marjane Satrapi never tried to contact the two eminent members of Toudeh, nor with any other representing of this party in France , so that for the latter, “Marjane Satrapi” is a romantic creation sent in France to gain the attention of a public from the left wing.
The Qajar princess
The other element of the Satrapi’s identity would be her royal ancestors tied to the Qajar dynasty, a dynasty that totally ruined Iran and sold the totality of mineral and oil resources to Britain .
We can only affirm that there was a red princess in Iran : She was named Myriam Firouz, born in 1907. She was the mate of Noureddine Kianouri, Khomeini’s nephew and general secretary of Toudeh. She stayed until her death an ardent pro-Khomeini supporter.
The Kings of the Qajar dynasty had sometimes nearly 1000 spouses or concubines, and we cannot compare all their progenies to prices or princess : a lot of children are born from overnight relations, and it is sure that neither Satrapi nor Ebrahimi were among them.
Details the last Qajar king was Ahmad Shah. He came to the throne when he was only 11 in 1909 and stayed until 1925. He had 3 spouses during his life and his descendants are know, that is why Marjane Satrapi does not claim to belong to this line of descents.
She ties herself to the father of this one : Mohammad Ali Shah Qajar who was king from January 8th 1907 to July 16th 1909. He was opposed to the constitution ratified during his father’s reign, Mozaffaredin Shah.
Supported by Russia , Mohammad Ali Shah Qajar shelled the Assembly, dismissed it and ended up abdicating and running away to Russia . He passed away in exile in Italy .
In any case, the investigation on the website of Qajar dynasty descendants shows there is neither Satrapi, nor Ebrahimi belonging to Ahmad Shah, Mahammad Ali Shah and Nasser Eddin Shah descendants. We can find only a look liking homonymy between Satrapi’s father (Ebrahimi) and a far away branch related to Qajars : Amir-Ebrahimi. But this is not from her father side that our Anastasia is a princess, this is from her mother side.
Advantaged background, French studies and spoiled child !
As a consequence of her royal blood, Satrapi affirms also that she belongs to a well-off family. Her family is unknown and without the reputation of a rich family. During the Shah period, the French college of Teheran , in spite of its exceptional rate of success for exams, was far from being the most demanded college regarding its level of preparation for the admission exams to the Iranian universities. Some other Iranian school were specialised in these exams preparation.
There were many colleges with good education and parents who enrolled their children in the French-Iranian college were fond of French language, they saw a kind of prestige or intended their children for the French universities because at this time the Iranian baccalaureate had a level of equivalence with the French one (famous for its excellence at the time). The registration fees to enrol the French college of Teheran were very accessible for the middle class (less than 250 dollars per year). To be a former student of this college is not synonymous with royal blood or richness.
This creation of a romantic identity of rich person princess from a left wing was necessary to justify the remarks made by Marji as a privileged child different from the other Iranian women of her age.
And it is the problem there : in all the reports concerning executions of minors in Iran , it is specified that the age of the majority is 9 years old for the girls. The heroin of Persépolis is precisely 9 years old. But her life and her destiny differ from the martyrdom of the 9 year old girls.
As she did not want to approach the de-penalisation of the paedophilia by the mullahs’ regime, she invented a fictitious character spoiled by the life. She thus substituted Marji for the traditional Iranian woman who becomes an adult at 9 years old and as such, she will be married to 9 or 13 years to have her sexual relation without being able to protest because in Islam the woman does not have the right to refuse sexuality to her husband.
But the comic strip and the film do not speak about it and each time we pointed out this silence on this serious subject : the defenders of Satrapi evoke that her comic strip is a personal experience of a small rich girl. And this while they did not check the information because she has never been neither communist, neither princess, nor rich person and nobody in the left circles knows from where she comes and who she is.
Father’s job ?
Idem for her father Ebrahim Ebrahimi who is, according to his daughter, the owner of a gas distribution company in Iran . We carried out another investigation near an important gas distributor whose company was confiscated after the revolution by the persons closed to the regime like the Satrapi’s father.
According to this man, there was no Satrapi or Ebrahimi in his professional relations, the companies that were in working order were : Parsia Gas (owned by a Lebanese named Azrapour), Danish Iran Gas, Buthan (owned by M.Khalili), Pasargad Gas (Mr. Dehlavi), Alvand Gas (Mr. Dadress), Butted Gas (Kalhor), Orsa Gaz (Misters Ghobadian & Naraghi) and Leave Gas (Nik Akhtar). The father of Satrapi is a fuzzy character of whom we know nothing.
Satrapi’s Iranian passport until 2006
One of the characteristics of Iran-Resist website is that we always verify all information published in the Press and we make a comparison with previous declarations of their authors. In the Satrapi’s case, the origins are not only false but dates are also very unclear and information is shortened.
In this way, she asserts that she was a former student of the French college of Teheran with a coeducational environment. This is partially true : this uncommon college with a high rate of success, a college where all the subjects were taught in French was coeducational until the revolution, but since 1980, it was nor secular, nor coeducational, neither French. Satrapi’s schooling taught in French language lasted from the year 1977 to 1979 (two years). In addition, its name is not reproduced on the site of former students of Razi College (neither Satrapi, nor Ebrahimi).
Later on, according to her narratives (comic strip or interviews) she would be sent in 1982 or 1983 or 1984 to Vienna and she came back in 1986 or 1988. This college is very expansive (7000 USD per year) and only closed members of the regime are allowed to send their children abroad and at this price. We have found her name on a document containing former students’ names : her French course lasted approximately 4 years and according to this document she passed her exams in 1988. She asserts she arrived in France in 1994 and until very recently she said that she got her French identity between 1994 and 1997 whereas in an interview with Figaro Madame, she confesses that Jack Lang provided to her the French naturalization in 2006. It is probably the most important thing of our investigation.
The importance of her Iranian passport
Satrapi is also an ambassadress of the human rights for the FIDH. The vice-president of FIDH (A. Lahidji) is Iranian and an ex-member of the islamo-Marxist movement of the people moujahidin of Iran (MeK/MKO). The vice-president of the FIDH took part in the Islamic revolution and he even co-wrote the Koranic constitution of the Islamic republic.
This vice-president of FIDH (A. Lahidji) named Satrapi, ambassadress of the human rights whereas she trotted on the planet to promote her story with a passport delivered by the Islamic republic in her pocket ! From 2000 to 2006, date of her naturalization, the mullahs’ regime delivered tens or hundreds visas to Satrapi for the promotion of her works (which supposed being “anti Islamic” and hostile to mullahs’ regime).
But just at the time of the projection of film in Cannes , the mullahs protested shyly and since this synchronized action, everyone affirms that her comic strip and the film are hostile to the mullahs. Moreover Caroline Andrieu titled her article : “Marjane Satrapi, the nightmare of the ayatollahs”.
We wonder why they delivered visas to her when everybody knows the difficulty that the journalists have to obtain a visa for Iran where moreover they are followed permanently by a smiley guide who keeps an eye on them.
[[They always do that, when a collaboration between one and Islamo-Fascist required both works hands in hand, (secretly) later one declares diffidently thing against other to make it work in full force, same worked for Salman Rushdi… did it not?? HC]]
Satrapi the exiled
We read the press and we compare the contradictory declarations of Satrapi, but also her confidences, real defect of chatterers. Thus it is by chance that we intended to speak about this late naturalization. The Iranian passport of Satrapi is an exhausting proof.
The Iranian passport of Satrapi takes importance within the context of a confidence made by Satrapi in the “la Bande à Bonnaud” show on Monday June 25, 2007. In the extract that we recorded, to the question of knowing how the story had been perceived by the Iranian regime, Satrapi says that it was the attraction of the parties which took place in the “embassies”.
As she was Iranian at that time, we understand that it must be the Iranian embassies in various countries, but finally it does not matter. To go to these places in the world, she needed a passport and this passport was Iranian, from the mullahs’ regime.
When Satrapi visited the United States to speak about her book, she travelled there with a passport provided by the mullahs’ regime : at this time the mullahs’ regime was not embarrassed by the islamophobia of her work and this for the good reason that the comic strip leads the readers to believe that Iranian women can act as super hero and stand up to Pasdaran and mullahs.
That is completely false considering they become women at 9 years old but they must obtain the authorization of a father, a husband or a tutor, to undertake studies, to work and travel. She thus travelled all around the world with a visa, an authorization and a passport delivered by the mullahs to spread her version of the Islamic revolution and her very sweeten version of the female condition.
The Mullahs contributed to promote the film while protesting against an author whose they had facilitated travels during 6 years. In parallel Satrapi was an ambassadress of the human rights while remaining tributary of the mullahs’ passport. What a masquerade, really !
Is she red by Iranians ?
It should be specified that according to herself all that is seen in the West is translated and distributed in Iran on the black market (under the coat like she often says it) : it is the regime which takes care of dubbing and translations thus it receives the benefit without paying royalties. But in the case of Satrapi, the book is not translated into Iranian because her story is the mullahs’ version and that could alert Iranian.
Moreover there exists in Los Angeles an Iranian editor who translates all the books into Persian for the Iranian expatriates of a certain age who are uncomfortable to read in English. This agency did not seek to translate this work and on her side, Satrapi did not require a translation from them whereas there are hundreds of thousands Iranian readers in the United States .
In fact the contents of the book could even dishearten the expatriates who do not have a precise political opinion. Persepolis is not intended for Iranian expatriates who knew the contemporary Iranian history and who could speak in the United States to refute the historical version of Satrapi.
This comic strip and this film are not intended for Iranian but for those who do not know anything of Iran . She misleads them, by giving the image of a regime which evolves gently in the good direction. Her objective is to kill the urgencies and divert the young readers of the horrible reality that exiled tell about Iran .
The article from « Le Parisien »
In an interview with le Parisien (a French newspaper), she said that she cannot speak about Iran because she cannot go there anymore and she does not know the situation : But her parents are living in Iran and she should have at least phone conversation with them. Her remarks imply that the exiled opponents are not qualified to speak about a country they left : After her definition of secularity, here is her version of resistance.
In fact, she speaks about nothing, she backs out on all the subjects, her identity is false, her parents are not known among the left circles, and her passport was delivered by the mullahs’ regime.
Without being in a position to investigate Satrapi’s invented identity, the journalist of Le Parisien could at least investigate on the Iranian passport of this fake opponent. Not only, she did not do anything, but she also was unaware of our warnings on the ambiguous Satrapi’s communication.
She also convinced two witnesses, one for Satrapi and the other against her work. One is a friend of Satrapi (Joann Sfar) and the other (Armin Arefi) is a journalist close to the mullahs’ regime whom we already devoted an article. Sfar says that she brings us closer the Iranians and Arefi who is supposed to criticize her work appears in fact very tender with the author while fearing that inadvertently she diabolises Iran .
In reality, he fears that Persepolis diabolises the Islamic republic of Iran . The case of Arefi is a kind of stonewalling for the journalists tied to the mullahs’ regime. But the most alarming case is the one of Joann Sfar.
