The Honorable Fabian Núñez
California State Assembly
Sacramento, CA
Dear Mr. Speaker,
As an Iranian, it was with pride and admiration that I witnessed the
courage my countrymen spontaneously demonstrated upon learning of the
terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 on America. On that day, thousands
of Iranians took to the streets of Tehran, marching and holding candle
light vigils through the night in sympathy and solidarity with the
American people. While many around the world also showed their support on
that terrible day, doing so in Iran was in direct defiance of the
clerical oppressors of the Iranian people who continue to deny freedom, human
rights and basic dignity in my homeland.
It is, of course, no secret that Iran’s clerical regime has long been
one of the major state sponsors of global terror. While its fanaticism
and support for global militancy makes this regime a threat to all, it
is my compatriots who are the first real victims of the regime’s
violence and terror as evident in the regime’s consistent top ranking
among the most flagrant violators of human rights.
Just a few weeks ago, the regime brutally crushed a peaceful
demonstration by striking teachers seeking back pay and better wages. Their thugs
used clubs to break up the protest and attack the demonstrators, most
of whom were women. Earlier this month, the regime violently dispersed
another peaceful demonstration in Tehran, slashing the bodies and
breaking the skulls of Iranian woman, young and old, who were simply marking
the international day for women’s rights. Sadly, such ruthless
brutality is not isolated in Iran today. Several months earlier, the world
watched in horror as the regime used an iron fist to bust, arrest,
torture and slash the tongue of union leaders as Tehran bus drivers went on
strike for better wages.
These cycles of bloody repression are all too common in Iran, and
indeed have been since the advent of the clerical regime in 1979. While the
United Nations is now ready to stand together against the regime’s
pursuit of nuclear weapons, I continue to call upon the good-hearted and
freedom loving people of the world to pay a higher measure of attention
to the viciousness of this regime against its own people. For if it
were not for domestic oppression, Iranians would rise up against this
theocracy and the world would no longer have to worry about terrorism or
weapons of mass destructions from Iran.
Mr. Speaker, I am writing you in support of the Iran divestment
legislation (AB 221) calling for the divesting of your state’s public
retirement funds from businesses benefiting the suppressive militant clerical
regime of Iran. This act will hearten Iranians by demonstrating
Californian’s solidarity with their plight and national struggle against
tyranny, injustice and suppression. Just as men and women of conscience
around the world employed similar tactics and stood arm-in-arm against
South Africa’s evil apartheid in the 1980s, I am asking the good people
of your great state to set a moral example and fuel the hopes of my
compatriots about the good that can come from such acts of conscience.
As an advocate of a campaign of non-violent defiance against the
clerical regime, I have repeatedly rejected the option of violence and war
against my homeland. Instead, I have called on the international
community to side with the Iranian people as they strive to bring about a
democratic alternative to the current autocracy ruling them. The Iran
Divestment Legislation will be a shining example and a great way to
demonstrate solidarity with 70 million Iranians seeking freedom, democracy and a
better life. Through the democratic institutions with which your great
state is blessed, please send a powerful message to my compatriots
about freedom and justice.
Reza Pahlavi
Justice for All
The Motto of the Theology State in Iran
The Motto of the Islamic Republic of Iran (IRI), it is better to be feared than to be loved. The IRI is using Iron Fist by utilizing Machiavelli doctrine of Fear, Fraud and Force to rule Iran.
Think Independently, and freely because you are a free person.
Think Independently, and freely because you are a free person.
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Sunday, March 18, 2007
Letter to Honorable Peter G. MacKay
Honorable MP Peter Gordon MacKay
Minister of Foreign Affairs
House of Commons
Ottawa, ON K1A 06A
Via: E-Mail:
Dear Honorable Peter Gordon MacKay:
In 1993, the Liberal Party was dominate political party in Canada and was elected to office as a majority Government and was representing the Canadian Government. In 1998, the Federal Government gave permission to the Islamic Republic of Iran {IRI} to come to Canada and to make investment in Canada and knowingly that the IRI has been sponsoring terrorism on global scale and was violating Universal Declaration of Human Rights in Iran. The Canadian Government allowed Mullah Rafsanjani, who is a key player of Hezbollah Terrorist Entity to come to Canada, that he has several serious criminal convictions in Iran due to his terrorist activities in Iran, as well as, in other countries. As a result, Canada has made regrettable decision and disappointing decision for itself.
In 2006, the Progressive Party of Canada gained confidence of its citizens because the Liberal Party betrayed confidence of its citizens. The Progressive Party of Canada promised to be firm on crime, and to be accountable as well as responsible to Canadian and so far this minority Government has failed to fulfill its promise.
