Saturday January 20th, 2007
President of United State of America George BUSH Junior.
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500 USA
Via: E-mail
Dear Sir/Madam:
RE: If I may express my opinion on war with Iran please
On September 11th, 2001 Islamic terrorist organization with name of Al-Qaeda launched terrorist attack against US and claimed 3000 civilian lives. President came to conclusion that as long as the terrorist organization is allowed to act in their own free will the world will be an insecure place to be. Thus, President came with an agenda to attack at countries that they were harboring terrorism. President had good intention to combat terrorism. However, President did have poor planning to attack at terrorist nations.
Now, this war on terror has reached to a point which appears to be a disaster plan to begin with and its original intention which was to eradicate terrorism in order to create a safe and secure world has failed. US force is not making any progress in Iraq and Iranian clerics are dominating the region and world. Plus, now China indirectly has join terrorist mullahs and China is flexing its muscle at US by bringing down satellite. President has short time frame in office and very soon He will leave office and His legacy may become as a person who ruined the world. However, President is in charge of history by pursuing advice from Crown Prince Reza PAHLAVI Heir to Throne of Iran on a mutual ground. Crown Prince is a well educated person and Iranian people love and adore Crown Prince and Iranian people want Crown Prince to return to Iran as their Constitutional Monarch by means of national referendum which will decide for type of state in Iran. {President should not compare US political culture with Iran’s political culture, they are two different nations.} Thus, President can topple the theology state in Iran by Iranian people and support of Crown Prince. Obviously, there is need for fund to finance massive general strikes in Iran. This fund can be provided by freezing the cleric’s assets in Canada. There is a cleric with name of RAFSANJANI who has colossal investments in Canada, and Canadian Government is allowing RAFSANJANI to make investment in Canada which is against Canadian criminal laws, kindly view below petition and will become aware of RAFSANJANI and Canadian Government roles in harboring terrorism.
There are also two matters which are focal points in toppling the theology state in Iran. One, there is a matter of dividing Iran. When an Iranian person hears that there is a plan to divide Iran, it is an assault on Iranian person and never would take side of general strike or any other action against the theology state in Iran. Thus, there is no need to remove the theology state in Iran what is the point of destroying Iran? The only point of removing the theology state in Iran is to move Iran toward Education of Cyrus. In addition, there were American patriots who came to Iran like Morgan Shuster and defended Iran against Russia and he wrote a book with name of “Strangling Persia”. Mr. Shuster loved Iran and Iranian people and never wanted to destroy Iran. There is another American citizen with name of Edward G Browne and wrote a book with name of “The Persian Revolution 1905-1909”. Mr. Browne loved Iran and Iranian people and never wanted to divide Iran. I strongly believe President should follow foot steps of Mr. Shuster and Mr. Browne and not allowing enemy of Iran to destroy Iran by any means in their disposal. Also, there is a historical character with name of Cyrus the Great who was founder of Iran that he united different ethnic groups in Iran, and he did not divide Iranian people.
Last point on above matter that why element of Islamic Republic of Iran are allowed to be in US and to make political campaign contribution to Ms. Hillary CLINTON? These elements of Islamic Republic of Iran are the one who are promoting propaganda that there was a conspiracy theory of 911. Otherwise, US citizens could take side with President.
All in all, I believe this war on terror could come to an end by removing the theology state in Iran, and in order to remove the theology state in Iran, President should meet Crown Prince Reza PAHLAVI Heir to Thorne of Iran in order to mobilize and unite Iranian people to oust the theology state in Iran. Also, there is need for fund to orchestra national general strike in Iran by freezing the cleric’s assets in Canada. Thus, it won’t cost US taxpayer any money to oust the theology state in Iran. Furthermore, whenever, there is a topic of dividing Iran, Iranian people will be reluctant to oust the theology state in Iran, and by allowing the element of the clerics in US, they will disunite American in their just cause.
I hope President would read this letter, and He would give a thought about this paper.
I wish Him best.
Thank you,
Kind regards
Immortal Soldier
c.c. Crown Prince Reza PAHLAVI via: e-mail
Reza Pahlavi's Secretariat
P.O. Box 566
Falls Church, Virginia 22040 USA