However when we wrote to Sfar to explain that Satrapi had given an unreal image of Iran and her version of the human condition in Iran was completely false by speaking to him about the laws in force in Iran , he had refused our offer to use his notoriety to speak about the situation.
Sfar is an ambitious person who dreams to be produced and distributed by the friends of Satrapi. There are big money stories, and none of the participants will do something to denounce the film.
We had addressed an email to Joann Sfar on May 24th, more than one month ago. This month, he did not do anything to alert the opinion on the situation of the unpunished paedophilia, but Joann Sfar remains in his hazy speeches like Catherine Deneuve to whom we wrote via her agent.
The french version : Iran : Enquête détaillée sur l’identité de Marjane Satrapi (04 Juillet 2004)
[[When it comes to propaganda, this regime and their masters know who to come up with good stories, well fallen in the simple non-investigator Iranians, as we Iranian rarely, a few of us, are skeptical and those of us who are skeptical thinking twice named “daii jaan Napoleon” for the sake of those who want to destroy our investigation therefore it is easy to create story like it was done for Azar Nafisi, Marjan Satrapi, Abbas Milani, Alireza Nourizadeh, Alaheh Boghrat, Victoria Azad, etc.,
And it is not surprising that all of the above, named, writes things that has something to bashing Pahlavi Dynasty, especially Reza Shah the Great and Mohammad Reza Shah. As our compatriot said in Parsi here below.
People buy these indivifuals book, they rush to get it signed and paid high dollar, making them bigger and important, as they do by making films and clip of videos for Ahmadinejad and other elements of the regime and always we have some “incompetents” distributing these items and advertising for these people like of Satrapi and Nafisi.. I cannot remember how many adviced me getting Fanisi’s book but I refused and still I do… thanks to the comprehensive investigative work of www.Iran-resist.org HC]]
From: .at] Sent: Thursday, September 20, 2007 4:03 PMTo: JavidiranSubject: marjan satrapi - persepolis - oskar
Ham mihanan e gerami,
Yek sal ast ke har jaboode sedayam ra bar zede khanoom e marjan e satrapi nevisandeye ketab e tasviriy ye persepolis boland kardeam.
Engar ke shayad az myan e iraniani ke padshah e faghid va pedar e ishan reza shah e bozorg ra arj migozarand man tanha kasi hastam ke in ketab ra dideand.
Dar in ketab khanoom e satrapi dorost ast ke bar zede rejome eslami sokhan rande vali dar avale an ketab pas az yad avari az in ke khanevade ye u az nasle shahan boodeand (ghajar!!) va in ke pedar e delsoooozz va tahsil kardeye komonist e ishan ( hezbe toode)
Akh ke che zajri az in pahlavi ha keshidand, baz ham ba zerangi talash mikonand faryad e enaghelab e dozidi shode sar dahand.
Moteasfean in ketab film shode ast. Ffilm ra nadideam vali midanam be onvan e film e faransavi be sooye gereftan e oskar e yek filme khareji miravad.
Ham mihanan lotfan khod in ketab ra bebinis va hezavat konid.
Ajib ast har ke jayezeye nobel, kandid e oskar ,… mishavad bayad yek zahri be pahlavi ha berizad !! ajib nist ???
-----Inline Attachment Follows-----
The « Red princess » who nobody knows
Marjane Satrapi repeats to who wants to hear that she is a “red princess” : a descendant of Qadjar and with parents who were member of Iranian communist party : Toudeh. First of all, we need to point out that Toudeh tried to give Iran over to soviet troops which invaded the country. Toudeh and its partisans dreamed of an Iran divided in multitude of soviet republics to give to Stalin an access to the Persian Gulf and its wealthy oil resources.
Nowadays, there is no Iranian to assert that his parents were members of this party that were not against an invasion and an occupation of Iran , like pro-Nazis during WWII who rejoiced by looking at Reich troops trampling the French ground.
But the French people are unaware of this aspect of the Iranian history and they have never heard the word Toudeh, picturing Satrapi as a simple leftist woman. Her belonging to a family from Toudeh party is for them a positive sign.
The problem is that her parents are unknown from the 2 old members of the Toudeh who are living in France . According the civil status she provided to the French authorities, the name of Marjane Satrapi is in reality Marjane Ebrahimi. She uses the maiden name of her mother as pen-name. But the 2 members of the Toudeh we interviewed do not know neither her father Ebrahim Ebrahimi, nor her uncle Houshang Ebrahimi (whose age does not match with the biographical elements provided by the comic strip).
The only person bearing this family name and also member of Toudeh was Ali Ebrahimi who died some years ago. In the same way, there was no Satrapi who was member of the Toudeh party. And Marjane Satrapi never tried to contact the two eminent members of Toudeh, nor with any other representing of this party in France , so that for the latter, “Marjane Satrapi” is a romantic creation sent in France to gain the attention of a public from the left wing.
The Qajar princess
The other element of the Satrapi’s identity would be her royal ancestors tied to the Qajar dynasty, a dynasty that totally ruined Iran and sold the totality of mineral and oil resources to Britain .
We can only affirm that there was a red princess in Iran : She was named Myriam Firouz, born in 1907. She was the mate of Noureddine Kianouri, Khomeini’s nephew and general secretary of Toudeh. She stayed until her death an ardent pro-Khomeini supporter.
The Kings of the Qajar dynasty had sometimes nearly 1000 spouses or concubines, and we cannot compare all their progenies to prices or princess : a lot of children are born from overnight relations, and it is sure that neither Satrapi nor Ebrahimi were among them.
Details the last Qajar king was Ahmad Shah. He came to the throne when he was only 11 in 1909 and stayed until 1925. He had 3 spouses during his life and his descendants are know, that is why Marjane Satrapi does not claim to belong to this line of descents.
She ties herself to the father of this one : Mohammad Ali Shah Qajar who was king from January 8th 1907 to July 16th 1909. He was opposed to the constitution ratified during his father’s reign, Mozaffaredin Shah.
Supported by Russia , Mohammad Ali Shah Qajar shelled the Assembly, dismissed it and ended up abdicating and running away to Russia . He passed away in exile in Italy .
In any case, the investigation on the website of Qajar dynasty descendants shows there is neither Satrapi, nor Ebrahimi belonging to Ahmad Shah, Mahammad Ali Shah and Nasser Eddin Shah descendants. We can find only a look liking homonymy between Satrapi’s father (Ebrahimi) and a far away branch related to Qajars : Amir-Ebrahimi. But this is not from her father side that our Anastasia is a princess, this is from her mother side.
Advantaged background, French studies and spoiled child !
As a consequence of her royal blood, Satrapi affirms also that she belongs to a well-off family. Her family is unknown and without the reputation of a rich family. During the Shah period, the French college of Teheran , in spite of its exceptional rate of success for exams, was far from being the most demanded college regarding its level of preparation for the admission exams to the Iranian universities. Some other Iranian school were specialised in these exams preparation.
There were many colleges with good education and parents who enrolled their children in the French-Iranian college were fond of French language, they saw a kind of prestige or intended their children for the French universities because at this time the Iranian baccalaureate had a level of equivalence with the French one (famous for its excellence at the time). The registration fees to enrol the French college of Teheran were very accessible for the middle class (less than 250 dollars per year). To be a former student of this college is not synonymous with royal blood or richness.
This creation of a romantic identity of rich person princess from a left wing was necessary to justify the remarks made by Marji as a privileged child different from the other Iranian women of her age.
And it is the problem there : in all the reports concerning executions of minors in Iran , it is specified that the age of the majority is 9 years old for the girls. The heroin of Persépolis is precisely 9 years old. But her life and her destiny differ from the martyrdom of the 9 year old girls.
As she did not want to approach the de-penalisation of the paedophilia by the mullahs’ regime, she invented a fictitious character spoiled by the life. She thus substituted Marji for the traditional Iranian woman who becomes an adult at 9 years old and as such, she will be married to 9 or 13 years to have her sexual relation without being able to protest because in Islam the woman does not have the right to refuse sexuality to her husband.
But the comic strip and the film do not speak about it and each time we pointed out this silence on this serious subject : the defenders of Satrapi evoke that her comic strip is a personal experience of a small rich girl. And this while they did not check the information because she has never been neither communist, neither princess, nor rich person and nobody in the left circles knows from where she comes and who she is.
Father’s job ?
Idem for her father Ebrahim Ebrahimi who is, according to his daughter, the owner of a gas distribution company in Iran . We carried out another investigation near an important gas distributor whose company was confiscated after the revolution by the persons closed to the regime like the Satrapi’s father.
According to this man, there was no Satrapi or Ebrahimi in his professional relations, the companies that were in working order were : Parsia Gas (owned by a Lebanese named Azrapour), Danish Iran Gas, Buthan (owned by M.Khalili), Pasargad Gas (Mr. Dehlavi), Alvand Gas (Mr. Dadress), Butted Gas (Kalhor), Orsa Gaz (Misters Ghobadian & Naraghi) and Leave Gas (Nik Akhtar). The father of Satrapi is a fuzzy character of whom we know nothing.
Satrapi’s Iranian passport until 2006
One of the characteristics of Iran-Resist website is that we always verify all information published in the Press and we make a comparison with previous declarations of their authors. In the Satrapi’s case, the origins are not only false but dates are also very unclear and information is shortened.
In this way, she asserts that she was a former student of the French college of Teheran with a coeducational environment. This is partially true : this uncommon college with a high rate of success, a college where all the subjects were taught in French was coeducational until the revolution, but since 1980, it was nor secular, nor coeducational, neither French. Satrapi’s schooling taught in French language lasted from the year 1977 to 1979 (two years). In addition, its name is not reproduced on the site of former students of Razi College (neither Satrapi, nor Ebrahimi).
Later on, according to her narratives (comic strip or interviews) she would be sent in 1982 or 1983 or 1984 to Vienna and she came back in 1986 or 1988. This college is very expansive (7000 USD per year) and only closed members of the regime are allowed to send their children abroad and at this price. We have found her name on a document containing former students’ names : her French course lasted approximately 4 years and according to this document she passed her exams in 1988. She asserts she arrived in France in 1994 and until very recently she said that she got her French identity between 1994 and 1997 whereas in an interview with Figaro Madame, she confesses that Jack Lang provided to her the French naturalization in 2006. It is probably the most important thing of our investigation.
The importance of her Iranian passport
Satrapi is also an ambassadress of the human rights for the FIDH. The vice-president of FIDH (A. Lahidji) is Iranian and an ex-member of the islamo-Marxist movement of the people moujahidin of Iran (MeK/MKO). The vice-president of the FIDH took part in the Islamic revolution and he even co-wrote the Koranic constitution of the Islamic republic.
This vice-president of FIDH (A. Lahidji) named Satrapi, ambassadress of the human rights whereas she trotted on the planet to promote her story with a passport delivered by the Islamic republic in her pocket ! From 2000 to 2006, date of her naturalization, the mullahs’ regime delivered tens or hundreds visas to Satrapi for the promotion of her works (which supposed being “anti Islamic” and hostile to mullahs’ regime).