Canadian Law:
According to Criminal Code of Canada 83.02 Providing or collecting property for certain activities-Everyone who directly or indirectly, willfully and without lawful justification or excuse provides or collects property intending that it be used or knowing that it will be used in whole or in part in order to carry out an act or omission that constitutes an offence referred …of the definition of “terrorist activity”…”
Why has Canadian Government decided to violate above law and other conventions?
I would like to know ALL Rafsanjani’s property, his children as well as the IRI investments in Canada?
I would like to know is Rafsanjani a Canadian Citizen?
I would like to know is Rafsanjani residing in Canada?
I would like to know Rafsanjani and his family’s legal status in Canada?
I would like to know how many Revolutionary Guards and Besijis are in Canada and their legal status in Canada?
I would like to know why Hezbollah terrorists are allowed to come to Canada?
{I am asking above questions because I fear for my own safety and security. I want to live in Canada in peace of mind. I care about my future.}
Reminding Canada, regardless of political afflation for forming a government in Canada, for providing shelter for Rafsanjani, his children, Revolutionary Guard and Basijis itself is a criminal offence, and punishable by law. Indeed, in free future of Iran, Canada will be hold responsible, as well as, accountable for all its offences against Iranian people.
Last, Iranian-Canadian must not vote, must not making political campaign contribution to any political party, or assist any political party in Canada until the party to regain confidence of its citizens. Trust is not given, and it is earned.
Thank you,
Kind regards
c.c.Crown Prince Reza PAHLAVI Heir to Throne of Iran
Minister of Foreign Affairs
House of Commons
Ottawa, ON K1A 06A
Via: E-Mail:
Dear Honorable Peter Gordon MacKay:
In 1993, the Liberal Party was dominate political party in Canada and was elected to office as a majority Government and was representing the Canadian Government. In 1998, the Federal Government gave permission to the Islamic Republic of Iran {IRI} to come to Canada and to make investment in Canada and knowingly that the IRI has been sponsoring terrorism on global scale and was violating Universal Declaration of Human Rights in Iran. The Canadian Government allowed Mullah Rafsanjani, who is a key player of Hezbollah Terrorist Entity to come to Canada, that he has several serious criminal convictions in Iran due to his terrorist activities in Iran, as well as, in other countries. As a result, Canada has made regrettable decision and disappointing decision for itself.
In 2006, the Progressive Party of Canada gained confidence of its citizens because the Liberal Party betrayed confidence of its citizens. The Progressive Party of Canada promised to be firm on crime, and to be accountable as well as responsible to Canadian and so far this minority Government has failed to fulfill its promise.
Canadian Law:
According to Criminal Code of Canada 83.02 Providing or collecting property for certain activities-Everyone who directly or indirectly, willfully and without lawful justification or excuse provides or collects property intending that it be used or knowing that it will be used in whole or in part in order to carry out an act or omission that constitutes an offence referred …of the definition of “terrorist activity”…”
Why has Canadian Government decided to violate above law and other conventions?
I would like to know ALL Rafsanjani’s property, his children as well as the IRI investments in Canada?
I would like to know is Rafsanjani a Canadian Citizen?
I would like to know is Rafsanjani residing in Canada?
I would like to know Rafsanjani and his family’s legal status in Canada?
I would like to know how many Revolutionary Guards and Besijis are in Canada and their legal status in Canada?
I would like to know why Hezbollah terrorists are allowed to come to Canada?
{I am asking above questions because I fear for my own safety and security. I want to live in Canada in peace of mind. I care about my future.}
Reminding Canada, regardless of political afflation for forming a government in Canada, for providing shelter for Rafsanjani, his children, Revolutionary Guard and Basijis itself is a criminal offence, and punishable by law. Indeed, in free future of Iran, Canada will be hold responsible, as well as, accountable for all its offences against Iranian people.
Last, Iranian-Canadian must not vote, must not making political campaign contribution to any political party, or assist any political party in Canada until the party to regain confidence of its citizens. Trust is not given, and it is earned.
Thank you,
Kind regards
c.c.Crown Prince Reza PAHLAVI Heir to Throne of Iran
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Conspiracy Theory of 1953 Coup in Iran
There is a conspiracy theory that in 1953 the United State of America carried a military coup in Iran, and as a result, Iran’s Prime Minister His Excellency Dr. Mohammad MUSADDIQ was removed from his office. Interestingly, in 2003, one American author with name of Stephen KINZER published a book with title of “All The Shah’s Men: An American Coup And The Roots of Middle East Terror”. This book was going to explain how the US military coup which lead to removal of His Excellency Dr. Mohammad MUSADDIQ from his office which has lead to terror in the region. Also, Dr. Homa KATOUZIAN published a book with title “MUSSADIQ and the struggle for power in Iran”.