But just at the time of the projection of film in Cannes , the mullahs protested shyly and since this synchronized action, everyone affirms that her comic strip and the film are hostile to the mullahs. Moreover Caroline Andrieu titled her article : “Marjane Satrapi, the nightmare of the ayatollahs”.
We wonder why they delivered visas to her when everybody knows the difficulty that the journalists have to obtain a visa for Iran where moreover they are followed permanently by a smiley guide who keeps an eye on them.
[[They always do that, when a collaboration between one and Islamo-Fascist required both works hands in hand, (secretly) later one declares diffidently thing against other to make it work in full force, same worked for Salman Rushdi… did it not?? HC]]
Satrapi the exiled
We read the press and we compare the contradictory declarations of Satrapi, but also her confidences, real defect of chatterers. Thus it is by chance that we intended to speak about this late naturalization. The Iranian passport of Satrapi is an exhausting proof.
The Iranian passport of Satrapi takes importance within the context of a confidence made by Satrapi in the “la Bande à Bonnaud” show on Monday June 25, 2007. In the extract that we recorded, to the question of knowing how the story had been perceived by the Iranian regime, Satrapi says that it was the attraction of the parties which took place in the “embassies”.
As she was Iranian at that time, we understand that it must be the Iranian embassies in various countries, but finally it does not matter. To go to these places in the world, she needed a passport and this passport was Iranian, from the mullahs’ regime.
When Satrapi visited the United States to speak about her book, she travelled there with a passport provided by the mullahs’ regime : at this time the mullahs’ regime was not embarrassed by the islamophobia of her work and this for the good reason that the comic strip leads the readers to believe that Iranian women can act as super hero and stand up to Pasdaran and mullahs.
That is completely false considering they become women at 9 years old but they must obtain the authorization of a father, a husband or a tutor, to undertake studies, to work and travel. She thus travelled all around the world with a visa, an authorization and a passport delivered by the mullahs to spread her version of the Islamic revolution and her very sweeten version of the female condition.
The Mullahs contributed to promote the film while protesting against an author whose they had facilitated travels during 6 years. In parallel Satrapi was an ambassadress of the human rights while remaining tributary of the mullahs’ passport. What a masquerade, really !
Is she red by Iranians ?
It should be specified that according to herself all that is seen in the West is translated and distributed in Iran on the black market (under the coat like she often says it) : it is the regime which takes care of dubbing and translations thus it receives the benefit without paying royalties. But in the case of Satrapi, the book is not translated into Iranian because her story is the mullahs’ version and that could alert Iranian.
Moreover there exists in Los Angeles an Iranian editor who translates all the books into Persian for the Iranian expatriates of a certain age who are uncomfortable to read in English. This agency did not seek to translate this work and on her side, Satrapi did not require a translation from them whereas there are hundreds of thousands Iranian readers in the United States .
In fact the contents of the book could even dishearten the expatriates who do not have a precise political opinion. Persepolis is not intended for Iranian expatriates who knew the contemporary Iranian history and who could speak in the United States to refute the historical version of Satrapi.
This comic strip and this film are not intended for Iranian but for those who do not know anything of Iran . She misleads them, by giving the image of a regime which evolves gently in the good direction. Her objective is to kill the urgencies and divert the young readers of the horrible reality that exiled tell about Iran .
The article from « Le Parisien »
In an interview with le Parisien (a French newspaper), she said that she cannot speak about Iran because she cannot go there anymore and she does not know the situation : But her parents are living in Iran and she should have at least phone conversation with them. Her remarks imply that the exiled opponents are not qualified to speak about a country they left : After her definition of secularity, here is her version of resistance.
In fact, she speaks about nothing, she backs out on all the subjects, her identity is false, her parents are not known among the left circles, and her passport was delivered by the mullahs’ regime.
Without being in a position to investigate Satrapi’s invented identity, the journalist of Le Parisien could at least investigate on the Iranian passport of this fake opponent. Not only, she did not do anything, but she also was unaware of our warnings on the ambiguous Satrapi’s communication.
She also convinced two witnesses, one for Satrapi and the other against her work. One is a friend of Satrapi (Joann Sfar) and the other (Armin Arefi) is a journalist close to the mullahs’ regime whom we already devoted an article. Sfar says that she brings us closer the Iranians and Arefi who is supposed to criticize her work appears in fact very tender with the author while fearing that inadvertently she diabolises Iran .
In reality, he fears that Persepolis diabolises the Islamic republic of Iran . The case of Arefi is a kind of stonewalling for the journalists tied to the mullahs’ regime. But the most alarming case is the one of Joann Sfar.
However when we wrote to Sfar to explain that Satrapi had given an unreal image of Iran and her version of the human condition in Iran was completely false by speaking to him about the laws in force in Iran , he had refused our offer to use his notoriety to speak about the situation.
Sfar is an ambitious person who dreams to be produced and distributed by the friends of Satrapi. There are big money stories, and none of the participants will do something to denounce the film.
We had addressed an email to Joann Sfar on May 24th, more than one month ago. This month, he did not do anything to alert the opinion on the situation of the unpunished paedophilia, but Joann Sfar remains in his hazy speeches like Catherine Deneuve to whom we wrote via her agent.
The french version : Iran : Enquête détaillée sur l’identité de Marjane Satrapi (04 Juillet 2004)
[[When it comes to propaganda, this regime and their masters know who to come up with good stories, well fallen in the simple non-investigator Iranians, as we Iranian rarely, a few of us, are skeptical and those of us who are skeptical thinking twice named “daii jaan Napoleon” for the sake of those who want to destroy our investigation therefore it is easy to create story like it was done for Azar Nafisi, Marjan Satrapi, Abbas Milani, Alireza Nourizadeh, Alaheh Boghrat, Victoria Azad, etc.,
And it is not surprising that all of the above, named, writes things that has something to bashing Pahlavi Dynasty, especially Reza Shah the Great and Mohammad Reza Shah. As our compatriot said in Parsi here below.
People buy these indivifuals book, they rush to get it signed and paid high dollar, making them bigger and important, as they do by making films and clip of videos for Ahmadinejad and other elements of the regime and always we have some “incompetents” distributing these items and advertising for these people like of Satrapi and Nafisi.. I cannot remember how many adviced me getting Fanisi’s book but I refused and still I do… thanks to the comprehensive investigative work of www.Iran-resist.org HC]]
From: .at] Sent: Thursday, September 20, 2007 4:03 PMTo: JavidiranSubject: marjan satrapi - persepolis - oskar
Ham mihanan e gerami,
Yek sal ast ke har jaboode sedayam ra bar zede khanoom e marjan e satrapi nevisandeye ketab e tasviriy ye persepolis boland kardeam.
Engar ke shayad az myan e iraniani ke padshah e faghid va pedar e ishan reza shah e bozorg ra arj migozarand man tanha kasi hastam ke in ketab ra dideand.
Dar in ketab khanoom e satrapi dorost ast ke bar zede rejome eslami sokhan rande vali dar avale an ketab pas az yad avari az in ke khanevade ye u az nasle shahan boodeand (ghajar!!) va in ke pedar e delsoooozz va tahsil kardeye komonist e ishan ( hezbe toode)
Akh ke che zajri az in pahlavi ha keshidand, baz ham ba zerangi talash mikonand faryad e enaghelab e dozidi shode sar dahand.
Moteasfean in ketab film shode ast. Ffilm ra nadideam vali midanam be onvan e film e faransavi be sooye gereftan e oskar e yek filme khareji miravad.
Ham mihanan lotfan khod in ketab ra bebinis va hezavat konid.
Ajib ast har ke jayezeye nobel, kandid e oskar ,… mishavad bayad yek zahri be pahlavi ha berizad !! ajib nist ???
-----Inline Attachment Follows-----
Islamic Republic Demolished Parthian Bridge of Negin
LONDON, (CAIS) – The Islamic Republic under the guise of construction of a new bridge in Shamim Yaar, one of the districts of Masjed Soleyman, have demolished 2200-year old Parthian bridge of Negin. The ancient bridge was amongst the best preserved and intact bridges of its type remained from Arsacid dynastic era (248 BCE-224 CE).
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Iran: Plans Ready To Bomb Israel
(TEHRAN) — The deputy commander of Iran's air force said Wednesday that plans have been drawn up to bomb Israel if the Jewish state attacks Iran, according to the semiofficial Fars news agency.
(TEHRAN) — The deputy commander of Iran's air force said Wednesday that plans have been drawn up to bomb Israel if the Jewish state attacks Iran, according to the semiofficial Fars news agency.
Two Further Fortresses Identified on Path of Gorgan’s Wall
LONDON, (CAIS) -- Geophysical operations of Iranian-British joint team on more than 2 hectares of Gorgan’s wall led into identifying two underground fortresses.
Hamid Omrani, Iranian head of the team and head of the cultural heritage base of Gorgan’s Great Wall announced the discovery of two buried Sasanian fortresses which are denoted to Gorgan’s wall during geophysical operations.
Hamid Omrani, Iranian head of the team and head of the cultural heritage base of Gorgan’s Great Wall announced the discovery of two buried Sasanian fortresses which are denoted to Gorgan’s wall during geophysical operations.
Unwarranted Adjuncts Spoil Authenticity of Taq-e Bostan: Researcher
LONDON, (CAIS) -- The beauty and authenticity of the Sasanian site of Taq-e Bostan has been spoilt by unwarranted additions, Taq-e Bostan Research Centre director Siamak Khadivi said.
Second Season of Archaeological Salvation Operation behind Salman Farsi Dam
LONDON, (CAIS) -- The second season of salvation operation behind the Salman Farsi dam will start in mid-October, announced by Alireza Jafari director of archaeological research in the area.
LONDON, (CAIS) -- The second season of salvation operation behind the Salman Farsi dam will start in mid-October, announced by Alireza Jafari director of archaeological research in the area.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Iran accuses Canada of torture and racism
Undiplomatic exchange part of sparring over rights abuses since death of Zahra Kazemi
September 15, 2007 Olivia WardFOREIGN AFFAIRS REPORTER
September 15, 2007 Olivia WardFOREIGN AFFAIRS REPORTER
Canada and Iran sparred yesterday at the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva, as Tehran slapped back Ottawa's accusations of boosted executions and ill treatment of women with its own allegations of rights violations.
Canada's envoy John Von Kaufmann said that Iran's "deteriorating human rights situation" contravened its international and domestic obligations, citing "treatment of women as second-class citizens" and suppression of peaceful demonstrations for women's rights. The complaints were echoed by those of the European Union. But Iran's envoy, A. Eshragh Jahromi, said that Canada should have its own record scrutinized.
"Human rights violations include social exclusion policies, blatant racism and racial discrimination, police brutality, unlawful detention, torture and deaths in custody, violence against women and children and indigenous people, who are being treated as second class ... by the Canadian government," Jahromi said.
Kidnapped Person
Consulate General of the Republic of Turkey
6300 Wilshire Blvd.
Los Angeles , CA 90048
September 16, 2007
To Whom It May Concern:
Your country has for the past twenty eight years graciously opened its borders to our compatriots who have been forced to escape the hands of the terrorist Mullahs of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Our compatriots have chosen life as refugees to life in their own homeland in the hopes of finally migrating to countries which would provide them a future. Turkey has graciously given them a home while they try to find a country to go to. On behalf of all Iranians we thank your government for this gesture.
Five of our compatriots who had been refugees in Turkey had gone to renew their “Kimlik†but are missing since. We are gravely concerned for the safety of our friends: Ali Alamzadeh, Abolfazl Ajorloo, Alireza Ranjbar, Mojtaba Vatanpour, Pejman Tiran. These refugees had approval from the UN and two of them were in the process of coming to the United States .
The families of these gentlemen are truly concerned that the government of Turkey has returned them to the Islamic Republic of Iran. This would truly be a tragedy since the Islamic Republic is known for the torture and killing of our youth and political activists.
Our compatriots in Los Angeles some of whom were political prisoners themselves, or families of political prisoners in the Islamic Republic and some who were once refugees in Turkey will be starting a hunger strike to show their concern for our fellow countrymen in front of the office of the Consulate General of the Republic of Turkey starting at 8:00 am Tuesday September 18, 2007continuing to Wednesday September 19, 2007 evening. We would greatly appreciate an investigation on the status of our compatriot’s location and need your help in obtaining that information.
Iranians hope we can count on your country to keep protecting our compatriots while they search for new host countries. We hope to be able to locate these gentlemen safe in order to help them get to their host country.
Amir Hakim
Secretary General
Khashm Organization U.S.A
468 North Camden Dr. Suite 204 Beverly Hills , CA 90210
KhashmOrg@aol.com Tel: (310) 204-IRAN Fax: (310) 204-SHAH
6300 Wilshire Blvd.
Los Angeles , CA 90048
September 16, 2007
To Whom It May Concern:
Your country has for the past twenty eight years graciously opened its borders to our compatriots who have been forced to escape the hands of the terrorist Mullahs of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Our compatriots have chosen life as refugees to life in their own homeland in the hopes of finally migrating to countries which would provide them a future. Turkey has graciously given them a home while they try to find a country to go to. On behalf of all Iranians we thank your government for this gesture.
Five of our compatriots who had been refugees in Turkey had gone to renew their “Kimlik†but are missing since. We are gravely concerned for the safety of our friends: Ali Alamzadeh, Abolfazl Ajorloo, Alireza Ranjbar, Mojtaba Vatanpour, Pejman Tiran. These refugees had approval from the UN and two of them were in the process of coming to the United States .
The families of these gentlemen are truly concerned that the government of Turkey has returned them to the Islamic Republic of Iran. This would truly be a tragedy since the Islamic Republic is known for the torture and killing of our youth and political activists.
Our compatriots in Los Angeles some of whom were political prisoners themselves, or families of political prisoners in the Islamic Republic and some who were once refugees in Turkey will be starting a hunger strike to show their concern for our fellow countrymen in front of the office of the Consulate General of the Republic of Turkey starting at 8:00 am Tuesday September 18, 2007continuing to Wednesday September 19, 2007 evening. We would greatly appreciate an investigation on the status of our compatriot’s location and need your help in obtaining that information.
Iranians hope we can count on your country to keep protecting our compatriots while they search for new host countries. We hope to be able to locate these gentlemen safe in order to help them get to their host country.
Amir Hakim
Secretary General
Khashm Organization U.S.A
468 North Camden Dr. Suite 204 Beverly Hills , CA 90210
KhashmOrg@aol.com Tel: (310) 204-IRAN Fax: (310) 204-SHAH
Monday, September 17, 2007
Prepare for war with Iran, France warns
France has caused anger in Iran and delight in Israel today with a hawkish statement saying that the world should be ready to go to war to stop Tehran getting nuclear weapons.
Friday, September 14, 2007
Thursday, September 13, 2007
UPDATE: Train Vibrations Threaten Tomb of King Xerxes
LONDON, (CAIS) -- Vibrations caused by passing trains are likely to broaden existing cracks in the tomb of Xerxes I and result in its collapse if a nearby railway route becomes operational, archaeologist Mohammad-Taqi Ataii said during a seminar at the University Of Tehran (UT) on September 11.
Gorgan Wall
قزل آلان يا مار سرخ (ديوار بزرگ گرگان) طولانيترين اثر معماري ايران باستان و پس از ديوار چين دومين ديوار تاريخي قاره آسيا با 200 كيلومتر طول ، در دشت گرگان و تركمن صحرا قرار دارد. اين ديوار از شرق درياي خزر در خواجه نفس شروع و از شمال آققلعه و گمشيان گذشته پس از پيمودن شمال گنبد به طرف شمال غرب رفته و در كوههاي پيشكمر محو ميشود. در نوشتههاي تاريخي ، ديوار بزرگ گرگان را كه مانعي در برابر بيابانگردان آسياي ميانه بوده به نامهاي سد سكندر ، سد انوشيروان ، سد فيروز ، ديوار دفاعي ناميدهاند و مطالب گوناگوني در مورد آن بيان داشتهاند
نخستين پژوهشهاي باستانشناسي اين ديوار توسط ژاك دمرگان فرانسوي درست در 100 سال پيش صورت گرفت كه بخشي ار مسير ديوار را از روي نقشه ترسيم نمود. بعد از او باستانشناس فرانسوي (آرن) در سال 1312 خورشيدي بخشي از ديوار گرگان را به صورت پيمايشي، شناسايي و معرفي كرد. در سال 1316 خورشيدي اريك اشميت آمريكايي با پرواز بر فراز منطقه ، خط قرمز رنگي را بر روي زمين مشاهده كرد كه با پيچ و تاب از دريا به سمت كوههاي پيشكمر در شرق استان ادامه يافته است. او با ديدن اين منظره عجيب اين پرواز را بار ديگر تكرار كرد و با تهيه عكسهاي هوايي گام مهمي در شناسايي ديوار برداشت. بعد از ان دكتر محمد يوسف كياني در سال 1350 با پرواز مجدد بر روي ديوار موفق به برداشتن عكسهاي جالب توجهي از ديوار شد و طول ديوار را 175 كيلومتر با 32 قطعه وابسته شناسايي كرد.در سال 1378 با شروع ساخت سد گلستان بخشي از مسير ديوار در و محدوده كانال آبياري و زهكشي سد قرارگرفت و بنابر ضرورت حفظ ديوار آب سد از طريق دو كانال از زير ديوار هدايت شد. بعد از آن در سال 1381 ، ديوار در شش فصل كاوش شد كه اطلاعات فراواني از آن به دست آمد. به طوري كه هم اكنون باستانشناسان طول ديوار را 200 كيلومتر ميدانند. از آنجايي كه در برخي از نوشتههاي اين ديوار تا مرو ادامه داشته ، باستانشناسان احتمال ميدهند طول ديوار بيشتر از 200 كيلومتر باشد كه در كاوشهاي آينده به جواب آن خواهند رسيد. همچنين تا قبل از تخمين زده ميشد اما بر طيق آخرين نمونههاي آزمايش شده در آزمايشگاههاي معتبر اين ديوار مربوط به دوره ساساني است.
ديوار گرگان در مناطق كوهستاني 2و در دشت 10 متر عرض داشته و آجرهاي بزرگ آن ابعاد 41 در 41 و قطر 10 سانتيمتر در دهها كوره آجرپزي پخت ميشده است. بسته به خاك منطقهاي كه آجر پخته ميشد رنگ آن از نخودي تا قرمز فرق ميكند. خندقي 30 متري هم در جلوي ديوار كنده شده كه آب از طريق آن به دشتها و كورههاي مسير مي رسيد. از ارتفاعات پيشكمر تا روستاي زاو در پارك ملي گلستان كه 35 كيلومتر است بخشهايي از ديوار سالمتر باقي مانده و با حفاري در چندين نقطه خوشبختانه بقايايي ديوار از زير خاك بيرون آمده است
در كاوشهايي كه تا كنون انجام شدهاست 2 هزار متر مربع از ديوار حفاري گرديدهاست كه درپيآن يك آتشگاه و استراحتگاه سربازان كه فضا وابسته به ديوار بوده كشف شدهاست. همچنين دو قلعه از حدود 38 دژ تخمين زده در طول ديوار كاوش شده كه به نظر محل سكونت سربازان بوده است. قلعهها از اندازههاي 120 در 120 متر شروع و بزرگترين آن به 240 در 300 متر ميرسيد. اكنون براي حفاظت ديوار در قسمتهايي از آن در دو طرف ديوار ميله گذاري انجام شده تا حريم ديوار حفظ و از خرابي آن جلوگيري شود. راندن خودروها بر روي آجرهاي ريخته از ديوار موجب شكستن و از بين آنها ميشود و بعضي از اهالي از آجرهاي ديوار براي ساختمانسازي خود استفاده كردهاند. همچنين رعايت نكردن حريم ديوار از سوي سازمانهاي دولتي خسارتهاي فراواني را به ديوار زده است.بر طبق گزارشات مردمي نمونههايي از آجرهاي ديوار نزديك ساحل درياي خزر و در داخل خليج گرگان ديده است. در فصل آينده كاوش باستان شناسان قصد دارند باستانشناسي زير آب درياي را با كمك غواصان انجام دهند تا آثار معماري احتمالي مدفون شده ديوار گرگان را در زير آب بدست آورند. گفتني است ديوار تميشه ديوار ديگري در جنوب ديوار بزرگ گرگان است كه بخش شمالي آن در خليج گرگان وجود دارد و احتمال اينكه ديوار بزرگ گرگان و تميشه زماني يك ديوار بوده است.
نخستين پژوهشهاي باستانشناسي اين ديوار توسط ژاك دمرگان فرانسوي درست در 100 سال پيش صورت گرفت كه بخشي ار مسير ديوار را از روي نقشه ترسيم نمود. بعد از او باستانشناس فرانسوي (آرن) در سال 1312 خورشيدي بخشي از ديوار گرگان را به صورت پيمايشي، شناسايي و معرفي كرد. در سال 1316 خورشيدي اريك اشميت آمريكايي با پرواز بر فراز منطقه ، خط قرمز رنگي را بر روي زمين مشاهده كرد كه با پيچ و تاب از دريا به سمت كوههاي پيشكمر در شرق استان ادامه يافته است. او با ديدن اين منظره عجيب اين پرواز را بار ديگر تكرار كرد و با تهيه عكسهاي هوايي گام مهمي در شناسايي ديوار برداشت. بعد از ان دكتر محمد يوسف كياني در سال 1350 با پرواز مجدد بر روي ديوار موفق به برداشتن عكسهاي جالب توجهي از ديوار شد و طول ديوار را 175 كيلومتر با 32 قطعه وابسته شناسايي كرد.در سال 1378 با شروع ساخت سد گلستان بخشي از مسير ديوار در و محدوده كانال آبياري و زهكشي سد قرارگرفت و بنابر ضرورت حفظ ديوار آب سد از طريق دو كانال از زير ديوار هدايت شد. بعد از آن در سال 1381 ، ديوار در شش فصل كاوش شد كه اطلاعات فراواني از آن به دست آمد. به طوري كه هم اكنون باستانشناسان طول ديوار را 200 كيلومتر ميدانند. از آنجايي كه در برخي از نوشتههاي اين ديوار تا مرو ادامه داشته ، باستانشناسان احتمال ميدهند طول ديوار بيشتر از 200 كيلومتر باشد كه در كاوشهاي آينده به جواب آن خواهند رسيد. همچنين تا قبل از تخمين زده ميشد اما بر طيق آخرين نمونههاي آزمايش شده در آزمايشگاههاي معتبر اين ديوار مربوط به دوره ساساني است.