Author Setphen KINZER did not present any kind of legal evidence that how Americans orchestra the coup in Iran. For example, the author made claimed that one American gave $60,000.00 US to Iranian people in order to seize the streets in Tehron. The author did not present any kind of legal evidence that where and how this $60,000.00 US was distributed among Iranian people because at the end of the day he had to write done that where and how this $60, 000.00 US was distributed among Iranian people. The author simply published memoir books of some individuals without legal evidences. In reality, this type of statement has no credibility.
Author Stephen KINZER stated in his above book because His Excellency Dr. MUSSADIQ was removed from his office, the Middle East is in chaos. In fact, Mr. Stephen KINZER needs to back track the time, and write another book on Iran that how during World War Two Britain and Russia needed free oil from Iran and His Majesty, Just and Benevolent, King of Kings Reza PAHLAVI the Great was not caving in to the Britain and Russia’s demand for free oil. Britain and Russia ganged up against Iran and Iranian people and decided to fabricate false information against Iran and Iranian people and under pretext of Iran was assisting Nazi in Iran, Britain and Russia justified their military strike against Iran and Iranian people and murdering innocent Iranian people, and forcing Him to abdicate from His Throne.
There is a mind bugling question that why Stephen KINZER decided to write above book in 2003? Because timing of the book is very important here. This book never was published during democrat party was in the White House, after the Republican Party formed majority government in the US and wanted to alter the US’s policy in the Middle East and wanted to change the political dynamic in the Middle East. The Democrat Party was reluctant to approve change in the Middle East. However, the Republican Party proceeded with their agenda.
During early 2002 Iranian people came to conclusion that the US was serious to oust the theology state in Iran and there was sense of reconciliation among political factions, and they were thinking about Iran and Iranian people seriously. There was a good mood among Iranian people. However, the Democrat Party did not want the theology state in Iran to be oust because the Democrat Party brought Khomeini in power in Iran and today Hilary Clinton who is receiving political campaign contribution from the mouthpiece of the cleric in the US which is American-Iranian-Council. Also, Hilary Clinton is an immoral person because of her husband’s pervert behavior with Monica Lewinski and inserting a cigar scandal. Still, Ms. Clinton remained with her husband so one day she will become president of the US.
Reality check. The 1953 coup occurred because His Excellency Dr. Mohammad MUSSADIQ deiced to curtail His Majesty, Just and Benevolent, King of Kings Mohammad Reza PHALVI position in parliament. As a result, He organized a military coup, which failed. Then, Imperial Army finished the job with help of Iranian people. There are countless footages which illustrated that how Iranian people were seizing the street with help of Imperial Army to overthrowing MUSSADIQ from his office.
Now, the point is this that any Iranian person who thinks this book is non-fiction, it means that Iranian people are unpatriotic individuals, and someone must give Iranian people money to defend their country or take part against someone, this book is an insult to Iranian people. This book is illustrating Iranian people as an incompetent people who cannot decide for themselves and cannot be self-determine people and others are making decision for Iranian people.
Last, today Iranian people need to decide for their own future and need to support Crown Prince Reza Pahalvi’s cause in order to liberate Iran and Iranian people from yoke of Mullah.
Ahura Mazda is with you.
Author Setphen KINZER did not present any kind of legal evidence that how Americans orchestra the coup in Iran. For example, the author made claimed that one American gave $60,000.00 US to Iranian people in order to seize the streets in Tehron. The author did not present any kind of legal evidence that where and how this $60,000.00 US was distributed among Iranian people because at the end of the day he had to write done that where and how this $60, 000.00 US was distributed among Iranian people. The author simply published memoir books of some individuals without legal evidences. In reality, this type of statement has no credibility.
Author Stephen KINZER stated in his above book because His Excellency Dr. MUSSADIQ was removed from his office, the Middle East is in chaos. In fact, Mr. Stephen KINZER needs to back track the time, and write another book on Iran that how during World War Two Britain and Russia needed free oil from Iran and His Majesty, Just and Benevolent, King of Kings Reza PAHLAVI the Great was not caving in to the Britain and Russia’s demand for free oil. Britain and Russia ganged up against Iran and Iranian people and decided to fabricate false information against Iran and Iranian people and under pretext of Iran was assisting Nazi in Iran, Britain and Russia justified their military strike against Iran and Iranian people and murdering innocent Iranian people, and forcing Him to abdicate from His Throne.
There is a mind bugling question that why Stephen KINZER decided to write above book in 2003? Because timing of the book is very important here. This book never was published during democrat party was in the White House, after the Republican Party formed majority government in the US and wanted to alter the US’s policy in the Middle East and wanted to change the political dynamic in the Middle East. The Democrat Party was reluctant to approve change in the Middle East. However, the Republican Party proceeded with their agenda.