ديوار گرگان در مناطق كوهستاني 2و در دشت 10 متر عرض داشته و آجرهاي بزرگ آن ابعاد 41 در 41 و قطر 10 سانتيمتر در دهها كوره آجرپزي پخت ميشده است. بسته به خاك منطقهاي كه آجر پخته ميشد رنگ آن از نخودي تا قرمز فرق ميكند. خندقي 30 متري هم در جلوي ديوار كنده شده كه آب از طريق آن به دشتها و كورههاي مسير مي رسيد. از ارتفاعات پيشكمر تا روستاي زاو در پارك ملي گلستان كه 35 كيلومتر است بخشهايي از ديوار سالمتر باقي مانده و با حفاري در چندين نقطه خوشبختانه بقايايي ديوار از زير خاك بيرون آمده است
در كاوشهايي كه تا كنون انجام شدهاست 2 هزار متر مربع از ديوار حفاري گرديدهاست كه درپيآن يك آتشگاه و استراحتگاه سربازان كه فضا وابسته به ديوار بوده كشف شدهاست. همچنين دو قلعه از حدود 38 دژ تخمين زده در طول ديوار كاوش شده كه به نظر محل سكونت سربازان بوده است. قلعهها از اندازههاي 120 در 120 متر شروع و بزرگترين آن به 240 در 300 متر ميرسيد. اكنون براي حفاظت ديوار در قسمتهايي از آن در دو طرف ديوار ميله گذاري انجام شده تا حريم ديوار حفظ و از خرابي آن جلوگيري شود. راندن خودروها بر روي آجرهاي ريخته از ديوار موجب شكستن و از بين آنها ميشود و بعضي از اهالي از آجرهاي ديوار براي ساختمانسازي خود استفاده كردهاند. همچنين رعايت نكردن حريم ديوار از سوي سازمانهاي دولتي خسارتهاي فراواني را به ديوار زده است.بر طبق گزارشات مردمي نمونههايي از آجرهاي ديوار نزديك ساحل درياي خزر و در داخل خليج گرگان ديده است. در فصل آينده كاوش باستان شناسان قصد دارند باستانشناسي زير آب درياي را با كمك غواصان انجام دهند تا آثار معماري احتمالي مدفون شده ديوار گرگان را در زير آب بدست آورند. گفتني است ديوار تميشه ديوار ديگري در جنوب ديوار بزرگ گرگان است كه بخش شمالي آن در خليج گرگان وجود دارد و احتمال اينكه ديوار بزرگ گرگان و تميشه زماني يك ديوار بوده است.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Identifying of number of post-Achaemenid Sites in Sistan Plain
LONDON, (CAIS) -- While information of archaeologists about existence of Parthian and Sasanian historical sites was mostly limited to Mount Khajeh, Guri hill and a few number of other historical sites, in continuation of their researches in Sistan plain located in Iranian Sistan va Baluchestan province, archaeologists have succeeded in tracing some historical sites dating back to post-Achaemenid (330-248 BCE) period as well as Parthian (248 BC-224 CE) and Sasanian (224-651 CE) dynastic eras.
Parts of Tamisheh Wall Discovered in Gulf of Gorgan
LONDON, (CAIS) -- Underwater archaeological excavations of Iranian-British joint team on Gorgan’s defensive wall resulted in discovering parts of Tamisheh wall in the Gulf of Gorgan. Tamisheh wall constitutes a part of Gorgan historic wall.
In addition to Kaba of Zoroaster, King Xerxes Tomb also will be destroyed if Esfahan-Shiraz Railway Project to be constructed
LONDON, (CAIS) -- In addition to destruction kf Kaba of Zoroaster less than 10 years, also based on existing evidence such as the cracks which exist on the body of Xerxes’ and the other Achaemenid imperial tombs in Naqsh-e Rostam, and the close distance of Esfahan-Shiraz railway to this historic site, experts give a strong possibility that the rumbling of the trains would break the tomb of Xerxes in two halves.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Here is what Professor Marsha Cohen wrote to Dispatch:
To the Editor: Columbus Post Dispatch
For over four decades, Fidel Castro has been considered one of the most odious leaders in the Western hemisphere. After he took power, hundreds of thousands of Cubans fled their island home for Miami (where I live and work), and where they have prospered. Many of them have been among the most vocal opponents of any moves by the US government to normalize relations with Cuba. Even now that Castro is old and sick, and at death's door, he remains a hated symbol of a revolution gone wrong, that rapidly morphed into a detested enemy of the interests and values of the US.
To the Editor: Columbus Post Dispatch
For over four decades, Fidel Castro has been considered one of the most odious leaders in the Western hemisphere. After he took power, hundreds of thousands of Cubans fled their island home for Miami (where I live and work), and where they have prospered. Many of them have been among the most vocal opponents of any moves by the US government to normalize relations with Cuba. Even now that Castro is old and sick, and at death's door, he remains a hated symbol of a revolution gone wrong, that rapidly morphed into a detested enemy of the interests and values of the US.
Petition 50: Nuclear Safety Warning in Iran – Accidents and Radiological Disaster In Progress
To: Honorable UN Secretary General, IAEA, Human Rights Organizations, Environmental Organizations, People Of The World We are deeply concerned about consequences of various accidents within any of the Islamic regime's nuclear facilities. Even without any accidents, we doubt it if the regime has imposed enough safeguards for radiation workers or people living around nuclear facilities. The reason is that based on the research done on conferences and papers written in the fields of Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA) and nuclear safety in Iran, very few papers have addressed these subjects. Even those papers that addressed the subject of nuclear safety seemed to have addressed a specific issue rather than covering all aspects of nuclear safety or PRA. For example, one paper addressed the consequences of LOCA (Loss of Coolant Accidents) at Bushehr-1 NPP. However, there were no indications of studies for accidents scenarios initiated by external events, internal non-nuclear related explosions resulting in radiological contamination, Loss of Offsite Power (and Station Blackout), ATWS (Anticipated Transient without Scram) or secondary system failures, etc.
U.S. Officials Begin Crafting Iran Bombing Plan
WASHINGTON — A recent decision by German officials to withhold support for any new sanctions against Iran has pushed a broad spectrum of officials in Washington to develop potential scenarios for a military attack on the Islamic regime, FOX News confirmed Tuesday.
Monday, September 10, 2007
US plans base on Iraq-Iran border
The US military is planning to build its first base near Iraq's border with Iran in order to curb the alleged flow of weapons to Shia militants in Iraq.
all wars are ugly no matter what.
We all witnessed that how Iraqi people were killed by American, and this the other side of the story which has not been told.
Thursday, September 06, 2007
Elections Canada position on 'faceless voting' undermines electoral integrity and equality before the ballot box
For Immediate ReleaseSeptember 6, 2007 Ottawa, Canada – The Canadian Coalition for Democracies (CCD) regards as unconscionable Elections Canada’s reported new policy of allowing Muslim women to wear identity-concealing face veils, including full burqas, when voting in upcoming federal by-elections in Quebec and Ontario. Canada’s federal elections’ regulator says Muslim women can “vote veiled” merely by identifying themselves with a driver’s licence and second piece of identification. As an alternative, “covered” women need only swear an oath and have another voter vouch for them. Outbursts of public condemnation overturned a similar initiative earlier this year by Quebec's Election Commission. The Commission was forced to reverse its consent to “burqa voting” when offended Quebec citizens and public interest groups threatened civil disobedience at election time. Highlighting the problem of double standards and arbitrariness, voters promised to attend polls with their faces covered by paper bags, sheets, hockey masks and other head coverings, and to assert “sensitivity” and special religious privilege as their justification for doing so. "Elections Canada’s initiative violates the basic premise of public voting in Canada and the principle of equality of all Canadians before the ballot box. It is an invitation to fraud, misrepresentation and the debasing of our democratic electoral system," said David Harris, CCD Senior Fellow for National Security. Beyond the ballot box, religious face coverings have at times been misused in Canada and around the world to facilitate fraud and other criminal acts. Veiling has been used abroad to advance terrorist operations, including suicide bombings. Such risks compelled France to ban the burqa in certain public spheres, and the Netherlands’ government - among others - is considering doing the same. And last fall in Quebec, ADQ leader Mario Dumont went beyond the ballot box issue, stating that he did not “rule out the possibility of laws … to make illegal the wearing of the burqa.” Yet some of Canada’s elites, apparently unfazed by the threat to electoral integrity and public safety, appear helpless in the face of radical lobbying in the name of “accommodation”. "Canadians call upon Prime Minister Stephen Harper and Opposition leaders Stephane Dion, Gilles Duceppe, and Jack Layton, to demand an end to Elections Canada’s ill-considered policy of diminished electoral scrutiny for one religious group," said Harris.
"Government must promote one secular law for all, and an end to the appeasing of radical fundamentalism in whatever guise - or disguise."
"Government must promote one secular law for all, and an end to the appeasing of radical fundamentalism in whatever guise - or disguise."
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
A Nuclear Iran...Good For the Iranian People?
I have an opinion and to say it isn't a popular one is quite an understatement: When I look at the possibility (some say probability) of Iran obtaining nuclear weapons, I honestly don't see much of a threat to the western world; I do see it, however, as a benefit to the security of the Iranian nation and people.
If Iran was to develop nuclear capability what would she do with it?
Israel and her American right-wing allies in the government and media have been scaring the American public with visions of the mullahs in Tehran selling one of these weapons to al-Qaeda or the like. Those familiar with the IRI and its apparatchiks, however, know fully well that this is quite unlikely. The mullahs sitting in Tehran might be many things, but they aren't foolish or insane.
The real powerbrokers of the Islamic Republic of Iran would never give or sell nuclear weapons or technology to al Qaeda or most other terrorist Islamist groups because such groups are overwhelmingly Sunni and ultimately hostile to the Shi'a IRI. The mullahs and ayatollahs are crafty and shrewd, why would they put themselves or their interests in jeopardy? They and their lackeys also are quite financally invested in Europe and Canada. These folks love their wealth. Furthermore, if the US and others are so concerned about Islamic terrorists getting nuclear technology why don't they look at China, which sells its nuke technology to the highest bidder? However, the best of all places to look is over in the direction of Pakistan (which got most of its nuclear technology from China). A Sunni-dominated state that not only harbors terrorists, but also has agents and supporters of these people in the high echelons of its government and military, Pakistan is ruled by a shaky and widely unpopular government that is in danger of collapsing into the arms of the bearded and turbaned ones. In my opinion, if the United States or Europe are ever attacked by a terrorist nuke it will have originated in Pakistan.
This leads me to also consider the situation for the Iranian nation:
-To the north of Iran sits the Russian Federation, historically a big bully and always looking towards the south for territories and resources.
-To the northeast is China. Defacto ally of Pakistan.
-East of Iran sits good ol' Pakistan, a champion of Sunni orthodoxy and home to many Baluchis who yearn to "liberate" and be reunited with their cousins who live within Iran.
-Most importantly of all is that off to the west lies Israel, ever paranoid and prone to pre-emptive strikes.
All these nations mentioned have nuclear arsenals. All are potential enemies of the Iranian nation. All of them can strike at her with conventional forces, reassured by the nuke card they all hold and which Iran doesn't.
This is the major point: Iran is the only regional power without the security of nuclear deterrence! Pakistan can invade her borders tomorrow. Israel can make an air strike at her at any time. Meanwhile Russia could move through Kazakhstan or through the Caucasus, foer whatever reason they like. All of them comfortable in the knowledge that they have the proverbial "Bomb."
If Iran gets nuclear technology it will be security for the Iranian people. As for the chance of an Iranian nuke ever being launched towards London or Paris, let alone New York, the idea is so farfetched as to be ludicrous. Even if Iran was to go nuclear, she still would be decades away from long-range, intercontinental delivery. China herself has had the Bomb since 1964, to this day she has yet to perfect her ICBM capability. Of all America's allies only Israel would stand in proximity to an Iranian nuclear attack. It is over Israel, that's what all this fear and loathing of an Iranian nuke menace is about.
I sincerely welcome any criticisms or rebuttals to my opinion.
Caesar M. Warrington
If Iran was to develop nuclear capability what would she do with it?
Israel and her American right-wing allies in the government and media have been scaring the American public with visions of the mullahs in Tehran selling one of these weapons to al-Qaeda or the like. Those familiar with the IRI and its apparatchiks, however, know fully well that this is quite unlikely. The mullahs sitting in Tehran might be many things, but they aren't foolish or insane.
The real powerbrokers of the Islamic Republic of Iran would never give or sell nuclear weapons or technology to al Qaeda or most other terrorist Islamist groups because such groups are overwhelmingly Sunni and ultimately hostile to the Shi'a IRI. The mullahs and ayatollahs are crafty and shrewd, why would they put themselves or their interests in jeopardy? They and their lackeys also are quite financally invested in Europe and Canada. These folks love their wealth. Furthermore, if the US and others are so concerned about Islamic terrorists getting nuclear technology why don't they look at China, which sells its nuke technology to the highest bidder? However, the best of all places to look is over in the direction of Pakistan (which got most of its nuclear technology from China). A Sunni-dominated state that not only harbors terrorists, but also has agents and supporters of these people in the high echelons of its government and military, Pakistan is ruled by a shaky and widely unpopular government that is in danger of collapsing into the arms of the bearded and turbaned ones. In my opinion, if the United States or Europe are ever attacked by a terrorist nuke it will have originated in Pakistan.
This leads me to also consider the situation for the Iranian nation:
-To the north of Iran sits the Russian Federation, historically a big bully and always looking towards the south for territories and resources.
-To the northeast is China. Defacto ally of Pakistan.
-East of Iran sits good ol' Pakistan, a champion of Sunni orthodoxy and home to many Baluchis who yearn to "liberate" and be reunited with their cousins who live within Iran.
-Most importantly of all is that off to the west lies Israel, ever paranoid and prone to pre-emptive strikes.
All these nations mentioned have nuclear arsenals. All are potential enemies of the Iranian nation. All of them can strike at her with conventional forces, reassured by the nuke card they all hold and which Iran doesn't.
This is the major point: Iran is the only regional power without the security of nuclear deterrence! Pakistan can invade her borders tomorrow. Israel can make an air strike at her at any time. Meanwhile Russia could move through Kazakhstan or through the Caucasus, foer whatever reason they like. All of them comfortable in the knowledge that they have the proverbial "Bomb."
If Iran gets nuclear technology it will be security for the Iranian people. As for the chance of an Iranian nuke ever being launched towards London or Paris, let alone New York, the idea is so farfetched as to be ludicrous. Even if Iran was to go nuclear, she still would be decades away from long-range, intercontinental delivery. China herself has had the Bomb since 1964, to this day she has yet to perfect her ICBM capability. Of all America's allies only Israel would stand in proximity to an Iranian nuclear attack. It is over Israel, that's what all this fear and loathing of an Iranian nuke menace is about.
I sincerely welcome any criticisms or rebuttals to my opinion.
Caesar M. Warrington
Iranian president criticized for ruling out possible U.S. attack
TEHRAN, Iran: Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad attracted criticism Monday when local media quoted him as saying his technical education and belief in God helped him rule out the possibility of a U.S. attack
Death to Islamic Republic of Iran
ما که هر روز فرياد ميزنيم، اعتراض ميکنيم، اعتصاب ميکنيم، لعنت ميفرستيم وگاهی نيز به جمهوریِ اسلامی دشنام ميدهيم وآرزوی به گور رفتنِ اين رژيم را داريم، ولی در اين روزها بايد فريادِ سرنگون باد جمهوریِ اسلامی را به چند برابر رسانيم؛
در چنين روزهايی بود که در تابستانِ 1367 در بحبوحهء جامِ زهر نوشيدنِ خمينیِ دجال، رهبر رژيمِ منفورِ جمهوریِ اسلامی، هزاران زندانیِ سياسی که ميزانِ آنها از 8000 تا 24000 نفر تخمين زده ميشوند را به قتلگاهِ اسلامی فرستاد و سپس در گورهای جمعی در حومه تهران بخاک سپرده شدند.
اين کشتارِ وحشيانه در دوره ای از زمان صورت گرفت که رژيمِ جمهوریِ اسلامی در جنگی 8 ساله وناموفق که بيش از يک ميليون کشته ومعلول بجا گذاشت، تن به پايان جنگ و يا قبولِ صلح ميداد.
همه ساله، خانواده ها و دوستانِ جوانانِ زندانیِ کشته شده در تابستانِ 1367، بر گورهای جمعی، برای ادای احترام و يادبود حاضر ميشوند و بدونِ اينکه بدانند در کدام گوشه از اين مزارِ بزرگ، فرزندشان خوابيده، اشک ميريزند و چه بسا که خانواده ای بر جنازهء فرزندِ خانواده ای ديگر، يادِ جگر گوشه خود را گرامی ميدارد.
همه جا از جناياتِ فاشيسمِ هيتلری بر عليهِ يهوديان سخن بميان است که البته، بحق بايد يادِ بيگناهانِ يهودی را زنده نگاه داشت، ولی بايد به جهان گوشزد کرد که فاشيسمِ اسلامیِ حاکم بر ايران نيز، نه آنچنان که هيتلر کرد، بلکه بدتر از آن ميکند.
عذری برای هيچکدام از اين دو جنايتکار موجه نيست( نه هيتلر ونه خمينی)، ولی به هر حال بايد توجه کنيم که کشتارِ جمعیِ هيتلر متوجه بيگانه بود(يهوديان)، ولی کشتارِ جمعیِ سالِ 1367 بفرمانِ مستقيمِ خمينی، متوجه ملتی بود که اين جنايتکار بر آن حکومتِ تحميلی ميکرد، پس صد لعنت و نفرينِ بيشتر بر خمينی وحکومتش.
جهانيان در مقابلِ کشتارِ آلمانِ نازی، متحد شده و هيتلر مجبور به خودکشی شد؛ خمينی نيز بقولِ خودش جامِ زهر بالا کشيد، ولی نه تحتِ فشارِ جهانيان، چون شاهديم که امروز نيز جهان چشم بر جناياتِ گشتاپوهای نازی- اسلامیِ ايران، از خامنه ای تا احمدی نژادهايش گرفته می بندد و نه فقط در اين حد، بلکه اروپای آزاد!!!!!!!! از اين حکومت حمايت نيز ميکند.
ننگ بر جنايتکاران و حاميانِ داخلی وخارجيشان.
جبهه نجات
عبدالرضا حيدری
در چنين روزهايی بود که در تابستانِ 1367 در بحبوحهء جامِ زهر نوشيدنِ خمينیِ دجال، رهبر رژيمِ منفورِ جمهوریِ اسلامی، هزاران زندانیِ سياسی که ميزانِ آنها از 8000 تا 24000 نفر تخمين زده ميشوند را به قتلگاهِ اسلامی فرستاد و سپس در گورهای جمعی در حومه تهران بخاک سپرده شدند.
اين کشتارِ وحشيانه در دوره ای از زمان صورت گرفت که رژيمِ جمهوریِ اسلامی در جنگی 8 ساله وناموفق که بيش از يک ميليون کشته ومعلول بجا گذاشت، تن به پايان جنگ و يا قبولِ صلح ميداد.
همه ساله، خانواده ها و دوستانِ جوانانِ زندانیِ کشته شده در تابستانِ 1367، بر گورهای جمعی، برای ادای احترام و يادبود حاضر ميشوند و بدونِ اينکه بدانند در کدام گوشه از اين مزارِ بزرگ، فرزندشان خوابيده، اشک ميريزند و چه بسا که خانواده ای بر جنازهء فرزندِ خانواده ای ديگر، يادِ جگر گوشه خود را گرامی ميدارد.
همه جا از جناياتِ فاشيسمِ هيتلری بر عليهِ يهوديان سخن بميان است که البته، بحق بايد يادِ بيگناهانِ يهودی را زنده نگاه داشت، ولی بايد به جهان گوشزد کرد که فاشيسمِ اسلامیِ حاکم بر ايران نيز، نه آنچنان که هيتلر کرد، بلکه بدتر از آن ميکند.
عذری برای هيچکدام از اين دو جنايتکار موجه نيست( نه هيتلر ونه خمينی)، ولی به هر حال بايد توجه کنيم که کشتارِ جمعیِ هيتلر متوجه بيگانه بود(يهوديان)، ولی کشتارِ جمعیِ سالِ 1367 بفرمانِ مستقيمِ خمينی، متوجه ملتی بود که اين جنايتکار بر آن حکومتِ تحميلی ميکرد، پس صد لعنت و نفرينِ بيشتر بر خمينی وحکومتش.
جهانيان در مقابلِ کشتارِ آلمانِ نازی، متحد شده و هيتلر مجبور به خودکشی شد؛ خمينی نيز بقولِ خودش جامِ زهر بالا کشيد، ولی نه تحتِ فشارِ جهانيان، چون شاهديم که امروز نيز جهان چشم بر جناياتِ گشتاپوهای نازی- اسلامیِ ايران، از خامنه ای تا احمدی نژادهايش گرفته می بندد و نه فقط در اين حد، بلکه اروپای آزاد!!!!!!!! از اين حکومت حمايت نيز ميکند.