During early 2002 Iranian people came to conclusion that the US was serious to oust the theology state in Iran and there was sense of reconciliation among political factions, and they were thinking about Iran and Iranian people seriously. There was a good mood among Iranian people. However, the Democrat Party did not want the theology state in Iran to be oust because the Democrat Party brought Khomeini in power in Iran and today Hilary Clinton who is receiving political campaign contribution from the mouthpiece of the cleric in the US which is American-Iranian-Council. Also, Hilary Clinton is an immoral person because of her husband’s pervert behavior with Monica Lewinski and inserting a cigar scandal. Still, Ms. Clinton remained with her husband so one day she will become president of the US.
Reality check. The 1953 coup occurred because His Excellency Dr. Mohammad MUSSADIQ deiced to curtail His Majesty, Just and Benevolent, King of Kings Mohammad Reza PHALVI position in parliament. As a result, He organized a military coup, which failed. Then, Imperial Army finished the job with help of Iranian people. There are countless footages which illustrated that how Iranian people were seizing the street with help of Imperial Army to overthrowing MUSSADIQ from his office.
Now, the point is this that any Iranian person who thinks this book is non-fiction, it means that Iranian people are unpatriotic individuals, and someone must give Iranian people money to defend their country or take part against someone, this book is an insult to Iranian people. This book is illustrating Iranian people as an incompetent people who cannot decide for themselves and cannot be self-determine people and others are making decision for Iranian people.
Last, today Iranian people need to decide for their own future and need to support Crown Prince Reza Pahalvi’s cause in order to liberate Iran and Iranian people from yoke of Mullah.
Ahura Mazda is with you.
Saturday, March 03, 2007
Friendship with Aunty Bear, or with Dr. Michael LEDEEN
There is a Parsi/Persian expression which says; “friendship with aunty bear”, which means aunty bear is unwise friend, and, at some point in close future, aunty bear is going to kill her good friends unintentionally, which is in this case with Dr. Michael LEDEEN.
Dr. Michael LEDEEN is working closely with Iranian dissident to oust the theology state in Iran. However, Dr. LEDEEN’s approach for ousting the theology state in Iran has been wrong because he is promoting disunity among Iranian people. As a matter of fact, he needs to allocate all resources on unifying Iranian people for one common cause which is to oust the theology state in Iran.
Dr. LEDEEN is assisting Iranian dissidents who had elusive dreams for centuries of tearing apart Iran into small pieces and handing over Iran to super powers as their colonies. Dr. LEDEEN is assisting the above Iranian dissident because he wants to illustrate the theology state in Iran as an illegitimate state in Iran which does not have consent of Iranian people to govern Iranian people. However, Dr. LEDEEN is now acting like an aunty bear that he is going to kill his friends. There are countless Iranian people who would not want to see a day that Iran is going to be cut into small pieces. Thus, this main stream will become silent and shut down their critical voice against the theology state. Consequently, the theology state remains in power for long period of time, and Dr. LEDEEN won’t be able to achieve his final goal which is toppling the theology state in Iran.
Last point, Iranian people need to be very cautious about Dr. LEDEEN, perhaps there is a possibility which is base on experience that Dr. LEDEEN is implanting next Khomeini or Saddam HUSSEIN in the Middle East.
Dr. Michael LEDEEN is working closely with Iranian dissident to oust the theology state in Iran. However, Dr. LEDEEN’s approach for ousting the theology state in Iran has been wrong because he is promoting disunity among Iranian people. As a matter of fact, he needs to allocate all resources on unifying Iranian people for one common cause which is to oust the theology state in Iran.
Dr. LEDEEN is assisting Iranian dissidents who had elusive dreams for centuries of tearing apart Iran into small pieces and handing over Iran to super powers as their colonies. Dr. LEDEEN is assisting the above Iranian dissident because he wants to illustrate the theology state in Iran as an illegitimate state in Iran which does not have consent of Iranian people to govern Iranian people. However, Dr. LEDEEN is now acting like an aunty bear that he is going to kill his friends. There are countless Iranian people who would not want to see a day that Iran is going to be cut into small pieces. Thus, this main stream will become silent and shut down their critical voice against the theology state. Consequently, the theology state remains in power for long period of time, and Dr. LEDEEN won’t be able to achieve his final goal which is toppling the theology state in Iran.
Last point, Iranian people need to be very cautious about Dr. LEDEEN, perhaps there is a possibility which is base on experience that Dr. LEDEEN is implanting next Khomeini or Saddam HUSSEIN in the Middle East.
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