ننگ بر جنايتکاران و حاميانِ داخلی وخارجيشان.
جبهه نجات
عبدالرضا حيدری
Partho-Sasanian Sites of Abyaneh are in Danger
LONDON, (CAIS) -- Continuation of hotel construction in Abyaneh by families of Islamic regime’s prominent members and their close allies has put the status of this historical village at risk. Recent decision of an investor for erecting a hotel in eastern part of this historic village has raised the concern of cultural heritage enthusiasts and people of Abyaneh about the real harm which will pose to the first evidence of settlement in historic village.
Monday, September 03, 2007
Hunger strike protestors bailed
Two of seven people arrested for trespass during a protest in support of Iranian asylum seeker Ali Panah were today granted bail when they appeared in court.
The Traps in Turkey’s Power Shift
AFTER nearly a century of strictly secular rule, Turkey last week got a new president, Abdullah Gul, who is strongly disliked by the Turkish military because he is an observant Muslim with a background in Islamic politics. In his first speech as president, Mr. Gul, a 56-year-old economist, praised Turkey’s secular tradition, saying it guaranteed personal freedoms. But the officer corps, which considers itself the guardian of secularism and generally doesn’t trust political leaders like Mr. Gul, showed its dislike for him by skipping his appointment ceremony.
Iran claims atomic milestone
Sep 03, 2007 04:30 AM
TEHRAN–Iran claimed yesterday that it had reached its goal of running 3,000 centrifuges for uranium enrichment, a much higher number than recently estimated by the United Nations' atomic agency.
TEHRAN–Iran claimed yesterday that it had reached its goal of running 3,000 centrifuges for uranium enrichment, a much higher number than recently estimated by the United Nations' atomic agency.
Canada should pull troops from Afghanistan now & lead push for peace:Layton
TORONTO (CP) — Federal NDP Leader Jack Layton is repeating his call for Canada to safely and securely withdraw its troops from Afghanistan now and take the lead in forging peace talks to end the bloodshed there.
Persian text about Iran, from Jebeh Meli
آنسوی اين سراب چيست؟
حقيقت، عقل است و بس، و دين سرابی است که به آن خيال داريم و اين خيالِ غيرِ حقيقی، بدليلِ اينکه فنای عقل را موجب ميشود، تخيلاتِ سراب را در چشمِ کور ذهنان، بعنوانِ حقيقت جلوه ميدهد.
آنسوی اين سراب ( دين) چيست؟
هيچ؛ خلع؛ سياهی؛ ديواری بلند و يا کوچه ای بن بست.
شايد میپرسيد که اگر دين، سراب و يا خيالی بيش نيست، پس خدا چيست و يا کيست؟
خدا، حقيقت است و چون حقيقت عقل است، آنکه عاقل است، انسان ناميده ميشود که همان خداست و آنکه دوان دوان برای رسيدن به سرابِ دين هول ميزند، آدم است و يا همان حيوان.
و آدمها چون حقيقت را نمی پذيرند و از عقلِ خود ثمری نميبرند تا انسان شده و خدای نهفته درونِ خود را متبلور کنند، برای جبرانِ اين کمبود، بدنبالِ خدايانِ ديگر ميگردند تا در مقابلش زانو زنند، بجای آنکه عقل را که همان خداست، آزاد گذارده و پايه بينشِ خود کنند تا راهنمايشان باشد و اين دليليست که ميگويم آدمها خدا را ميکشند چون عقل و انديشه را در خود کشته اند و اين قاتلهای بی عقل( بی خدا) بدنبالِ خدايی ديگر در سرابِ دين ميگردند و هر کدام دروغی را بعنوان خدا میپذيرند؛
يکی گاو می پرستد، ديگری بتی و يا مجسمه ای را و برخی سنگِ سياه ( حجر الاسود= الله) را و هر کدام ميگويند که خدای آنان بهتر و برتر است؛
و از اينجاست که جنگِ بتهای خدا ناميده شده و جنگِ اديان شروع ميشود و هر کس ديگری را برای خدای دروغينش ميکشد.
در طولِ تاريخ، اين خدايانِ دروغين که به ياریِ گوسفندانِ همراهِ خود، دين را تشکيل داده اند، يکی پس از ديگری می آيند، مدتی کم يا زياد ميمانند و سپس ميميرند؛
گهگاهی خدای ديگری دورادور خود را به چشمِ آدمها از اين سراب نشان ميدهد و او هم ميميرد؛ يکی زودتر ميميرد و خدايی ديگر کمی ديرتر، يعنی آن خدايی که زورش بيشتر است، بيشتر عمر ميکند ولی او هم روزی خواهد مُرد.
تنها خدايی که نميميرد، خدايی است که بر گرفته از اين سراب نباشد، خدای حقيقت که همان عقل و خرد است، خدايی که انديشه و آنهم نيکش را می آموزد و آدم را انسان ميکند و اينچنين خدايی حتی بعد از مرگِ هر انسان، زنده ميماند و دانشِ خود را به نسلهای انديشمندِ بعدی ميبرد و تکامل را موجب ميشود، پس او تنها خدايی است که نميميرد.
خداهای دروغينِ ديگر، آفريده نيازهای بی عقلانی هستند که برای رسيدن به سرابِ خيالات، ستون شده اند، يا توسطِ تهی مغزان و يا از سوی پليد انديشان برای جذبِ گوسفندان در گله های خود؛
که البته همه آنها جز تخيل چيزی بيش نيستند وچون هر کدام بر گرفته از نيازهای آدمهای متفاوت هستند، پس اين خدايان نيز با هم متفاوتند؛ يکی کمی ملايم تر، ديگری خونخوار تر؛ يکی ناز و نوازش ميکند، ديگری حکم و دستور صادر ميکند؛ .... .
آری خدا وجود دارد؛ عقل و انديشه انسانها خدای اين زمين است و اگر آفرينشِ هستی نيز خدايی بی نهايت که عاملِ چرخش و گردشِ کائنات است داشته باشد، او هيچ نسبت و خويشاوندی با خدايانِ سرابهای زمينی ندارد؛ ......
(گوشه ای ازکتابِ جادوی سياه، نوشته دکتر عبدالرضا حيدری)
جبهه نجات
حقيقت، عقل است و بس، و دين سرابی است که به آن خيال داريم و اين خيالِ غيرِ حقيقی، بدليلِ اينکه فنای عقل را موجب ميشود، تخيلاتِ سراب را در چشمِ کور ذهنان، بعنوانِ حقيقت جلوه ميدهد.
آنسوی اين سراب ( دين) چيست؟
هيچ؛ خلع؛ سياهی؛ ديواری بلند و يا کوچه ای بن بست.
شايد میپرسيد که اگر دين، سراب و يا خيالی بيش نيست، پس خدا چيست و يا کيست؟
خدا، حقيقت است و چون حقيقت عقل است، آنکه عاقل است، انسان ناميده ميشود که همان خداست و آنکه دوان دوان برای رسيدن به سرابِ دين هول ميزند، آدم است و يا همان حيوان.
و آدمها چون حقيقت را نمی پذيرند و از عقلِ خود ثمری نميبرند تا انسان شده و خدای نهفته درونِ خود را متبلور کنند، برای جبرانِ اين کمبود، بدنبالِ خدايانِ ديگر ميگردند تا در مقابلش زانو زنند، بجای آنکه عقل را که همان خداست، آزاد گذارده و پايه بينشِ خود کنند تا راهنمايشان باشد و اين دليليست که ميگويم آدمها خدا را ميکشند چون عقل و انديشه را در خود کشته اند و اين قاتلهای بی عقل( بی خدا) بدنبالِ خدايی ديگر در سرابِ دين ميگردند و هر کدام دروغی را بعنوان خدا میپذيرند؛
يکی گاو می پرستد، ديگری بتی و يا مجسمه ای را و برخی سنگِ سياه ( حجر الاسود= الله) را و هر کدام ميگويند که خدای آنان بهتر و برتر است؛
و از اينجاست که جنگِ بتهای خدا ناميده شده و جنگِ اديان شروع ميشود و هر کس ديگری را برای خدای دروغينش ميکشد.
در طولِ تاريخ، اين خدايانِ دروغين که به ياریِ گوسفندانِ همراهِ خود، دين را تشکيل داده اند، يکی پس از ديگری می آيند، مدتی کم يا زياد ميمانند و سپس ميميرند؛
گهگاهی خدای ديگری دورادور خود را به چشمِ آدمها از اين سراب نشان ميدهد و او هم ميميرد؛ يکی زودتر ميميرد و خدايی ديگر کمی ديرتر، يعنی آن خدايی که زورش بيشتر است، بيشتر عمر ميکند ولی او هم روزی خواهد مُرد.
تنها خدايی که نميميرد، خدايی است که بر گرفته از اين سراب نباشد، خدای حقيقت که همان عقل و خرد است، خدايی که انديشه و آنهم نيکش را می آموزد و آدم را انسان ميکند و اينچنين خدايی حتی بعد از مرگِ هر انسان، زنده ميماند و دانشِ خود را به نسلهای انديشمندِ بعدی ميبرد و تکامل را موجب ميشود، پس او تنها خدايی است که نميميرد.
خداهای دروغينِ ديگر، آفريده نيازهای بی عقلانی هستند که برای رسيدن به سرابِ خيالات، ستون شده اند، يا توسطِ تهی مغزان و يا از سوی پليد انديشان برای جذبِ گوسفندان در گله های خود؛
که البته همه آنها جز تخيل چيزی بيش نيستند وچون هر کدام بر گرفته از نيازهای آدمهای متفاوت هستند، پس اين خدايان نيز با هم متفاوتند؛ يکی کمی ملايم تر، ديگری خونخوار تر؛ يکی ناز و نوازش ميکند، ديگری حکم و دستور صادر ميکند؛ .... .
آری خدا وجود دارد؛ عقل و انديشه انسانها خدای اين زمين است و اگر آفرينشِ هستی نيز خدايی بی نهايت که عاملِ چرخش و گردشِ کائنات است داشته باشد، او هيچ نسبت و خويشاوندی با خدايانِ سرابهای زمينی ندارد؛ ......
(گوشه ای ازکتابِ جادوی سياه، نوشته دکتر عبدالرضا حيدری)
جبهه نجات
700 Historic and Prehistoric Sites Identified in Sistan Plain
LONDON, (CAIS) -- In pursuing their researching activities in Sistan plain, archaeology team of Sistan va Baluchestan University has succeeded to identify more than 700 historic and prehistoric sites in this part of Sistan va Baluchestan province.
Since the excavations in Sistan plain have not been wrapped up yet, Rasoul Mousavi Haji, one of the heads of the archaeology team in Sistan plain gives the possibility for identifying some more historic sites in the area.
Since the excavations in Sistan plain have not been wrapped up yet, Rasoul Mousavi Haji, one of the heads of the archaeology team in Sistan plain gives the possibility for identifying some more historic sites in the area.
Sunday, September 02, 2007
We do not say that they all want
we dont say that they all want to disintegrate Iran. Most people dont care about politics at all. BUT within the political ones there is a dominant anti-Iranianism inside the zionists/neoconservatives.
It has not much to do with Ahmadinejad and IRI. It has to do with 1- who is the chosen people in thorat (first it were them, but later Iranians became. They got their promissed land between the nile and euphrates, while we had the garden od eden.
yes these are fables written by people who were imprseed by the hapennings of their time. but irrational people believe this.
2- the more rational people still are uneasy with Iran. Because it is a large, populous country with resources. Which can act as a main global player and in any case is a natural regional leader. it is GEOPOLITICALLY detrimental to their interests.
note that the only reason they do not destroy china, is because china has nuclear bombs!
It has not much to do with Ahmadinejad and IRI. It has to do with 1- who is the chosen people in thorat (first it were them, but later Iranians became. They got their promissed land between the nile and euphrates, while we had the garden od eden.
yes these are fables written by people who were imprseed by the hapennings of their time. but irrational people believe this.
2- the more rational people still are uneasy with Iran. Because it is a large, populous country with resources. Which can act as a main global player and in any case is a natural regional leader. it is GEOPOLITICALLY detrimental to their interests.
note that the only reason they do not destroy china, is because china has nuclear bombs!
Dr. kaveh Farrokh and Iran
It's important to not focus too much on that website - although it is telling of a strong pulse in the US-Israeli mainstream: anti-Iranian feelings run high. I do concur with Dr. Babak Rezvani of Holland on the following point:
the more rational people still are uneasy with Iran. Because it is a large, populous country with resources. Which can act as a main global player and in any case is a natural regional leader. it is GEOPOLITICALLY detrimental to their interests.
The western forces who supported Khomeini did so hoping that a fanatic religious theocracy would destroy Iran's culture, history and common identity by forcing the population to become pan-Arabo-Islamists. This fully documented by Dreyfus & Llemarc (1979) and as well as Engdahl (2003).
The decision to remove the Shah was taken in 1973 (I would argue that it was as early as the Matteo affair of the 1960s) when the decision was taken by petroleum conglomorates, CFR and the Trilateral Commission to remove the Shah. The reason is the same as Dr. Rezvani explains it:
(1) Iran was rapidly becoming an advanced industrial, economic, technological giant
TODAY: Iran's arms industry has become nearly self-sufficient and there have been strides within Iran in a number of medical and technical centres. I DO NOT support the IRI and see them as pan-Islamic fanatics, however the PEOPLE of Iran are extremely ingenious - and this (believe me) is seen as an economic threat to the "lobbies". I have numerous references that document how a number of western diplomats such as George Ball hated the Shah and wanted him removed because he and his "allies" felt that Iran "should remain a third-world country".
George Ball (left) and President Lyndon Johnson (right)
(2) The Shah was demanding higher and higher prices for oil revenues
(3) Iran was projecting itself into the Near east economically and politically - this was unacceptable to the Anglo-Dutch petroleum consortiums who see the Persian Gulf as their lifeline.
I recall as a boy the bitter and racist cartoons in the western papers of how "dangerous" and "threatening" Iran was becoming to "world-stability". My father worked as a career-diplomat for the Shah-regime for 30 years.
This sounds familiar to the shrills we hear today: the Iran "nuclear threat". I fully share deep worries of a fanatic such as Ahmadi-Nejad (along with his anti-Israel rhetoric) wielding nuclear weapons - But how about Pakistan? They have a huge nuclear arsenal, the country's populace is extremely anti-western and Palistan intelligence is the creator of the Taliban and has supported Al-Qaida (and some say that this is continuing). Dr. Choussedevsky of Ottawa University has written a number of books and articles on these issues - interesting how we do not hear of this is major journalistic outlets.
While I fully concur that corruption-nepotism was rampant in the Shah's era, as well as serious human rights violations, etc. the excuses that were used to sow chaos within Iran and to oust that regime were the same ones we are now hearing today: "Human Rights". Only now, we hear "Human Rights" with a new twist: "Human Rights for Iran's Minorities". The same mantra was used by the former Soviet Union against Iran.
As I noted before, the petroleum conglomorates and the neo-cons, etc. care little for the Iranian people and least of all for "Human Rights".
Remmember that the assault on Iran's integrity has been in full swing since the 1979 revolution:
(1) the promotion of "academic" venues for terms such as "Arabian Gulf", "South Azarbaijan", "Al-Ahwaz", etc.
(2) The mobilization of the EU, UN and other "Human Rights" venues to (a) fabricate and (b) internationalize the so-called "plight of Iran's minorities".
We are entering a dangerous slippery slope. - we are starting to resemble the Ottoman Empire in 1914 as well as post-Tito Yugoslavia. Iran too has a dangerous fanatic president (recall Milosevic) who wishes to sacrifice Iran for "Felesteen e Aziz".
There is also little comprehension within Iranians (both inside Iran and within the diaspora) of how much intent there is to dismember Iran for economic reasons (translation: petroleum). The fact is that Ahmadi-Nejad and the IRI are giving these dynamics greater excuse and impetus. Yes, I do not like the IRI at all, however we need to take notice of the forces that have been at work even during the time of the Shah (and even Reza Shah).
Not to repeat what I say and what Dr. Rezvani says: the forces at work care little for who sits in Tehran. It is Iran and its integrity that they do not like.
Once again, I have humble mentioned these things in the PART VI of my humble on-line book:
The media is now repeating a dangerous mantra:
Iran is a menace to the world - we must "remove" that threat.
Note that we NEVER hear "Islamic Republic" - we always hear "Iran". Perhaps the time has come for all of us to awaken from our complacence and never-ending pettiness.
the more rational people still are uneasy with Iran. Because it is a large, populous country with resources. Which can act as a main global player and in any case is a natural regional leader. it is GEOPOLITICALLY detrimental to their interests.
The western forces who supported Khomeini did so hoping that a fanatic religious theocracy would destroy Iran's culture, history and common identity by forcing the population to become pan-Arabo-Islamists. This fully documented by Dreyfus & Llemarc (1979) and as well as Engdahl (2003).
The decision to remove the Shah was taken in 1973 (I would argue that it was as early as the Matteo affair of the 1960s) when the decision was taken by petroleum conglomorates, CFR and the Trilateral Commission to remove the Shah. The reason is the same as Dr. Rezvani explains it:
(1) Iran was rapidly becoming an advanced industrial, economic, technological giant
TODAY: Iran's arms industry has become nearly self-sufficient and there have been strides within Iran in a number of medical and technical centres. I DO NOT support the IRI and see them as pan-Islamic fanatics, however the PEOPLE of Iran are extremely ingenious - and this (believe me) is seen as an economic threat to the "lobbies". I have numerous references that document how a number of western diplomats such as George Ball hated the Shah and wanted him removed because he and his "allies" felt that Iran "should remain a third-world country".
George Ball (left) and President Lyndon Johnson (right)
(2) The Shah was demanding higher and higher prices for oil revenues
(3) Iran was projecting itself into the Near east economically and politically - this was unacceptable to the Anglo-Dutch petroleum consortiums who see the Persian Gulf as their lifeline.
I recall as a boy the bitter and racist cartoons in the western papers of how "dangerous" and "threatening" Iran was becoming to "world-stability". My father worked as a career-diplomat for the Shah-regime for 30 years.
This sounds familiar to the shrills we hear today: the Iran "nuclear threat". I fully share deep worries of a fanatic such as Ahmadi-Nejad (along with his anti-Israel rhetoric) wielding nuclear weapons - But how about Pakistan? They have a huge nuclear arsenal, the country's populace is extremely anti-western and Palistan intelligence is the creator of the Taliban and has supported Al-Qaida (and some say that this is continuing). Dr. Choussedevsky of Ottawa University has written a number of books and articles on these issues - interesting how we do not hear of this is major journalistic outlets.
While I fully concur that corruption-nepotism was rampant in the Shah's era, as well as serious human rights violations, etc. the excuses that were used to sow chaos within Iran and to oust that regime were the same ones we are now hearing today: "Human Rights". Only now, we hear "Human Rights" with a new twist: "Human Rights for Iran's Minorities". The same mantra was used by the former Soviet Union against Iran.
As I noted before, the petroleum conglomorates and the neo-cons, etc. care little for the Iranian people and least of all for "Human Rights".
Remmember that the assault on Iran's integrity has been in full swing since the 1979 revolution:
(1) the promotion of "academic" venues for terms such as "Arabian Gulf", "South Azarbaijan", "Al-Ahwaz", etc.
(2) The mobilization of the EU, UN and other "Human Rights" venues to (a) fabricate and (b) internationalize the so-called "plight of Iran's minorities".
We are entering a dangerous slippery slope. - we are starting to resemble the Ottoman Empire in 1914 as well as post-Tito Yugoslavia. Iran too has a dangerous fanatic president (recall Milosevic) who wishes to sacrifice Iran for "Felesteen e Aziz".
There is also little comprehension within Iranians (both inside Iran and within the diaspora) of how much intent there is to dismember Iran for economic reasons (translation: petroleum). The fact is that Ahmadi-Nejad and the IRI are giving these dynamics greater excuse and impetus. Yes, I do not like the IRI at all, however we need to take notice of the forces that have been at work even during the time of the Shah (and even Reza Shah).
Not to repeat what I say and what Dr. Rezvani says: the forces at work care little for who sits in Tehran. It is Iran and its integrity that they do not like.
Once again, I have humble mentioned these things in the PART VI of my humble on-line book:
The media is now repeating a dangerous mantra:
Iran is a menace to the world - we must "remove" that threat.
Note that we NEVER hear "Islamic Republic" - we always hear "Iran". Perhaps the time has come for all of us to awaken from our complacence and never-ending pettiness.
Ahmadinejad says Iran is running 3,000 atomic centrifuges
TEHRAN (Reuters) - Iran is running more than 3,000 centrifuges used to enrich uranium and is installing more every week, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said on Sunday, in comments likely to fuel Western fears Tehran is seeking an atomic bomb.
Considering a war with Iran: A discussion paper on WMD in the Middle East
Embargoed to 01.00 Hours GMT
28 August 2007
Dr Dan Plesch and Martin Butcher
September 2007
Pre-publication draft
Dr Plesch is Director of the School of Oriental and African Studies’ Centre for International Studies and Diplomacy. Martin Butcher is an international consultant on security politics. This paper presents the views of the authors and not of CISD/SOAS. The School of Oriental and African Studies cannot accept responsibility for direct or indirect consequences resulting from this communication.
28 August 2007
Dr Dan Plesch and Martin Butcher
September 2007
Pre-publication draft
Dr Plesch is Director of the School of Oriental and African Studies’ Centre for International Studies and Diplomacy. Martin Butcher is an international consultant on security politics. This paper presents the views of the authors and not of CISD/SOAS. The School of Oriental and African Studies cannot accept responsibility for direct or indirect consequences resulting from this communication.
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